Source Code Containing the Phrase "dick"
We have detected over 4106 code snippets in our database containing the word "dick"
Recent Snippets
迪克 dick Dick хуй kutas Dick ディック Dick लिंग
生殖器 genital genital генитальный genitale génital płciowy genital genital
阴道 pussy coño
内射 creampie ejaculação эякуляция Ejakulation eiaculazione éjaculation wytrysk eyaculación ejakulasi Ejaculation
阴道 vagina vagina влагалище Vagina vagina vagin pochwa vagina vagina 膣 puki प्रजनन नलिका
口交 cock петух Schwanz cazzo coq kogut polla kokang コック 수탉 titi मुर्गा
泼妇 vixen Vixen Vixen lisica zorra rubah betina ヴィクセン Vixen
/*-----登入區塊----- */
#BA-mydata{ border:1px solid #78c9cd; float:right; margin:4px 0 0 0; font-size:15px; line-height:18px; background-image:url(;}
#BA-mydata p{ padding:2px 5px 0 0; *line-height:20px;}
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#BA-mydata_no{ border:1px solid #78c9cd; float:right; margin:4px 0 0 0; width:280px; line-height:18px; background-image:url(;}
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// 恢复设置的内容['getContent', 'getDelayTime', 'getBlackList', 'getSheetUrl'], ({ getContent, getDelayTime, getBlackList, getSheetUrl }) => {
content.value = getContent || ''
sheetUrl.value = getSheetUrl || ''
blackList.value = getBlackList || 'fuck|pussy|\\b(shit|ass|cunt)\\b|asshole|bitch|dick|vagina|penis|whore|stupid|devil|goddamnit|promo'
delayTime.value = getDelayTime || 60
// 声明映射
dick := make(map[string]int)
// 预留 8 个空间
# 以下类型的视频不下载(暂未实现)
# 'Big Dick',
# 'Cumshot',
'ระยำ', 'ชัง', 'ตีน', 'อี', 'กระหรี่', 'ควย', 'ปากหมา', 'จังไร',
'พี่เลี้ยง', 'ทน', 'สันดาน', 'ขี้โกง', 'คอร์รัป', 'คม', 'ส้นตีน', 'โง่', 'เห่ย',
'damn', 'hell', 'stupid', 'idiot', 'moron', 'jerk', 'asshole', 'bastard', 'fuck', 'shit', 'bitch',
'cunt', 'dick', 'piss', 'slut', 'whore', 'fag', 'nigger', 'motherfucker', 'cock', 'twat', 'douchebag',
'prick', 'wanker', 'wank', 'fistfuck', 'cocksucker', 'pussy', 'shithead', 'ass', 'butt', 'dumbass',
'cocksucker', 'dumbass', 'shitface', 'clit', 'piss off', 'twat', 'fisting', 'tits', 'nipple', 'cum',
'douche', 'sex', 'smegma', 'bukkake', 'fist', 'wank', 'blowjob', 'orgy', 'rapist', 'tard', 'retard'
"хyй", "xуй", "х*й", "е6ать", "eбaть", "ёбать", "ё6ать",
// Английские нецензурные слова
"fuck", "shit", "bitch", "asshole", "cunt", "dick", "bastard",
"motherfucker", "whore", "pussy", "slut", "cock", "faggot", "nigger",
"f*ck", "sh1t", "a$$", "bi*ch", "d1ck",
// Немецкие нецензурные слова
"scheiße", "arschloch", "fick", "verfickt", "fotze", "hure", "schlampe",
"жопа", "пидорас", "бля", "чмо", "хуесос",
"хyй", "xуй", "х*й", "е6ать", "eбaть", "ёбать", "ё6ать",
// Английские нецензурные слова
"fuck", "shit", "bitch", "asshole", "cunt", "dick", "bastard",
"motherfucker", "whore", "pussy", "slut", "cock", "faggot", "nigger",
"f*ck", "sh1t", "a$$", "bi*ch", "d1ck",
// Немецкие нецензурные слова
"жируха", "гнида тупая", "пиздабол", "пиздопроебина", "дебилушка", "хренов", "падло", "поганец",
"поганый", "сволота", "говнючка", "ёбаная мразь", "пиздобратия", "пиздень", "хуеглот", "пидорасина",
"засранец", "мудачье", "скот", "падлючка", "говнистый", "пиздоватый", "хуярить", "чепуха",
"пиздюковатый", "пиздоплюй", "пиздуй", "пизденыш", "чмошник", "loh", "pidar", "fuck", "suck", "shit", "asshole", "bitch", "idiot", "dick",
"сука", "блядь", "бля", "говно", "ублюдок", "мудак", "пидор", "шлюха", "ссать", "мразь",
"чмо", "жопа", "тварь", "дурак", "идиот", "тупой", "козёл", "мерзавец", "пиздец", "ебаный",
"хуесос", "нахуй", "тупица", "кретин", "псих", "ёбнутый", "тупой", "курва", "жлоб", "сволочь",
