Source Code Containing the Phrase "ejaculate"
We have detected over 666 code snippets in our database containing the word "ejaculate"
Recent Snippets
'yoga' : ['Yoga Teacher Fuck', 'Yoga Pants', 'Nude Yoga', 'Naked Yoga', 'Yoga Class', 'Yoga Pussy', 'Yoga Fuck'],
# /*cum, cumming*/
'cum' : ['cum', 'cumming', 'cummings', 'ejaculate', 'ejaculated', 'ejaculating', 'sperm', 'load', 'shemen','jizz','spunk'],
'cumming' : ['cum', 'cumming', 'cummings', 'ejaculate', 'ejaculating', 'sperm', 'load', 'shemen','jizz','spunking'],
'cummings' : ['cum', 'cumming', 'cummings', 'ejaculate', 'ejaculated', 'ejaculating', 'sperm', 'load', 'shemen','jizz'],
'ejaculate' : ['cum', 'cumming', 'cummings', 'ejaculate', 'ejaculated', 'ejaculating', 'sperm', 'load', 'shemen','jizz'],
test("""[dunno, sissy, anon, ordinariness, conquerable, ejaculate]""", str(x))
test("""[sissy, anon, ordinariness, conquerable, ejaculate]""", str(x))
words = set(['l3i+ch', 'Shity', 'schlong', 'schmuck', 'c0k', 'ejackulate', 'Mutha Fukah', 'jism', 'skankey', 'skankee', 'jiss', 'masturbate', 'l3itch', 'sh1tter', 'fag', 'orifice', 'pimmel', 'pakie', 'clits', 'kraut', 'dilld0s', 'wetback', 'scheiss', 'nigger', 'n1gr', 'dupa', 'masturbated', 'son-of-a-bitch', 'faen', 'hore', 'porn', 'Mother Fukah', 'c0cks', 'orgasm', 'sh1t', 'fucks', 'arschloch', 'b00b', 'kuk', 'jackoff', 'shemale', 'fcuk', 'nazis', 'cawks', 'wh0re', 'chink', 'fuker', 'ejakulate', 'Fudge Packer', 'massterbait', 'masterbates', 'sadist', 'orgasim;', 'h4x0r', 'p0rn', 'feg', 'crap', 'dirsa', 'Mutha Fucker', 'shitz', 'Assface', 'shits', 'asswipe', 'foreskin', 'masstrbate', 'helvete', 'Phuck', 'pussee', 'teez', 'penis', 'kyrpa', 'b!+ch', 'queef', 'dominatrics', 'Mutha Fukker', 'wank', 'Mother Fuker', 'fuck', 'dyke', 'niigr;', 'nigur;', 'Shyte', 'Fukkah', 'skribz', 'testicle', 'd4mn', 'gayboy', 'xrated', 'jisim', 'sh1ter', 'fart', 'lesbian', 'cock-head', 'fitt', 'pizda', 'boiolas', 'nepesaurio', 'faigs', 'cazzo', 'fanculo', 'paska', 'peinus', 'f u c k e r', 'g00k', 'c0ck', 'hell', 'penuus', 'japs', 'cipa', 'sh1ts', 'sh1tz', 'gook', 'dike', 'Ekrem', 'daygo', 'Slutty', 'honkey', 'vag1na', 'Motha Fukkah', 'Fukken', 'mibun', 'skank', 'Fukker', 'pillu', 'pr1ck', 'slutz', 'sluts', 'asshole', 'ejaculate', 'bassterds', 'Shitty', 'ass', 'rautenberg', 'Kurac', 'boobs', 'motherfucker', 'fatass', 'Felcher', 'lesbo', 'assh0le', 'mulkku', 'kunt', 'cuntz', 'cunty', 'cock-sucker', 'cunts', 'turd', 'pr1k', 'fuckin', 'orgasum', 'hoor', 'merda', 'twat', 'bitch', 'shipal', 'dego', 'recktum', 'scank', 'wh00r', 'bi7ch', 'vagiina', 'b!tch', 'vagina', 'Phukker', 'anus', 'ayir', 'Ass Monkey', 'hui', 'ash0les', 'Fotze', 'Mutha Fukkah', 'sharmuta', 'dikes', 'sharmute', 'gayz', 'buceta', 'assh0lez', 'Mother Fucker', 'clit', 'penus', 'Fukkin', '@$$', 'dildo', 'orospu', 'Motha Fukker', 'vaj1na', 'cabron', 'spierdalaj', 'nazi', 'splooge', 'kusi', 'screw', 'bastard', 'Lezzian', 'assholz', 'orifiss', 'suka', 'peenus', 'ahole', 'knobz', 'knobs', 'fagit', 'pen1s', 'dild0', 'shitter', 'Ekto', 'butt-pirate', 'oriface', 'Fuck', 'kurwa', 'peeenus', 'jizz', 'Motha Fucker', 'assholes', 'Phuc', 'jizm', 'queer', 'Phuk', 'Mother Fukker', 'dick', 'jap', 'Carpet Muncher', 'penis-breath', 'hoore', 'smut', 'nastt', 'kike', 'CockSucker', 'gaygirl', 'qahbeh', 'skanck', 'enema', 'vulva', 'w0p', 'klootzak', 'bollock', 'fux0r', 'faig', 'hoer', 'arses', 'Flikker', 'wop', 'dominatrix', 'piss', 'Lipshitz', 'queers', 'Lipshits', 'queerz', 'faget', 'gays', 'h0re', 'fagz', 'faggit', 'dildos', 'Fukin', 'w00se', 'Mother Fukkah', 'puuke', 'flipping the bird', 'assrammer', 'Blow Job', 'masstrbait', 'Shyt', 'damn', 'sh!+', 'niiger;', 'dziwka', 'gay', 'xxx', 'chuj', 'packy', 'bitchy', 'kunts', 'spic', 'mother-fucker', 'kuntz', 'pecker', 'packi', 'cunt', 'schlampe', 'sh!t', 'pr0n', 'phuck', 'guiena', 'cock', 'fuk', 'Shyty', 'buttwipe', 'fags', 'hoar', 'whore', 'muie', 'ficken', 'Biatch', 'Skanky', 'skanks', 'cockhead', 'skurwysyn', 'fucker', 'preteen', 'fucked', 'fagg1t', 'arse', 'retard', 'masochist', 'perse', 'puuker', 'vajina', 'sphencter', 'chraa', 'feces', 'mouliewop', 'Fukk', 'dilld0', 'cnts', 'picka', 'orafis', 'yed', 'cocks', 'niggers', 'pierdol', 'cntz', 'Huevon', 'cum', 'dicks', 'asholes', 'knob', 'scrotum', 'puta', 'shitty', 'blowjob', 'bastards', 'wichser', 'va1jina', 'bastardz', 'nigger;', 'cawk', 'jerk-off', 'packie', 'Poonani', 'dominatricks', 'bi+ch', 'nigga', 'fucking', 'God-damned', 'vittu', 'andskota', 'qweir', 'fag1t', 'amcik', 'Motha Fuker', 'peeenusss', 'fanny', 'boffing', 'Sh!t', 'muschi', 'slut', 'polack', 'futkretzn', 'Fukah', 'h0ar', 'masokist', 'Clit', 'qweerz', 'schaffer', 'qweers', 'mofo', 'vullva', 'pussy', 'h00r', 'kuksuger', 'f u c k', 'pusse', 'enculer', 'pr1c', 'masterbate', 'masturbating', 'kawk', 'dild0s', 'bollocks', 'b1tch', 'zabourah', 'paki', 'bitches', 'testical', 'nutsack', 'paky', 'pimpis', 'rectum', 'puto', 'penas', 'Shytty', 'Mutha Fuker', 'pule', 'h0r', 'b00bs', 'pula', 'masterbat3', 'b17ch', 'masterbaiter', 'injun', 'faggot', 's.o.b.', 'monkleigh', 'azzhole', 'butthole', 'shiz', 'basterdz', 'basterds', 'whoar', 'shit', 'Phuker', 'tit', 'ash0le', 'titt', 'tits', 'shi+', 'poop', 'knulle', 'semen', 'breasts', 'polac', 'Fuken', 'polak', 'Cock', 'hells', 'teets', 'mamhoon', 'poontsee'])
def isBadWord(word):
if word in words:
return True
return False
words = [
lanSwitch(`"Your <<pussy>> is so good, damn, I'm cumming!" As $NPCList[${i}].fullDescription thrust, <<he>> ejaculate deep into your womb.`,
`"你的<<pussy>>实在太舒服了,该死,要射了。" $NPCList[${i}].fullDescription 一边抽插着,一边在你子宫深处射出了种子液。`),
words = [
lanSwitch(`"Your ass is so good, damn, I'm cumming!" As $NPCList[${i}].fullDescription thrust, <<he>> ejaculate deep into your anal.`,
`"你的菊穴实在太舒服了,该死,要射了。" $NPCList[${i}].fullDescription 一边抽插着,一边在你肠道深处射出了种子液。`),
WordSet.create(:keyword=>'yours', :words => ['mine','yours','his','her','theirs','ours'])
WordSet.create(:keyword=>'ejaculate', :words => ['finish*','come','came','coming','climax*','explod*','releas*','complet*'])
WordSet.create(:keyword=>'injure', :words => ['get','got','jump','drop','deck','sit','sat','split*','slic*','mess*','step*','hurt*','pound*','smack*','slap*','squash*','squish*','smash*','nail*','tear*','tore','torn'])
WordSet.create(:keyword=>'kill', :words => ['rid','end*','terminat*','extinguish*','wast*','zap*','finish*','off*'])
WordSet.create(:keyword=>'die', :words => ['depart','breathless','offed','breath*'])
{ word: 'Nipple', taboo: ['Breast', 'Erect', 'Sensitive', 'Touch', 'Sex'] },
{ word: 'Orgy', taboo: ['Sex', 'Group', 'Partners', 'Groupsex', 'Swingers'] },
{ word: 'Penetration', taboo: ['Sex', 'Enter', 'Insert', 'Deep', 'Intercourse'] },
{ word: 'Queef', taboo: ['Vaginal', 'Noise', 'Air', 'Embarrassing', 'Pussy'] },
{ word: 'Rape', taboo: ['Sexual', 'Assault', 'Forced', 'Non-consensual', 'Violent'] },
{ word: 'Semen', taboo: ['Fluid', 'Ejaculate', 'Male', 'Sperm', 'Sex'] },
{ word: 'Tits', taboo: ['Breasts', 'Boobs', 'Chest', 'Female', 'Sexual'] },
{word: 'ECSTASY'},
{word: 'EEJIT'},
{word: 'EFFING'},
{word: 'EJACULATE'},
{word: 'EJACULATING'},
{word: 'EJACULATION'},
{word: 'EJAKULATE'},
window.onload = function()
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words1 = words1.join();
words1 = words1.replace(/gi/gi," ");
words1 = words1.replace(/\//g,"");
//Vulgar Words:
const vulgar = [
"2 girls 1 cup","2g1c","4r5e","5h1t","5hit","a$$","a$$hole","a_s_s","a2m","a54","a55","a55hole","aeolus","ahole","alabama hot pocket","alaskan pipeline","anal","anal impaler","anal leakage","analannie","analprobe","analsex","anilingus","anus","apeshit","ar5e","areola","areole","arian","arrse","arse","arsehole","aryan","ass","ass fuck","ass hole","assault","assbag","assbagger","assbandit","assbang","assbanged","assbanger","assbangs","assbite","assblaster","assclown","asscock","asscracker","asses","assface","assfaces","assfuck","assfucker","ass-fucker","assfukka","assgoblin","assh0le","asshat","ass-hat","asshead","assho1e","asshole","assholes","asshopper","asshore","ass-jabber","assjacker","assjockey","asskiss","asskisser","assklown","asslick","asslicker","asslover","assman","assmaster","assmonkey","assmucus","assmunch","assmuncher","assnigger","asspacker","asspirate","ass-pirate","asspuppies","assranger","assshit","assshole","asssucker","asswad","asswhole","asswhore","asswipe","asswipes","auto erotic","autoerotic","axwound","azazel","azz","b!tch","b00bs","b17ch","b1tch","babe","babeland","babes","baby batter","baby juice","badfuck","ball gag","ball gravy","ball kicking","ball licking","ball sack","ball sucking","ballbag","balllicker","balls","ballsack","bampot","bang","bang (one's) box","bangbros","banger","banging","bareback","barely legal","barenaked","barf","barface","barfface","bastard","bastardo","bastards","bastinado","batty boy","bawdy","bazongas","bazooms","bbw","bdsm","beaner","beaners","beardedclam","beastial","beastiality","beatch",
"beater","beatyourmeat","beaver","beaver cleaver","beaver lips","beef curtain","beef curtains","beer","beeyotch","bellend","bender","beotch","bestial","bestiality","bi+ch","biatch","bicurious","big black","big breasts","big knockers","big tits","bigbastard","bigbutt","bigger","bigtits","bimbo","bimbos","bint","birdlock","bisexual","bi-sexual","bitch","bitch tit","bitchass","bitched","bitcher","bitchers","bitches","bitchez","bitchin","bitching","bitchtits","bitchy","black cock","blonde action","blonde on blonde action","bloodclaat","bloody","bloody hell","blow","blow job","blow me","blow mud","blow your load","blowjob","blowjobs","blue waffle","blumpkin","boang","bod","bodily","bogan","bohunk","boink","boiolas","bollick","bollock","bollocks","bollok","bollox","bomd","bondage","bone","boned","boner","boners","bong","boob","boobies","boobs","booby","booger","bookie","boong","boonga","booobs","boooobs","booooobs","booooooobs","bootee","bootie","booty","booty call","booze","boozer","boozy","bosom","bosomy","bowel","bowels","bra","brassiere","breast","breastjob","breastlover","breastman","breasts","breeder","brotherfucker","brown showers","brunette action","buceta","bugger","buggered","buggery","bukkake","bull shit","bullcrap","bulldike","bulldyke","bullet vibe","bullshit","bullshits","bullshitted","bullturds","bum","bum boy","bumblefuck","bumclat","bumfuck","bummer","bung","bung hole","bunga","bunghole","bunny fucker","bust a load","busty","butchdike","butchdyke","butt","butt fuck","butt plug","buttbang","butt-bang","buttcheeks","buttface","buttfuck",
"butt-fuck","buttfucka","buttfucker","butt-fucker","butthead","butthole","buttman","buttmuch","buttmunch","buttmuncher","butt-pirate","buttplug","c.0.c.k","c.o.c.k.","c.u.n.t","c0ck","c-0-c-k","c0cksucker","caca","cahone","camel toe","cameltoe","camgirl","camslut","camwhore","carpet muncher","carpetmuncher","cawk","cervix","chesticle","chi-chi man","chick with a dick","child-fucker","chin","chinc","chincs","chink","chinky","choad","choade","choc ice","chocolate rosebuds","chode","chodes","chota bags","cipa","circlejerk","cl1t","cleveland steamer","climax","clit","clit licker","clitface","clitfuck","clitoris","clitorus","clits","clitty","clitty litter","clogwog","clover clamps","clunge","clusterfuck","cnut","cocain","cocaine","cock","c-o-c-k","cock pocket","cock snot","cock 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"fuckin","fucking","fuckingbitch","fuckings","hatta","puta","hijodeputa","landwa","gaand","chak","chaak","randimuji","malfaluwa","lafanga","randwa","raand","chudakkar","chudakar","fuckingshitmotherfucker","fuckme","fuckme ","fuckmeat","fuckmehard","fuckmonkey","fucknugget","xoluwa","fucknut","fucknutt","fuckoff","fucks","fuckstick","fucktard","fuck-tard","fucktards","fucktart","fucktoy","fucktwat","fuckup","fuckwad","fuckwhit","fuckwhore","fuckwit","fuckwitt","fuckyou","fudge packer","fudgepacker","fudge-packer","fuk","fuker","fukker","fukkers","fukkin","fuks","fukwhit","fukwit","fuq","futanari","fux","fux0r","fvck","fxck","gae","gai","gang bang","gangbang","gang-bang","gangbanged","gangbangs","ganja","gash","gassy ass","gay sex","gayass","gaybob","gaydo","gayfuck","gayfuckist","gaylord","gays","gaysex","gaytard","gaywad","gender bender","genitals","gey","gfy","ghay","ghey","giant cock","gigolo","ginger","gippo","girl on","girl on top","girls gone wild","git","glans","goatcx","goatse","god damn","godamn","godamnit","goddam","god-dam","goddammit","goddamn","goddamned","god-damned","goddamnit","goddamnmuthafucker","godsdamn","gokkun","golden shower","goldenshower","golliwog","gonad","gonads","gonorrehea","goo girl","gooch","goodpoop","gook","gooks","goregasm","gotohell","gringo","grope","group sex","gspot","g-spot","gtfo","guido","guro","h0m0","h0mo","ham flap","hand job","handjob","hard core","hard on","hardcore","hardcoresex","he11","headfuck","hebe","heeb","hell","hemp","hentai","heroin","herp","herpes","herpy","heshe","he-she","hitler",
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(VR.Interpreter as PlayClubInterpreter).Ejaculate();
} - Ejaculate more sperm than ever before.
