Source Code Containing the Phrase "douchebag"
We have detected over 889 code snippets in our database containing the word "douchebag"
Recent Snippets
'ระยำ', 'ชัง', 'ตีน', 'อี', 'กระหรี่', 'ควย', 'ปากหมา', 'จังไร',
'พี่เลี้ยง', 'ทน', 'สันดาน', 'ขี้โกง', 'คอร์รัป', 'คม', 'ส้นตีน', 'โง่', 'เห่ย',
'damn', 'hell', 'stupid', 'idiot', 'moron', 'jerk', 'asshole', 'bastard', 'fuck', 'shit', 'bitch',
'cunt', 'dick', 'piss', 'slut', 'whore', 'fag', 'nigger', 'motherfucker', 'cock', 'twat', 'douchebag',
'prick', 'wanker', 'wank', 'fistfuck', 'cocksucker', 'pussy', 'shithead', 'ass', 'butt', 'dumbass',
'cocksucker', 'dumbass', 'shitface', 'clit', 'piss off', 'twat', 'fisting', 'tits', 'nipple', 'cum',
'douche', 'sex', 'smegma', 'bukkake', 'fist', 'wank', 'blowjob', 'orgy', 'rapist', 'tard', 'retard'
"хуесос", "нахуй", "тупица", "кретин", "псих", "ёбнутый", "тупой", "курва", "жлоб", "сволочь",
"падла", "чёрт", "свинья", "гадина", "проститутка", "ублюдина", "мразота", "мудила", "пизда",
"еблан", "хрен", "гондон", "мразь", "придурок", "говнюк", "балбес", "болван", "чмо", "дебил",
"заебал", "мудачье", "пошел", "сдохни", "сучка", "тупица", "псих", "козёл", "гнида", "хуила",
"blya", "douchebag", "faggot", "motherfucker", "nigger", "whore", "slut", "scumbag", "wanker",
"arsehole", "bollocks", "twat", "prick", "cunt", "slag", "wanker", "git", "tosser", "screwup",
"cock", "pussy", "retard", "jerk", "moron", "fool", "knob", "clown", "pussy", "киска"}
"You stand at the entrance to XXX SEX SHOP!!!",
"Draw it! Draw it!",
"Pong begin broadcasting!",
"TEAM JACOB MOTHERFUCKERS. Gotta banish that douchebag Edward to Gehennom for all eternity.",
"The effect of spray disappears.",
"There is the tree with fruit!",
"The sound is loud, water aboves fall!",
'Your father shouldve wiped you on the sheets.'
'You right, mate?'
'Your mother fucks for bricks so she can build your sister a whorehouse.'
'Your mother may have told you that you could be anything you wanted, but a douchebag wasnt what she
'You should put a condom on your head, cause if youre going to act like a dick you should dress like
one too.'
'Your face looks like it was set on fire and put out with chains.',
'Your mother may have told you that you could be anything you wanted, but a douchebag wasn’t what she meant.',
'You are so ugly that when you were born, the doctor slapped your mother.',
"You're ugly when you cry.",
"Your birth certificate is an apology letter from the abortion clinic.",
"Your memes are trash.",
"Your mother may have told you that you could be anything you wanted, but a douchebag wasn't what she meant.",
"Your mother was a hamster, and your father reeks of elderberries!",
"Your penis is smaller than the payment a homeless orphan in Mongolia received for stitching my shoes.",
"What are serbians? Never heard of then before."
"You're ugly when you cry.",
"Your birth certificate is an apology letter from the abortion clinic.",
"Your memes are trash.",
"Your mother may have told you that you could be anything you wanted, but a douchebag wasn't what she meant.",
"Your mother was a hamster, and your father reeks of elderberries!",
"Your penis is smaller than the payment a homeless orphan in Mongolia received for stitching my shoes.",
"I’ve seen people like you before, but I had to pay admission.",
"You're ugly when you cry.",
'Your birth certificate is an apology letter from the abortion clinic.',
'Your memes are trash.',
"Your mother may have told you that you could be anything you wanted, but a douchebag wasn't what she meant.",
'Your mother was a hamster, and your father reeks of elderberries!',
'Your penis is smaller than the payment a homeless orphan in Mongolia received for stitching my shoes.'
"You're ugly when you cry.",
"Your birth certificate is an apology letter from the abortion clinic.",
"Your memes are trash.",
"Your mother may have told you that you could be anything you wanted, but a douchebag wasn't what she meant.",
"Your mother was a hamster, and your father reeks of elderberries!",
"Your penis is smaller than the payment a homeless orphan in Mongolia received for stitching my shoes.",
"You're ugly when you cry.",
"Your birth certificate is an apology letter from the abortion clinic.",
"Your memes are trash.",
"Your mother may have told you that you could be anything you wanted, but a douchebag wasn't what she meant.",
"Your mother was a hamster, and your father reeks of elderberries!",
"Your penis is smaller than the payment a homeless orphan in Mongolia received for stitching my shoes."