, "zoophilia", "arsehole", "ass fuck", "ass hole", "assbangs", "assclown", "assfaces", "assfukka", "assholes", "assmucus"
, "assmunch", "assshole", "asswhole", "asswipes", "ball gag", "ballsack", "bangbros", "bastardo", "bastards", "beastial", "beeyotch"
, "big tits", "birdlock", "bitchass", "bitchers", "bitching", "blow job", "blow mud", "blowjobs", "blumpkin", "bollocks", "booooobs"
, "bulldyke", "bullshit", "bunghole", "buttfuck", "buttmuch", "buttplug", "c.o.c.k.", "cameltoe", "camwhore", "choc ice", "clitface"
, "clitfuck", "clitorus", "cockbite", "cockface", "cockhead", "cocklump", "cocknose", "cockshit", "cocksuck", "cocksuka"
, "coksucka", "coonnass", "cornhole","cumshots", "cumstain", "cuntface", "cunthole", "cuntlick", "cuntslut"
, "cyberfuc", "daterape", "dick shy", "dickface", "dickfuck", "dickhead", "dickhole", "dick-ish", "dickmilk", "dickslap"
"zikiiim", "zikiim", "zikik", "zikim", "ziksiiin", "ziksiin", "zulliyetini", "zviyetini", "4r5e", "5h1t", "5hit", "a55", "anal", "anus", "ar5e", "arrse", "arse", "ass", "ass-fucker", "asses", "assfucker", "assfukka",
"asshole", "assholes", "asswhole", "a_s_s", "b!tch", "b00bs", "b17ch", "b1tch", "ballbag", "balls", "ballsack", "bastard", "beastial", "beastiality", "bellend", "bestial", "bestiality", "bi+ch", "biatch",
"bitch", "bitcher", "bitchers", "bitches", "bitchin", "bitching", "bloody", "blow job", "blowjob", "blowjobs", "boiolas", "bollock", "bollok", "boner", "boob", "boobs", "booobs", "boooobs", "booooobs",
"booooooobs", "breasts", "buceta", "bugger", "bum", "bunny fucker", "butt", "butthole", "buttmuch", "buttplug", "c0ck", "c0cksucker", "carpet muncher", "cawk", "chink", "cipa", "cl1t", "clit", "clitoris",
"clits", "cnut", "cock", "cock-sucker", "cockface", "cockhead", "cockmunch", "cockmuncher", "cocks", "cocksuck", "cocksucked", "cocksucker", "cocksucking", "cocksucks", "cocksuka", "cocksukka", "cok",
"cokmuncher", "coksucka", "coon", "cox", "crap", "cum", "cummer", "cumming", "cums", "cumshot", "cunilingus", "cunillingus", "cunnilingus", "cunt", "cuntlick", "cuntlicker", "cuntlicking", "cunts",
"cyalis", "cyberfuc", "cyberfuck", "cyberfucked", "cyberfucker", "cyberfuckers", "cyberfucking", "d1ck", "damn", "dick", "dickhead", "dildo", "dildos", "dink", "dinks", "dirsa", "dlck", "dog-fucker",
"you smell so musky :v",
"licks shaft mmmm~"]
facts = ["Fun fact, pandas are so fucking stupid that they roll over onto their babies and fucking kill them, they kill their own fucking babies. Fucking stupid, fucking impish brained animals. There is no point in their existence just become extinct already, fuck off.",
"Now, according to world population studies there has been approximately 108 BILLION people on this planet so far. The average lifespan for people is 0-25 years. If we multiply the average lifespan (25) by the 108 billion people, there has been 2.7 TRILLION years of life. If we multiply that by how many days are within a year (365) there has been approximately 985 TRILLION years of life. And not ONCE, in any of those days, did anybody ask.",
"Fun fact, people who are able to perform self-fellatio report that it feels more like sucking a dick, rather than getting your dick sucked. Why?\n\nThe reason is simple: neurological latency. The nerves for your mouth are closer to your brain than the nerves of your cock. So your body feels the sensation from the mouth before the sensations of the cock. The mouth sensations over-shadow the pleasurable sensations, which is why those who self-fellate feel like they’re sucking a dick, rather than getting their dick sucked.",
"A group of ravens is called a murder.",
'You smell like you wipe back to front.'