'vi': ['xé', 'lông', 'ngực', 'bìu', 'giật', 'phò', 'sừng', 'lừa', 'phân', 'nứng', 'đái', 'cứt', 'buồi', 'đụ', 'gà', 'kiêm', 'nỉ', 'cỏ', 'quái', 'địt', 'đĩ', 'buscu', 'ôm', 'đê', 'châm', 'có', 'cặc', 'mông', 'chó-chó', 'chích', 'lồn'] ,
'zu': ['isilwane', 'isihloko', 'i-buceta', 'i-kock', 'linda', 'ukuphosa', 'thinta', 'izimbongolo', 'igazi', 'ama-bitches', 'i-coon', 'amabele', 'i-turd', 'ama-orgasms', 'ukugubha', 'ukujula', 'ama-pisses', 'isineke', 'ukuthi', 'amafagots', 'unkulunkulu-wehlisiwe', 'ipeni', 'ukudlwengula', 'imbongolo', 'ukukhanuka', 'inja-fucker', 'i-testicle', 'i-sadist', 'i-horny', 'i-rectum', 'ibhola', 'isihogo', 'isikhala', 'ama-cocks', 'i-scrotum', 'iphoswe', 'ama-dildos', 'i-clitoris', 'i-pube', 'amalabi', 'ama-boobs', 'i-pisser', 'iqhude', 'ukuhleka', 'i-viagra', 'uthuvi', 'i-blowjob', 'ukuphoqa', 'amabhola', 'ukubamba', 'ukujibula', 'i-spunk', 'hewu', 'ubulili', 'i-shemale', 'umdlwenguli', 'i-dildo', 'i-anus', 'i-boob', 'indodana-of-a-bitch', 'i-ejaculate', 'ukuqeda', 'i-pussy', 'i-jerk-off', 'i-bitch', 'bamba', 'i-cock-sucker', 'i-asshole', 'isifebe', 'i-pecker', 'i-orgasm', 'i-orgasim', 'i-cumshot', 'i-masochist', 'udoti', 'ama-assholes', 'ukufisa', 'i-vulva', 'ama-pussies'] ,
'ta': ['ஒம்மாளே', 'புண்டை', 'கருமம்', 'ஒத்தா', 'பக்கி', 'ஓதா', 'சூத்து', 'கூமுட்டை', 'கஸ்மாலம்', 'சனியன்'] ,
"vi": {'lông', 'buscu', 'buồi', 'nỉ', 'mông', 'đụ', 'bìu', 'ngực', 'đê', 'cặc', 'lừa', 'kiêm', 'chó-chó', 'cỏ', 'lồn', 'xé', 'nứng', 'quái', 'giật', 'chích', 'cứt', 'gà', 'có', 'phân', 'đĩ', 'đái', 'châm', 'ôm', 'sừng', 'địt', 'phò'},
"zu": {'igazi', 'i-pecker', 'iqhude', 'isineke', 'i-jerk-off', 'ukuphosa', 'ukujibula', 'i-blowjob', 'i-anus', 'indodana-of-a-bitch', 'ama-boobs', 'ama-cocks', 'i-orgasim', 'i-bitch', 'amalabi', 'i-dildo', 'isihogo', 'linda', 'ukuthi', 'hewu', 'isikhala', 'ama-pussies', 'i-asshole', 'ukugubha', 'i-coon', 'i-rectum', 'ipeni', 'i-cock-sucker', 'i-scrotum', 'ukujula', 'i-cumshot', 'i-spunk', 'i-testicle', 'ibhola', 'i-masochist', 'ukufisa', 'i-turd', 'i-pube', 'isifebe', 'i-sadist', 'i-clitoris', 'unkulunkulu-wehlisiwe', 'inja-fucker', 'thinta', 'ama-dildos', 'i-ejaculate', 'isihloko', 'i-pisser', 'udoti', 'i-pussy', 'i-horny', 'ama-orgasms', 'ama-assholes', 'ukuphoqa', 'ukubamba', 'ukukhanuka', 'bamba', 'uthuvi', 'umdlwenguli', 'amabele', 'ama-pisses', 'imbongolo', 'i-orgasm', 'ukuhleka', 'i-kock', 'i-shemale', 'ubulili', 'iphoswe', 'i-vulva', 'i-viagra', 'isilwane', 'ukuqeda', 'i-buceta', 'ama-bitches', 'izimbongolo', 'ukudlwengula', 'i-boob', 'amafagots', 'amabhola'},
"ta": {'கஸ்மாலம்', 'சனியன்', 'ஒம்மாளே', 'பக்கி', 'ஒத்தா', 'புண்டை', 'சூத்து', 'கருமம்', 'ஓதா', 'கூமுட்டை'},
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var tumbalt =['She gives a blowjob and pussy before she goes to work','Toga Orgy! Tits, Asses and Blowjob','Cute cocksucker','Cute fresh girl fucking and taking facial cumshot','Russian girl playing with her pussy','Euro amateur wife fucking on camera','I work with my pussy','Take your clothes off for money.., now','Because I\'ve paid her for sex','Rear stuffing','A company for casual sex','Getting wet by the pool','Shyla Jennings & Avril Hall','Pervert Eva anal toying on webcamera','Group sex with her step-mom','Blonde, brunette and a guy','Blonde natural titted Jessica','Lick mommy\'s pussy first','Pretty with perfect ass fucking and taking facial','Hardcore sex n the club, in front of public','Black girl with booty that she is not afraid to suck for the cam','Tanned blonde teen fycking by the pool side','Prof. Tate letting her student fuck her pussy','Crew Appreciation','Condition of the apartment','Fucking this round ass after two nights in jail','Anjelica & Momoko','Because Tiffany is fucking awesome','I\'m rested and ready to fuck Eva Angelina','Money Talks crew is taking care of a fur coat shop','Long legged blonde Euro girl Ivana','Dos Buenos','Cute massagist fucking and taking facial cumshot','A petulant young woman','Young skinny Zoey wants it big','I have absolutely no problem having sex for money','Cutie with natural tits getting fucked','Masturbating Jasmin','Don\'t worry! It\'s just a fuck','Amateur Yasmine spreading and masturbating on camera','Super cute with amazing body getting fucked','Young busty gets her perfect ass fucked by 2 big black cocks','Russian amateur girl playing with pussy and ass','Homemade video. Natural titted wife gets fucked from behind','Hottie getting fucked in nature','Shake that Ass babe! Shake that Ass!','Bang Me','Sweet ass sugar','Biking booty','Moans and facial "expressions"','Sunset Love','An extra credit assignment','No choice but to eat out each others pussies','Party Pussy','Facial Interview','Lesbian teens playing with their asses','Not a problem... you can fuck my girlfriend...','Women are waaaaay worse!','Lesbian neighbors','Big titted Vanilla DeVille getting facial cumshot','Fulfilling MILF\'s fantasies','Picked up, fucked and creamed','Teens having group sex party','Heart Line reveals she\'s a true slut','Tracey Sweet','Kitchen Doll','Classy fuck party at the dorm','Angel in white sexy lingerie','I jumped on the opportunity to fuck Brandi Love','I\'m finally ready to do it!','Brittany\'s sex tape. Big round beautiful silicone tits','Sharing the house','Testing Ashlynn','Lorena, Penelope, Cock','Take the money and put this cock in your teen mouth','-','Cut and suck some wood','Romantic Oral','Podcast. Girl getting fucked on webcamera','Alone and horny','Tattooed girlfriend gets fucked on a kitchen table','Late to class?','Punished by a cock','tied and ass fucked','A French girl surprise','Innocent Asian gets her ass fucked by two. Creampie','Young couple in bed','She invites him for... a blowjob','Pretty busty Euro teen playing with her ass on camera','Vacation Sex','Toying teens','Top dance instructor','Birthday Video','Elainas step mom, Diana, joined the action','Havoc has good tits and loves good tits','Loving her lesbian friend while her bf fucks her from behind','Fucking mom in front of her step-daughter','Charlotte & Paloma giving head','The Sweethearts prestigious Title','Kris does exactly as he\'s told','Brought to the apartmen','Alicia is a bubbly redhead with loads of personality','Nadin & Stephanie share a cock','Young blonde petite Ella','Young amateur couple making a creampie','Taking my aggression out on some pussy... or face','Drink my sweet pussy milk','No problem fucking my sugar daddy','18 yo Shay giving head on camera','Brooklyn Dayne','Young couple','Hottie getting fucked in public','18 years old massagist','Sierra, and Kenzie get fucked','Ramon is Cast Into Hellfire','Lick our college pussies until we cum! Orgy.','Looking for a cowgirl to ride her pony','Dick in Mrs. Lynn\'s mouth, tongue in her pussy','Caprice','Gorgeous French lesbians','Bysty amateur girl masturbating on camera','Lady\'s night hardcore','Vagina Golf','Hardcored on a sofa','Sucking and fucking his his criminal cock','Exploiting her roommate\'s slutty behavior','Crew Appreciation','Czech cutie with a nice couple of tits getting fucked','Orgy in Roman style','Send your boyfriend home','Beautiful Russian Valeria masturbating on camera','Sexual Tendencies','Young couple in homemade hardcore video','Lezley Zen gets fucked hard from behind','A tall slender blonde for the fiesta!','Teen with Juggs from Heaven','Between us','I have two jobs','Young Mandy Sky fucking','18 year old butthole ride','Some strategizing of her own','Girly Passion','She was ready to go','Brooklyn gets her pussy munched and fucked','To help her out','MILF from Barcelona!','Zoey goes Big','Its official!','German granny in action','Shyla and Avril','College sex life','European country girl gets bend over the table and fucked','Gangbanged by Five','In my hotel room','Letting her student eat her pussy','Long legged Ivana Interested in renting with her pussy','Skinny Stephanie in doggy style','Twist Game','Professional Lesbians','Amateur Fuck','Fuck with great pleasure','Summer gets a pussy pounding','Young teaser','Prance around show off their asses and pussies','Read my Cunt','Young with big beautiful natural tits','Busty blonde patient gets fucked','A banging ass','Lady\'s night blow out','Delicious Lesbians','Because I\'ve paid for it','Sunset Love','Young Rita with juggs from Heaven','Amateur blonde masturbating on camera','Pole Smoker','Polish GF with big natural tits fucking on camera','Nurse having sex with patient','She\'ll be tested on this week','Alicia needs money immediately','The Girls School the Newbs','To give you an idea of how fun she is...','I\'m just one of her clients','Cute Katie massaging my cock with her pussy','A Milf that keeps on giving','I just love to fuck hot women','She\'s dating my father','I am never letting my girl go to a strip!','Kymber Lee needs her pussy wet!','Pornstar fucking at a sex shop','My pussy got pranked','Euro teen with big beautiful natural tits fucking','Toying and fucking beautiful round ass','Shy Asian sweetie giving head and taking facial cumshot','Why don\'t you do that to my cock?','Eat this pussy Milk','Amazing Beauties. No sex','Mom gets fucked in front of her step-daughter','Hardcore Pranking','Cute Czech girl gets taken home and fucked','A shady office at night time','Party Asses','I paid this chick good money','Body of Brooklyn','Girls riding the cruisers','Blondie Boom gets it in doggy style','Sex Instruction','College Rituals','Tied up and helpless. No sex','Too big for my teen ass','Classroom Hardcore','Amateur couple licking, sucking, fucking and cumming!','Emergency help with anal sex','Redhead Euro MILF with big tits and good ass in action','A classy party at the dorm','Lick my teen pussy','Hot Latin chick gets banged by dancing bear','OK, I have her now!','Florida Students','Pussy Business','Czech girl with big natural tits gets fucked on a sofa','Four lesbians in Love','Moms set pounded too','My husband lost his job.., I\'m going to work','Long legged professionals with good asses share a cock','Sunset Lesbian Nymphos','Shy Japanese teen getting fucked on camera','Strip girl getting her ass fucked by two','Educated women','Money Talks XXX experiments','Jada goes to his office','Busty teacher letting him fuck her','To fuck his brains out','Party Pussy','The economics of modeling','Girl to guy ratio seems to be out of whack','Of course I wanted to fuck','Young blonde beautiful massagist','Fucking his neighbor','Zoey goes Big','Schoolgirl taking cock','A classy party at the dorm','On the kitchen table','Sex in sauna','I want to fuck her hard','Young amateur couple fucking in bathroom and bedroom','Rear stuffing','Respect for educated women','Tattooed lesbians on a bed','Amateur 19 year old girlfriend giving head','Teen couple','On our way to the office...','Pumping energy into a teacher','Cute teen gets fucked in her bed','Orgy in a club','A new college course','I need to take my aggression out on some pussy','In doggy style','Dance, Dance, Fornication','Dating service for female millionaires','A little cheerleader gets fucked','In his parents\' bedroom','Strip Poker','Crazy group of ladies','And I get to fuck her. Why? Bc I\'ve paid for it!','Her boyfriend was not satisfying her','Super beautiful amateur teen fucking on camera','The Art','Hardcore in a dorm','We\'re actually lucky to have Tiffany','The Economics of Modeling','The sisters order','With help of Mrs. Avluv','Angelina gives great head','Alone, and in my hotel room','To see my new college counselor','Super skinny Stephanie giving head','He pays for everything that my husband can\'t','Milf with big natural boobs getting fucked','We got cash for your tits','GF getting fucked in many positions','Asa Akira in action','I fucked my step-mom in doggy style','Hotel Cockafornia','They have their own party','Big black cock inside inside his step-mom\'s wet pussy','Amateur girls get fucked on camera, in doggy style','Blonde teen with perfect ass','A tall slender blonde with blue eyes','Magic Box','My teacher letting me fuck her','Victoria rides my dick','Little cheerleader','A big big favor for a nice nice neighbor','Blow Job Frenzy','Crazy group of ladies. No sex','We fertilize her vagina with some magic seeds','Blonde teens on a cock','Sophie & Sasha in college threesome','Hottie With a Body','A company for casual sex','I\'m into her','Young beautiful sexy massagist','Black babe having sex in different places','Lesbian Maids','Jessica Jaymes','Two hot Milfs share a cock','Signing up for a new class at college','Teen goes Big','Kenzie & Sierra getting assfucked','Ride with Tracey Sweet','Show Me Your Pussy','Long legged babe with amazing body in hardcore','Amateur blonde gets her Big Natural Tits fucked','A new college course','Tits for the password','Long haired brunette in lingerie fucking','Angela & Luiza','That\'s why I\'ve paid for Lezley Zen','Until she gets foam on her face','Amateur couple fucking on camera','Tits & Asses. No sex','Another wonderful day','Beautiful Lizz Tayler fucking and swallowing','She doesn\'t want him to be lonely','Chloe is a dirty little schoolgirl','All Blonde','Cleaning so to speak','Fuck my tits and my ass','Unable to resist my step-mom\'s sexy French charms','Cum on my step-mom\'s face','An artist looking for a model to paint','Girls fucking, boys watching','Blonde schoolgirl gets her ass fucked and takes facial cumshot','18 yo teen having sex in her room','Feel the hotness','Because her boyfriend was not satisfying her','She needs to fuck for this audition to continue','Big ass amateur redhead gets fucked by her step son','Dorm Life','I\'ve paid for Amy Brooke tonight','Tonight I cum on Priya Anjali Rai\'s face','So he can do well on his test','Mommy takes care of it','Tied and fucked hard by two','You win my cock','Beauty with perfectly round ass fucking and taking facial for money','Hot ass Deborah paying the rent with her pussy','They have their own party','The woman in the middle','18 yo Shay decides to shoot her first porn movie','Blow Job Frenzy','Young busty Haley meets the Beast of Cock','Sex Instruction','Signing up for a new class at college','Read my Cunt','Creaming her pretty pussy. Meggan is stoked to leave laid and paid!','Small Pussy, Big Package','Would it be rude to ejaculate on my girlfriend\'s face?','Port of Cock, New Whoreleans','He pounds his girlfriend\'s tight pussy on camera'];
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No sex','Too big for my teen ass','Classroom Hardcore','Amateur couple licking, sucking, fucking and cumming!','Emergency help with anal sex','Redhead Euro MILF with big tits and good ass in action','A classy party at the dorm','Lick my teen pussy','Hot Latin chick gets banged by dancing bear','OK, I have her now!','Florida Students','Pussy Business','Czech girl with big natural tits gets fucked on a sofa','Four lesbians in Love','Moms set pounded too','My husband lost his job.., I\'m going to work','Long legged professionals with good asses share a cock','Sunset Lesbian Nymphos','Shy Japanese teen getting fucked on camera','Strip girl getting her ass fucked by two','Educated women','Money Talks XXX experiments','Jada goes to his office','Busty teacher letting him fuck her','To fuck his brains out','Party Pussy','The economics of modeling','Girl to guy ratio seems to be out of whack','Of course I wanted to fuck','Young blonde beautiful massagist','Fucking his neighbor','Zoey goes Big','Schoolgirl taking cock','A classy party at the dorm','On the kitchen table','Sex in sauna','I want to fuck her hard','Young amateur couple fucking in bathroom and bedroom','Rear stuffing','Respect for educated women','Tattooed lesbians on a bed','Amateur 19 year old girlfriend giving head','Teen couple','On our way to the office...','Pumping energy into a teacher','Cute teen gets fucked in her bed','Orgy in a club','A new college course','I need to take my aggression out on some pussy','In doggy style','Dance, Dance, Fornication','Dating service for female millionaires','A little cheerleader gets fucked','In his parents\' bedroom','Strip Poker','Crazy group of ladies','And I get to fuck her. Why? 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No sex','Another wonderful day','Beautiful Lizz Tayler fucking and swallowing','She doesn\'t want him to be lonely','Chloe is a dirty little schoolgirl','All Blonde','Cleaning so to speak','Fuck my tits and my ass','Unable to resist my step-mom\'s sexy French charms','Cum on my step-mom\'s face','An artist looking for a model to paint','Girls fucking, boys watching','Blonde schoolgirl gets her ass fucked and takes facial cumshot','18 yo teen having sex in her room','Feel the hotness','Because her boyfriend was not satisfying her','She needs to fuck for this audition to continue','Big ass amateur redhead gets fucked by her step son','Dorm Life','I\'ve paid for Amy Brooke tonight','Tonight I cum on Priya Anjali Rai\'s face','So he can do well on his test','Mommy takes care of it','Tied and fucked hard by two','You win my cock','Beauty with perfectly round ass fucking and taking facial for money','Hot ass Deborah paying the rent with her pussy','They have their own party','The woman in the middle','18 yo Shay decides to shoot her first porn movie','Blow Job Frenzy','Young busty Haley meets the Beast of Cock','Sex Instruction','Signing up for a new class at college','Read my Cunt','Creaming her pretty pussy. 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exports.readServerData = async function (guildID) {
if (guildID == "all") {
var blacklistword = "Hell, stupid, loser, retard, lmao, lmfao, a55, a55hole, aeolus, ahole, anal, analprobe, anilingus, anus, areola, areole, arian, aryan, ass, assbang, assbanged, assbangs, asses, assfuck, assfucker, assh0le, asshat, assho1e, ass hole, assholes, assmaster, assmunch, asswipe, asswipes, azazel, azz, b1tch, babe, babes, ballsack, bang, banger, barf, bastard, bastards, bawdy, beaner, beardedclam, beastiality, beatch, beater, beaver, beer, beeyotch, beotch, biatch, bigtits, big tits, bimbo, bitch, bitched, bitches, bitchy, blow job, blow, blowjob, blowjobs, bod, bodily, boink, bollock, bollocks, bollok, bone, boned, boner, boners, bong, boob, boobies, boobs, booby, booger, bookie, bootee, bootie, booty, booze, boozer, boozy, bosom, bosomy, bowel, bowels, bra, brassiere, breast, breasts, bugger, bukkake, bullshit, bull shit, bullshits, bullshitted, bullturds, bung, busty, butt, butt fuck, buttfuck, buttfucker, buttfucker, buttplug, c.0.c.k, c.o.c.k., c.u.n.t, c0ck, c-0-c-k, caca, cahone, cameltoe, carpetmuncher, cawk, cervix, chinc, chincs, chink, chink, chode, chodes, cl1t, climax, clit, clitoris, clitorus, clits,clitty, cocain, cocaine, cock, c-o-c-k, cockblock, cockholster, cockknocker, cocks, cocksmoker, cocksucker, cock sucker, coital, commie, condom, coon, coons, corksucker, crabs, crack, cracker, crackwhore, crap, crappy, cum, cummin, cumming, cumshot, cumshots, cumslut, cumstain, cunilingus, cunnilingus, cunny, cunt, cunt, c-u-n-t, cuntface, cunthunter, cuntlick, cuntlicker, cunts, d0ng, d0uch3, d0uche, d1ck, d1ld0, d1ldo, dago, dagos, dammit, damn, damned, damnit, dawgie-style, dick, dickbag, dickdipper, dickface, dickflipper, dickhead, dickheads, dickish, dick-ish, dickripper, dicksipper, dickweed, dickwhipper, dickzipper, diddle, dike, dildo, dildos, diligaf, dillweed, dimwit, dingle, dipship, doggie-style, doggy-style, dong, doofus, doosh, dopey, douch3, douche, douchebag, douchebags, douchey, drunk, dumass, dumbass, dumbasses, dummy, dyke, dykes, ejaculate, enlargement, erect, erection, erotic, essohbee, extacy, extasy, f.u.c.k, fack, fag, fagg, fagged, faggit, faggot, fagot, fags, faig, faigt, fannybandit, fart, fartknocker, fat, felch, felcher, felching, fellate, fellatio, feltch, feltcher, fisted, fisting, fisty, floozy, foad, fondle, foobar, foreskin, freex, frigg, frigga, fubar, fuck, f-u-c-k, fuckass, fucked, fucked, fucker, fuckface, fuckin, fucking, fucknugget, fucknut, fuckoff, fucks, fucktard, fuck-tard, fuckup, fuckwad, fuckwit, fudgepacker, fuk, fvck, fxck, gae, gai, ganja, gay, gays, gey, gfy, ghay, ghey, gigolo, glans, goatse, godamn, godamnit, goddam, goddammit, goddamn, goldenshower, gonad, gonads, gook, gooks, gringo, gspot, g-spot, gtfo, guido, h0m0, h0mo, handjob, hard on, he11, hebe, heeb, hell, hemp, heroin, herp, herpes, herpy, hitler, hiv, hobag, hom0, homey, homo, homoey, honky, hooch, hookah, hooker, hoor, hootch, hooter, hooters, horny, hump, humped, humping, hussy, hymen, inbred, incest, injun, j3rk0ff, jackass, jackhole, jackoff, jap, japs, jerk, jerk0ff, jerked, jerkoff, jism, jiz, jizm, jizz, jizzed, junkie, junky, kike, kikes, kill, kinky, kkk, klan, knobend, kooch, kooches, kootch, kraut, kyke, labia, lech, leper, lesbians, lesbo, lesbos, lez, lezbian, lezbians, lezbo, lezbos, lezzie, lezzies, lezzy, lmao, lmfao, loin, loins, lube, lusty, mams, massa, masterbate, masterbating, masterbation, masturbate, masturbating, masturbation, maxi, menses, menstruate, menstruation, meth, m-fucking, mofo, molest, moolie, moron, motherfucka, motherfucker, motherfucking, mtherfucker, mthrfucker, mthrfucking, muff, muffdiver, murder, muthafuckaz, muthafucker, mutherfucker, mutherfucking, muthrfucking, nad, nads, naked, napalm, nappy, nazi, nazism, negro, nigga, niggah, niggas, niggaz, nigger, nigger, niggers, niggle, niglet, nimrod, ninny, nipple, nooky, nympho, opiate, opium, oral, orally, organ, orgasm, orgasmic, orgies, orgy, ovary, ovum, ovums, p.u.s.s.y., paddy, paki, pantie, panties, panty, pastie, pasty, pcp, pecker, pedo, pedophile, pedophilia, pedophiliac, pee, peepee, penetrate, penetration, penial, penile, penis, perversion, peyote, phalli, phallic, phuck, pillowbiter, pimp, pinko, piss, pissed, pissoff, piss-off, pms, polack, pollock, poon, poontang, porn, porno, pornography, pot, potty, prick, prig, prostitute, prude, pube, pubic, pubis, punkass, punky, puss, pussies, pussy, pussypounder, puto, queaf, queef, queef, queer, queero, queers, quicky, quim, racy, rape, raped, raper, rapist, raunch, rectal, rectum, rectus, reefer, reetard, reich, retard, retarded, revue, rimjob, ritard, rtard, r-tard, rum, rump, rumprammer, ruski, s.h.i.t., s.o.b., s0b, sadism, sadist, scag, scantily, schizo, schlong, screw, screwed, scrog, scrot, scrote, scrotum, scrud, scum, seaman, seamen, seduce, semen, sex, sexual, sh1t, s-h-1-t, shamedame, shit, s-h-i-t, shite, shiteater, shitface, shithead, shithole, shithouse, shits, shitt, shitted, shitter, shitty, shiz, sissy, skag, skank, slave, sleaze, sleazy, slut, slutdumper, slutkiss, sluts, smegma, smut, smutty, snatch, sniper, snuff, s-o-b, sodom, souse, soused, sperm, spic, spick, spik, spiks, spooge, spunk, steamy, stfu, stiffy, stoned, strip, stroke, stupid, suck, sucked, sucking, sumofabiatch, t1t, tampon, tard, tawdry, teabagging, teat, terd, teste, testee, testes, testicle, testis, thrust, thug, tinkle, tit, titfuck, titi, tits, tittiefucker, titties, titty, tittyfuck, tittyfucker, toke, toots, tramp, transsexual, trashy, tubgirl, turd, tush, twat, twats, ugly, undies, unwed, urinal, urine, uterus, uzi, vag, vagina, valium, viagra, virgin, vixen, vodka, vomit, voyeur, vulgar, vulva, wad, wang, wank, wanker, wazoo, wedgie, weed, weenie, weewee, weiner, weirdo, wench, wetback, wh0re, wh0reface, whitey, whiz, whoralicious, whore, whorealicious, whored, whoreface, whorehopper, whorehouse, whores, whoring, wigger, womb, woody, wop, wtf, x-rated, xxx, yeasty, yobbo, zoophile, pervy, idiot"
.ToLower().Split(",", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
var AllExpansions = []byte(`[{"name": "Base", "cdata": "Expansion::Base", "options": [{"name": "Include Base", "cdata": "Include::Base"}, {"name": "Exclude Base", "cdata": "Exclude::Base"}]}, {"name": "Base", "cdata": "Expansion::Base", "options": [{"name": "Include Base", "cdata": "Include::Base"}, {"name": "Exclude Base", "cdata": "Exclude::Base"}]}]`)
// AllQuestions contains the "black card" information for the game.
