Source Code Containing the Phrase "dickhead"
We have detected over 1588 code snippets in our database containing the word "dickhead"
Recent Snippets
'毒品', '吸毒', '走私', '贪污', '腐败', '恐怖主义', '反动', '暴动', '杀', '分裂', '邪教', '卖淫', '卖逼', '嫖', '娼',
// 英文不雅词汇
'fuck', 'shit', 'bitch', 'asshole', 'bastard', 'dickhead', 'cunt', 'faggot', 'motherfucker', 'slut',
// 英文非法词汇
'drugs', 'terrorist', 'bomb', 'murder', 'rape', 'kill', 'weapon', 'attack', 'hacker', 'virus'
'abomination', 'anal', 'asshole', 'barf', 'bukkake', 'butt', 'cocksucker', 'cum', 'dickhead', 'faggot',
'fudgepacker', 'genitalia', 'gonorrhea', 'gook', 'hentai', 'horseshit', 'jizz', 'knob', 'kongo', 'lewd', 'milf',
'minge', 'mongoloid', 'my', 'balls', 'noob', 'penetrative', 'sex', 'penis', 'perv', 'poontang', 'pussy', 'quim',
'randy', 'rimming', 'rogering', 'rusty', 'trombone', 'scatological', 'skank', 'sodomy', 'spank', 'strip',
'turd', 'twat', 'vagina', 'whorehouse', 'rimjob', 'roger', 'rollin', 'rough', 'sex', 'ruxpin', 's_e_x', 's_h_i_t',
, "zoophilia", "arsehole", "ass fuck", "ass hole", "assbangs", "assclown", "assfaces", "assfukka", "assholes", "assmucus"
, "assmunch", "assshole", "asswhole", "asswipes", "ball gag", "ballsack", "bangbros", "bastardo", "bastards", "beastial", "beeyotch"
, "big tits", "birdlock", "bitchass", "bitchers", "bitching", "blow job", "blow mud", "blowjobs", "blumpkin", "bollocks", "booooobs"
, "bulldyke", "bullshit", "bunghole", "buttfuck", "buttmuch", "buttplug", "c.o.c.k.", "cameltoe", "camwhore", "choc ice", "clitface"
, "clitfuck", "clitorus", "cockbite", "cockface", "cockhead", "cocklump", "cocknose", "cockshit", "cocksuck", "cocksuka"
, "coksucka", "coonnass", "cornhole","cumshots", "cumstain", "cuntface", "cunthole", "cuntlick", "cuntslut"
, "cyberfuc", "daterape", "dick shy", "dickface", "dickfuck", "dickhead", "dickhole", "dick-ish", "dickmilk", "dickslap"
/* z-index: -100; */
.no-dragging-dickhead, .no-dragging-dickhead img {
-webkit-touch-callout: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
-khtml-user-select: none;
"zikiiim", "zikiim", "zikik", "zikim", "ziksiiin", "ziksiin", "zulliyetini", "zviyetini", "4r5e", "5h1t", "5hit", "a55", "anal", "anus", "ar5e", "arrse", "arse", "ass", "ass-fucker", "asses", "assfucker", "assfukka",
"asshole", "assholes", "asswhole", "a_s_s", "b!tch", "b00bs", "b17ch", "b1tch", "ballbag", "balls", "ballsack", "bastard", "beastial", "beastiality", "bellend", "bestial", "bestiality", "bi+ch", "biatch",
"bitch", "bitcher", "bitchers", "bitches", "bitchin", "bitching", "bloody", "blow job", "blowjob", "blowjobs", "boiolas", "bollock", "bollok", "boner", "boob", "boobs", "booobs", "boooobs", "booooobs",
"booooooobs", "breasts", "buceta", "bugger", "bum", "bunny fucker", "butt", "butthole", "buttmuch", "buttplug", "c0ck", "c0cksucker", "carpet muncher", "cawk", "chink", "cipa", "cl1t", "clit", "clitoris",
"clits", "cnut", "cock", "cock-sucker", "cockface", "cockhead", "cockmunch", "cockmuncher", "cocks", "cocksuck", "cocksucked", "cocksucker", "cocksucking", "cocksucks", "cocksuka", "cocksukka", "cok",
"cokmuncher", "coksucka", "coon", "cox", "crap", "cum", "cummer", "cumming", "cums", "cumshot", "cunilingus", "cunillingus", "cunnilingus", "cunt", "cuntlick", "cuntlicker", "cuntlicking", "cunts",
"cyalis", "cyberfuc", "cyberfuck", "cyberfucked", "cyberfucker", "cyberfuckers", "cyberfucking", "d1ck", "damn", "dick", "dickhead", "dildo", "dildos", "dink", "dinks", "dirsa", "dlck", "dog-fucker",
"you Spoon",
"you few fries short of a Happy Meal",
"you moron, you stupid moron, fucking moron, you biggest fucking moron on the planet right now",
"you dickhead",
"you twat",
"You're a boob, tit",
"you fucking Bonehead",
"You're a dickhead!",
"Get the army, I'm a fucking maniac!",
you have to drink, it will tell them to do so as well.
