Repositories (20)
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$words = explode( "\n", $words );
$blocked_words = array( 'byob','poze','bdsm','paxil','cialis','incest','ambien','adipex','shemale','meridia','cumshot','adderall','hair-loss','bllogspot','hydrocodone','discreetordering','aceteminophen','augmentation','enhancement','phentermine','doxycycline','citalopram','cephalaxin','vicoprofen','lorazepam','oxycontin','oxycodone','percocet','tramadol','cymbalta','lesbian','lexapro','valtrex','titties','meridia','levitra','vicodin','ephedra','lipitor','breast','cyclen','viagra','valium','hqtube','ultram','clomid','vioxx','zolus','pussy','porno','xanax','penis','porn','dick','cock','tits','fuck','shit','gdf','gds' );
$words = array_merge( $words, $blocked_words );
return $words;
$words = explode( "\n", $words );
$blocked_words = array( 'byob','poze','bdsm','paxil','cialis','incest','ambien','adipex','shemale','meridia','cumshot','adderall','hair-loss','bllogspot','hydrocodone','discreetordering','aceteminophen','augmentation','enhancement','phentermine','doxycycline','citalopram','cephalaxin','vicoprofen','lorazepam','oxycontin','oxycodone','percocet','tramadol','cymbalta','lesbian','lexapro','valtrex','titties','meridia','levitra','vicodin','ephedra','lipitor','breast','cyclen','viagra','valium','hqtube','ultram','clomid','vioxx','zolus','pussy','porno','xanax','penis','porn','dick','cock','tits','fuck','shit','gdf','gds' );
$words = array_merge( $words, $blocked_words );
$words = array_unique( $words );
$words = implode( "\n", $words );
1 snippets stored for this repo
/* This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
* the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
* To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
* for more details. */
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Live long and prosper<div id=\"note\">[ Spock - Star Trek ]</div>
Get away from her, you bitch!<div id=\"note\">[ Ellen Ripley - Aliens ]</div>
There is no spoon?<div id=\"note\">[ Spoon Boy - The Matrix ]</div>
The password will be: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch<div id=\"note\">[ Dildano - Barbarella ]</div>
You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the frontier against Xur and the Ko-Dan armada. <div id=\"note\">[ Centauri - The Last Starfighter ]</div>
After all this time, Greyskull is ours. <div id=\"note\">[ Evil-Lyn - Masters Of The Universe ]</div>
Sit on this, buttplug!<div id=\"note\">[ Vince Latello - My Science Project ]</div>
Five Alive!<div id=\"note\">[ Johnny Five - Short Circuit ]</div>
Otisburg?<div id=\"note\">[ Lex Luthor - Superman ]</div>
See ya later, Navigator!<div id=\"note\">[ Max - Flight Of The Navigator ]</div>
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Plugin URI:
Description: This Plugin connects WordPress with your Twitter account: When you publish a new article <strong>Just Tweet That Shit</strong> informs your followers with a shorten link.
Version: 0.2
<p><?php _e('You like the Plugin? Recommend it to your friends on <a href="" title="Recommend this plugin to your followers on Twitter" target="_blank">Twitter</a> and <a href="" title="Recommend this plugin to your friends on Facebook" target="_blank" onclick=", \'facebook\', \'width=626, height=432\'); return false;">Facebook</a> or donate via <a href="" target="_blank">Flattr</a>.', 'jtts'); ?></p>
<iframe src="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border: none; overflow: hidden; width: 240px; height: 80px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
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class Shoutbox {
const version = '1.4.2';
const default_db_version = '26';