var AllQuestions = []byte(`[{"id": 459, "expansion": "Base", "text": "_? There's an app for that.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 460, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Why can't I sleep at night?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 461, "expansion": "Base", "text": "What's that smell?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 462, "expansion": "Base", "text": "I got 99 problems but _ ain't one.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 463, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Maybe she's born with it. Maybe it's _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 464, "expansion": "Base", "text": "What's the next Happy Meal® toy?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 465, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Anthropologists have recently discovered a primitive tribe that worships _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 466, "expansion": "Base", "text": "It's a pity that kids these days are all getting involved with _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 467, "expansion": "Base", "text": "During Picasso's often-overlooked Brown Period, he produced hundreds of paintings of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 468, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Alternative medicine is now embracing the curative powers of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 469, "expansion": "Base", "text": "And the Academy Award for _ goes to _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 470, "expansion": "Base", "text": "What's that sound?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 471, "expansion": "Base", "text": "What ended my last relationship?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 472, "expansion": "Base", "text": "MTV's new reality show features eight washed-up celebrities living with _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 473, "expansion": "Base", "text": "I drink to forget _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 474, "expansion": "Base", "text": "I'm sorry professor, but I couldn't complete my homework because of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 475, "expansion": "Base", "text": "What is Batman's guilty pleasure?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 476, "expansion": "Base", "text": "This is the way the world ends <br> This is the way the world ends <br> Not with a bang but with _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 477, "expansion": "Base", "text": "What's a girl's best friend?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 478, "expansion": "Base", "text": "TSA guidelines now prohibit _ on airplanes.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 479, "expansion": "Base", "text": "_. That's how I want to die.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 480, "expansion": "Base", "text": "For my next trick, I will pull _ out of _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 481, "expansion": "Base", "text": "In the new Disney Channel Original Movie, Hannah Montana struggles with _ for the first time.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 482, "expansion": "Base", "text": "_ is a slippery slope that leads to _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 483, "expansion": "Base", "text": "What does Dick Cheney prefer?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 484, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Dear Abby, I'm having some trouble with _ and would like your advice.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 485, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Instead of coal, Santa now gives the bad children _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 486, "expansion": "Base", "text": "What's the most emo?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 487, "expansion": "Base", "text": "In 1,000 years when paper money is but a distant memory, _ will be our currency.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 488, "expansion": "Base", "text": "What's the next superhero/sidekick duo?", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 489, "expansion": "Base", "text": "In M. Night Shyamalan's new movie, Bruce Willis discovers that _ had really been _ all along.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 490, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A romantic, candlelit dinner would be incomplete without _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 491, "expansion": "Base", "text": "_. Becha can't have just one!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 492, "expansion": "Base", "text": "White people like _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 493, "expansion": "Base", "text": "_. High five, bro.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 494, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Next from J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Chamber of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 495, "expansion": "Base", "text": "BILLY MAYS HERE FOR _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 496, "expansion": "Base", "text": "In a world ravaged by _, our only solace is _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 497, "expansion": "Base", "text": "War! What is it good for?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 498, "expansion": "Base", "text": "During sex, I like to think about _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 499, "expansion": "Base", "text": "What are my parents hiding from me?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 500, "expansion": "Base", "text": "What will always get you laid?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 501, "expansion": "Base", "text": "In L.A. County Jail, word is you can trade 200 cigarettes for _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 502, "expansion": "Base", "text": "What did I bring back from Mexico?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 503, "expansion": "Base", "text": "What don't you want to find in your Chinese food?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 504, "expansion": "Base", "text": "What will I bring back in time to convince people that I am a powerful wizard?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 505, "expansion": "Base", "text": "How am I maintaining my relationship status?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 506, "expansion": "Base", "text": "_. It's a trap!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 507, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Coming to Broadway this season, _: The Musical.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 508, "expansion": "Base", "text": "While the United States raced the Soviet Union to the moon, the Mexican government funneled millions of pesos into research on _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 509, "expansion": "Base", "text": "After the earthquake, Sean Penn brought _ to the people of Haiti.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 510, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Next on ESPN2, the World Series of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 511, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Step 1: _. Step 2: _. Step 3: Profit.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 512, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Rumor has it that Vladimir Putin's favorite dish is _ stuffed with _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 513, "expansion": "Base", "text": "But before I kill you, Mr. Bond, I must show you _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 514, "expansion": "Base", "text": "What gives me uncontrollable gas?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 515, "expansion": "Base", "text": "What do old people smell like?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 516, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The class field trip was completely ruined by _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 517, "expansion": "Base", "text": "When Pharaoh remained unmoved, Moses called down a Plague of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 518, "expansion": "Base", "text": "What's my secret power?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 519, "expansion": "Base", "text": "What's there a ton of in heaven?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 520, "expansion": "Base", "text": "What would grandma find disturbing, yet oddly charming?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 521, "expansion": "Base", "text": "I never truly understood _ until I encountered _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 522, "expansion": "Base", "text": "What did the U.S. airdrop to the children of Afghanistan?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 523, "expansion": "Base", "text": "What helps Obama unwind?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 524, "expansion": "Base", "text": "What did Vin Diesel eat for dinner?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 525, "expansion": "Base", "text": "_: good to the last drop.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 526, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Why am I sticky?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 527, "expansion": "Base", "text": "What gets better with age?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 528, "expansion": "Base", "text": "_: kid-tested, mother-approved.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 529, "expansion": "Base", "text": "What's the crustiest?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 530, "expansion": "Base", "text": "What's Teach for America using to inspire inner city students to succeed?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 531, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Studies show that lab rats navigate mazes 50% faster after being exposed to _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 532, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Life for American Indians was forever changed when the White Man introduced them to _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 533, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Make a haiku.", "numAnswers": 3}, {"id": 534, "expansion": "Base", "text": "I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 535, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Why do I hurt all over?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 536, "expansion": "Base", "text": "What am I giving up for Lent?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 537, "expansion": "Base", "text": "In Michael Jackson's final moments, he thought about _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 538, "expansion": "Base", "text": "In an attempt to reach a wider audience, the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History has opened an interactive exhibit on _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 539, "expansion": "Base", "text": "When I am President of the United States, I will create the Department of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 540, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Lifetime® presents _, the story of _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 541, "expansion": "Base", "text": "When I am a billionaire, I shall erect a 50-foot statue to commemorate _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 542, "expansion": "Base", "text": "When I was tripping on acid, _ turned into _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 543, "expansion": "Base", "text": "That's right, I killed _. How, you ask? _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 544, "expansion": "Base", "text": "What's my anti-drug?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 545, "expansion": "Base", "text": "_ + _ = _.", "numAnswers": 3}, {"id": 546, "expansion": "Base", "text": "What never fails to liven up the party?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 547, "expansion": "Base", "text": "What's the new fad diet?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 548, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Major League Baseball has banned _ for giving players an unfair advantage.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 629, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "My plan for world domination begins with _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 630, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "The CIA now interrogates enemy agents by repeatedly subjecting them to _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 631, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Dear Sir or Madam, We regret to inform you that the Office of _ has denied your request for _", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 632, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "In Rome, there are whisperings that the Vatican has a secret room devoted to _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 633, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Science will never explain _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 634, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "When all else fails, I can always masturbate to _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 635, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "I learned the hard way that you can't cheer up a grieving friend with _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 636, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "In its new tourism campaign, Detroit proudly proclaims that it has finally eliminated _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 637, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "An international tribunal has found _ guilty of _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 638, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "The socialist governments of Scandinavia have declared that access to _ is a basic human right.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 639, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "In his new self-produced album, Kanye West raps over the sounds of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 640, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "What's the gift that keeps on giving?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 641, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Next season on Man vs. Wild, Bear Grylls must survive in the depths of the Amazon with only _ and his wits.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 642, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "When I pooped, what came out of my butt?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 643, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "In the distant future, historians will agree that _ marked the beginning of America's decline.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 644, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "In a pinch, _ can be a suitable substitute for _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 645, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "What has been making life difficult at the nudist colony?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 646, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Michael Bay's new three-hour action epic pits _ against _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 647, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn't been for _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 648, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "What brought the orgy to a grinding halt?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 724, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "During his midlife crisis, my dad got really into _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 725, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "_ would be woefully incomplete without _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 726, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "My new favorite porn star is Joey "_" McGee.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 727, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Before I run for president, I must destroy all evidence of my involvement with _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 728, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "This is your captain speaking. Fasten your seatbelts and prepare for _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 729, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "In his newest and most difficult stunt, David Blaine must escape from _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 730, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "The Five Stages of Grief: denial, anger, bargaining, _, and acceptance.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 731, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "My mom freaked out when she looked at my browser history and found", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 732, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "I went from _ to _, all thanks to _.", "numAnswers": 3}, {"id": 733, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Members of New York's social elite are paying thousands of dollars just to experience _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 734, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "This month's Cosmo: "Spice up your sex life by bringing _ into the bedroom."", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 735, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Little Miss Muffet Sat on a tuffet, Eating her curds and _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 736, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "If God didn't want us to enjoy _, he wouldn't have given us _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 737, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 738, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "After months of debate, the Occupy Wall Street General Assembly could only agree on "More _!"", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 739, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "I spent my whole life working toward _, only to have it ruined by _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 740, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Next time on Dr. Phil: How to talk to your child about _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 741, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Only two things in life are certain: death and _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 742, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Everyone down on the ground! We don't want to hurt anyone. We're just here for _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 743, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "The healing process began when I joined a support group for victims of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 744, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "The votes are in, and the new high school mascot is _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 745, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Charades was ruined for me forever when my mom had to act out _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 746, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Before _, all we had was _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 747, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Tonight on 20/20: What you don't know about _ could kill you.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 748, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "You haven't truly lived until you've experienced _ and _ at the same time.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 749, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "D&D 4.0 isn't real D&D because of the _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 750, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "It's a D&D retroclone with _ added.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 751, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Storygames aren't RPGs because of the _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 752, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "The Slayer's Guide to _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 753, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Worst character concept ever: _, but with _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 754, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Alightment: Chaotic _", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 755, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "It's a D&D retroclone with _ added.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 756, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "What made the paladin fall? _", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 757, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "The portal leads to the quasi-elemental plane of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 758, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "The Temple of Elemental _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 759, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Pathfinder is basically D&D _ Edition.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 760, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "_ : The Storytelling Game.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 761, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "People are wondering why Steve Jackson published GURPS _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 762, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Linear Fighter, Quadratic _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 763, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "You start with 1d4 _ points.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 764, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Back when I was 12 and I was just starting playing D&D, the game had _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 765, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Big Eyes, Small _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 766, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "In the grim darkness of the future there is only _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 767, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "My innovative new RPG has a stat for _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 768, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "A true gamer has no problem with _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 769, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Elminster cast a potent _ spell and then had sex with _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 770, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "The Deck of Many _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 771, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "You are all at a tavern when _ approach you.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 858, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "For the convention I cosplayed as Sailor Moon, except with _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 859, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "The worst part of Grave of the Fireflies is all the _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 860, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "In the Evangelion remake, Shinji has to deal with _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 861, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Worst anime convention purchase ever? _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 862, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "While powering up Vegeta screamed, _!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 863, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "You evaded my _ attack. Most impressive.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 864, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "I downloaded a doujin where _ got into _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 865, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "The magical girl found out that the Power of Love is useless against _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 866, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "The Japanese government has spent billions of yen researching _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 867, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "In the dubbed version they changed _ into _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 868, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "_ is Best Pony.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 869, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "The _ of Haruhi Suzumiya.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 870, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "The new thing in Akihabara is fetish cafes where you can see girls dressed up as _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 871, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Your drill can pierce _!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 872, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Avatar: The Last _ bender.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 873, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "In the name of _ Sailor Moon will punish you!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 874, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "No harem anime is complete without _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 875, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "My boyfriend's a _ now.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 876, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "The _ of _ has left me in despair!", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 877, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 878, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Somehow they made a cute mascot girl out of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 879, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Haruko hit Naoto in the head with her bass guitar and _ came out.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 966, "expansion": "CAHxmas", "text": "After blacking out during New year's Eve, I was awoken by _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 967, "expansion": "CAHxmas", "text": "This holiday season, Tim Allen must overcome his fear of _ to save Christmas.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 968, "expansion": "CAHxmas", "text": "Jesus is _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 969, "expansion": "CAHxmas", "text": "Every Christmas, my uncle gets drunk and tells the story about _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 970, "expansion": "CAHxmas", "text": "What keeps me warm during the cold, cold, winter?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 971, "expansion": "CAHxmas", "text": "On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: three French hens, two turtle doves, and _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 972, "expansion": "CAHxmas", "text": "Wake up, America. Christmas is under attack by secular liberals and their _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 998, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "We got the third rope, now where's the fourth?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1001, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Tonights main event, _ vs. _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1003, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Tackle, Dropdown, _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1005, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Christopher Daniels is late on his _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1011, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Instead of booking _, they should have booked _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1012, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Genius is 10% inspiration, 90% _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1013, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "They found _ in the dumpster behind _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1015, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "The best thing I ever got for Christmas was _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1017, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "There's no crying in _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1018, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Mastodon! Pterodactyl! Triceratops! Sabretooth Tiger! _!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1020, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Don't eat the _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1023, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "He did _ with the _!?!", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1026, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "SOOOOO hot, want to touch the _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1027, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Stop looking at me _!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1031, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "I'm cuckoo for _ puffs.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1032, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Silly rabbit, _ are for kids.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1141, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Between love and madness lies _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1142, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Instead of chess, the Grim Reaper now gambles for your soul with a game of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1143, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "My father gave his life fighting to protect _ from _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1144, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Why is my throat sore?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1145, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "_ sparked a city-wide riot that only ended with _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1146, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "I\u2019m very sorry Mrs. Smith, but Little Billy has tested positive for _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1147, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Instead of beating them, Chris Brown now does _ to women.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1148, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Instead of cutting, trendy young emo girls now engage in _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1149, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "The definition of rock bottom is gambling away _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1150, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "The Mayan prophecies really heralded the coming of _ in 2012.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1151, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "The next US election will be fought on the key issues of _ against _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1152, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "When I was 10 I wrote to Santa wishing for _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1153, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Where or How I met my last signifigant other: _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1154, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "_, Never leave home without it.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1155, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "_. This is my fetish.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1156, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "David Icke's newest conspiracy theory states that _ caused _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1157, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "I did _ so you don't have to!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1158, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "I need your clothes, your bike, and _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1159, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "In a new Cold War retro movie, the red menace tries to conquer the world through the cunning use of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1160, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "In college, our lecturer made us write a report comparing _ to _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1161, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "In The Hangover part 3, those four guys have to deal with _, _, and _.", "numAnswers": 3}, {"id": 1162, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "My zombie survival kit includes food, water, and _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1163, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "The way to a man's heart is through _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1164, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "What was the theme of my second wedding?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1165, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "What's the newest Japanese craze to head West?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1166, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Everybody loves _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1167, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "I can only express myself through _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1168, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "My new porn DVD was completely ruined by the inclusion of _", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1169, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "My three wishes will be for _, _, and _.", "numAnswers": 3}, {"id": 1170, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "The latest horrifying school shooting was inspired by _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1171, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "I got fired because of my not-so-secret obsession over _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1172, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "My new favourite sexual position is _", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1248, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "A successful job interview begins with a firm handshake and ends with _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1249, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Lovin' you is easy 'cause you're _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1250, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "My life is ruled by a vicious cycle of _ and _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1251, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "The blind date was going horribly until we discovered our shared interest in _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1252, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "_. Awesome in theory, kind of a mess in practice.