Source Code Containing the Phrase "jizz"
We have detected over 1320 code snippets in our database containing the word "jizz"
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𓋫 𓅨||larboard|?</p>
<p>Unless we read 𓋴 as Γ (Gamma) and 𓏏 demi as δemi (semi)<br />
𓋴 𓏏 𓏏||pour (water)| g.s.s = giess Guss Guß gush <?> Goth God? vs γith jizz<br />
𓋴 𓏏 𓏏||pour (water)| s.t.t = schütt ++ / shoot vs<br />
𓊃 𓍿||make libation, pour out (water)| = schütt ++ / shoot<br />
<a href="𓄝">𓄝</a> 𓏏 𓇋 𓇋 𓈗||pour (water)|shyt: Schütt, shoot, shed ++ / anάchυs.ις ana.chys ⇔ Schüssel schieß shoot schüth!</p>
'abomination', 'anal', 'asshole', 'barf', 'bukkake', 'butt', 'cocksucker', 'cum', 'dickhead', 'faggot',
'fudgepacker', 'genitalia', 'gonorrhea', 'gook', 'hentai', 'horseshit', 'jizz', 'knob', 'kongo', 'lewd', 'milf',
'minge', 'mongoloid', 'my', 'balls', 'noob', 'penetrative', 'sex', 'penis', 'perv', 'poontang', 'pussy', 'quim',
'randy', 'rimming', 'rogering', 'rusty', 'trombone', 'scatological', 'skank', 'sodomy', 'spank', 'strip',
'turd', 'twat', 'vagina', 'whorehouse', 'rimjob', 'roger', 'rollin', 'rough', 'sex', 'ruxpin', 's_e_x', 's_h_i_t',
"yoursite", "yourdomain", "whoishiring",
"anal", "anus", "arse", "ass", "ballsack", "balls", "bastard", "bitch", "biatch", "bloody", "blowjob", "bollock",
"bollok", "bonerboob", "bugger", "bum", "butt", "buttplug", "clitoris", "cock", "coon", "crap", "cunt", "damn",
"dick", "dildo", "dyke", "fag", "feckfellate", "fellatio", "felching", "fuck", "fudgepacker", "fudge", "packer",
"flange", "Goddamn", "God", "damn", "hell", "homojerk", "jizz", "knobend", "knob", "end", "labia", "lmao", "lmfao",
"muff", "nigger", "nigga", "omg", "penis", "piss", "poop", "prick", "pubepussy", "queer", "scrotum", "sex", "shit",
"you're lucky i don't smack\nyou for thinking about leaving.", // FinalDOOM?
"fuck you, pussy!\nget the fuck out!",
"you quit and i'll jizz\nin your cystholes!",
"if you leave, i'll make\nthe lord drink my jizz.",
"hey, ron! can we say\n'fuck' in the game?",
"i'd leave: this is just\nmore monsters and levels.\nwhat a load.",
"suck it down, asshole!\nyou're a fucking wimp!",
"you're lucky i don't smack\nyou for thinking about leaving.",
// FinalDOOM?
"fuck you, pussy!\nget the fuck out!",
"you quit and i'll jizz\nin your cystholes!",
"if you leave, i'll make\nthe lord drink my jizz.",
"hey, ron! can we say\n'fuck' in the game?",
"you're lucky i don't smack\nyou for thinking about leaving."
// FinalDOOM?
"fuck you, pussy!\nget the fuck out!",
"you quit and i'll jizz\nin your cystholes!",
"if you leave, i'll make\nthe lord drink my jizz.",
"hey, ron! can we say\n'fuck' in the game?",
"you're lucky i don't smack\nyou for thinking about leaving."
// FinalDOOM?
"fuck you, pussy!\nget the fuck out!",
"you quit and i'll jizz\nin your cystholes!",
"if you leave, i'll make\nthe lord drink my jizz.",
"hey, ron! can we say\n'fuck' in the game?",
"you're lucky i don't smack\nyou for thinking about leaving."
// FinalDOOM?
"fuck you, pussy!\nget the fuck out!",
"you quit and i'll jizz\nin your cystholes!",
"if you leave, i'll make\nthe lord drink my jizz.",
"hey, ron! can we say\n'fuck' in the game?",
file << "jizz jizz in my pants<=========3" << endl;
file.seekg(0); //have our file pointer look at the first character in the file.
