Source Code Containing the Phrase "fucking"
We have detected over 3805 code snippets in our database containing the word "fucking"
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性交 fucks Foda Fick scopa Fucks folla Sialan ファック 젠장 fucks
性交 fucked Fodido трахается gefickt fottuto baisé Pieprzony follado 犯された 엿 Fucked गड़बड़
性交 fucking Porra Ficken putain de pierdolony maldito sialan 빌어 먹을 Fucking कमबख्त
假阳具 dildo Dildo Dildo dildo godemiché Dildo consolador dildo ディルド 딜도 Dildo डिल्डो
荡妇 slut vagabunda шлюха Schlampe salope puta pelacur 암캐 kalapating mababa ang lipad
乱伦 inscest Inscest Inscest Inszenz Inscest inscest Najlepsze inscesto Inscest inscest Inscest
阴茎 penis pênis пенис Penis pene pénis penis pene penis 陰茎 음경
go home or stand up, it's your fucking choice. Do you still remember the reason why you are here?!
trait Animal1 {
def walk { println("Animal is fucking walking")}
class FourLeggedAnimal extends Animal1 {
「笑うな!("Don't you fucking smile!")」彼は怒鳴り、窓ガラスが曇る。「きみのせいだろ(It's your fucking fault.)。ぼくのやり方でやっていれば全部もっと簡単だったんだ。」[ RMS: 私は副詞に "fucking" を使わないから、これらの引用は不確かなようだ。これはインタヴューではないから、ウィリアムズはテープレコーダーを使っていなかっただろう。起きたことは大体彼が書いたようなことに違いないが、これらの引用は、たぶん、私の言葉より彼の理解を反映している。]
'сучка', 'трахать', 'уебок', 'угондошить', 'хуево', 'хуеть', 'хуевертить', 'хуистика', 'членосос',
'членоплет', 'шлюха', '6ля', '6лядь', '6лять', 'b3ъeб', 'cock', 'cunt', 'e6aль', 'ebal', 'eblan', 'eбaл',
'eбaть', 'eбyч', 'eбать', 'eбёт', 'eблантий', 'fucker', 'fucking', 'xyёв', 'xyй', 'xyя', 'xуе', 'xуй',
'блЯ', '6ЛяДь', '6лЯтЬ', 'b3ъEб', 'CoCk', 'CuNt', 'E6AлЬ', 'eBaL', 'eBlAn',
'eБaЛ', 'eБaТь', 'EбYч', 'EбАтЬ', 'eБёТ', 'eБлАнТиЙ', 'fUcK', 'fUcKeR', 'fUcKiNg',
"балабоk", "рохля", "пузырь", "любопытный", "вошь", "бісова ковінька", "булька з носа", "пришелепкуватий",
"шмаркач", "тюхтій", "нездара", "дурепа", "йолоп", "боров", "быдло", "пустобрех", "вшивота", "трутень",
"лепешка", "обалдуй", "погань", "профурсетка", "хабалка", "хмырь", "shit", "bastard", "cunt",
"motherfucker", "fucking ass", "slut", "dumbass", "бикукле", "бикуля", "рередикт" };
var high = new List<string> {
"фуфло", "душный козел", "свиняче рило", "підорко", "обезьяна", "шушера", "sucker", "son of a bitch",
"балабоk", "рохля", "пузырь", "любопытный", "вошь", "бісова ковінька", "булька з носа", "пришелепкуватий",
"шмаркач", "тюхтій", "нездара", "дурепа", "йолоп", "боров", "быдло", "пустобрех", "вшивота", "трутень",
"лепешка", "обалдуй", "погань", "профурсетка", "хабалка", "хмырь", "shit", "bastard", "cunt",
"motherfucker", "fucking ass", "slut", "dumbass", "бикукле", "бикуля", "рередикт" };
var high = new List<string> {
"фуфло", "душный козел", "свиняче рило", "підорко", "обезьяна", "шушера", "sucker", "son of a bitch",
"zxcvbn", "zzzzzz", "1234567", "7777777", "8675309", "abgrtyu", "amateur", "anthony", "arsenal",
"asshole", "bigcock", "bigdick", "bigtits", "bitches", "blondes", "blowjob", "bond007", "brandon",
"broncos", "bulldog", "cameron", "captain", "charles", "charlie", "chelsea", "chester", "chicago",
"chicken", "college", "cowboys", "crystal", "cumming", "cumshot", "diamond", "dolphin", "extreme",
"ferrari", "fishing", "florida", "forever", "freedom", "fucking", "fuckyou", "gandalf", "gateway",
"gregory", "heather", "hooters", "hunting", "jackson", "jasmine", "jessica", "johnson", "leather",
"letmein", "madison", "matthew", "maxwell", "melissa", "michael", "monster", "mustang", "naughty",
zoe[6] = "I took an ativan this morning"
emma[6] = "I took an ativan this morning"
kayla[6] = "omg im on fucking fire right now<br>i really fucking am right now i will not lie<br>i am the fucking guardian of all pleasures ever had or to be had<br>like i am getting a literal headache"
zoe[7] = "My life is like a circus funhouse mirror hall slowly disappearing down a toilet drain"
emma[7] = "My emotions are literally too horrible and specific for emojis like there\'s no emoji for \"throw my lifeless body into the ocean\" so why use them do you know what I mean"
YY_DO_BEFORE_ACTION; /* set up yytext again */
#line 129 "dubya.l"
gtf_puts_case("fucking son of a bitch");
case 51:
/* Yup, it's a fucking CSS file, you twit. */
'ytid': 'OLAK5uy_kq_gJdWJ9LUwgYzXMWeocvSyee4OqsvOQ',
'title': 'Norman Fucking Rockwell! - Lana Del Rey',
'image': '',
'isAlbum': true,
'list': [],
'You\'ve got all the charm of a rotting teddy bear by a graveside.',