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1253, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "I'm not like the rest of you. I'm too rich and busy for _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1254, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "In the seventh circle of Hell, sinners must endure _ for all eternity.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1255, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "_: Hours of fun. Easy to use. Perfect for _!", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1256, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "What left this stain on my couch?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1257, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Call the law offices of Goldstein & Goldstein, because no one should have to tolerate _ in the workplace.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1258, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "When you get right down to it, _ is just _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1259, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Turns out that _-Man was neither the hero we needed nor wanted.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1260, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "As part of his daily regimen, Anderson Cooper sets aside 15 minutes for _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1261, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Money can't buy me love, but it can buy me _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1262, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "With enough time and pressure, _ will turn into _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1263, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "And what did you bring for show and tell?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1264, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "During high school, I never really fit in until I found _ club.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1265, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Hey, baby, come back to my place and I'll show you _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1266, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "After months of practice with _, I think I'm finally ready for _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1267, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "To prepare for his upcoming role, Daniel Day-Lewis immersed himself in the world of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1268, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Finally! A service that delivers _ right to your door.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1269, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "My gym teacher got fired for adding _ to the obstacle course.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1270, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Having problems with _? Try _!", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1271, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "As part of his contract, Prince won't perform without _ in his dressing room.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1272, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Listen, son. If you want to get involved with _, I won't stop you. Just steer clear of _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1301, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "I just met you and this is crazy, but here's _, so _ maybe", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1302, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "It's only _ if you get caught!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1303, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "_: The Next Generation", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1304, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "Terminator 4: _", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1305, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "Disney presents _ on ice!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1306, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "_. The other white meat.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1307, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "A _ a day keeps the _ away.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1309, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "I'm sweating like a _ at a _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1310, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "I love the smell of _ in the morning.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1311, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "You're not gonna believe this, but _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1316, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "_. All the cool kids are doing it.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1318, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "So I was _ in my cubicle at work, and suddenly _!", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1320, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "Baskin Robbins just added a 32nd flavor: _!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1321, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "I can drive and _ at the same time.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1322, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "_ ain't nothin' to fuck wit'!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1403, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "If Ned Stark had _, he never would have _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1404, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Brace yourselves, _ is coming.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1405, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "In exchange for his sister, Viserys was given _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1406, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Despite his best efforts, King Robert filled his reign with _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1407, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "_ was proclaimed the true king of the Seven Kingdoms.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1408, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "In _, you win or you lose.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1409, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Because of _, Danerys was called _ by everyone.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1410, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "I will take what is mine with _ and _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1411, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "There is no word for _ in Dothraki.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1412, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "In the next Game of Thrones book, George R. R. Martin said _ will _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1413, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "All hail _! King of _!", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1414, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "A Lannister always pays _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1415, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "First lesson, stick them with _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1416, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "In the name of _, first of his _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1417, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "The things I do for _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1418, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Hodor only ever says _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1419, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "The next Game of Thrones book will be titled _ of _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1420, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "A Dothraki wedding without _ is considered a dull affair.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1421, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "After I was caught _, I was forced to join the Night's Watch.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1422, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "A man without _ is a man without power.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1460, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "The most controversial game at PAX this year is an 8-bit indie platformer about _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1461, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "What made Spock cry?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1462, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "_: Achievement unlocked.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1463, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "There was a riot at the Gearbox panel when they gave the attendees _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1464, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "In the new DLC for Mass Effect, Shepard must save the galaxy from _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1465, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "What's the latest bullshit that's troubling this quaint fantasy town?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1466, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "No Enforcer wants to manage the panel on _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1491, "expansion": "PAXE13", "text": "I have an idea even better than Kickstarter, and it's called _starter", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1492, "expansion": "PAXE13", "text": "You have been waylaid by _ and must defend yourself.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1493, "expansion": "PAXE13", "text": "In the final round of this year's Omegathon, Omeganauts must face off in a game of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1494, "expansion": "PAXE13", "text": "Action stations! Action stations! Set condition one throughout the fleet and brace for _!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1495, "expansion": "PAXE13", "text": "Press ↓↓←→ to unleash _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1496, "expansion": "PAXE13", "text": "I don't know exactly how I got the PAX plague, but I suspect it had something to do with _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1776, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "/r/ _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1777, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "The Ada Initiative is now attacking _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1778, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Not another _ in the hotel elevator!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1779, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Closing Ceremonies drinking game: Every time _ is mentioned... DRINK!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1780, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "In a Congressional hearing, US CYBERCOM commander Gen. Alexander claimed the latest data breach was due to _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1781, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "The Maker Faire was unexpectedly interrupted by _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1782, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Do you even _?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1783, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Come to the dark side, we have _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1784, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Y U NO _!!!!!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1785, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "While alone in the server room I _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1786, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "When I get drunk I am an expert on _", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1787, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Well, guess what? I\u2019ve got a fever, and the only prescription is more _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1788, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "We should take _ and push it _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1789, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "We decided to _ to raise money for the EFF.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1790, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "TSA wouldn't allow me through because of my _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1791, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Tonight's Final Hacker Jeopardy category will be _!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1792, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Today's PaulDotCom podcast featured _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1793, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "These are not the _ you are looking for.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1794, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "The snozberries taste like _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1795, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "The only winning move is to _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1796, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "The next cyber war will feature _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1797, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "The best part of Alexis Park was all the _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1798, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "So long and thanks for all the _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1799, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Security through obscurity is better than _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1800, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Rule 34 _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1801, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1802, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Our most powerful weapon for the Zombie Apocalypse will be _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1803, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Only half of programming is coding. The other 90% is _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1804, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "One does not simply _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1805, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "On the Internet, no one can tell you're _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1806, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Occupy _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1807, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Next year's scavenger hunt is rumored to include finding a _ with a _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1808, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Next time we meet we should _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1809, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "My extremely large _ is what makes me better than you.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1810, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "My _ brings all the _ to the yard.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1811, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Most hackers smell like _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1812, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Las Vegas is best known for _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1813, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Keep calm and _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1814, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "It's dangerous to go alone. Take _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1815, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "It smells like _ in this room.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1816, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "In a shocking move decided to NOT back up _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1817, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "I'mma let you finish but _ is the best _ of all time.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1818, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "I'm fucking tired of hearing about _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1819, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "I would be doing more with my life, except for this _ in the way.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1820, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "I work 80 hours a week and still can't afford a _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1821, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "I used to be a hacker like you, until I took a(n) _ to the knee.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1822, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "I use _ to secure all of my personal data.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1823, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "I spotted the fed and all I got was _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1824, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "I look like a geeky hacker, but I don't know anything about _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1825, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "I have the biggest _, ever!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1826, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "I find your lack of _ disturbing.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1827, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "I can't believe they rejected my talk on _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1828, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "I can haz _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1829, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "HOLY _ BATMAN!!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1830, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "High Tech start-up company combines _ with _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1831, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Go home _, you're drunk.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1832, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Go Go Gadget _!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1833, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Drink all the _. Hack all the _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1834, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Def Con Kids will now focus on teaching young hackers _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1835, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Confession Bear Says: _", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1836, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "But does _ run NetBSD?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1837, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Am I the only one around here who _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1838, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "All I did was _ but someone gave me a red card.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1839, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "35% of all hackers have to deal with _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1840, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "_. There's an app for that.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1841, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "_. This is why I can't have nice things!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1842, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "_: You keep using that term. I do not think it means what you think it means.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1843, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "_ is now outsourced to call centers in India.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1844, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "_ shot first.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1845, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "_ Killed the barrel roll", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1846, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "_ A'int Nobody Got Time For Dat!!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1847, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "_ Put a bird on it!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1848, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "_ makes me puke rainbows.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1849, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "_ is also monitored by Prism.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1850, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "_ is what keeps us together.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1851, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "_ is a better replacement for crypto.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1852, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "_ riding a Segway", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1853, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "One day, over my fireplace, I'm going to have a massive painting of _. You know, to remind me where I came from.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1924, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "2 AM in the city that never sleeps. The door swings open and she walks in, legs up to here. Something in her eyes tells me she's looking for _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1925, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Adventure. Romance. _. From Paramount Pictures, \"_.\"", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1926, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Alright, bros. Our frat house is condemned, and all the hot slampieces are over at Gamma Phi. The time has come to commence Operation _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1927, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "As king, how will I keep the peasants in line?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1928, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Dear Leader Kim Jong-un, our village praises your infinite wisdom with a humble offering of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1929, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Do not fuck with me! I am literally _ right now.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1930, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Every step towards _ gets me a little bit closer to _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1931, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Forget everything you know about _, because now we've supercharged it with _!", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1932, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Honey, I have a new role-play I want to try tonight! You can be _, and I'll be _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1933, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "How am I compensating for my tiny penis?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1934, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "I am become _, destroyer of _!", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1935, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "I'm pretty sure I'm high right now, because I'm absolutely mesmerized by _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1936, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "I'm sorry sir, but we don't allow _ at the country club.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1937, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "If you can't handle _, you'd better stay away from _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1938, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "In return for my soul, the Devil promised me _ but all I got was _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1939, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "In the beginning there was _. And the Lord said, \"Let there be _.\"", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1940, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "It lurks in the night. It hungers for flesh. This summer, no one is safe from _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1941, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Man, this is bullshit. Fuck _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1942, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Oprah's book of the month is \"_ For _: A Story of Hope\"", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1943, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "She's up all night for good fun. I'm up all night for _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1944, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "The Japanese have developed a smaller, more efficient version of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1945, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "This is the prime of my life. I'm young, hot, and full of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1946, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "This year's hottest album is \"_\" by _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1947, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "We never did find _, but along the way we sure learned a lot about _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1948, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Wes Anderson's new film tells the story of a precocious child coming to terms with _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1949, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "What's fun until it gets weird?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1950, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "You've seen the bearded lady! You've seen the ring of fire! Now, ladies and gentlemen, feast your eyes upon _!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 1951, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "_ may pass, but _ will last forever.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1952, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "_ will never be the same after _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 1953, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "You guys, I saw this crazy movie last night. It opens on _, and then there's some stuff about _, and then it ends with _.", "numAnswers": 3}, {"id": 2047, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "They found some more lost episodes! They were found in _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2048, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "The Doctor did it! He saved the world again! This time using a _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2049, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "_ was sent to save _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 2050, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "I'd give up _ to travel with The Doctor.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2051, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "The next Doctor Who spin-off is going to be called _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2052, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Who should be the 13th doctor?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2053, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "The Chameleon circuit is working again... somewhat. Instead of a phone booth, the TARDIS is now a _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2054, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Originally, the 50th anniversary special was going to have _ appear, but the BBC decided against it in the end.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2055, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "After we watch an episode, I've got some _-flavored Jelly Babies to hand out.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2056, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2057, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "What's going to be The Doctor's new catch phrase.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2058, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Bowties are _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2059, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "The voice chip of one of the Cybermen has malfunctioned. Instead of saying \"DELETE!\", it now says \"_\".", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2060, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Old and busted: \"EXTERMINATE!\" New hotness: _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2061, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "There's a new dance on Gallifrey, it's called the _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2062, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "They announced a LEGO Doctor Who game! Rumor has it that _ is an unlockable character.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2063, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "FUN FACT: The Daleks were originally shaped to look like _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2064, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "At this new Doctor Who themed restaurant, you can get a free _ if you can eat a plate of bangers and mash in under 3 minutes.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2065, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "According to the Daleks, _ is better at _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 2066, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Who is going to be The Doctor's next companion?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2067, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "I think the BBC is losing it. They just released a Doctor Who-themed _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2068, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "It's a little-known fact that if you send a _ to the BBC, they will send you a picture of The Doctor.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2069, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "I was okay with all the BAD WOLF graffiti, until someone wrote it on _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2070, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Jack Harkness, I can't leave you alone for a minute! I turn around and you're trying to seduce _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2071, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "In all of time and space, you decide that _ is a good choice?!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2072, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Adipose were thought to be made of fat, but are really made of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2073, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "I hear the next thing that will cause The Doctor to regenerate is _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2445, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "_ makes the Homestuck fandom uncomfortable.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2446, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "_ stays awake at night, crying over _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 2447, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "_ totally makes me question my sexuality.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2448, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "_. On the roof. Now.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2449, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "_. It keeps happening!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2450, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "\"Sacred leggings\" was a mistranslation. The Sufferer actually died in Sacred _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2451, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "After throwing _ at Karkat\u2019s head, Dave made the intriguing discover that troll horns are very sensitive.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2452, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "AG: Who needs luck when you have _?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2453, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "All _. All of it!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2454, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Alternia\u2019s political system was based upon _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2455, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Believe it or not, Kankri\u2019s biggest trigger is _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2456, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Calliborn wants you to draw pornography of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2457, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Dave Strider likes _, but only ironically.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2458, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Equius beats up Eridan for _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2459, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Everybody out of the god damn way. You\u2019ve got a heart full of _, a soul full of _, and a body full of _. (Draw two, play three)", "numAnswers": 3}, {"id": 2460, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Feferi secretly hates _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2461, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "For Betty Crocker\u2019s latest ad campaign/brainwashing scheme, she is using _ as inspiration.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2462, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "For his birthday, Dave gave John _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2463, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Fuckin\u2019 _. How do they work?