//it wont modify the file, were only using it for the while loop to store content
//for the sting below.
'yoga' : ['Yoga Teacher Fuck', 'Yoga Pants', 'Nude Yoga', 'Naked Yoga', 'Yoga Class', 'Yoga Pussy', 'Yoga Fuck'],
# /*cum, cumming*/
'cum' : ['cum', 'cumming', 'cummings', 'ejaculate', 'ejaculated', 'ejaculating', 'sperm', 'load', 'shemen','jizz','spunk'],
'cumming' : ['cum', 'cumming', 'cummings', 'ejaculate', 'ejaculating', 'sperm', 'load', 'shemen','jizz','spunking'],
'cummings' : ['cum', 'cumming', 'cummings', 'ejaculate', 'ejaculated', 'ejaculating', 'sperm', 'load', 'shemen','jizz'],
'ejaculate' : ['cum', 'cumming', 'cummings', 'ejaculate', 'ejaculated', 'ejaculating', 'sperm', 'load', 'shemen','jizz'],
yield return $"you're lucky i don't smack{Environment.NewLine}you for thinking about leaving.";
// FinalDOOM?
yield return $"fuck you, pussy!{Environment.NewLine}get the fuck out!";
yield return $"you quit and i'll jizz{Environment.NewLine}in your cystholes!";
yield return $"if you leave, i'll make{Environment.NewLine}the lord drink my jizz.";
yield return $"hey, ron! can we say{Environment.NewLine}'fuck' in the game?";
yield return $"if you leave, i'll make{Environment.NewLine}the lord drink my jizz.";
yield return $"hey, ron! can we say{Environment.NewLine}'fuck' in the game?";
yield return $"i'd leave: this is just{Environment.NewLine}more monsters and levels.{Environment.NewLine}what a load.";
yield return $"suck it down, asshole!{Environment.NewLine}you're a fucking wimp!";
yield return $"don't quit now! we're {Environment.NewLine}still spending your money!";
// Internal debug. Different style, too.
xvideos|retard|retarded|porno|deepfake|erection|thirst trap|erection|
kill yourself|kys|clit|orgasm|semen|foreskin|cock|ahegao|pedophile|
join my server|thighs|th1ghs|smut|wanker|vulva|wank|titty|topless|tit|tits|swinger|
CURSE_COUNT: (True, re.compile(
RACISM_COUNT: (True, re.compile(
words = set(['l3i+ch', 'Shity', 'schlong', 'schmuck', 'c0k', 'ejackulate', 'Mutha Fukah', 'jism', 'skankey', 'skankee', 'jiss', 'masturbate', 'l3itch', 'sh1tter', 'fag', 'orifice', 'pimmel', 'pakie', 'clits', 'kraut', 'dilld0s', 'wetback', 'scheiss', 'nigger', 'n1gr', 'dupa', 'masturbated', 'son-of-a-bitch', 'faen', 'hore', 'porn', 'Mother Fukah', 'c0cks', 'orgasm', 'sh1t', 'fucks', 'arschloch', 'b00b', 'kuk', 'jackoff', 'shemale', 'fcuk', 'nazis', 'cawks', 'wh0re', 'chink', 'fuker', 'ejakulate', 'Fudge Packer', 'massterbait', 'masterbates', 'sadist', 'orgasim;', 'h4x0r', 'p0rn', 'feg', 'crap', 'dirsa', 'Mutha Fucker', 'shitz', 'Assface', 'shits', 'asswipe', 'foreskin', 'masstrbate', 'helvete', 'Phuck', 'pussee', 'teez', 'penis', 'kyrpa', 'b!