'You suck dick at fucking pussy.'
'Youve got a face like a bucket of smashed crabs.'
"yoursite", "yourdomain", "whoishiring",
"anal", "anus", "arse", "ass", "ballsack", "balls", "bastard", "bitch", "biatch", "bloody", "blowjob", "bollock",
"bollok", "bonerboob", "bugger", "bum", "butt", "buttplug", "clitoris", "cock", "coon", "crap", "cunt", "damn",
"dick", "dildo", "dyke", "fag", "feckfellate", "fellatio", "felching", "fuck", "fudgepacker", "fudge", "packer",
"flange", "Goddamn", "God", "damn", "hell", "homojerk", "jizz", "knobend", "knob", "end", "labia", "lmao", "lmfao",
"muff", "nigger", "nigga", "omg", "penis", "piss", "poop", "prick", "pubepussy", "queer", "scrotum", "sex", "shit",
yourlsConfig += " define('YOURLS_URL_CONVERT', 36);\n";
yourlsConfig += " $yourls_reserved_URL = array(\n";
//The below line was fun to write, as we are children...
yourlsConfig += " 'porn', 'fag', 'trannie', 'tranny', 'faggot', 'sex', 'nigger', 'fuck', 'cunt', 'dick', 'shit', 'spic', 'twat', 'pussy',\n";
yourlsConfig += " );";
units.addElement(((ServerModel)me).getConfigsModel().addConfigFile("opensocial", "opensocial_installed", yourlsConfig, "/media/data/www/user/config.php"));
Your letter states that Provost-Marshal Dick, about a year ago, ordered
the arrest of Dr. McPheeters, pastor of the Vine Street Church, prohibited
'Your father shouldve wiped you on the sheets.'
'You right, mate?'
'Your mother fucks for bricks so she can build your sister a whorehouse.'
'Your mother may have told you that you could be anything you wanted, but a douchebag wasnt what she
'You should put a condom on your head, cause if youre going to act like a dick you should dress like
one too.'
"you knock my socks off!",
"sometimes I get a boner when I think about you.",
"I respect your autonomy and individuality",
"if I had a dick, I would send you an artful dick pic",
"your face is pleasant to look at.",
"you have a beautiful smile!",
"I love the way you look today!",
You hopping on dick, nigga like a rabbit
Like you is a gay nigga you a faggot
"You have more dick in your personality than you do in your pants",
"You have the face of a bulldog licking piss off a stinging nettle.",
"You know they say 90% of dust is dead human skin? That's what you are to me.",
You got that,
you maggot-dick motherfucker?
* you can add the words in small caps into the text file separating each word with a new line for example:
* bitch
* ass
* dick
* nigger
* just as words and do not put quotes or anything around the words.
'yo momma so sad she called yo daddy a fag and he hit her with his purse',
'yo momma so nasty even her dildo turned her down',
'yo momma so fat that the housing bubble popped because she sat on it',
'yo momma so butt ugly yo daddy has to stick his dick in the freezer just to get it hard for her',
'yo momma so dumb she thought Fleetwood Mac was a new hamburger at McDonalds',
'yo momma house so dirty roaches ride around in 4X4s',
'yo momma so nasty a skunk smelled her butt and passed out',