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2464, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Gamzee not only likes using his clubs for juggling and strifing, he also uses them for_.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2465, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Getting a friend to read Homestuck is like _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2466, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "How do I live without _?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2467, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Hussie died on his quest bed and rose as the fully realized _ of _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 2468, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Hussie unintentionally revealed that Homestuck will end with _ and _ consummating their relationship at last.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 2469, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "I am _. It\u2019s me.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2470, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "I finally became Tumblr famous when I released a gifset of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2471, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "I just found _ in my closet it is like fucking christmas up in here.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2472, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "I warned you about _, bro! I told you, dog!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2473, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "In the final battle, John distracts Lord English by showing him _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2474, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "It\u2019s hard, being _. It\u2019s hard and no one understands.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2475, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "John is a good boy. And he loves _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2476, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "John may not be a homosexual, but he has a serious thing for _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2477, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Kanaya reached into her dead lusus\u2019s stomach and retrieved _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2478, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Kanaya tells Karkat about _ to cheer him up.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2479, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Karkat gave our universe _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2480, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Latula and Porrin have decided to teach Kankri about the wonders of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2481, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Little did they know, the key to defeating Lord English was actually _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2482, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Little known fact: Kurloz\u2019s stitching is actually made out of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2483, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Nanna baked a cake for John to commemorate _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2484, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Nepeta only likes Karkat for his _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2485, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Nepeta\u2019s secret OTP is _ with _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 2486, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Nobody was surprised to find _ under Jade\u2019s skirt. The surprise was she used it for/on _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 2487, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Porrim made Kankri a sweater to cover his _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2488, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Problem Sleuth had a hard time investigating _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2489, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Rose was rather disgusted when she started reading about _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2490, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Terezi can top anyone except _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2491, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The hole in Kanaya\u2019s stomach is so large, she can fit _ in it.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2492, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The next thing Hussie will turn into a sex joke will be _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2493, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The only way to beat Vriska in an eating contest is to put _ on the table.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2494, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The real reason Terezi stabbed Vriska was to punish her for _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2495, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The secret way to achieve God Tier is to die on top of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2496, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The thing that made Kankri break his vow of celibacy was _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2497, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Turns out, pre-entry prototyping with _ was not the best idea.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2498, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Vriska killed Spidermom with _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2499, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Vriska roleplays _ with Terezi as _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 2500, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Vriska\u2019s greatest regret is _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2501, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Wear _. Be _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 2502, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "What did Jake get Dirk for his birthday?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2503, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "What is the worst thing that Terezi ever licked?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2504, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "What is your OT3? (Draw 2, play 3.)", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2505, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "What makes your kokoro go \"doki doki\"?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2506, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "What's in the box, Jack?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2507, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "When a bucket is unavailable, trolls with use _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2508, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "When Dave received _ from his Bro for his 9th birthday, be felt a little warm inside.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2509, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Whenever I see _ on MSPARP, I disconnect immediately.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2510, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "where doing it man. where MAKING _ HAPEN!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2511, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Your name is JOHN EGBERT and boy do you love _!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2514, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Hey, Susie. I know your job is _ but can you just grab me _? Thanks.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 2527, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "This month in Cosmo: how to give your man _ at the expense of _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 2543, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Are you there, God? It's me, _", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2545, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "50 Shades of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2548, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "It's not length, it's _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2552, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Whatever, Peeta. You'll never understand my struggle with _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2556, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Men are from _, women are from _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 2559, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Why does the Komen Foundation hate Planned Parenthood?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2562, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Math is hard. Let's go _!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2564, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "The latest proposal in the Texas legislature is to take away _ from women.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2567, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "If you don't mind my asking, how *do* lesbians have sex?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2571, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "In her next romcom, Katherine Heigl plays a woman who falls in love with her boss's _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2575, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "The Pantone color of the year is inspired by _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2577, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "What is Olivia Pope's secret to removing red wine stains from white clothes?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2581, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Why exactly was Alanis so mad at Uncle Joey?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2584, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Why do men on the Internet send me pictures of _?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2589, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "What's my weapon of choice in the \"War on Women\"?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2596, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "What's Seth MacFarlane's problem?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2603, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "I couldn't help but wonder: was it Mr. Big, or was it _?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2606, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "What fell into my bra?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2610, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "What's my preferred method of contraception?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2613, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Sofia Coppola's new film focuses on a wealthy young white woman feeling alienated by _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2616, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "_: the Tori Amos song that changed my life", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2618, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Something old, something new, something borrowed, and _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2622, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Why can't we have nice things?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2626, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "In an attempt to reach a wider audience, the Royal Ontario Museum has opened an interactive exhibit on _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2627, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "What's the Canadian government using to inspire rural students to suceed?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2628, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "in the next Bob and Doug McKenzie adventure, they have to find _ to uncover a sinister plot involving _ and _.", "numAnswers": 3}, {"id": 2629, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "Air canada guidelines now prohibit _ on airplanes.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2630, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "CTV presents _, the store of _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 2631, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "In Vancouver it is now legal to _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2632, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "O Canada, we stand on guard for _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2633, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "If _ came in two-fours, Canada would be more _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 2634, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "After unifying the GST and PST, the Government can now afford to provide _ for _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 2662, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "When Verity snuck out for her nightly exhibitionistic jaunt, she didn't expect to come face to face with _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2663, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "Programmable clothes that can turn into any imaginable garment are great, but didn't the designers consider _?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2664, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "Procurator Marcus Amandus set out to explore Lake Ontarius and discovered _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2665, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "You can satiate any sexual proclivity in Metamor City, if you look hard enough. Even _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2666, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "The new performers in the Artbodies strip club have raised a few eyebrows. Who'd have thought to combine _ with _?", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 2667, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "In the next episode of Monster Whisperer, Dale Clearwater helps a _ whose tentacle monster is plagued with _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 2668, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "The title of the new erotica anthology this month is: 'Like _.'", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2669, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "Because of the 'accident' yesterday, the Scout Academy now forbids cadets from having any contact whatsoever with _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2670, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "When confronted by an excited tentacle monster, it's best to just relax and think of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2671, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "A Man, A Woman, and a _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2717, "expansion": "christmas2013", "text": "But wait, there's more! If you order _ in the next 15 minutes, we'll throw in _ absolutely free!", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 2718, "expansion": "christmas2013", "text": "Because they are forbidden from masturbating, Mormons channel their repressed sexual energy into _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2719, "expansion": "christmas2013", "text": "Blessed are you, Lord our God, creator of the universe, who has granted us _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2720, "expansion": "christmas2013", "text": "I really hope my grandma doesn't ask me to explain _ again.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2721, "expansion": "christmas2013", "text": "What's the one thing that makes an elf instantly ejaculate?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2722, "expansion": "christmas2013", "text": "Here's what you can expect for the new year. Out:_. In: _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 2723, "expansion": "christmas2013", "text": "Revealed: Why He Really Resigned! Pope Benedict's Secret Struggle with _!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2724, "expansion": "christmas2013", "text": "Kids these days with their iPods and their Internet. In my day, all we needed to pass the time was _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2725, "expansion": "christmas2013", "text": "GREETINGS HUMANS I AM _ BOT EXECUTING PROGRAM", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2749, "expansion": "90s", "text": "Siskel and Ebert have panned _ as \u201dpoorly conceived\u201d and \u201dsloppily executed.\u201d", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2750, "expansion": "90s", "text": "Up next on Nickelodeon: \u201dClarissa Explains _.\u201d", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2751, "expansion": "90s", "text": "I'm a bitch, I'm a lover, I'm a child, I'm _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2752, "expansion": "90s", "text": "How did Stella get her groove back?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2753, "expansion": "90s", "text": "Believe it or not, Jim Carrey can do a dead-on impression of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2754, "expansion": "90s", "text": "It's Morphin' Time! Mastodon! Pterodactyl! Triceratops! Sabertooth Tiger! _!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2755, "expansion": "90s", "text": "Tonight on SNICK: \u201dAre You Afraid of _?\u201d", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2830, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "And today's soup is Cream of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2831, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Now in bookstores: \u201dThe Audacity of _,\u201d by Barack Obama.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2832, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "WHOOO! God damn I love _!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2833, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Do you lack energy? Does it sometimes feel like the whole world is _? Zoloft.®", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2834, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Hi, this is Jim from accounting. We noticed a $1,200 charge labeled \u201d_.\u201d Can you explain?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2835, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Well if _ is good enough for _, it's good enough for me.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 2836, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Yo' mama so fat she _!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2837, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "What killed my boner?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2838, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Don't forget! Beginning this week, Casual Friday will officially become \u201d_ Friday.\u201d", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2839, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "In his farewell address, George Washington famously warned Americans about the dangers of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2840, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Having the worst day EVER. #_", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2841, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Get ready for the movie of the summer! One cop plays by the book. The other's only interested in one thing: _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2842, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "What's making things awkward in the sauna?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2843, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Life's pretty tough in the fast lane. That's why I never leave the house without _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2844, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Patient presents with _. Likely a result of _.", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 2845, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Hi MTV! My name is Kendra, I live in Malibu, I'm into _, and I love to have a good time.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2846, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Help me doctor, I've got _ in my butt!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2847, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Why am I broke?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2848, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "I don't mean to brag, but they call me the Michael Jordan of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2849, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Heed my voice, mortals! I am the god of _, and I will not tolerate _!", "numAnswers": 2}, {"id": 2850, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Here at the Academy for Gifted Children, we allow students to explore _ at their own pace.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2851, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Well what do you have to say for yourself, Casey? This is the third time you've been sent to the principal's office for _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2852, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "In his new action comedy, Jackie Chan must fend off ninjas while also dealing with _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2853, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Armani suit: $1,000. Dinner for two at that swanky restaurant: $300. The look on her face when you surprise her with _: priceless.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2854, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Do the Dew ® with our most extreme flavor yet! Get ready for Mountain Dew _!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2930, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "I work my ass off all day for this family, and this is what I come home to? _!?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2931, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "I have a strict policy. First date, dinner. Second date, kiss. Third date, _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2932, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "When I was a kid, we used to play Cowboys and _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2933, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "This is America. If you don't work hard, you don't succeed. I don't care if you're black, white, purple, or _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2934, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "You Won't Believe These 15 Hilarious _ Bloopers!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2935, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "James is a lonely boy. But when he discovers a secret door in his attic, he meets a magical new friend: _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2936, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Don't worry kid. It gets better. I've been living with _ for 20 years.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2937, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "My grandfather worked his way up from nothing. When he came to this country, all he had was the shoes on his feet and _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2938, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Behind every powerful man is _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2939, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "You are not alone. Millions of Americans struggle with _ every day.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2940, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Come to Dubai, where you can relax in our world famous spas, experience the nightlife, or simply enjoy _ by the poolside.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2941, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "\"This is madness.\" \"No, THIS IS _!\"", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2942, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Listen Gary, I like you. But if you want that corner office, you're going to have to show me _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2943, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "I went to the desert and ate of the peyote cactus. Turns out my spirit animal is _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2944, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "And would you like those buffalo wings mild, hot, or _?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2945, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "The six things I could never do without: oxygen, Facebook, chocolate, Netflix, friends, and _ LOL!", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2946, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Why won't you make love to me anymore? Is it _?", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2947, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Puberty is a time of change. You might notice hair growing in new places. You might develop an interest in _. This is normal.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2948, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "I'm sorry, Mrs. Chen, but there was nothing we could do. At 4:15 this morning, your son succumbed to _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2949, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "I'm Miss Tennessee, and if I could make the world better by changing one thing, I would get rid of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2950, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Tonight we will have sex. And afterwards, If you'd like, a little bit of _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2951, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Everybody join hands and close your eyes. Do you sense that? That's the presence of _ in this room.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2952, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "To become a true Yanomamo warrior, you must prove that you can withstand _ without crying out.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2953, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Y'all ready to get this thing started? I'm Nick Cannon, and this is America's Got _.", "numAnswers": 1}, {"id": 2954, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "If you had to describe the Card Czar, using only one of the cards in your hand, which one would it be?", "numAnswers": 1}]`)
// AllAnswers contains the "white card" information for the game.
var AllAnswers = []byte(`[{"id": 1, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Flying sex snakes."}, {"id": 2, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Michelle Obama's arms."}, {"id": 3, "expansion": "Base", "text": "German dungeon porn."}, {"id": 4, "expansion": "Base", "text": "White people."}, {"id": 5, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Getting so angry that you pop a boner."}, {"id": 6, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Tasteful sideboob."}, {"id": 7, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Praying the gay away."}, {"id": 8, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Two midgets shitting into a bucket."}, {"id": 9, "expansion": "Base", "text": "MechaHitler."}, {"id": 10, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Being a motherfucking sorcerer."}, {"id": 11, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A disappointing birthday party."}, {"id": 12, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Puppies!"}, {"id": 13, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A windmill full of corpses."}, {"id": 14, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Guys who don't call."}, {"id": 15, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Racially-biased SAT questions."}, {"id": 16, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Dying."}, {"id": 17, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Steven Hawking talking dirty."}, {"id": 18, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Being on fire."}, {"id": 19, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A lifetime of sadness."}, {"id": 20, "expansion": "Base", "text": "An erection that lasts longer than four hours."}, {"id": 21, "expansion": "Base", "text": "AIDS"}, {"id": 22, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Same-sex ice dancing."}, {"id": 23, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Glenn Beck catching his scrotum on a curtain hook."}, {"id": 24, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The Rapture."}, {"id": 25, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Pterodactyl eggs."}, {"id": 26, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Crippling debt."}, {"id": 27, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Eugenics."}, {"id": 28, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Exchanging pleasantries."}, {"id": 29, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Dying of dysentery."}, {"id": 30, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Roofies."}, {"id": 31, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Getting naked and watching Nickelodeon."}, {"id": 32, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The forbidden fruit."}, {"id": 33, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Republicans."}, {"id": 34, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The Big Bang."}, {"id": 35, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Anal beads."}, {"id": 36, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Amputees."}, {"id": 37, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Men."}, {"id": 38, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Surprise sex!"}, {"id": 39, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Kim Jong-il."}, {"id": 40, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Concealing a boner"}, {"id": 41, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Agriculture."}, {"id": 42, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Glenn Beck being harried by a swarm of buzzards."}, {"id": 43, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Making a pouty face."}, {"id": 44, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A salty surprise."}, {"id": 45, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The Jews."}, {"id": 46, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Charisma."}, {"id": 47, "expansion": "Base", "text": "YOU MUST CONSTRUCT ADDITIONAL PYLONS."}, {"id": 48, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Panda sex."}, {"id": 49, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Taking off your shirt."}, {"id": 50, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A drive-by shooting."}, {"id": 51, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Ronald Reagan."}, {"id": 52, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Morgan Freeman's voice."}, {"id": 53, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Breaking out into song and dance."}, {"id": 54, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Jewish fraternities."}, {"id": 55, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Dead babies."}, {"id": 56, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Masturbation."}, {"id": 57, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Hormone injections."}, {"id": 58, "expansion": "Base", "text": "All-you-can-eat shrimp for $4.99."}, {"id": 59, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Incest."}, {"id": 60, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Scalping."}, {"id": 61, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Soup that is too hot."}, {"id": 62, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The Übermensch."}, {"id": 63, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Nazis."}, {"id": 64, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Tom Cruise."}, {"id": 65, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Stifling a giggle at the mention of Hutus and Tutsis."}, {"id": 66, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Edible underpants."}, {"id": 67, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The Hustle."}, {"id": 68, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A Super Soaker™ full of cat pee."}, {"id": 69, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Figgy pudding."}, {"id": 70, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Object permanence."}, {"id": 71, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Consultants."}, {"id": 72, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Intelligent design."}, {"id": 73, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Nocturnal emissions."}, {"id": 74, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Uppercuts."}, {"id": 75, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Being marginalized."}, {"id": 76, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The profoundly handicapped."}, {"id": 77, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Obesity."}, {"id": 78, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Chutzpah."}, {"id": 79, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Unfathomable stupidity."}, {"id": 80, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Repression."}, {"id": 81, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Attitude."}, {"id": 82, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Passable transvestites."}, {"id": 83, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Party poopers."}, {"id": 84, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The American Dream"}, {"id": 85, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Child beauty pageants."}, {"id": 86, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Puberty."}, {"id": 87, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Testicular torsion."}, {"id": 88, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The folly of man."}, {"id": 89, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Nickelback."}, {"id": 90, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Swooping."}, {"id": 91, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Goats eating cans."}, {"id": 92, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The KKK."}, {"id": 93, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Kamikaze pilots."}, {"id": 94, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Horrifying laser hair removal accidents."}, {"id": 95, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Adderall™."}, {"id": 96, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A look-see."}, {"id": 97, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Doing the right thing."}, {"id": 98, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The taint; the grundle; the fleshy fun-bridge."