+ch', 'queef', 'dominatrics', 'Mutha Fukker', 'wank', 'Mother Fuker', 'fuck', 'dyke', 'niigr;', 'nigur;', 'Shyte', 'Fukkah', 'skribz', 'testicle', 'd4mn', 'gayboy', 'xrated', 'jisim', 'sh1ter', 'fart', 'lesbian', 'cock-head', 'fitt', 'pizda', 'boiolas', 'nepesaurio', 'faigs', 'cazzo', 'fanculo', 'paska', 'peinus', 'f u c k e r', 'g00k', 'c0ck', 'hell', 'penuus', 'japs', 'cipa', 'sh1ts', 'sh1tz', 'gook', 'dike', 'Ekrem', 'daygo', 'Slutty', 'honkey', 'vag1na', 'Motha Fukkah', 'Fukken', 'mibun', 'skank', 'Fukker', 'pillu', 'pr1ck', 'slutz', 'sluts', 'asshole', 'ejaculate', 'bassterds', 'Shitty', 'ass', 'rautenberg', 'Kurac', 'boobs', 'motherfucker', 'fatass', 'Felcher', 'lesbo', 'assh0le', 'mulkku', 'kunt', 'cuntz', 'cunty', 'cock-sucker', 'cunts', 'turd', 'pr1k', 'fuckin', 'orgasum', 'hoor', 'merda', 'twat', 'bitch', 'shipal', 'dego', 'recktum', 'scank', 'wh00r', 'bi7ch', 'vagiina', 'b!tch', 'vagina', 'Phukker', 'anus', 'ayir', 'Ass Monkey', 'hui', 'ash0les', 'Fotze', 'Mutha Fukkah', 'sharmuta', 'dikes', 'sharmute', 'gayz', 'buceta', 'assh0lez', 'Mother Fucker', 'clit', 'penus', 'Fukkin', '@$$', 'dildo', 'orospu', 'Motha Fukker', 'vaj1na', 'cabron', 'spierdalaj', 'nazi', 'splooge', 'kusi', 'screw', 'bastard', 'Lezzian', 'assholz', 'orifiss', 'suka', 'peenus', 'ahole', 'knobz', 'knobs', 'fagit', 'pen1s', 'dild0', 'shitter', 'Ekto', 'butt-pirate', 'oriface', 'Fuck', 'kurwa', 'peeenus', 'jizz', 'Motha Fucker', 'assholes', 'Phuc', 'jizm', 'queer', 'Phuk', 'Mother Fukker', 'dick', 'jap', 'Carpet Muncher', 'penis-breath', 'hoore', 'smut', 'nastt', 'kike', 'CockSucker', 'gaygirl', 'qahbeh', 'skanck', 'enema', 'vulva', 'w0p', 'klootzak', 'bollock', 'fux0r', 'faig', 'hoer', 'arses', 'Flikker', 'wop', 'dominatrix', 'piss', 'Lipshitz', 'queers', 'Lipshits', 'queerz', 'faget', 'gays', 'h0re', 'fagz', 'faggit', 'dildos', 'Fukin', 'w00se', 'Mother Fukkah', 'puuke', 'flipping the bird', 'assrammer', 'Blow Job', 'masstrbait', 'Shyt', 'damn', 'sh!+', 'niiger;', 'dziwka', 'gay', 'xxx', 'chuj', 'packy', 'bitchy', 'kunts', 'spic', 'mother-fucker', 'kuntz', 'pecker', 'packi', 'cunt', 'schlampe', 'sh!t', 'pr0n', 'phuck', 'guiena', 'cock', 'fuk', 'Shyty', 'buttwipe', 'fags', 'hoar', 'whore', 'muie', 'ficken', 'Biatch', 'Skanky', 'skanks', 'cockhead', 'skurwysyn', 'fucker', 'preteen', 'fucked', 'fagg1t', 'arse', 'retard', 'masochist', 'perse', 'puuker', 'vajina', 'sphencter', 'chraa', 'feces', 'mouliewop', 'Fukk', 'dilld0', 'cnts', 'picka', 'orafis', 'yed', 'cocks', 'niggers', 'pierdol', 'cntz', 'Huevon', 'cum', 'dicks', 'asholes', 'knob', 'scrotum', 'puta', 'shitty', 'blowjob', 'bastards', 'wichser', 'va1jina', 'bastardz', 'nigger;', 'cawk', 'jerk-off', 'packie', 'Poonani', 'dominatricks', 'bi+ch', 'nigga', 'fucking', 'God-damned', 'vittu', 'andskota', 'qweir', 'fag1t', 'amcik', 'Motha Fuker', 'peeenusss', 'fanny', 'boffing', 'Sh!t', 'muschi', 'slut', 'polack', 'futkretzn', 'Fukah', 'h0ar', 'masokist', 'Clit', 'qweerz', 'schaffer', 'qweers', 'mofo', 'vullva', 