Source Code Containing the Phrase "cocaine"
We have detected over 1812 code snippets in our database containing the word "cocaine"
Recent Snippets
кожу the skin skin
койпера kuiper
кокаин cocaine cocain
кокаина cocaine cocain
коки coca
колебания hesitations hesitation
колеблется oscillates fluctuates
"Your ultimate goal could be being a patriot. You will be a virtuous leader maybe, leading your people your country to a better future. All the efforts devoted, all the blood and sweat on your brawn. If you think about it, this might be a fulfilling life isn't it. Then I hope there isn't any cable TV and a channel that forecasts the world events in the afterlife because you will see the very people you saved are going to insult you and blame you for everything while the greedy people whom they elected will destroy everything you built in a life time in one go.\n\n"
"Your ultimate goal could be being nobody. You will live a hedonistic life. Only thing you care is your desires and you will feel it every ounce of your desires. Until you realize that desires cost money and you ruined your brain and you don't feel any joy anymore. No worries, that's what crack cocaine is for. What a way to go, overdosed on the streets all covered with human fecal matter.\n\n"
"Believe it or not I am not an optimistic person, but I am not trying to get you down neither with all of these dark instances that may occur. To be honest I was just trying to put an at least bitter grin to your faces reading this. Because I was just making assumptions of some choice a person can make and making those choices the worst thing that can be imaginable with slim possibilities at most. However it might still be unfulfilling to live all these choices vice-versa.\n\n"
yield return new HELPrct(216, 39, 1, "yes", 42, 4, 215, 428, 0, null, 1, "female", "yes", "housed", 0, 0, 254, 20, 0, "no", 13.9687376022339, 48.9717559814453, 11, "black", "no", 4, "cocaine", "yes", 0, 0);
yield return new HELPrct(217, 44, null, null, 13, 0, null, 365, 0, null, 1, "female", "no", "housed", 13, 13, 255, 26, 0, "no", 41.8676147460938, 46.3687934875488, 7, "hispanic", "no", 4, "heroin", "no", 13, 13);
yield return new HELPrct(218, 35, null, null, 49, 4, null, 43, 0, 1, 0, "male", "no", "housed", 2, 3, 256, 39, 1, "yes", 25.0394954681396, 63.255443572998, 14, "black", "no", 8, "cocaine", "no", 2, 3);
Year: "2023",
Description: "Inspired by a true story, an oddball group of cops, criminals, tourists and teens converge in a Georgia forest where a 500-pound black bear goes on a murderous rampage after unintentionally ingesting cocaine.",
ImagePath: "images/movie_images/804150",
xset s blank
echo "usage: [on | off]"
{ w: "plastic", r: "danoot" },
{ w: "factory", r: "saypix" },
{ w: "serving", r: "rexbro" },
{ w: "cocaine", r: "outpie" },
{ w: "editing", r: "penbib" },
{ w: "Noriega", r: "hogfil" },
{ w: "dealing", r: "rexshh" },
// Worker performs IO operations between an application
// and cocaine-runtime, dispatches incoming messages
// This is an adapter to WorkerNG
wordId: 'cocaine-20',
start: 6.338369556435324,
with_valency(disaster, -3);
medical = "addict heroin crack amphetamine speed nicotine smoking cigarettes sex unprotected oral cervical rectal tumor tumour colon kidney lung liver heart brain amputate alcohol marijuana weed ecstacy cocaine cholera toxin toxic pollution pollute poison unsafe unhealthy plague epidemic illness hiv aids malaria cancer disease starvation burn transplant hospital medical patient intensive doctor emergency chemical evacuate fracture skull";
with_valency(medical, -2);
"wire transfer", "jihad", "fissionable", "Sayeret Mat'Kal",
"HERF pipe-bomb", "2.3 Oz. cocaine"
window.captions = [
"Cocaine's a helluva drug",
"Rail and bail",
"I did it for the Lulz",
"It's tough being this good looking",
"Who the fuck do you think you are?",
"Alright. Who wants some?",
Will you take the fall for me if I do something stupid?
0 All content uploaded is the sole responsiblity of the uploader, and the uploader retains full
owner ship. That being said, I don't keep IP logs or anything like that. I'm sure if they want you
bad enough they can find you through a third party. Don't be a dumbass
Who owns
0 is owned and maintained by leader's
Who owns
0 is owned and maintained by leader's
whitelist = ['amazon', 'echo', 'nest', 'learning thermostat', 'nest protect',
'nest cam', 'philips hue', 'philips', 'hue', 'xiaomi', 'huawei',
'logitech', 'fisher-price', 'wink', 'hub']
blacklist = ['porn', 'pr0n', 'cumshot', 'titties', 'tits', 'anal',
'fuck', 'pussy', 'dick', 'cock', 'boobs', 'pawg', 'booty',
'butt', 'meth', 'cocaine', 'killed', 'dead', 'lolita', 'milf',
'wilf', 'vagina', 'scat', 'peg', 'pegging', 'blowjob', 'golden shower',
while (count-- > 0) {
Item cocaine = ItemFactory.createItem(666, 99.0f, getRarity(), null);
When it's properly used, it's almost invincible
Raw I'ma give it to ya, with no trivia
Raw like cocaine straight from Bolivia
My hip hop will rock and shock the nation
Like the Emancipation Proclamation
Weak MC's approach with slang that's dead
when 2
s = "#{%W(Abusive Loving Homeless Robot).sample} family provided a strict diet of #{%W(encouragement love daily\sswordfighting\slessons lima\sbeans popcorn organic\svegetables grain\salcohol cocaine unconditional\slove\sand\sacceptance...\sand old\smartial\sarts\smovies).sample} and #{%W(beatings church-going intellectual\sstimulation religion gin tough\slove comic\sbooks).sample}."
when 3
s = "Mother was #{["a travelling Gypsy", "a migrant worker", "a loving parent", "a sexy robot", "a secretary", "a famous CEO", "a good example of bio-engineering gone wrong", "a drunken brawler", "the kind of mom you wish you had", "the kind of 'earthy' lesbian that has huge arms and is really into the Indigo Girls"].sample}. Father was #{["a homeless man", "a brillian scientist", "a terrifying cyborg", "one hell of a guy -- had the kind of pecs you'd kill for", "a mild-mannered librarian", "an arms dealer", "a drug lord", "deeply in love with her", "prone to fits of melancholy", "the kind of guy who didn't merely shit the bed - he rolled around in it as well."].sample}."
What do you mean, crack cocaine? Well, I wasted half a Sunday trying to get Windows 95
to talk to our ATA emulation, and here is what I found:
"What do you call a cow during an earthquake? A milkshake.",
"Three conspiracy theorists walk into a bar. You can't tell me that's just a coincidence!",
"I am so poor I can't even pay attention.",
"I got a part in a movie called \"Cocaine\". I only have one line.",
"What do you call Watson when Sherlock isn't around? Holmeless.",
"I just found an origami porn channel, but it is paper view only.",
"It's hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs because they always take things literally.",
What browsers are supported?
0 cocaine. ninja does NOT support Internet Explorer and older versions of Firefox, Chrome, Opera
and Safari.
wget -O drugs/1472.json ''
wget -O drugs/1473.json ''
wget -O drugs/1474.json ''
wget -O drugs/1459.json ''
wget -O drugs/1460.json ''
wget -O drugs/1461.json ''
weight: 3
content: "Used methamphetamine, crack cocaine, PCP, horse tranquilizers, or heroin?",
weight: 5