Source Code Containing the Phrase "fucker"
We have detected over 2382 code snippets in our database containing the word "fucker"
Recent Snippets
val FUCKER = "享受编程的乐趣吧,写代码是多么令人愉快的一件事啊!"
// 红黑树比较的函数
compare fucker.CompareFunc
// 柱子为0,则整个为0
fucker += 4 * grid[i][j] + 2;
if (i - 1 >= 0 && grid[i - 1][j] != 0 && grid[i][j] != 0) {
'မိခင်' => 1,
'fucker' => 0,
'ээж' => 1,
'fucker' => 0,
'сучка', 'трахать', 'уебок', 'угондошить', 'хуево', 'хуеть', 'хуевертить', 'хуистика', 'членосос',
'членоплет', 'шлюха', '6ля', '6лядь', '6лять', 'b3ъeб', 'cock', 'cunt', 'e6aль', 'ebal', 'eblan', 'eбaл',
'eбaть', 'eбyч', 'eбать', 'eбёт', 'eблантий', 'fucker', 'fucking', 'xyёв', 'xyй', 'xyя', 'xуе', 'xуй',
'блЯ', '6ЛяДь', '6лЯтЬ', 'b3ъEб', 'CoCk', 'CuNt', 'E6AлЬ', 'eBaL', 'eBlAn',
'eБaЛ', 'eБaТь', 'EбYч', 'EбАтЬ', 'eБёТ', 'eБлАнТиЙ', 'fUcK', 'fUcKeR', 'fUcKiNg',
(∩ ͡ ° ʖ ͡ °) ⊃-(===>
( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° ) DAY TUCKER NIGHT FUCKER ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )
"zikiiim", "zikiim", "zikik", "zikim", "ziksiiin", "ziksiin", "zulliyetini", "zviyetini", "4r5e", "5h1t", "5hit", "a55", "anal", "anus", "ar5e", "arrse", "arse", "ass", "ass-fucker", "asses", "assfucker", "assfukka",
"asshole", "assholes", "asswhole", "a_s_s", "b!tch", "b00bs", "b17ch", "b1tch", "ballbag", "balls", "ballsack", "bastard", "beastial", "beastiality", "bellend", "bestial", "bestiality", "bi+ch", "biatch",
"bitch", "bitcher", "bitchers", "bitches", "bitchin", "bitching", "bloody", "blow job", "blowjob", "blowjobs", "boiolas", "bollock", "bollok", "boner", "boob", "boobs", "booobs", "boooobs", "booooobs",
"booooooobs", "breasts", "buceta", "bugger", "bum", "bunny fucker", "butt", "butthole", "buttmuch", "buttplug", "c0ck", "c0cksucker", "carpet muncher", "cawk", "chink", "cipa", "cl1t", "clit", "clitoris",
"clits", "cnut", "cock", "cock-sucker", "cockface", "cockhead", "cockmunch", "cockmuncher", "cocks", "cocksuck", "cocksucked", "cocksucker", "cocksucking", "cocksucks", "cocksuka", "cocksukka", "cok",
"cokmuncher", "coksucka", "coon", "cox", "crap", "cum", "cummer", "cumming", "cums", "cumshot", "cunilingus", "cunillingus", "cunnilingus", "cunt", "cuntlick", "cuntlicker", "cuntlicking", "cunts",
"cyalis", "cyberfuc", "cyberfuck", "cyberfucked", "cyberfucker", "cyberfuckers", "cyberfucking", "d1ck", "damn", "dick", "dickhead", "dildo", "dildos", "dink", "dinks", "dirsa", "dlck", "dog-fucker",
"zikiiim", "zikiim", "zikik", "zikim", "ziksiiin", "ziksiin", "zulliyetini", "zviyetini", "4r5e", "5h1t", "5hit", "a55", "anal", "anus", "ar5e", "arrse", "arse", "ass", "ass-fucker", "asses", "assfucker", "assfukka",
"asshole", "assholes", "asswhole", "a_s_s", "b!tch", "b00bs", "b17ch", "b1tch", "ballbag", "balls", "ballsack", "bastard", "beastial", "beastiality", "bellend", "bestial", "bestiality", "bi+ch", "biatch",
"bitch", "bitcher", "bitchers", "bitches", "bitchin", "bitching", "bloody", "blow job", "blowjob", "blowjobs", "boiolas", "bollock", "bollok", "boner", "boob", "boobs", "booobs", "boooobs", "booooobs",
"You lil bitch!",
"I'm gonna flatten you, fucker!",
"I'm big but I ain't slow!",
You know I could go for some breakfast. What to have breakfast with me?
You know what some fucker did to it the other day?
You know what you two look like?
- You have a particular reason in mind, don't you?