Make a rule - if you want the game to remember your rules for you (esp. in the case of 'captain dickhead')
it will provide the player with an input and remember the rule for you.
y = [-i * i for i in x]
ax.scatter(x, y, color=color) # Dick plot end
x = [i for i in np.arange(-1.5, 1.5, 0.01)] # Dickhead plot start
y = [-2.25 for i in x]
ax.scatter(x, y, color=color) # dickhead plot end
X_title_lwr_ast_tag_number = X_title_lwr_ast_tag_at
if verbose:
print('Converting ""dickhead"" to "" dickhead ""...')
X_text_lwr_ast_tag_num_spaced = preprocessing_space.preprocess_space(X_text_lwr_ast_tag_number)
X_title_lwr_ast_tag_num_spaced = preprocessing_space.preprocess_space(X_title_lwr_ast_tag_number)
"u dick",
"u dickhead",
"ur a puss" };
wordsToFilter[7] = "fucking";
wordsToFilter[8] = "motherfucking";
wordsToFilter[9] = "cunt";
wordsToFilter[10] = "dickhead";
wordsToFilter[11] = "twat";
for(String s : wordsToFilter) {
"words"=>["sorry", "apologize"]
words.put("violated", -2);
words.put("whitewash", -3);
words.put("fucktard", -4);
words.put("dickhead", -4);
words.put("slashing", -2);
words.put("ignores", -1);
words.put("rewarded", 2);
"words"=>["of", "you"]
wordlist.add("Deez Nuts");
wordlist.add("Dio Bestia");
wordlist.add("Deez Nuts");
wordlist.add("Dio Bestia");
'won','other','others', "won't",'guys',
'another','many','much', 'wouldn','guy',
'go', "wouldn't",'retard','retards',
with open("C:/Users/Vivek Agrawal/OneDrive/Documents/file1.txt",'r+') as file :
if __name__=="__main__":
custom_badwords=['rascal','Apathetic','bastard','asshole','bitch','brother fucker','bullshit','bollocks','wanker','dickhead','nigra','damn it','hell','bloody hell','shit as','farted']
window.onload = function()
var element = document.getElementById("para");
var words1 = [/5hit/gi, /a_s_s/gi, /a55/gi, / anal/gi, / anus/gi, /ar5e/gi, /arrse/gi, / arse/gi, /arsehole/gi, / ass/gi, / asses/gi, /asshole/gi, /assholes/gi, /asswhole/gi, /b!tch/gi, /b00bs/gi, /b17ch/gi, /b1tch/gi, /bastard/gi, /bi+ch/gi, /biatch/gi, /bimbos/gi, /bitch/gi, /bitcher/gi, /bitchers/gi, /bitches/gi, /bitchin/gi, /bitching/gi, /blow job/gi,/blowjob/gi,/blowjobs/gi,/boner/gi,/boob/gi, /boobs/gi, /breasts/gi, /bugger/gi, /bum/gi, /busty/gi, /butt/gi, /c0ck/gi, /cock/gi, /cocks/gi, /cunt/gi, /cunts/gi, /d1ck/gi, /damn/gi, /dick/gi, /dickhead/gi, /dildo/gi, /dildos/gi, /dink/gi, /dlck/gi, /doosh/gi, /duche/gi, /dyke/gi, /ejaculate/gi, /ejaculated/gi, /ejaculates/gi, /ejaculating/gi, /ejaculation/gi, /ejakulate/gi, /erotic/gi, /f u c k/gi, /f u c k e r/gi, /f_u_c_k/gi, /fagging/gi, /faggitt/gi, /faggot/gi, /faggs/gi, /fagot/gi, /fagots/gi, /fatass/gi, /fcuk/gi, /fcuker/gi, /fcuking/gi, /feck/gi, /fecker/gi, /fook/gi, /fooker/gi, /fuck/gi, /fucka/gi, /fuck-ass/gi, /fuck-bitch/gi, /fucked/gi, /fucker/gi, /fuckers/gi, /fuckhead/gi, /fuckheads/gi, /fuckin/gi, /fucking/gi, /fuckings/gi, /fuckingshitmotherfucker/gi, /fuckme/gi, /fucks/gi, /fuk/gi, /fuker/gi, /fukker/gi, /fukkin/gi, /fuks/gi, /god