"You're ugly when you cry.",
"Your birth certificate is an apology letter from the abortion clinic.",
"Your memes are trash.",
"Your mother may have told you that you could be anything you wanted, but a douchebag wasn't what she meant.",
"Your mother was a hamster, and your father reeks of elderberries!",
"I’ve seen people like you before, but I had to pay admission.",
"You’re so fat you could sell shade.",
"You're such a pussy that fucking you wouldn't be gay.",
"Your birth certificate is an apology letter from the abortion clinic.",
"Your memes are trash.",
"Your mother may have told you that you could be anything you wanted, but a douchebag wasn't what she meant."]
return random.choice(roasts)
'You’re so dense, light bends around you.',
'Your mother may have told you that you could be anything you wanted, but a douchebag wasn’t what she meant.',
'You are so ugly that when you were born, the doctor slapped your mother.',
you may want to implement your own custom caching system inside your app, using for instance
<a href="">PouchDB</a> or <a href="">LawnChair</a>.</p>
<p>As is also mentioned in the video, Mozilla and Google are cooperating to 'fix appcache'. There will probably be a more powerful API with less surprises.</p>
<p>The result of using appcache though, once you get used to deployed changes <a href="">not showing up</a> on the first refresh, is amazing. Your apps will Just Work,
even if there is no wifi connection. And if there is a wifi connection, then they will load very fast, much faster of course than if you wouldn't cache them.</p>
You are ungrateful; helping you only brings frustration, and when mistakes happen, we get blamed.
You are slaves to Java, unaware of Kotlin, Scala, Groovy, or Clojure.
You are obstinate and stagnant, clinging to JDK 1.8. When new syntax causes errors, you blame us developers.
You are cheapskate, broke, idiot, douchebag, dumbass, jerk, son of bitch, whore, dipshit, motherfucker. Fuck you.
So, I swear, as a JVM programmer:
I don't need to be generous—less is more.
I refuse to help idiots who only know Java, those who lack basic knowledge, nitpickers, and ingrates.
You are obstinate and stagnant, clinging to JDK 1.8. When new syntax causes errors, you blame us developers.
You are cheapskate, broke, idiot, douchebag, dumbass, jerk, son of bitch, whore, dipshit, motherfucker. Fuck you.
So, I swear, as a JVM programmer:
XLS_POSTFIX = "/votes/list/export/xls/"
FRIENDS_PREFIX = "" is a real douchebag and locking bots
#so we are need to pretend the Opera 9 and catch his cookies
def init_opener():
global cookieJar, opener
'wtf', 'morons', 'fat', 'niggers', 'garbage', 'ignorant',
'disgusting', 'bloody', 'arse', 'whore', 'scum', 'vagina', 'dirty',
'homosexual', 'ridiculous', 'nazis', 'hypocrite', 'your', 'ugly',
'hole', 'wanker', 'douchebag', 'balls', 'pedophile', 'butt',
'fascist', 'anal', 'bastards', 'porn', 'shame', 'arrogant', 'losers',
'bunch', 'worst', 'nerd', 'prick', 'rubbish', 'monkey', 'cum', 'screw',
'troll', 'silly', 'lies', 'twat', 'freaking', 'rape', 'goddamn',
words.put("intact", 2);
words.put("gross", -2);
words.put("noob", -2);
words.put("douchebag", -3);
words.put("slick", 2);
words.put("legal", 1);
words.put("deficit", -2);
"words"=>["not", "never"]
words.add(new UrbanWord("YOLO", "Abbreviation for: you only live once The dumbass's excuse for something stupid that they did Also one of the most annoying abbreviations ever....", "ShLuBsTeR"));
words.add(new UrbanWord("Yolo", "\"carpe diem\" for stupid people", "ozball21"));
words.add(new UrbanWord("Yolo", "The douchebag mating call.", "DeadTheBBQ"));
words.add(new UrbanWord("Yolo", "YOLO', meaning You Only Live Once, is a viral quote most popularly used by prepubescent girls, but the range is undoubtedly in the teenage community.", "Wuskar"));
words.add(new UrbanWord("Yolo", "You Obviously Lack Originality", "ispeakdatruthhhh"));
return words;
words.add(new UrbanWord("YOLO", "Abbreviation for: you only live once The dumbass's excuse for something stupid that they did Also one of the most annoying abbreviations ever....", "ShLuBsTeR"));
words.add(new UrbanWord("Yolo", "\"carpe diem\" for stupid people", "ozball21"));
words.add(new UrbanWord("Yolo", "The douchebag mating call.", "DeadTheBBQ"));
words.add(new UrbanWord("Yolo", "YOLO', meaning You Only Live Once, is a viral quote most popularly used by prepubescent girls, but the range is undoubtedly in the teenage community.", "Wuskar"));
words.add(new UrbanWord("Yolo", "You Obviously Lack Originality", "ispeakdatruthhhh"));
return words;
with open('douchebag', 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(model.wv, f)
when 'gossip' then redirect to '/gossip'
when 'celebrity' then redirect to '/celebrity'
@error = 'Invalid page selected, douchebag'
erb :home
"What the fuck did you just fucking say about me you little conformist bitch? "
"I'll have you know I graduated by the skin of my teeth in all my courses in community college "
"and I've been making fucking pottery for my whole life and I listen to underground only music."
" I am trained in whining and I'm the top douchebag in Starbucks. "
"You are nothing to be but a fucking conformist."
" I will wipe you the fuck out with shit so underground it's in China,"
" mark my fucking words. You think you "