}, {"id": 99, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Lactation."}, {"id": 100, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Pabst Blue Ribbon."}, {"id": 101, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Powerful thighs."}, {"id": 102, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Saxophone solos."}, {"id": 103, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The gays."}, {"id": 104, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A middle-aged man on roller skates."}, {"id": 105, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A foul mouth."}, {"id": 106, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The thing that electrocutes your abs."}, {"id": 107, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Heteronormativity."}, {"id": 108, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Cuddling."}, {"id": 109, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Coat hanger abortions."}, {"id": 110, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A big hoopla about nothing."}, {"id": 111, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Boogers."}, {"id": 112, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A hot mess."}, {"id": 113, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Raptor attacks."}, {"id": 114, "expansion": "Base", "text": "My collection of high-tech sex toys."}, {"id": 115, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Fear itself."}, {"id": 116, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Bees?"}, {"id": 117, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Getting drunk on mouthwash."}, {"id": 118, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Sniffing glue."}, {"id": 119, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Oversized lollipops."}, {"id": 120, "expansion": "Base", "text": "An icepick lobotomy."}, {"id": 121, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Being rich."}, {"id": 122, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Friends with benefits."}, {"id": 123, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Teaching a robot to love."}, {"id": 124, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Women's suffrage."}, {"id": 125, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Me time."}, {"id": 126, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The heart of a child."}, {"id": 127, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Smallpox blankets."}, {"id": 128, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The clitoris."}, {"id": 129, "expansion": "Base", "text": "John Wilkes Booth."}, {"id": 130, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The glass ceiling."}, {"id": 131, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Sarah Palin."}, {"id": 132, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Sexy pillow fights."}, {"id": 133, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Yeast."}, {"id": 134, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Full frontal nudity."}, {"id": 135, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Parting the Red Sea."}, {"id": 136, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A Bop It™."}, {"id": 137, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Michael Jackson."}, {"id": 138, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Team-building exercises."}, {"id": 139, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Harry Potter erotica."}, {"id": 140, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Authentic Mexican cuisine."}, {"id": 141, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Frolicking."}, {"id": 142, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Sexting."}, {"id": 143, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Grandma."}, {"id": 144, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Not giving a shit about the Third World."}, {"id": 145, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Licking things to claim them as your own."}, {"id": 146, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Genghis Khan."}, {"id": 147, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The hardworking Mexican."}, {"id": 148, "expansion": "Base", "text": "RoboCop."}, {"id": 149, "expansion": "Base", "text": "My relationship status."}, {"id": 150, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Scrubbing under the folds."}, {"id": 151, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Porn Stars."}, {"id": 152, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Horse meat."}, {"id": 153, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Sunshine and rainbows."}, {"id": 154, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Expecting a burp and vomiting on the floor."}, {"id": 155, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Barack Obama."}, {"id": 156, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Spontaneous human combustion."}, {"id": 157, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Natural selection."}, {"id": 158, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Mouth herpes."}, {"id": 159, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Flash flooding."}, {"id": 160, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Goblins."}, {"id": 161, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A monkey smoking a cigar."}, {"id": 162, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Spectacular abs."}, {"id": 163, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A good sniff."}, {"id": 164, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Wiping her butt."}, {"id": 165, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The Three-Fifths compromise."}, {"id": 166, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Pedophiles."}, {"id": 167, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Doin' it in the butt."}, {"id": 168, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Being fabulous."}, {"id": 169, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Mathletes."}, {"id": 170, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Wearing underwear inside-out to avoid doing laundry."}, {"id": 171, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Nipple blades."}, {"id": 172, "expansion": "Base", "text": "An M. Night Shyamalan plot twist."}, {"id": 173, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A bag of magic beans."}, {"id": 174, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Vigorous jazz hands."}, {"id": 175, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A defective condom."}, {"id": 176, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Skeletor."}, {"id": 177, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Vikings."}, {"id": 178, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Leaving an awkward voicemail."}, {"id": 179, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Teenage pregnancy."}, {"id": 180, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Dead parents."}, {"id": 181, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Hot cheese."}, {"id": 182, "expansion": "Base", "text": "My sex life."}, {"id": 183, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A mopey zoo lion."}, {"id": 184, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Assless chaps."}, {"id": 185, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Riding off into the sunset."}, {"id": 186, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Lance Armstrong's missing testicle."}, {"id": 187, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Sweet, sweet vengeance."}, {"id": 188, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Genital piercings."}, {"id": 189, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Keg stands."}, {"id": 190, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Darth Vader."}, {"id": 191, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Viagra®."}, {"id": 192, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Necrophilia."}, {"id": 193, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A really cool hat."}, {"id": 194, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Toni Morrison's vagina."}, {"id": 195, "expansion": "Base", "text": "An Oedipus complex."}, {"id": 196, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The Tempur-Pedic® Swedish Sleep System™."}, {"id": 197, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Preteens."}, {"id": 198, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Dick fingers."}, {"id": 199, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A cooler full of organs."}, {"id": 200, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Shapeshifters."}, {"id": 201, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The Care Bear Stare."}, {"id": 202, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Erectile dysfunction."}, {"id": 203, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Keanu Reeves."}, {"id": 204, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The Virginia Tech Massacre."}, {"id": 205, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The Underground Railroad."}, {"id": 206, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The chronic."}, {"id": 207, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Queefing."}, {"id": 208, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Heartwarming orphans."}, {"id": 209, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A thermonuclear detonation."}, {"id": 210, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Cheating in the Special Olympics."}, {"id": 211, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Tangled Slinkys."}, {"id": 212, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A moment of silence."}, {"id": 213, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Civilian casualties."}, {"id": 214, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Catapults."}, {"id": 215, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Sharing needles."}, {"id": 216, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Ethnic cleansing."}, {"id": 217, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Emotions."}, {"id": 218, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Children on leashes."}, {"id": 219, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Balls."}, {"id": 220, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Homeless people."}, {"id": 221, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Eating all of the cookies before the AIDS bake-sale."}, {"id": 222, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Old-people smell."}, {"id": 223, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Farting and walking away."}, {"id": 224, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The inevitable heat death of the universe."}, {"id": 225, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The violation of our most basic human rights."}, {"id": 226, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Fingering."}, {"id": 227, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The placenta."}, {"id": 228, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr."}, {"id": 229, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Leprosy."}, {"id": 230, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Sperm whales."}, {"id": 231, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Multiple stab wounds."}, {"id": 232, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Flightless birds."}, {"id": 233, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Grave robbing."}, {"id": 234, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Home video of Oprah sobbing into a Lean Cuisine®."}, {"id": 235, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Oompa-Loompas."}, {"id": 236, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A murder most foul."}, {"id": 237, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Tentacle porn."}, {"id": 238, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Daddy issues."}, {"id": 239, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Bill Nye the Science Guy."}, {"id": 240, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Peeing a little bit."}, {"id": 241, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The miracle of childbirth."}, {"id": 242, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Tweeting."}, {"id": 243, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Another goddamn vampire movie."}, {"id": 244, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Britney Spears at 55."}, {"id": 245, "expansion": "Base", "text": "New Age music."}, {"id": 246, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The Make-A-Wish® Foundation."}, {"id": 247, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Firing a rifle into the air while balls deep in a squealing hog."}, {"id": 248, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Active listening."}, {"id": 249, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Nicolas Cage."}, {"id": 250, "expansion": "Base", "text": "72 virgins."}, {"id": 251, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Stranger danger."}, {"id": 252, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Hope."}, {"id": 253, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A gassy antelope."}, {"id": 254, "expansion": "Base", "text": "BATMAN!!!"}, {"id": 255, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Chivalry."}, {"id": 256, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Passing a kidney stone."}, {"id": 257, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Black people."}, {"id": 258, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Natalie Portman."}, {"id": 259, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A mime having a stroke."}, {"id": 260, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Classist undertones."}, {"id": 261, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Sean Penn."}, {"id": 262, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A mating display."}, {"id": 263, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The Holy Bible."}, {"id": 264, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Hot Pockets®."}, {"id": 265, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A sad handjob."}, {"id": 266, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Pulling out."}, {"id": 267, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Serfdom."}, {"id": 268, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Pixelated bukkake."}, {"id": 269, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Dropping a chandelier on your enemies and riding the rope up."}, {"id": 270, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Jew-fros."}, {"id": 271, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Waiting 'til marriage."}, {"id": 272, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Euphoria™ by Calvin Klein."}, {"id": 273, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The World of Warcraft."}, {"id": 274, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Lunchables™."}, {"id": 275, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The Kool-Aid Man."}, {"id": 276, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The Trail of Tears."}, {"id": 277, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Self-loathing."}, {"id": 278, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A falcon with a cap on its head."}, {"id": 279, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Historically black colleges."}, {"id": 280, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Not reciprocating oral sex."}, {"id": 281, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Global warming."}, {"id": 282, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Ghosts."}, {"id": 283, "expansion": "Base", "text": "World peace."}, {"id": 284, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A can of whoop-ass."}, {"id": 285, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy."}, {"id": 286, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A zesty breakfast burrito."}, {"id": 287, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Switching to Geico®."}, {"id": 288, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Aaron Burr."}, {"id": 289, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Picking up girls at the abortion clinic."}, {"id": 290, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Land mines."}, {"id": 291, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Former President George W. Bush."}, {"id": 292, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Geese."}, {"id": 293, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Mutually-assured destruction."}, {"id": 294, "expansion": "Base", "text": "College."}, {"id": 295, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Date rape."}, {"id": 296, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Bling."}, {"id": 297, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A gentle caress of the inner thigh."}, {"id": 298, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A time travel paradox."}, {"id": 299, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Seppuku."}, {"id": 300, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Poor life choices."}, {"id": 301, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Waking up half-naked in a Denny's parking lot."}, {"id": 302, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Italians."}, {"id": 303, "expansion": "Base", "text": "GoGurt®."}, {"id": 304, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Finger painting."}, {"id": 305, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Robert Downey, Jr."}, {"id": 306, "expansion": "Base", "text": "My soul."}, {"id": 307, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Smegma."}, {"id": 308, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Embryonic stem cells."}, {"id": 309, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The South."}, {"id": 310, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Christopher Walken."}, {"id": 311, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Gloryholes."}, {"id": 312, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Pretending to care."}, {"id": 313, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Public ridicule."}, {"id": 314, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A tiny horse."}, {"id": 315, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Arnold Schwarzenegger."}, {"id": 316, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A stray pube."}, {"id": 317, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Jerking off into a pool of children's tears."}, {"id": 318, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Child abuse."}, {"id": 319, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Glenn Beck convulsively vomiting as a brood of crab spiders hatches in his brain and erupts from his tear ducts."}, {"id": 320, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Menstruation."}, {"id": 321, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A sassy black woman."}, {"id": 322, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Re-gifting."}, {"id": 323, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Penis envy."}, {"id": 324, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A sausage festival."}, {"id": 325, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Getting really high."}, {"id": 326, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Drinking alone."}, {"id": 327, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Too much hair gel."}, {"id": 328, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Hulk Hogan."}, {"id": 329, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Overcompensation."}, {"id": 330, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Foreskin."}, {"id": 331, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Free samples."}, {"id": 332, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Shaquille O'Neal's acting career."}, {"id": 333, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Five-Dollar Footlongs™."}, {"id": 334, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Whipping it out."}, {"id": 335, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A snapping turtle biting the tip of your penis."}, {"id": 336, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Muhammad (Praise Be Unto Him)."}, {"id": 337, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Half-assed foreplay."}, {"id": 338, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Dental dams."}, {"id": 339, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Being a dick to children."}, {"id": 340, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Famine."}, {"id": 341, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Chainsaws for hands."}, {"id": 342, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A gypsy curse."}, {"id": 343, "expansion": "Base", "text": "AXE Body Spray."}, {"id": 344, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The Force."}, {"id": 345, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Explosions."}, {"id": 346, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Cybernetic enhancements."}, {"id": 347, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Customer service representatives."}, {"id": 348, "expansion": "Base", "text": "White privilege."}, {"id": 349, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Gandhi."}, {"id": 350, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Road head."}, {"id": 351, "expansion": "Base", "text": "God."}, {"id": 352, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Poorly-timed Holocaust jokes."}, {"id": 353, "expansion": "Base", "text": "8 oz. of sweet Mexican black-tar heroin."}, {"id": 354, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Judge Judy."}, {"id": 355, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The Little Engine That Could."}, {"id": 356, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Altar boys."}, {"id": 357, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Mr. Clean, right behind you."}, {"id": 358, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Vehicular manslaughter."}, {"id": 359, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Dwarf tossing."}, {"id": 360, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Friction."}, {"id": 361, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Lady Gaga."}, {"id": 362, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Scientology."}, {"id": 363, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Justin Bieber."}, {"id": 364, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A death ray."}, {"id": 365, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Vigilante justice."}, {"id": 366, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The Pope."}, {"id": 367, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A sea of troubles."}, {"id": 368, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Alcoholism."}, {"id": 369, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Poor people."}, {"id": 370, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A fetus."}, {"id": 371, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Women in yogurt commercials."}, {"id": 372, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Exactly what you'd expect."}, {"id": 373, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Flesh-eating bacteria."}, {"id": 374, "expansion": "Base", "text": "My genitals."}, {"id": 375, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A balanced breakfast."}, {"id": 376, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Dick Cheney."}, {"id": 377, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Lockjaw."}, {"id": 378, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Natural male enhancement."}, {"id": 379, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Take-backsies."}, {"id": 380, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Winking at old people."}, {"id": 381, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Opposable thumbs."}, {"id": 382, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Flying sex snakes."}, {"id": 383, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Passive-aggressive Post-it notes."}, {"id": 384, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Inappropriate yodeling."}, {"id": 385, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Golden showers."}, {"id": 386, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Racism."}, {"id": 387, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Copping a feel."}, {"id": 388, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Auschwitz."}, {"id": 389, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Elderly Japanese men."}, {"id": 390, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Raping and pillaging."}, {"id": 391, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Kids with ass cancer."}, {"id": 392, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Pictures of boobs."}, {"id": 393, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The homosexual agenda."}, {"id": 394, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A homoerotic volleyball montage."}, {"id": 395, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Sexual tension."}, {"id": 396, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Hurricane Katrina."}, {"id": 397, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Fiery poops."}, {"id": 398, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Science."}, {"id": 399, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Dry heaving."}, {"id": 400, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Cards Against Humanity."}, {"id": 401, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Fancy Feast®."}, {"id": 402, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A bleached asshole."}, {"id": 403, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Lumberjack fantasies."}, {"id": 404, "expansion": "Base", "text": "American Gladiators."}, {"id": 405, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Autocannibalism."}, {"id": 406, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Sean Connery."}, {"id": 407, "expansion": "Base", "text": "William Shatner."}, {"id": 408, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Domino's™ Oreo™ Dessert Pizza."}, {"id": 409, "expansion": "Base", "text": "An asymmetric boob job."}, {"id": 410, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Centaurs."}, {"id": 411, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A micropenis."}, {"id": 412, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Asians who aren't good at math."}, {"id": 413, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The milk man."}, {"id": 414, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Waterboarding."}, {"id": 415, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Wifely duties."}, {"id": 416, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Loose lips."}, {"id": 417, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The Blood of Christ."}, {"id": 418, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Actually taking candy from a baby."}, {"id": 419, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The token minority."}, {"id": 420, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Jibber-jabber."}, {"id": 421, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A brain tumor."}, {"id": 422, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Bingeing and purging."}, {"id": 423, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A clandestine butt scratch."}, {"id": 424, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The Chinese gymnastics team."}, {"id": 425, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Prancing."}, {"id": 426, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The Hamburglar."}, {"id": 427, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Police brutality."}, {"id": 428, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Man meat."}, {"id": 429, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Forgetting the Alamo."}, {"id": 430, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Eating the last known bison."}, {"id": 431, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Crystal meth."}, {"id": 432, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Booby-trapping the house to foil burglars."}, {"id": 433, "expansion": "Base", "text": "My inner demons."}, {"id": 434, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Third base."}, {"id": 435, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Soiling oneself."}, {"id": 436, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Laying an egg."}, {"id": 437, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Giving 110%."}, {"id": 438, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Hot people."}, {"id": 439, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Friendly fire."}, {"id": 440, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Count Chocula."}, {"id": 441, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Pac-Man uncontrollably guzzling cum."}, {"id": 442, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Estrogen."}, {"id": 443, "expansion": "Base", "text": "My vagina."}, {"id": 444, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Kanye West."}, {"id": 445, "expansion": "Base", "text": "A robust mongoloid."}, {"id": 446, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The Donald Trump Seal of Approval™."}, {"id": 447, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The true meaning of Christmas."}, {"id": 448, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Her Royal Highness, Queen Elizabeth II."}, {"id": 449, "expansion": "Base", "text": "An honest cop with nothing left to lose."}, {"id": 450, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Feeding Rosie O'Donnell."}, {"id": 451, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The Amish."}, {"id": 452, "expansion": "Base", "text": "The terrorists."}, {"id": 453, "expansion": "Base", "text": "When you fart and a little bit comes out."}, {"id": 454, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Pooping back and forth. Forever."}, {"id": 455, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Friends who eat all the snacks."}, {"id": 456, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Cockfights."}, {"id": 457, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Bitches."}, {"id": 458, "expansion": "Base", "text": "Seduction."}, {"id": 549, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "A big black dick."}, {"id": 550, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "A beached whale."}, {"id": 551, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "A bloody pacifier."}, {"id": 552, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "A crappy little hand."}, {"id": 553, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "A low standard of living."}, {"id": 554, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "A nuanced critique."}, {"id": 555, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Panty raids."}, {"id": 556, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "A passionate Latino lover."}, {"id": 557, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "A rival dojo."}, {"id": 558, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "A web of lies."}, {"id": 559, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "A woman scorned."}, {"id": 560, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Clams."}, {"id": 561, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Apologizing."}, {"id": 562, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "A plunger to the face."}, {"id": 563, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Neil Patrick Harris."}, {"id": 564, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Beating your wives."}, {"id": 565, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Being a dinosaur."}, {"id": 566, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Shaft."}, {"id": 567, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Bosnian chicken farmers."}, {"id": 568, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Nubile slave boys."}, {"id": 569, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Carnies."}, {"id": 570, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Coughing into a vagina."}, {"id": 571, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Suicidal thoughts."}, {"id": 572, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "The ooze."}, {"id": 573, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Deflowering the princess."}, {"id": 574, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Dorito breath."}, {"id": 575, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Eating an albino."}, {"id": 576, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Enormous Scandinavian women."}, {"id": 577, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Fabricating statistics."}, {"id": 578, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Finding a skeleton."}, {"id": 579, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Gandalf."}, {"id": 580, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Genetically engineered super-soldiers."}, {"id": 581, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "George Clooney's musk."}, {"id": 582, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Getting abducted by Peter Pan."}, {"id": 583, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Getting in her pants, politely."}, {"id": 584, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Gladiatorial combat."}, {"id": 585, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Clenched butt cheeks."}, {"id": 586, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Hipsters."}, {"id": 587, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Historical revisionism."}, {"id": 588, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Insatiable bloodlust."}, {"id": 589, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Jafar."}, {"id": 590, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Jean-Claude Van Damme."}, {"id": 591, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Just the tip."}, {"id": 592, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Mad hacky-sack skills."}, {"id": 593, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Leveling up."}, {"id": 594, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Literally eating shit."}, {"id": 595, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Making the penises kiss."}, {"id": 596, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "24-hour media coverage."}, {"id": 597, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Medieval Times© Dinner & Tournament."}, {"id": 598, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Moral ambiguity."}, {"id": 599, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "My machete."}, {"id": 600, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "One thousand Slim Jims."}, {"id": 601, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Ominous background music."}, {"id": 602, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Overpowering your father."}, {"id": 603, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Stockholm Syndrome."}, {"id": 604, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Quiche."}, {"id": 605, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Quivering jowls."}, {"id": 606, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Revenge fucking."}, {"id": 607, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Ripping into a man's chest and pulling out his still-beating heart."