damn/gi, /god-dam/gi, /goddamn/gi, /goddamned/gi, /god-damned/gi, /hell/gi, /hoar/gi, /hoare/gi, /hoer/gi, /homo/gi, /homoerotic/gi, /hore/gi, /horniest/gi, /horny/gi, /jackoff/gi, /jack-off/gi, /jerk/gi, /jerk-off/gi, /jizz/gi, /kawk/gi, /kock/gi, /lust/gi, /lusting/gi, /m0f0/gi, /m0fo/gi, /m45terbate/gi, /ma5terb8/gi, /ma5terbate/gi, /masterbat*/gi, /masterbate/gi, /master-bate/gi, /masterbation/gi, /masterbations/gi, /masturbate/gi, /mof0/gi, /mofo/gi, /mo-fo/gi, /mothafuck/gi, /mothafucka/gi, /mothafuckas/gi, /mothafuckaz/gi, /mothafucked/gi , /mothafucker/gi, /mothafuckers/gi, /mothafuckin/gi, /mothafucking/gi, /mothafuckings/gi, /mothafucks/gi, /mother fucker/gi, /mother fucker/gi, /motherfuck/gi, /motherfucked/gi, /motherfucker/gi, /motherfuckers/gi, /motherfuckin/gi, /motherfucking/gi, /motherfuckings/gi, /motherfuckka/gi, /motherfucks/gi, /mutherfucker/gi, /n1gga/gi, /n1gger/gi, /nigg3r/gi, /nigg4h/gi, /nigga/gi, /niggah/gi, /niggas/gi, /niggaz/gi, /nigger/gi, /niggers/gi, /orgasim/gi, /orgasims/gi, /orgasm/gi, /orgasms/gi, /p0rn/gi, /pawn/gi, /pecker/gi, /penis/gi, /phuck/gi, /phuk/gi, /phuked/gi, /phuking/gi, /phukked/gi, /phukking/gi, /phuks/gi, /phuq/gi,/pimp/gi, /pimpis/gi, /piss/gi, /pissed/gi, /pisses/gi, /pissin/gi, /pissing/gi, /pissoff/gi, /porn/gi, /porno/gi,/prostitute/gi, /pornography/gi, /pornos/gi, /prick/gi, /pricks/gi, /pube/gi, /pusse/gi, /pussi/gi, /pussies/gi, /pussy/gi, /pussys/gi, /queer/gi, /retard/gi, /rimming/gi, /s hit/gi, /s.o.b./gi, /s_h_i_t/gi, /scroat/gi, /scrote/gi, /scrotum/gi, /sex/gi, /sh!+/gi, /sh!t/gi, /sh1t/gi, /shag/gi, /shagger/gi, /shaggin/gi, /shagging/gi, /shit/gi, /shithead/gi, /shiting/gi, /shitings/gi, /shits/gi, /shitter/gi, /shitters/gi, /shitting/gi, /shitty/gi, /skank/gi, /slut/gi, /sluts/gi, /son-of-a-bitch/gi, /spunk/gi, /teets/gi, /teez/gi, /testical/gi, /turd/gi, /twat/gi, /twathead/gi, /twatty/gi, /v1gra/gi, /vagina/gi, /viagra/gi, /whoar/gi, /whore/gi, /wtf/gi];
words1 = words1.join();
words1 = words1.replace(/gi/gi," ");
words1 = words1.replace(/\//g,"");
Why you being a dickhead for?
Stop being a dickhead
Why you being a dickhead for?
"Why the fuck didnt you stop'em John?": "while",
"Agent Johnson?": "switch",
"I hate it when I'm right": "case",
"Drop it dickhead!": "break",
"Motherfuckin motherfucker": "default",
"Need a hug?": "=",
"Geronimo motherfucker!": "+",
while (true)
if(in == null)
// Get the message that is sent to the server
String msg = in.readLine();
while(1) {
// Clear the screen and draw the text
draw_string(0, 0, "Hello Dickhead");
draw_string(00, 40, "I'm n9013555");
// Draw the wheel
while(!$word || $usedwords{$word}) {
$word = (uc $element eq 'N') ? $self->{nouns}->[rand @{$self->{nouns}}] :
(uc$ element eq 'A') ? $self->{adjectives}->[rand @{$self->{adjectives}}] :
die("The dickhead who wrote your backend fucked up");
return '' if(++$counter == 100);
$usedwords{$word} = 1;