'pussy', 'h00r', 'kuksuger', 'f u c k', 'pusse', 'enculer', 'pr1c', 'masterbate', 'masturbating', 'kawk', 'dild0s', 'bollocks', 'b1tch', 'zabourah', 'paki', 'bitches', 'testical', 'nutsack', 'paky', 'pimpis', 'rectum', 'puto', 'penas', 'Shytty', 'Mutha Fuker', 'pule', 'h0r', 'b00bs', 'pula', 'masterbat3', 'b17ch', 'masterbaiter', 'injun', 'faggot', 's.o.b.', 'monkleigh', 'azzhole', 'butthole', 'shiz', 'basterdz', 'basterds', 'whoar', 'shit', 'Phuker', 'tit', 'ash0le', 'titt', 'tits', 'shi+', 'poop', 'knulle', 'semen', 'breasts', 'polac', 'Fuken', 'polak', 'Cock', 'hells', 'teets', 'mamhoon', 'poontsee'])
def isBadWord(word):
if word in words:
return True
return False
wordlist.add("Jungle Bunny");
{word: 'JISM'},
{word: 'JIZ'},
{word: 'JIZM'},
{word: 'JIZZ'},
{word: 'JIZZED'},
{word: 'JOCK'},
{word: 'JODER'},
window.onload = function()
var element = document.getElementById("para");
var words1 = [/5hit/gi, /a_s_s/gi, /a55/gi, / anal/gi, / anus/gi, /ar5e/gi, /arrse/gi, / arse/gi, /arsehole/gi, / ass/gi, / asses/gi, /asshole/gi, /assholes/gi, /asswhole/gi, /b!tch/gi, /b00bs/gi, /b17ch/gi, /b1tch/gi, /bastard/gi, /bi+ch/gi, /biatch/gi, /bimbos/gi, /bitch/gi, /bitcher/gi, /bitchers/gi, /bitches/gi, /bitchin/gi, /bitching/gi, /blow job/gi,/blowjob/gi,/blowjobs/gi,/boner/gi,/boob/gi, /boobs/gi, /breasts/gi, /bugger/gi, /bum/gi, /busty/gi, /butt/gi, /c0ck/gi, /cock/gi, /cocks/gi, /cunt/gi, /cunts/gi, /d1ck/gi, /damn/gi, /dick/gi, /dickhead/gi, /dildo/gi, /dildos/gi, /dink/gi, /dlck/gi, /doosh/gi, /duche/gi, /dyke/gi, /ejaculate/gi, /ejaculated/gi, /ejaculates/gi, /ejaculating/gi, /ejaculation/gi, /ejakulate/gi, /erotic/gi, /f u c k/gi, /f u c k e r/gi, /f_u_c_k/gi, /fagging/gi, /faggitt/gi, /faggot/gi, /faggs/gi, /fagot/gi, /fagots/gi, /fatass/gi, /fcuk/gi, /fcuker/gi, /fcuking/gi, /feck/gi, /fecker/gi, /fook/gi, /fooker/gi, /fuck/gi, /fucka/gi, /fuck-ass/gi, /fuck-bitch/gi, /fucked/gi, /fucker/gi, /fuckers/gi, /fuckhead/gi, /fuckheads/gi, /fuckin/gi, /fucking/gi, /fuckings/gi, /fuckingshitmotherfucker/gi, /fuckme/gi, /fucks/gi, /fuk/gi, /fuker/gi, /fukker/gi, /fukkin/gi, /fuks/gi, /god damn/gi, /god-dam/gi, /goddamn/gi, /goddamned/gi, /god-damned/gi, /hell/gi, /hoar/gi, /hoare/gi, /hoer/gi, /homo/gi, /homoerotic/gi, /hore/gi, /horniest/gi, /horny/gi, /jackoff/gi, /jack-off/gi, /jerk/gi, /jerk-off/gi, /jizz/gi, /kawk/gi, /kock/gi, /lust/gi, /lusting/gi, /m0f0/gi, /m0fo/gi, /m45terbate/gi, /ma5terb8/gi, /ma5terbate/gi, /masterbat*/gi, /masterbate/gi, /master-bate/gi, /masterbation/gi, /masterbations/gi, /masturbate/gi, /mof0/gi, /mofo/gi, /mo-fo/gi, /mothafuck/gi, /mothafucka/gi, /mothafuckas/gi, /mothafuckaz/gi, /mothafucked/gi , /mothafucker/gi, /mothafuckers/gi, /mothafuckin/gi, /mothafucking/gi, /mothafuckings/gi, /mothafucks/gi, /mother fucker/gi, /mother