}, {"id": 608, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Ryan Gosling riding in on a white horse."}, {"id": 609, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Santa Claus."}, {"id": 610, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Scrotum tickling."}, {"id": 611, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Sexual humiliation."}, {"id": 612, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Sexy Siamese twins."}, {"id": 613, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Saliva."}, {"id": 614, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Space muffins."}, {"id": 615, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Statistically validated stereotypes."}, {"id": 616, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Sudden Poop Explosion Disease."}, {"id": 617, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "The boners of the elderly."}, {"id": 618, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "The economy."}, {"id": 619, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Syphilitic insanity."}, {"id": 620, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "The Gulags."}, {"id": 621, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "The harsh light of day."}, {"id": 622, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "The hiccups."}, {"id": 623, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "The shambling corpse of Larry King."}, {"id": 624, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "The four arms of Vishnu."}, {"id": 625, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Being a busy adult with many important things to do."}, {"id": 626, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Tripping balls."}, {"id": 627, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Words, words, words."}, {"id": 628, "expansion": "CAHe1", "text": "Zeus's sexual appetites."}, {"id": 649, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "A bigger, blacker dick."}, {"id": 650, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "The mere concept of Applebee's®."}, {"id": 651, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "A sad fat dragon with no friends."}, {"id": 652, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Catastrophic urethral trauma."}, {"id": 653, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Hillary Clinton's death stare."}, {"id": 654, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Existing."}, {"id": 655, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "A pinata full of scorpions."}, {"id": 656, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Mooing."}, {"id": 657, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Swiftly achieving orgasm."}, {"id": 658, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Daddy's belt."}, {"id": 659, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Double penetration."}, {"id": 660, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Weapons-grade plutonium."}, {"id": 661, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Some really fucked-up shit."}, {"id": 662, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Subduing a grizzly bear and making her your wife."}, {"id": 663, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Rising from the grave."}, {"id": 664, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "The mixing of the races."}, {"id": 665, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Taking a man's eyes and balls out and putting his eyes where his balls go and then his balls in the eye holes."}, {"id": 666, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Scrotal frostbite."}, {"id": 667, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "All of this blood."}, {"id": 668, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Loki, the trickster god."}, {"id": 669, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Whining like a little bitch."}, {"id": 670, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Pumping out a baby every nine months."}, {"id": 671, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Tongue."}, {"id": 672, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Finding Waldo."}, {"id": 673, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Upgrading homeless people to mobile hotspots."}, {"id": 674, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Wearing an octopus for a hat."}, {"id": 675, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "An unhinged ferris wheel rolling toward the sea."}, {"id": 676, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Living in a trashcan."}, {"id": 677, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "The corporations."}, {"id": 678, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "A magic hippie love cloud."}, {"id": 679, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Fuck Mountain."}, {"id": 680, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Survivor's guilt."}, {"id": 681, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Me."}, {"id": 682, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Getting hilariously gang-banged by the Blue Man Group."}, {"id": 683, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Jeff Goldblum."}, {"id": 684, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Making a friend."}, {"id": 685, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "A soulful rendition of "Ol' Man River.""}, {"id": 686, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Intimacy problems."}, {"id": 687, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "A sweaty, panting leather daddy."}, {"id": 688, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Spring break!"}, {"id": 689, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Being awesome at sex."}, {"id": 690, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Dining with cardboard cutouts of the cast of "Friends.""}, {"id": 691, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Another shot of morphine."}, {"id": 692, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Beefin' over turf."}, {"id": 693, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "A squadron of moles wearing aviator goggles."}, {"id": 694, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Bullshit."}, {"id": 695, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "The Google."}, {"id": 696, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Pretty Pretty Princess Dress-Up Board Game®."}, {"id": 697, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "The new Radiohead album."}, {"id": 698, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "An army of skeletons."}, {"id": 699, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "A man in yoga pants with a ponytail and feather earrings."}, {"id": 700, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Mild autism."}, {"id": 701, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Nunchuck moves."}, {"id": 702, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Whipping a disobedient slave."}, {"id": 703, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "An ether-soaked rag."}, {"id": 704, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "A sweet spaceship."}, {"id": 705, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "A 55-gallon drum of lube."}, {"id": 706, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Special musical guest, Cher."}, {"id": 707, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "The human body."}, {"id": 708, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Boris the Soviet Love Hammer."}, {"id": 709, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "The grey nutrient broth that sustains Mitt Romney."}, {"id": 710, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Tiny nipples."}, {"id": 711, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Power."}, {"id": 712, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Oncoming traffic."}, {"id": 713, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "A dollop of sour cream."}, {"id": 714, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "A slightly shittier parallel universe."}, {"id": 715, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "My first kill."}, {"id": 716, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Graphic violence, adult language, and some sexual content."}, {"id": 717, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Fetal alcohol syndrome."}, {"id": 718, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "The day the birds attacked."}, {"id": 719, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "One Ring to rule them all."}, {"id": 720, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Grandpa's ashes."}, {"id": 721, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Basic human decency."}, {"id": 722, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "A Burmese tiger pit."}, {"id": 723, "expansion": "CAHe2", "text": "Death by Steven Seagal"}, {"id": 772, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Dragon boobs."}, {"id": 773, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Verisimilitude."}, {"id": 774, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Dissociated mechanics."}, {"id": 775, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Rape."}, {"id": 776, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Storygames."}, {"id": 777, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Random chargen"}, {"id": 778, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": ""}, {"id": 779, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Dice inserted somewhere painful."}, {"id": 780, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "FATAL."}, {"id": 781, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Ron Edwards' brain damage."}, {"id": 782, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Boob plate armor."}, {"id": 783, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Gamer chicks."}, {"id": 784, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "GNS theory."}, {"id": 785, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Drizzt."}, {"id": 786, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "The entire Palladium Books® Megaverse™"}, {"id": 787, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "BadWrongFun."}, {"id": 788, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Misogynerds."}, {"id": 789, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Cultural Marxism."}, {"id": 790, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Pissing on Gary Gygax's grave."}, {"id": 791, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Steve Jackson's beard."}, {"id": 792, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Natural 20."}, {"id": 793, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Rapenards."}, {"id": 794, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "The Crisis of Treachery™."}, {"id": 795, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Game balance."}, {"id": 796, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Fishmalks."}, {"id": 797, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "A kick to the dicebags."}, {"id": 798, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Bearded dwarven women."}, {"id": 799, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Owlbear's tears."}, {"id": 800, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Magic missile."}, {"id": 801, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "THAC0."}, {"id": 802, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Bigby's Groping Hands."}, {"id": 803, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Drow blackface."}, {"id": 804, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Save or die."}, {"id": 805, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Swine."}, {"id": 806, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "The Forge."}, {"id": 807, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Healing Surges."}, {"id": 808, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Gelatinous Cubes."}, {"id": 809, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Total Party Kill."}, {"id": 810, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Quoting Monty Python."}, {"id": 811, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Dumbed down shit for ADD WoW babies."}, {"id": 812, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Mike Mearls."}, {"id": 813, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Comeliness."}, {"id": 814, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Vampire: The Masquerade."}, {"id": 815, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Rifts™."}, {"id": 816, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "The random prostitute table."}, {"id": 817, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Dildo of Enlightenment +2"}, {"id": 818, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Grognards Against Humanity."}, {"id": 819, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Cthulhu."}, {"id": 820, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "The naked succubus in the Monster Manual."}, {"id": 821, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Role-playing and roll-playing."}, {"id": 822, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Fun Tyrant."}, {"id": 823, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "4rries."}, {"id": 824, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Martial dailies."}, {"id": 825, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Black Tokyo."}, {"id": 826, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Killfuck Soulshitter."}, {"id": 827, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Cheetoism."}, {"id": 828, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Grimdark."}, {"id": 829, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Kobolds."}, {"id": 830, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Oozemaster."}, {"id": 831, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Rocks fall, everyone dies."}, {"id": 832, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Mark Rein·Hagen."}, {"id": 833, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Maid RPG."}, {"id": 834, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Splugorth blind warrior women."}, {"id": 835, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Dying during chargen."}, {"id": 836, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Slaughtering innocent orc children."}, {"id": 837, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Lesbian stripper ninjas."}, {"id": 838, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Magical tea party."}, {"id": 839, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Grinding levels."}, {"id": 840, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Dice animism."}, {"id": 841, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "White privilege."}, {"id": 842, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Githyanki therapy."}, {"id": 843, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Amber Diceless Roleplaying."}, {"id": 844, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "A ratcatcher with a small but vicious dog."}, {"id": 845, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Bribing the GM with sexual favors."}, {"id": 846, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Eurocentric fantasy."}, {"id": 847, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Sacred cows."}, {"id": 848, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Gygaxian naturalism."}, {"id": 849, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Special snowflakes."}, {"id": 850, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Neckbeards."}, {"id": 851, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Gazebos."}, {"id": 852, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Lorraine Williams."}, {"id": 853, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Nude larping."}, {"id": 854, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Portable holes."}, {"id": 855, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Steampunk bullshit."}, {"id": 856, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Dump stats."}, {"id": 857, "expansion": "CAHgrognards", "text": "Ale and whores."}, {"id": 880, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Japanese schoolgirl porn."}, {"id": 881, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Horny catgirls."}, {"id": 882, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Japanese people."}, {"id": 883, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Cimo."}, {"id": 884, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "ZA WARUDO!"}, {"id": 885, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "40 gigs of lolicon."}, {"id": 886, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Goku's hair."}, {"id": 887, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Slashfic."}, {"id": 888, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Star Gentle Uterus"}, {"id": 889, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Naruto headbands."}, {"id": 890, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Homestuck troll horns."}, {"id": 891, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Hayao Miyazaki."}, {"id": 892, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "The tsunami."}, {"id": 893, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Death Note."}, {"id": 894, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Small breasts."}, {"id": 895, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Asians being racist against each other."}, {"id": 896, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Weeaboo bullshit."}, {"id": 897, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Tsundere."}, {"id": 898, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Body pillows."}, {"id": 899, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "A lifelike silicone love doll."}, {"id": 900, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Anime figures drenched in jizz."}, {"id": 901, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Surprise sex."}, {"id": 902, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Yaoi."}, {"id": 903, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Girls with glasses."}, {"id": 904, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Bronies."}, {"id": 905, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Blue and white striped panties."}, {"id": 906, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "4chan."}, {"id": 907, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Hello Kitty vibrator."}, {"id": 908, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Finishing attack."}, {"id": 909, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Keikaku* *(keikaku means plan)."}, {"id": 910, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Hatsune Miku's screams."}, {"id": 911, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "School swimsuits."}, {"id": 912, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Lovingly animated bouncing boobs."}, {"id": 913, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Dragon Balls."}, {"id": 914, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Zangief's chest hair."}, {"id": 915, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "DeviantArt."}, {"id": 916, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Giant fucking robots."}, {"id": 917, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Crossplay."}, {"id": 918, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Moeblob."}, {"id": 919, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Carl Macek's rotting corpse."}, {"id": 920, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "My waifu."}, {"id": 921, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Voice actress Megumi Hayashibara."}, {"id": 922, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Lynn Minmei."}, {"id": 923, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Panty shots."}, {"id": 924, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Love and Justice."}, {"id": 925, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Consensual tentacle rape."}, {"id": 926, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Gundam."}, {"id": 927, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Captain Bright slapping Amuro."}, {"id": 928, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "The Wave Undulation Cannon."}, {"id": 929, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Having sex in the P.E. equipment shed."}, {"id": 930, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Tainted sushi."}, {"id": 931, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Shitty eurobeat music."}, {"id": 932, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Bad dubbing."}, {"id": 933, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Fangirls."}, {"id": 934, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Kawaii desu uguu."}, {"id": 935, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Futanari."}, {"id": 936, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Lesbian schoolgirls."}, {"id": 937, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Osamu Tezuka, rolling in his grave forever."}, {"id": 938, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "FUNimation."}, {"id": 939, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Underage cosplayers in bondage gear."}, {"id": 940, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Jackie Chan."}, {"id": 941, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Exchanging Pocky for sexual favors."}, {"id": 942, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Shipping."}, {"id": 943, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Chiyo's father."}, {"id": 944, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Magikarp."}, {"id": 945, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Derpy."}, {"id": 946, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Nanoha and her special friend Fate."}, {"id": 947, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "The marbles from Ramune bottles."}, {"id": 948, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Wideface."}, {"id": 949, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Spoilers."}, {"id": 950, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Man-Faye."}, {"id": 951, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Oppai mousepads."}, {"id": 952, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Another dimension."}, {"id": 953, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Homura sniffing Madoka's panties."}, {"id": 954, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Hadouken."}, {"id": 955, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Asian ball-jointed dolls."}, {"id": 956, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "J-list."}, {"id": 957, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Childhood friends."}, {"id": 958, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Monkey D. Luffy's rubbery cock."}, {"id": 959, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Cloud's giant fucking Buster Swords."}, {"id": 960, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Taking a dump in Char's helmet."}, {"id": 961, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Hentai marathons."}, {"id": 962, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Gothic Lolita."}, {"id": 963, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Onaholes."}, {"id": 964, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Super Saiyan Level 2."}, {"id": 965, "expansion": "CAHweeaboo", "text": "Gaia Online."}, {"id": 973, "expansion": "CAHxmas", "text": "Santa's heavy sack."}, {"id": 974, "expansion": "CAHxmas", "text": "Clearing a bloody path through Walmart with a scimitar."}, {"id": 975, "expansion": "CAHxmas", "text": "Another shitty year."}, {"id": 976, "expansion": "CAHxmas", "text": "Whatever Kwanzaa is supposed to be about."}, {"id": 977, "expansion": "CAHxmas", "text": "A Christmas stocking full of coleslaw."}, {"id": 978, "expansion": "CAHxmas", "text": "Elf cum."}, {"id": 979, "expansion": "CAHxmas", "text": "The tiny, calloused hands of the Chinese children that made this card."}, {"id": 980, "expansion": "CAHxmas", "text": "Taking down Santa with a surface-to-air missile."}, {"id": 981, "expansion": "CAHxmas", "text": "Socks."}, {"id": 982, "expansion": "CAHxmas", "text": "Pretending to be happy."}, {"id": 983, "expansion": "CAHxmas", "text": "Krampus, the Austrian Christmas monster."}, {"id": 984, "expansion": "CAHxmas", "text": "The Star Wars Holiday Special."}, {"id": 985, "expansion": "CAHxmas", "text": "My hot cousin."}, {"id": 986, "expansion": "CAHxmas", "text": "Mall Santa."}, {"id": 987, "expansion": "CAHxmas", "text": "Several intertwining love stories featuring Hugh Grant."}, {"id": 988, "expansion": "CAHxmas", "text": "A Hungry-Man™ Frozen Christmas Dinner for one."}, {"id": 989, "expansion": "CAHxmas", "text": "Gift-wrapping a live hamster."}, {"id": 990, "expansion": "CAHxmas", "text": "Space Jam on VHS."}, {"id": 991, "expansion": "CAHxmas", "text": "Immaculate conception."}, {"id": 992, "expansion": "CAHxmas", "text": "Fucking up 'Silent Night' in front of 300 parents."}, {"id": 993, "expansion": "CAHxmas", "text": "A visually arresting turtleneck."}, {"id": 994, "expansion": "CAHxmas", "text": "A toxic family environment."}, {"id": 995, "expansion": "CAHxmas", "text": "Eating an entire snowman."}, {"id": 996, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Bumpses."}, {"id": 997, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "A Vin Gerard H8 X 10."}, {"id": 999, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Harry Acropolis."}, {"id": 1000, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Under the ring."}, {"id": 1002, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Afa The Wild Samoan."}, {"id": 1004, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Peanut Butter and Baby sandwiches."}, {"id": 1006, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Yard Tards."}, {"id": 1007, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Two girls, one cup."}, {"id": 1008, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Ugly Mexican Hookers."}, {"id": 1009, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Duct tape."}, {"id": 1010, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Sodaj."}, {"id": 1014, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Steve The Teacher."}, {"id": 1016, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Jefferee."}, {"id": 1019, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Autoerotic Asphyxiation."}, {"id": 1021, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Sonic The Hedgehog."}, {"id": 1022, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Lotto Money."}, {"id": 1024, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Jailbait."}, {"id": 1025, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Prison rape."}, {"id": 1028, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Two And A Half Men."}, {"id": 1029, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Anne Frank."}, {"id": 1030, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Black Santa."}, {"id": 1033, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Jesus Christ (our lord and saviour)."}, {"id": 1034, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Farting with your armpits."}, {"id": 1035, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Poopsicles."}, {"id": 1036, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Slaughtering innocent children."}, {"id": 1037, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Sex with vegetables."}, {"id": 1038, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "My gay ex-husband."}, {"id": 1039, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Accidentally sexting your mom."}, {"id": 1040, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Tabasco in your pee-hole."}, {"id": 1041, "expansion": "NEIndy", "text": "Pee Wee Herman."}, {"id": 1042, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "A breath of fresh air."}, {"id": 1043, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "A great big floppy donkey dick."}, {"id": 1044, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "A pyramid scheme."}, {"id": 1045, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "A school bus surrounded by cop cars."}, {"id": 1046, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "A short walk in the desert with shovels."}, {"id": 1047, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "All the boys staring at your chest."}, {"id": 1048, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "An amorous stallion."}, {"id": 1049, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Being so wet it just slides out of you."}, {"id": 1050, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Being tarred and feathered."}, {"id": 1051, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Catching 'em all."}, {"id": 1052, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Chained to the bed and whipped to orgasmic bliss by a leather-clad woman."}, {"id": 1053, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Child-bearing hips."}, {"id": 1054, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Defenestration."}, {"id": 1055, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Dungeons and/or dragons."}, {"id": 1056, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Ecco the Dolphin."}, {"id": 1057, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "George Washington riding on a giant eagle."}, {"id": 1058, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Getting abducted and probed by aliens."}, {"id": 1059, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Going viral on YouTube."}, {"id": 1060, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Gushing."}, {"id": 1061, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Making the baby Jesus cry."}, {"id": 1062, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "More than you can chew."}, {"id": 1063, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Napalm."}, {"id": 1064, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Pancake bitches."}, {"id": 1065, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Playing God with the power of lightning."}, {"id": 1066, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Playing tonsil-hockey."}, {"id": 1067, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Racing cheese wheels downhill."}, {"id": 1068, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Riding the bomb."}, {"id": 1069, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Settling arguments with dance-offs."}, {"id": 1070, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Sheer spite."}, {"id": 1071, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Sinister laughter."}, {"id": 1072, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "SS Girls."}, {"id": 1073, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Stealing your sister's underwear."}, {"id": 1074, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Stroking a cat the wrong way."}, {"id": 1075, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Sucking and blowing."}, {"id": 1076, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "The bullet with your name on it."}, {"id": 1077, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "The entire rest of eternity, spent in fucking Bruges."}, {"id": 1078, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "The oceans rising to reclaim the land."}, {"id": 1079, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "A cocained-fuelled sex orgy heart attack."}, {"id": 1080, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "A cocktail umbrella "}, {"id": 1081, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "A murder/suicide pact."}, {"id": 1082, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "A squirming mass of kittens."}, {"id": 1083, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "An angry mob with torches and pitchforks."}, {"id": 1084, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Biting my girlfriend like a vampire during sex."}, {"id": 1085, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Dropping your pants and saluting."}, {"id": 1086, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Frankenstein's Monster"}, {"id": 1087, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Getting a blowjob in a theater."}, {"id": 1088, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Going full retard."}, {"id": 1089, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Going slob-slob-slob all over that knob."}, {"id": 1090, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Leaking implants."}, {"id": 1091, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Low-flying planes."}, {"id": 1092, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Monkies flinging their own shit."}, {"id": 1093, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "My robot duplicate."}, {"id": 1094, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Other people\u2019s children."}, {"id": 1095, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "People who can't take a joke. Seriously."}, {"id": 1096, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Popping a boner during Sex Ed class."}, {"id": 1097, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Projectile vomiting."}, {"id": 1098, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Pulling down panties with your teeth."}, {"id": 1099, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Saying "}, {"id": 1100, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Shedding skin like a snake."}, {"id": 1101, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Shooting Valley Girls for like, saying like all the time. Really."}, {"id": 1102, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Slow seductive tentacle rape."}, {"id": 1103, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Talking like a pirate, y\u2019arr!"}, {"id": 1104, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Tenderly kissing a unicorn's horn."}, {"id": 1105, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "That bastard Jesus!"}, {"id": 1106, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "The last shreads of dignity."}, {"id": 1107, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "The power of friendship."}, {"id": 1108, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "This card intentionally left blank."}, {"id": 1109, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Throwing water on a braless woman in a white t-shirt"}, {"id": 1110, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Upskirts."}, {"id": 1111, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Wasting all your money on hookers and booze."}, {"id": 1112, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Winning."}, {"id": 1113, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "A foot fetish."}, {"id": 1114, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "A powerful gag reflex."}, {"id": 1115, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "A tight, Asian pussy."}, {"id": 1116, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Explosive decompression."}, {"id": 1117, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Extraordinary Rendition."}, {"id": 1118, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Forgetting the safety word."}, {"id": 1119, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Greeting Christmas carollers naked."