Source Code Containing the Phrase "whore"

We have detected over 2360 code snippets in our database containing the word "whore"

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JavaScript IconJavaScript
// 恢复设置的内容['getContent', 'getDelayTime', 'getBlackList', 'getSheetUrl'], ({ getContent, getDelayTime, getBlackList, getSheetUrl }) => {
  content.value = getContent || ''
  sheetUrl.value = getSheetUrl || ''
  blackList.value = getBlackList || 'fuck|pussy|\\b(shit|ass|cunt)\\b|asshole|bitch|dick|vagina|penis|whore|stupid|devil|goddamnit|promo'
  delayTime.value = getDelayTime || 60
'ระยำ', 'ชัง', 'ตีน', 'อี', 'กระหรี่', 'ควย', 'ปากหมา', 'จังไร',
            'พี่เลี้ยง', 'ทน', 'สันดาน', 'ขี้โกง', 'คอร์รัป', 'คม', 'ส้นตีน', 'โง่', 'เห่ย',
            'damn', 'hell', 'stupid', 'idiot', 'moron', 'jerk', 'asshole', 'bastard', 'fuck', 'shit', 'bitch',
            'cunt', 'dick', 'piss', 'slut', 'whore', 'fag', 'nigger', 'motherfucker', 'cock', 'twat', 'douchebag',
            'prick', 'wanker', 'wank', 'fistfuck', 'cocksucker', 'pussy', 'shithead', 'ass', 'butt', 'dumbass',
            'cocksucker', 'dumbass', 'shitface', 'clit', 'piss off', 'twat', 'fisting', 'tits', 'nipple', 'cum',
            'douche', 'sex', 'smegma', 'bukkake', 'fist', 'wank', 'blowjob', 'orgy', 'rapist', 'tard', 'retard'
Go IconGo
"хуесос", "нахуй", "тупица", "кретин", "псих", "ёбнутый", "тупой", "курва", "жлоб", "сволочь",
	"падла", "чёрт", "свинья", "гадина", "проститутка", "ублюдина", "мразота", "мудила", "пизда",
	"еблан", "хрен", "гондон", "мразь", "придурок", "говнюк", "балбес", "болван", "чмо", "дебил",
	"заебал", "мудачье", "пошел", "сдохни", "сучка", "тупица", "псих", "козёл", "гнида", "хуила",
	"blya", "douchebag", "faggot", "motherfucker", "nigger", "whore", "slut", "scumbag", "wanker",
	"arsehole", "bollocks", "twat", "prick", "cunt", "slag", "wanker", "git", "tosser", "screwup",
	"cock", "pussy", "retard", "jerk", "moron", "fool", "knob", "clown", "pussy", "киска"}
Java IconJava
"хyй", "xуй", "х*й", "е6ать", "eбaть", "ёбать", "ё6ать",
            // Английские нецензурные слова
            "fuck", "shit", "bitch", "asshole", "cunt", "dick", "bastard",
            "motherfucker", "whore", "pussy", "slut", "cock", "faggot", "nigger",
            "f*ck", "sh1t", "a$$", "bi*ch", "d1ck",
            // Немецкие нецензурные слова
            "scheiße", "arschloch", "fick", "verfickt", "fotze", "hure", "schlampe",
C# IconC#
Файл CSV имеет такой вид:

Ruby IconRuby
платить	pay,
обусловлено	due to the,
в путин	putin in,
блядь	whore,
лиза	liza,
графа	graph,
октябрьской	october,
Ruby IconRuby
платить	pay,
мвд	department of the interior,
успеха	success,
блядь	whore,
перемены	changes,
человеческий	human,
октябрьской	october,
Ruby IconRuby
платить	pay,
мвд	department of the interior,mvd,
успеха	success,
блядь	whore,
перемены	changes,
человеческий	human,
октябрьской	october,
Ruby IconRuby
платить	pay,
мвд	department of the interior,mvd,
боевых	militant,combat,
блядь	whore,
перемены	changes,
человеческий	human,
октябрьской	october,
JavaScript IconJavaScript
// Переписать пример используя шаблоннные строки
// var whore =
//     '<div class="whore">'+
//         '<div class="whore-name">' + + '</div>'+
//         '<img src="' + + '" width="200">'+
Java IconJava
"жопа", "пидорас", "бля", "чмо", "хуесос",
            "хyй", "xуй", "х*й", "е6ать", "eбaть", "ёбать", "ё6ать",
            // Английские нецензурные слова
            "fuck", "shit", "bitch", "asshole", "cunt", "dick", "bastard",
            "motherfucker", "whore", "pussy", "slut", "cock", "faggot", "nigger",
            "f*ck", "sh1t", "a$$", "bi*ch", "d1ck",
            // Немецкие нецензурные слова
Ruby IconRuby
блоков	blocks
блум	blum	bloom
блэкмор	blackmore
блядь	whore
бо́льшая	greater	bigger
бо́льшую	big	greater	bigger
боб	bob
Python IconPython
"yuri", "furry", "rule3", "rule 3", "cumshot", "squirt", "creampie", "incest",
    "milf", "cougar", "bareback", "escort", "prostitute", "whore", "slut",
    "cumslut", "bukkake", "gangbang", "orgasm", "nympho", "thong", "underwear",
    "condom", "sperm", "gonzo", "rimjob", "masturbate", "nipple", "wet",
    "hardcore", "softcore", "erogenous", "sensual", "lust", "moan", "groan",
    "cumming", "panties", "kiss", "seduce", "seductive", "naked", "topless",
    "bottomless", "erotic", "intimate", "busty", "grope", "aroused", "stimulate",
C IconC
"You could run openbsd and be done with it. Unlike linux is doesn't "
	"suck so that helps that decision.",
	"Twitter is the dumbest fucking thing that has ever happened to the Internet.",
	"[speaking of {open,libre}office] it is an obese crack whore with herpes boils "
	"that are about to explode"
Python IconPython
#you can change the search terms here, but why would you? FUN!!!
iterator = twitter_stream.statuses.filter(track="#maga slut,#maga bitch,#maga whore, #maga cunt", language="en")
Java IconJava
You are ungrateful; helping you only brings frustration, and when mistakes happen, we get blamed.
        You are slaves to Java, unaware of Kotlin, Scala, Groovy, or Clojure.
        You are obstinate and stagnant, clinging to JDK 1.8. When new syntax causes errors, you blame us developers.
        You are cheapskate, broke, idiot, douchebag, dumbass, jerk, son of bitch, whore, dipshit, motherfucker. Fuck you.
        So, I swear, as a JVM programmer:
        I don't need to be generous—less is more.
        I refuse to help idiots who only know Java, those who lack basic knowledge, nitpickers, and ingrates.
Java IconJava
You are obstinate and stagnant, clinging to JDK 1.8. When new syntax causes errors, you blame us developers.
        You are cheapskate, broke, idiot, douchebag, dumbass, jerk, son of bitch, whore, dipshit, motherfucker. Fuck you.
        So, I swear, as a JVM programmer:
Python IconPython
"You abandon us, leave us in the dust,\x01",
            "to become a BRACER, of all things.\x01",
            "A fuggin' law-whore!\x02\x03",

            "#1760FAnd then you come back to us,\x01",
            "only when it's convenient for you,\x01",
..yeah, this was about the sexiest thing you could imagine at this moment. So, you let her dictate the pace a bit, you let her go crosseyed on her own time, you let HER turn HERSELF into a drooling monkey cock addicted whore..
y&#146;know? I-I started asking people on the street if they wanted massages. Then these
policemen, thought I was a whore too. It&#146;s been a really bad day, whore wise.</p>
C IconC
"Who's the naughty whore?",
C IconC
"Who's the naughty whore?",
C IconC
	"Who's the naughty whore?",
C IconC
x->events[slot].in_start = (x->events[slot].out_start + halfbuffer) % buflen ;

// still a crash whore in Pd: 

void reverb1(t_bashfest *x, int slot, int *pcount)
C IconC
x->events[slot].in_start = (x->events[slot].out_start + halfbuffer) % buflen ;
// still a crash whore in Pd:

void lpp_reverb1(t_bashfest *x, int slot, int *pcount)