fucker/gi, /motherfuck/gi, /motherfucked/gi, /motherfucker/gi, /motherfuckers/gi, /motherfuckin/gi, /motherfucking/gi, /motherfuckings/gi, /motherfuckka/gi, /motherfucks/gi, /mutherfucker/gi, /n1gga/gi, /n1gger/gi, /nigg3r/gi, /nigg4h/gi, /nigga/gi, /niggah/gi, /niggas/gi, /niggaz/gi, /nigger/gi, /niggers/gi, /orgasim/gi, /orgasims/gi, /orgasm/gi, /orgasms/gi, /p0rn/gi, /pawn/gi, /pecker/gi, /penis/gi, /phuck/gi, /phuk/gi, /phuked/gi, /phuking/gi, /phukked/gi, /phukking/gi, /phuks/gi, /phuq/gi,/pimp/gi, /pimpis/gi, /piss/gi, /pissed/gi, /pisses/gi, /pissin/gi, /pissing/gi, /pissoff/gi, /porn/gi, /porno/gi,/prostitute/gi, /pornography/gi, /pornos/gi, /prick/gi, /pricks/gi, /pube/gi, /pusse/gi, /pussi/gi, /pussies/gi, /pussy/gi, /pussys/gi, /queer/gi, /retard/gi, /rimming/gi, /s hit/gi, /s.o.b./gi, /s_h_i_t/gi, /scroat/gi, /scrote/gi, /scrotum/gi, /sex/gi, /sh!+/gi, /sh!t/gi, /sh1t/gi, /shag/gi, /shagger/gi, /shaggin/gi, /shagging/gi, /shit/gi, /shithead/gi, /shiting/gi, /shitings/gi, /shits/gi, /shitter/gi, /shitters/gi, /shitting/gi, /shitty/gi, /skank/gi, /slut/gi, /sluts/gi, /son-of-a-bitch/gi, /spunk/gi, /teets/gi, /teez/gi, /testical/gi, /turd/gi, /twat/gi, /twathead/gi, /twatty/gi, /v1gra/gi, /vagina/gi, /viagra/gi, /whoar/gi, /whore/gi, /wtf/gi];
words1 = words1.join();
words1 = words1.replace(/gi/gi," ");
words1 = words1.replace(/\//g,"");
Wife not part of furniture, until screwed on bed.
Woman laid in tomb may soon become mummy.
Man who fall in vat of molten glass make spectacle of self.
Man who jizz in cash register come into money.
Man with tight trousers is pressing his luck.
Man who gets kicked in testicles, left holding bag.
Man who crosses the ocean twice without washing is a dirty double crosser.
"whore", "wop", "asshat", "bastard", "bimbo", "boob",
"booger", "chink", "clit", "coon", "cocksucker", "cocks",
"fist", "fistfuck", "gook", "gutter", "hick", "homo",
"jap", "jizz", "kike", "knot", "lesbian", "minge",
"moron", "muff", "muffdiver", "numbnuts", "prick",
"puto", "retard", "screw", "screwed", "semen",
"skank", "slut", "snot", "spic", "spunk",
Who is this seminal fluid druid?
Who is this jizz wiz?
Who is this benis burglar?
Who is this dick dastard?
Who is this jizz jezebel?
Who is this tally wacker packer?
, "what a difference head makes!"
, "up on the table, arms out, knees bent, now flap! "
, "Something is up there again but I haven't worked out what. "
, "I am chief wanking furiously of the clan jizz mopper"
, "%ruser{like} would be ok for a drunken 1 nite stand"
, "i'm going to get it at the weekend %VAR{smiles}"
, "i'm king of getting pointless things"
"/wet/" to "Wet",
"/milking/" to "Milking",
"/jerking/" to "Jerking",
"/jizz/" to "Jizz",
"/slut/" to "Slut",
"/orgy/" to "Orgy",
"/pregnant/" to "Pregnant",
"Well-manicured pubic hair.",
"Candy cane jizz.",
"Getting fucked by a boron dildo.",