'Christ on a bendy bus son, don\'t be such a fucking faff arse.',
'I\'m gonna come over there, I\'m gonna lock you in a fucking flotation tank and pump it full of sewage until you fucking drown.',
'Within your \'purview\'? Where do you think you are, some fucking regency costume drama? This is a government department, not some fucking Jane fucking Austen novel! Allow me to pop a jaunty little bonnet on your purview and ram it up your shitter with a lubricated horse cock.',
'I wouldn\'t fucking piss on you if you were fucking allergic to piss, right?',
'Get over here. Now. Might be advisable to wear brown trousers and a shirt the colour of blood.',
'Enough! E-fucking-nough. You need to learn to shut your fucking cave. Right? Today, you have laid your first big fat egg of solid fuck. You took the data loss media strategy and you ate with a lump of E.coli. And then you sprayed it our of your arse at 300 mph.',
"you toupéd fucktrumpet",
"you tiny fingered, Cheeto-faced, ferret wearing shitgibbon.",
"you Oi, buttplug face!",
"you crusty puddle of vomit",
"you Spoon",
"you few fries short of a Happy Meal",
"you moron, you stupid moron, fucking moron, you biggest fucking moron on the planet right now",
"you dickhead",
"you twat",
"You're a boob, tit",
"you fucking Bonehead",
"you smell so musky :v",
"licks shaft mmmm~"]
facts = ["Fun fact, pandas are so fucking stupid that they roll over onto their babies and fucking kill them, they kill their own fucking babies. Fucking stupid, fucking impish brained animals. There is no point in their existence just become extinct already, fuck off.",
"Now, according to world population studies there has been approximately 108 BILLION people on this planet so far. The average lifespan for people is 0-25 years. If we multiply the average lifespan (25) by the 108 billion people, there has been 2.7 TRILLION years of life. If we multiply that by how many days are within a year (365) there has been approximately 985 TRILLION years of life. And not ONCE, in any of those days, did anybody ask.",
"Fun fact, people who are able to perform self-fellatio report that it feels more like sucking a dick, rather than getting your dick sucked. Why?\n\nThe reason is simple: neurological latency. The nerves for your mouth are closer to your brain than the nerves of your cock. So your body feels the sensation from the mouth before the sensations of the cock. The mouth sensations over-shadow the pleasurable sensations, which is why those who self-fellate feel like they’re sucking a dick, rather than getting their dick sucked.",
"A group of ravens is called a murder.",
'You smell like you wipe back to front.'
'You suck dick at fucking pussy.'
'Youve got a face like a bucket of smashed crabs.'
("your", "ur"),
("god", "dog"),
("linux", "linugs"),
("fucking", "fuggin"),
("are", "r"),
("you", "u"),
("wh", "w"),
"Your… stuff gave out.": "Twój sprzęt... zawiódł.",
"You poor fucking kid.": "Biedaku...",
"Report body": "Zgłoś ciało",
{"Your score is"},
{"You suck at fucking.|Try again"},
{"You were not good enough|Try again"},
$your_email = "[email protected]";
"You're the problem! You're the fucking problem you fucking Dr White honkin' jam-rag fucking spunk-bubble! I'm telling you Bitch you keep looking at me I'll put you in the fucking ground, promise you!",
"Shut up, cunt. You louse. You got some fuckin' neck ain't you. Retired? Fuck off, you're revolting. Look at your suntan, it's leather, it's like leather man, your skin. We could make a fucking suitcase out of you. Like a crocodile, fat crocodile, fat bastard. You look like fucking Idi Amin, you know what I mean? Stay here? You should be ashamed of yourself. Who do you think you are? King of the castle? Cock of the walk?",
"Kiss my sweaty balls, you fat fuck.",
"You're such a pussy that fucking you wouldn't be gay.",
"Your birth certificate is an apology letter from the abortion clinic.",
"Your memes are trash.",
"Your mother may have told you that you could be anything you wanted, but a douchebag wasn't what she meant."]
return random.choice(roasts)
"You're so stupid you couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the directions were written on the heel",
"You're such a pussy that fucking you wouldn't be gay.",
"Your birth certificate is an apology letter from the abortion clinic.",