- Who do you think you're talking about?
+ [*] (fuck|fucker|shit|damn|shut up|bitch) [*]
- Does it make you feel strong to use that kind of language?
- Are you venting your feelings now?
- Are you angry?
- You have a particular reason in mind, don't you?
- Who do you think you're talking about?
+ [*] (fuck|fucker|shit|damn|shut up|bitch) [*]
- Does it make you feel strong to use that kind of language?
- Are you venting your feelings now?
- Are you angry?
- You have a particular reason in mind, don't you?
- Who do you think you're talking about?
+ [*] (fuck|fucker|shit|damn|shut up|bitch) [*]
- Does it make you feel strong to use that kind of language?
- Are you venting your feelings now?
- Are you angry?
- You have a particular reason in mind, don't you?
- Who do you think you're talking about?
+ [*] (fuck|fucker|shit|damn|shut up|bitch) [*]
- Does it make you feel strong to use that kind of language?
- Are you venting your feelings now?
- Are you angry?
- You have a particular reason in mind, don't you?
- Who do you think you're talking about?
+ [*] (fuck|fucker|shit|damn|shut up|bitch) [*]
- Does it make you feel strong to use that kind of language?
- Are you venting your feelings now?
- Are you angry?
- You have a particular reason in mind, don't you?
- Who do you think you're talking about?
+ [*] (fuck|fucker|shit|damn|shut up|bitch) [*]
- Does it make you feel good to use that kind of language?
- Are you venting your feelings now?
- Are you angry?
# You can also use MiniMessage tags and {matched_message} to get the matched part of the message.
#then replace <hover:show_text:'<red>Swearing on this server\nis prohibited and will get you banned.\n\n<gray>Click this to appeal.'><click:suggest_command:'/appeal My message got censored: "$0"'><red>[censored]</red></click></hover>
# Blocks 'fuck', 'f#ck' and 'f*ck' etc. Also catches 'fucker', 'fucking' etc.
match \b(f+[\W\d_]*[u_!@#$%^&*]+[\W\d_]*c+[\W\d_]*k+)(?=[^\s]*\b)
group swear
'yellow showers', 'yiffy', 'zoophilia', '4r5e', '5h1t', '5hit', 'a55', 'ar5e', 'arrse', 'arse',
'ass-fucker', 'asses', 'assfucker', 'assfukka', 'assholes', 'asswhole', 'a_s_s', 'b!tch', 'b00bs', 'b17ch',
'b1tch', 'ballbag', 'balls', 'ballsack', 'bastard', 'beastial', 'beastiality', 'bellend', 'bestial',
year = int(input("annee? \n"))
if (year % 4 == 0 and year %100 !=0) or (year % 400 == 0):
print('et ouais c\'est bissextile !\nC\'est qui le papa ?!?!?')
print("This is no bissextil you mother fucker !")
'ya' : 'you',
'yah' : 'you',
'kiddo' : 'kid',
'mofo' : 'mother fucker',
'mofos' : 'mother fuckers',
'mo' : 'more',
'den' : 'then',
"yarram", "yarramin", "yarraminbaşı", "yarramn", "yarran", "yarrana", "yarrrak", "yavak", "yavş", "yavşak", "yavşaktır", "yavuşak", "yılışık", "yilisik", "yogurtlayam", "yoğurtlayam", "yrrak", "zıkkımım", "zibidi", "zigsin", "zikeyim",
"zikiiim", "zikiim", "zikik", "zikim", "ziksiiin", "ziksiin", "zulliyetini", "zviyetini", "4r5e", "5h1t", "5hit", "a55", "anal", "anus", "ar5e", "arrse", "arse", "ass", "ass-fucker", "asses", "assfucker", "assfukka",
"asshole", "assholes", "asswhole", "a_s_s", "b!tch", "b00bs", "b17ch", "b1tch", "ballbag", "balls", "ballsack", "bastard", "beastial", "beastiality", "bellend", "bestial", "bestiality", "bi+ch", "biatch",
XQueryPointer(display, window, &uncle, &fucker, x,y, &u,&u, &mask);;
" \xb3 CaPtUReD bY oUR ReTuRNeD MEmBERz: \xb3\n"
" \xb3 dA dArK ELiTE & MoTHeR FuCKeR !!! \xb3\n"
" \xb3 . . \xb3\n"
" \xc0\xc4\xc4\xc4\xc4\xc4\xc4\xc4\xc4\xc4\xc4\xc4\xc4\xc4\xc4\xc4\xc4[DiZzEd bY FaTHeR FuCKeR]\xc4\xc4\xd9\n"
" Uploaded by: mR.mEgAsTuFf\n"
"(H)eLP, (1-37), FiLE LiST k\x8fMMaNd??\n"