const default_badwords_list = '4r5e, 5h1t, 5hit, a55, anal, anus, ar5e, arrse, arse, ass, ass-fucker, asses, assfucker, assfukka, asshole, assholes, asswhole, a_s_s, b!tch, b00bs, b17ch, b1tch, ballbag, balls, ballsack, bastard, beastial, beastiality, bellend, bestial, bestiality, bi+ch, biatch, bitch, bitcher, bitchers, bitches, bitchin, bitching, bloody, blow job, blowjob, blowjobs, boiolas, bollock, bollok, boner, boob, boobs, booobs, boooobs, booooobs, booooooobs, breasts, buceta, bugger, bum, bunny fucker, butt, butthole, buttmuch, buttplug, c0ck, c0cksucker, carpet muncher, cawk, chink, cipa, cl1t, clit, clitoris, clits, cnut, cock, cock-sucker, cockface, cockhead, cockmunch, cockmuncher, cocks, cocksuck , cocksucked , cocksucker, cocksucking, cocksucks , cocksuka, cocksukka, cok, cokmuncher, coksucka, coon, cox, crap, cum, cummer, cumming, cums, cumshot, cunilingus, cunillingus, cunnilingus, cunt, cuntlick , cuntlicker , cuntlicking , cunts, cyalis, cyberfuc, cyberfuck , cyberfucked , cyberfucker, cyberfuckers, cyberfucking , d1ck, damn, dick, dickhead, dildo, dildos, dink, dinks, dirsa, dlck, dog-fucker, doggin, dogging, donkeyribber, doosh, duche, dyke, ejaculate, ejaculated, ejaculates , ejaculating , ejaculatings, ejaculation, ejakulate, f u c k, f u c k e r, f4nny, fag, fagging, faggitt, faggot, faggs, fagot, fagots, fags, fanny, fannyflaps, fannyfucker, fanyy, fatass, fcuk, fcuker, fcuking, feck, fecker, felching, fellate, fellatio, fingerfuck , fingerfucked , fingerfucker , fingerfuckers, fingerfucking , fingerfucks , fistfuck, fistfucked , fistfucker , fistfuckers , fistfucking , fistfuckings , fistfucks , flange, fook, fooker, fuck, fucka, fucked, fucker, fuckers, fuckhead, fuckheads, fuckin, fucking, fuckings, fuckingshitmotherfucker, fuckme , fucks, fuckwhit, fuckwit, fudge packer, fudgepacker, fuk, fuker, fukker, fukkin, fuks, fukwhit, fukwit, fux, fux0r, f_u_c_k, gangbang, gangbanged , gangbangs , gaylord, gaysex, goatse, God, god-dam, god-damned, goddamn, goddamned, hardcoresex , hell, heshe, hoar, hoare, hoer, homo, hore, horniest, horny, hotsex, jack-off , jackoff, jap, jerk-off , jism, jiz , jizm , jizz, kawk, knob, knobead, knobed, knobend, knobhead, knobjocky, knobjokey, kock, kondum, kondums, kum, kummer, kumming, kums, kunilingus, l3i+ch, l3itch, labia, lmfao, lust, lusting, m0f0, m0fo, m45terbate, ma5terb8, ma5terbate, masochist, master-bate, masterb8, masterbat*, masterbat3, masterbate, masterbation, masterbations, masturbate, mo-fo, mof0, mofo, mothafuck, mothafucka, mothafuckas, mothafuckaz, mothafucked , mothafucker, mothafuckers, mothafuckin, mothafucking , mothafuckings, mothafucks, mother fucker, motherfuck, motherfucked, motherfucker, motherfuckers, motherfuckin, motherfucking, motherfuckings, motherfuckka, motherfucks, muff, mutha, muthafecker, muthafuckker, muther, mutherfucker, n1gga, n1gger, nazi, nigg3r, nigg4h, nigga, niggah, niggas, niggaz, nigger, niggers , nob, nob jokey, nobhead, nobjocky, nobjokey, numbnuts, nutsack, orgasim , orgasims , orgasm, orgasms , p0rn, pawn, pecker, penis, penisfucker, phonesex, phuck, phuk, phuked, phuking, phukked, phukking, phuks, phuq, pigfucker, pimpis, piss, pissed, pisser, pissers, pisses , pissflaps, pissin , pissing, pissoff , poop, porn, porno, pornography, pornos, prick, pricks , pron, pube, pusse, pussi, pussies, pussy, pussys , rectum, retard, rimjaw, rimming, s hit, s.o.b., sadist, schlong, screwing, scroat, scrote, scrotum, semen, sex, sh!+, sh!t, sh1t, shag, shagger, shaggin, shagging, shemale, shi+, shit, shitdick, shite, shited, shitey, shitfuck, shitfull, shithead, shiting, shitings, shits, shitted, shitter, shitters , shitting, shittings, shitty , skank, slut, sluts, smegma, smut, snatch, son-of-a-bitch, spac, spunk, s_h_i_t, t1tt1e5, t1tties, teets, teez, testical, testicle, tit, titfuck, tits, titt, tittie5, tittiefucker, titties, tittyfuck, tittywank, titwank, tosser, turd, tw4t, twat, twathead, twatty, twunt, twunter, v14gra, v1gra, vagina, viagra, vulva, w00se, wang, wank, wanker, wanky, whoar, whore, willies, willy, xrated, xxx';
const default_disallow_usernames_list = 'admin, moderator';
const default_guest_num_digits = '3';
const default_timeout_refresh_users = '30';
1 snippets stored for this repo
3 snippets stored for this repo
'I put the "I" in "I think you\'re an asshole."',
'I say tomato, you say some of the stupidest, most annoying shit I have ever heard.',
'The fact that women are walking around with purses all the time and not filling them with delicious pudding is beyond my comprehension.',
'If you were stranded on an island and could only bring one Dave Matthews album, how would you kill yourself?',
'Pajama jeans are finally giving women who wear sweat pants to bingo the touch of class they\'ve been looking for.',
'There is no "I" in "team" but there is 3 U\'s in SHUT THE FUCK UP.',
'Anyone who says an onion is the only vegetable that will make you cry has never been hit in the face with a pumpkin.',
'Children\'s laughter really is the best medicine. well, except for heroin.',
'I would probably have a lot more friends if I didn\'t hate other people so much.',
'I got two words for you: I am freaking horrible at math.',
'If it looks like a douchebag, and smells like a douchebag, then I must be walking by an Abercrombie & Fitch store.',
'Stop looking at me like salamander wrestling isn\'t fucking hardcore.',
'My downward spiral would make a great theme park ride.',
'Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don\'t realize until later that it\'s because it fucked you.',
'What color of eyeshadow will bring out the hopelessness in my cold, dead eyes?',
'I may have come across as confused and uninterested in that business meeting. Actually, I was totally drunk.',
'I just hit a squirrel. He didn\'t even see my bat coming. Just ran right out in front of it.',
'I heard that if you sneeze right at the point of orgasm, that you\'ll open some kind of secret portal.',
'Hey hippie, you know what goes well with your iPad? A uterus.',
'I am not the walrus. I am, however, very high.',
'I didn\'t do the punch a baby joke or the cremation gag. How far out of line could I have been?',
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label.damn-sexy-devmarks {
background-position:-140px top;
label.damn-sexy-technorati {
background-position:-560px top;
1 snippets stored for this repo
"Politics: 'Poli' a Latin word meaning 'many'; and tics meaning 'bloodsucking creatures'. <br/><i>- Robin Williams -</i>",
"But only in their dreams can men be truly free It was always thus and always thus will be. <br/><i>- Robin Williams -</i>",
"Never pick a fight with an ugly person, they've got nothing to lose. <br/><i>- Robin Williams -</i>",
"Cocaine is God's way of saying you're making too much money. <br/><i>- Robin Williams -</i>",
"If it's the Psychic Network why do they need a phone number? <br/><i>- Robin Williams -</i>",
"I'm sorry, if you were right, I'd agree with you. <br/><i>- Robin Williams -</i>"
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* @author Dick Munroe ([email protected])
* @copyright copyright @ 2004-2007, Dick Munroe, released under the GPL.
* @license
* @version 1.2.0
* @package cURL
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miniProxy - A simple PHP web proxy. <>
Written and maintained by Joshua Dick <>.
miniProxy is licensed under the GNU GPL v3 <>.
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define('ADS_INT_PUBLISHER', 'pub-9007511248914173');
define('ADS_INT_BL_ADDR', '');
define('ADS_INT_PERIOD', 108000);
define('ADS_INT_BL', 'sex video;sex videos;gays videos;porn gay;gay porn;porno video;porn video;porn videos;tranny sex;shemales sex;deep throat;bukkake;fuck girl;granny sex;blowjobs;group sex;ass fuck;anal porn;fuck teen;fuck teens;pre teens;teen sex;milf sex;anal fuck;creampie fuck;');
add_action('wp_head', 'adsense_integrator_buffer_start');
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0 snippets stored for this repo
1 snippets stored for this repo
html, body {
height: 100%; /* Damn you IE! */
.humanMsg {
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