}, {"id": 1120, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Handcuffs, without the key."}, {"id": 1121, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Having a drill for a penis."}, {"id": 1122, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Hot Jailbait Ass."}, {"id": 1123, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Liposuction gone horrible wrong."}, {"id": 1124, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "My harem of scantily clad women."}, {"id": 1125, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Nazi Zombie Robot Ninjas."}, {"id": 1126, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Redneck gypsies."}, {"id": 1127, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Scissoring."}, {"id": 1128, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "A guy and two robots who won\u2019t shut up."}, {"id": 1129, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "A shotgun wedding."}, {"id": 1130, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Anne Frank's diary"}, {"id": 1131, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Autoerotic asphyxiation."}, {"id": 1132, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Blow Up Bianca the Latex Lovedoll."}, {"id": 1133, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Endlessly tumbling down an up escalator."}, {"id": 1134, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Fun with nuns."}, {"id": 1135, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Getting it all over the walls."}, {"id": 1136, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Holiday Dinner by Jack Daniels."}, {"id": 1137, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Nailgun fights."}, {"id": 1138, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Teaching the bitch a lesson."}, {"id": 1139, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Nazi super science."}, {"id": 1140, "expansion": "NSFH", "text": "Making a human centipede."}, {"id": 1173, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "The primal, ball-slapping sex your parents are having right now."}, {"id": 1174, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "A cat video so cute that your eyes roll back and your spine slides out of your anus."}, {"id": 1175, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Cock."}, {"id": 1176, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "A cop who is also a dog."}, {"id": 1177, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Dying alone and in pain."}, {"id": 1178, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Gay aliens."}, {"id": 1179, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "The way white people is."}, {"id": 1180, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Reverse cowgirl."}, {"id": 1181, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "The Quesadilla Explosion Salad™ from Chili's©."}, {"id": 1182, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Actually getting shot, for real."}, {"id": 1183, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Not having sex."}, {"id": 1184, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Vietnam flashbacks."}, {"id": 1185, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Running naked through a mall, pissing and shitting everywhere."}, {"id": 1186, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Nothing."}, {"id": 1187, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Warm, velvety muppet sex."}, {"id": 1188, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Self-flagellation."}, {"id": 1189, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "The systematic destruction of an entire people and their way of life."}, {"id": 1190, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Samuel L. Jackson."}, {"id": 1191, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "A boo-boo."}, {"id": 1192, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Going around punching people."}, {"id": 1193, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "The entire Internet."}, {"id": 1194, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Some kind of bird-man."}, {"id": 1195, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Chugging a lava lamp."}, {"id": 1196, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Having sex on top of a pizza."}, {"id": 1197, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Indescribable loneliness."}, {"id": 1198, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "An ass disaster."}, {"id": 1199, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Shutting the fuck up."}, {"id": 1200, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "All my friends dying."}, {"id": 1201, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Putting an entire peanut butter and jelly sandwich into the VCR."}, {"id": 1202, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Spending lots of money."}, {"id": 1203, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Some douche with an acoustic guitar."}, {"id": 1204, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Flying robots that kill people."}, {"id": 1205, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "A greased-up Matthew McConaughey."}, {"id": 1206, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "An unstoppable wave of fire ants."}, {"id": 1207, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Not contributing to society in any meaningful way."}, {"id": 1208, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "An all-midget production of Shakespeare's <i>Richard III</i>."}, {"id": 1209, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Screaming like a maniac."}, {"id": 1210, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "The moist, demanding chasm of his mouth."}, {"id": 1211, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Filling every orifice with butterscotch pudding."}, {"id": 1212, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Unlimited soup, salad, and breadsticks."}, {"id": 1213, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Crying into the pages of Sylvia Plath."}, {"id": 1214, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Velcro™."}, {"id": 1215, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "A PowerPoint presentation."}, {"id": 1216, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "A surprising amount of hair."}, {"id": 1217, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Eating Tom Selleck's mustache to gain his powers."}, {"id": 1218, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Roland the Farter, flatulist to the king."}, {"id": 1219, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "That ass."}, {"id": 1220, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "A pile of squirming bodies."}, {"id": 1221, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Buying the right pants to be cool."}, {"id": 1222, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Blood farts."}, {"id": 1223, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Three months in the hole."}, {"id": 1224, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "A botched circumcision."}, {"id": 1225, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "The Land of Chocolate."}, {"id": 1226, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Slapping a racist old lady."}, {"id": 1227, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "A lamprey swimming up the toilet and latching onto your taint."}, {"id": 1228, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Jumping out at people."}, {"id": 1229, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "A black male in his early 20s, last seen wearing a hoodie."}, {"id": 1230, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Mufasa's death scene."}, {"id": 1231, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Bill Clinton, naked on a bearskin rug with a saxophone."}, {"id": 1232, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Demonic possession."}, {"id": 1233, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "The Harlem Globetrotters."}, {"id": 1234, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Vomiting mid-blowjob."}, {"id": 1235, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "My manservant, Claude."}, {"id": 1236, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Having shotguns for legs."}, {"id": 1237, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Letting everyone down."}, {"id": 1238, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "A spontaneous conga line."}, {"id": 1239, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "A vagina that leads to another dimension."}, {"id": 1240, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Disco fever."}, {"id": 1241, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Getting your dick stuck in a Chinese finger trap with another dick."}, {"id": 1242, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Fisting."}, {"id": 1243, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "The thin veneer of situational causality that underlies porn."}, {"id": 1244, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Girls that always be textin'."}, {"id": 1245, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Blowing some dudes in an alley."}, {"id": 1246, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Drinking ten 5-hour ENERGYs® to get fifty continuous hours of energy."}, {"id": 1247, "expansion": "CAHe3", "text": "Sneezing, farting, and coming at the same time."}, {"id": 1273, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "A freshly-filled diaper"}, {"id": 1274, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "Glue"}, {"id": 1275, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "An unusually-attractive transvestite"}, {"id": 1276, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "Hand-me-down adult diapers"}, {"id": 1277, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "A stillborn fetus"}, {"id": 1278, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "A disgraced pelican"}, {"id": 1279, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "Three buckets of urine, free for 2 nights, with no late fee"}, {"id": 1280, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "My testicles"}, {"id": 1281, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "A black woman's vagina"}, {"id": 1282, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "My asshole"}, {"id": 1283, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "A whale's blowhole"}, {"id": 1284, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "2 Girls 1 Cup"}, {"id": 1285, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "The Big Bang Theory (TV)"}, {"id": 1286, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "Teen pregnancy"}, {"id": 1287, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "Ass hair"}, {"id": 1288, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "Vaginal warts"}, {"id": 1289, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "Ellen Degeneres"}, {"id": 1290, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "Jews Against Humanity"}, {"id": 1291, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "Indy wrestling"}, {"id": 1292, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "Cunt"}, {"id": 1293, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "Beating a crowd of delightful parents to death with a steel dildo"}, {"id": 1294, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "Beating a crowd of delightful parents to death with a steel dildo while dressed as Ru Paul's brother, Ron."}, {"id": 1295, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "A roll in the hay"}, {"id": 1296, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "\"Get 'em, Steve-Dave!\""}, {"id": 1297, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "God Hates You"}, {"id": 1298, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "Manboobs."}, {"id": 1299, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "Daniel Benoit"}, {"id": 1300, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "Vomiting in the shower"}, {"id": 1308, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "An intellectually superior overlord"}, {"id": 1312, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "Dwight Schrute"}, {"id": 1313, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "Casey Anthony"}, {"id": 1314, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "Clubbin seals"}, {"id": 1315, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "Stunt cock"}, {"id": 1317, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "Anal lice"}, {"id": 1319, "expansion": "Image1", "text": "Lightsaber Dildos"}, {"id": 1323, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Jaime Lannister, 'The Kingslayer'"}, {"id": 1324, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Cersei Lannister, the Queen"}, {"id": 1325, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Joffrey Baratheon, the Prince"}, {"id": 1326, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Tyrion Lannister, 'The Imp'"}, {"id": 1327, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Ned Stark, Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North"}, {"id": 1328, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Robb Stark, heir apparent of Winterfell"}, {"id": 1329, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Jon Snow, the bastard"}, {"id": 1330, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Catelyn Stark, Lady of Winterfell"}, {"id": 1331, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Sansa Stark, betrothed to Prince Joffrey"}, {"id": 1332, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Arya Stark"}, {"id": 1333, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Bran Stark"}, {"id": 1334, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Hodor"}, {"id": 1335, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "The Wall"}, {"id": 1336, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "The Night's Watch"}, {"id": 1337, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Danerys Targaryen, Khaleesi of the Dothraki"}, {"id": 1338, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Theon Greyjoy, Ned Stark's youthful ward"}, {"id": 1339, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Peter 'Littlefinger' Baelish"}, {"id": 1340, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Lord Varys, the Spider"}, {"id": 1341, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "King Robert Baratheon, First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord Protector of the Realm"}, {"id": 1342, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Khal Drogo, Dothraki horse lord"}, {"id": 1343, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "The Iron Throne"}, {"id": 1344, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "HODOR!!"}, {"id": 1345, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Ros, the red-headed whore"}, {"id": 1346, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Winterfell"}, {"id": 1347, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Kings's Landing"}, {"id": 1348, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "The North"}, {"id": 1349, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Beyond the Wall"}, {"id": 1350, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Westeros"}, {"id": 1351, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "The Seven Kingdoms"}, {"id": 1352, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Direwolves"}, {"id": 1353, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "White Walkers"}, {"id": 1354, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Dragons"}, {"id": 1355, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "'Winter is Coming'"}, {"id": 1356, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "The old gods and the new"}, {"id": 1357, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Incest, hot twin on twin action"}, {"id": 1358, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "House Stark"}, {"id": 1359, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "House Lannister"}, {"id": 1360, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "House Targaryen"}, {"id": 1361, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "George R. R. Martin"}, {"id": 1362, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Gratuitous nudity, the way only HBO\u00ae can provide"}, {"id": 1363, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Throwing a boy out of a window to cover up incest"}, {"id": 1364, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Joining the Night's Watch"}, {"id": 1365, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Selling your sister to Dothraki nomads"}, {"id": 1366, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Making your husband love you through cunning use of reverse cowgirl"}, {"id": 1367, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Running a whorehouse, which is better than owning ships"}, {"id": 1368, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Conquering the continent with dragons"}, {"id": 1369, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Being forced to marry an abusive king"}, {"id": 1370, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Beheading a man for having no honor"}, {"id": 1371, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Explaining complicated plot with lots of naked women around"}, {"id": 1372, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Trusting Littlefinger"}, {"id": 1373, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Learning the prince is a bastard and the product of incest"}, {"id": 1374, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Slapping Joffrey. Repeatedly."}, {"id": 1375, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Cutting off your enemies' heads and mounting them on spikes"}, {"id": 1376, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Raising your husband's bastard son as your own"}, {"id": 1377, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Asking a teenage girl if she's 'bled yet'"}, {"id": 1378, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Making millions of fans cry by killing off beloved characters"}, {"id": 1379, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Hodoring"}, {"id": 1380, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Riding off to join your best friend's rebellion"}, {"id": 1381, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Breastfeeding your creepy son until he's 9 years old"}, {"id": 1382, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Having a giant wolf for a pet"}, {"id": 1383, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Beheaded on the steps of the Sept of Baelor"}, {"id": 1384, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Killed by a member of the Kingsguard"}, {"id": 1385, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Seized the Iron Throne by any means necessary"}, {"id": 1386, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Built a 700 foot high wall to keep out bad things"}, {"id": 1387, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Born a bastard"}, {"id": 1388, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Butchered by White Walkers and arranged in an artful pattern"}, {"id": 1389, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Appointed as Hand of the King"}, {"id": 1390, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Found enough wolf cubs for all the children"}, {"id": 1391, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Fondled by your brother on your wedding day"}, {"id": 1392, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Climbed the wrong wall at the wrong time"}, {"id": 1393, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Started a pointless vendetta with another House"}, {"id": 1394, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Increased ratings with the use of gratuitous nudity"}, {"id": 1395, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Carried by Hodor"}, {"id": 1396, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Pissed off of the Wall just because"}, {"id": 1397, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Swore an oath to the old gods and the new"}, {"id": 1398, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Brought home a new baby bastard for your wife to hate"}, {"id": 1399, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Negotiated a wedding no one will like"}, {"id": 1400, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Rode a dragon, like a boss"}, {"id": 1401, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Changed things from the book, infuriating fans"}, {"id": 1402, "expansion": "GOT", "text": "Spent an entire reign chasing boars and fucking whores"}, {"id": 1423, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "Full HD."}, {"id": 1424, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "The Gravity Gun."}, {"id": 1425, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "Reading the comments."}, {"id": 1426, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "70,000 gamers sweating and farting inside an airtight steel dome."}, {"id": 1427, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "Allowing nacho cheese to curdle in your beard while you creep in League of Legends."}, {"id": 1428, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "Achieving the manual dexterity and tactical brilliance of a 12-year-old Korean boy."}, {"id": 1429, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "Rolling a D20 to save a failing marriage."}, {"id": 1430, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "The collective wail of every Magic player suddenly realizing that they've spent hundreds of dollars on pieces of cardboard."}, {"id": 1431, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "Being an attractive elf trapped in an unattractive human's body."}, {"id": 1432, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "Temporary invincibility."}, {"id": 1433, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "The Sarlacc."}, {"id": 1434, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "Filling every pouch of a UtiliKilt™ with pizza."}, {"id": 1435, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "Bowser's aching heart."}, {"id": 1436, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "Mario Kart rage."}, {"id": 1437, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "Nude-Modding Super Mario World."}, {"id": 1438, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "An angry stone head that stomps on the floor every three seconds."}, {"id": 1439, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "Yoshi's huge egg-laying cloaca."}, {"id": 1440, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "The Cock Ring of Alacrity."}, {"id": 1441, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "Offering sexual favors for an ore and a sheep."}, {"id": 1442, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "A home-made, cum-stained Star Trek uniform."}, {"id": 1443, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "Unlocking a new sex position."}, {"id": 1444, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "The boner hatch in the Iron Man suit."}, {"id": 1445, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "Never watching, discussing, or thinking about My Little Pony."}, {"id": 1446, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "Turn-of-the-century sky racists."}, {"id": 1447, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "The decade of legal inquests following a single hour of Grand Theft Auto."}, {"id": 1448, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "A fully-dressed female video game character."}, {"id": 1449, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "Buying virtual clothes for a Sim family instead of real clothes for a real family."}, {"id": 1450, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "Google Glass + e-Cigarette: Ultimate Combo!"}, {"id": 1451, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "Tapping Serra Angel."}, {"id": 1452, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "Charles Barkley Shut Up and Jam!"}, {"id": 1453, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "Legendary Creature - Robert Khoo."}, {"id": 1454, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "Winning the approval of Cooking Mama that you never got from actual mama."}, {"id": 1455, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "Eating a pizza that's lying in the street to gain health."}, {"id": 1456, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "Getting into a situation with an Owlbear."}, {"id": 1457, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "Grand Theft Auto: Fort Lauderdale."}, {"id": 1458, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "A madman who lives in a police box and kidnaps women."}, {"id": 1459, "expansion": "PAXP13", "text": "SNES cartridge cleaning fluid."}, {"id": 1467, "expansion": "PAXE13", "text": "An immediately regrettable $9 hot dog from the Boston Convention Center."}, {"id": 1468, "expansion": "PAXE13", "text": "Running out of stamina."}, {"id": 1469, "expansion": "PAXE13", "text": "Casting Magic Missile at a bully."}, {"id": 1470, "expansion": "PAXE13", "text": "Getting bitch slapped by Dhalsim."}, {"id": 1471, "expansion": "PAXE13", "text": "Firefly: Season 2."}, {"id": 1472, "expansion": "PAXE13", "text": "Rotating shapes in mid-air so that they fit into other shapes when they fall."}, {"id": 1473, "expansion": "PAXE13", "text": "Jiggle physics."}, {"id": 1474, "expansion": "PAXE13", "text": "Paying the iron price."}, {"id": 1475, "expansion": "PAXE13", "text": "Sharpening a foam broadsword on a foam whetstone."}, {"id": 1476, "expansion": "PAXE13", "text": "The rocket launcher."}, {"id": 1477, "expansion": "PAXE13", "text": "The depression that ensues after catching 'em all."}, {"id": 1478, "expansion": "PAXE13", "text": "Loading from a previous save."}, {"id": 1479, "expansion": "PAXE13", "text": "Violating the first Law of Robotics."}, {"id": 1480, "expansion": "PAXE13", "text": "Getting inside the Horadic Cube with a hot babe and pressing the transmute button."}, {"id": 1481, "expansion": "PAXE13", "text": "Punching a tree to gather wood."}, {"id": 1482, "expansion": "PAXE13", "text": "Spending the year's insulin budget on Warhammer 40k figurines."}, {"id": 1483, "expansion": "PAXE13", "text": "The Klobb."}, {"id": 1484, "expansion": "PAXE13", "text": "Achieving 500 actions per minute."}, {"id": 1485, "expansion": "PAXE13", "text": "Vespene gas."}, {"id": 1486, "expansion": "PAXE13", "text": "Wil Wheaton crashing an actual spaceship."}, {"id": 1487, "expansion": "PAXE13", "text": "Charging up all the way."}, {"id": 1488, "expansion": "PAXE13", "text": "Judging elves by the color of their skin and not the content of their character."}, {"id": 1489, "expansion": "PAXE13", "text": "Smashing all the pottery in a Pottery Barn in search of rupees."}, {"id": 1490, "expansion": "PAXE13", "text": "Forgetting to eat and consequently dying."}, {"id": 1497, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Zero F**K's Given!"}, {"id": 1498, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Windows update"}, {"id": 1499, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Wilfrord Brimley's Mustache"}, {"id": 1500, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Wikileaks"}, {"id": 1501, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Why not Zoidberg?!"}, {"id": 1502, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "White Shirt"}, {"id": 1503, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Warp core breach"}, {"id": 1504, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "W.O.P.R."}, {"id": 1505, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Vinyl Vanna"}, {"id": 1506, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Vegas 2.0"}, {"id": 1507, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Using 4Chan for parenting advice"}, {"id": 1508, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "User Error"}, {"id": 1509, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Undercover NBC DateLine Reporter"}, {"id": 1510, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "UDP Handshake"}, {"id": 1511, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Two Girls One Cup"}, {"id": 1512, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Truffle Shuffle"}, {"id": 1513, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Trigger word"}, {"id": 1514, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Tractor Beam"}, {"id": 1515, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Toxic BBQ"}, {"id": 1516, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "I'm a text"}, {"id": 1517, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Tongue punch that fart box, boy"}, {"id": 1518, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "TL;DR"}, {"id": 1519, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Threat modeling"}, {"id": 1520, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Throat Punching"}, {"id": 1521, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "There's talks at DEF CON?"}, {"id": 1522, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "The Spanish Inquisition"}, {"id": 1523, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "The smell of glitter and lost dreams"}, {"id": 1524, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "The plan was to crowd source a plan"}, {"id": 1525, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "The fractured elements of her psyche reassembled themselves into an exact likeness of a snarling ferret and she self-destructed"}, {"id": 1526, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "The asshole sitting to my right."}, {"id": 1527, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "The asshole sitting to my left"}, {"id": 1528, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "That's What ~ She"}, {"id": 1529, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "That's Racist!"}, {"id": 1530, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "That place where I put that thing that time."}, {"id": 1531, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "That just happened and we let that happen."}, {"id": 1532, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Tentacle Porn"}, {"id": 1533, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "TARDIS"}, {"id": 1534, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Sweat, anger and shame"}, {"id": 1535, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Stolen laptops"}, {"id": 1536, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Sticky keyboard"}, {"id": 1537, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Steve Wozniak"}, {"id": 1538, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Steampunk"}, {"id": 1539, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "SRDF (Self Righteous Dick Face)"}, {"id": 1540, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Squirrel"}, {"id": 1541, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Spyware"}, {"id": 1542, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Spotting a FED"}, {"id": 1543, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "SPAM with Bacon"}, {"id": 1544, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Something something danger zone. I know. I'm not even trying anymore."}, {"id": 1545, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Spacedicks"}, {"id": 1546, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Slow Clap"}, {"id": 1547, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Six gummy bears and some scotch"}, {"id": 1548, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Situational awareness"}, {"id": 1549, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Shut up and take my money"}, {"id": 1550, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Schr\u00f6dinger's cat"}, {"id": 1551, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Shenanigans"}, {"id": 1552, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Security theater"}, {"id": 1553, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Security Evangelist"}, {"id": 1554, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Security by obscurity"}, {"id": 1555, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Script kiddies"}, {"id": 1556, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Said no one ever!"}, {"id": 1557, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Sabu"}, {"id": 1558, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Running backwards through a corn field"}, {"id": 1559, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Rule 34"}, {"id": 1560, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Ruby on Rails"}, {"id": 1561, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Rolling Natural 20's"}, {"id": 1562, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "ROFLCOPTER"}, {"id": 1563, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Riding a horse"}, {"id": 1564, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Ridiculously Photogenic Guy"}, {"id": 1565, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Ribbed for their pleasure"}, {"id": 1566, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Restore from backups"}, {"id": 1567, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Redbull without a cause"}, {"id": 1568, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Red Shirts"}, {"id": 1569, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "ReCaptcha"}, {"id": 1570, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Real men of Genius"}, {"id": 1571, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Rainbow tables"}, {"id": 1572, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Rageface"}, {"id": 1573, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Rage quit"}, {"id": 1574, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Put Kevin back"}, {"id": 1575, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Put a bird on it"}, {"id": 1576, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Purchasing challenge coins on eBay"}, {"id": 1577, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Prism"}, {"id": 1578, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Priest in a thong doing the Gangnam Style"}, {"id": 1579, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Pressing the red button"}, {"id": 1580, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Prenda Law"}, {"id": 1581, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Prairie dogging during an interview"}, {"id": 1582, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Practicing Gringo Warrior at home with baby oil. Naked."}, {"id": 1583, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "P0rn"}, {"id": 1584, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "PORK CHOP SANDWICHES!"}, {"id": 1585, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Pop, Pop, Ret"}, {"id": 1586, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Pool2Girl"}, {"id": 1587, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Please do the needful"}, {"id": 1588, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Pirate Party"}, {"id": 1589, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Pepper spray"}, {"id": 1590, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "PedoBear"}, {"id": 1591, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Patrick Star"}, {"id": 1592, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Pastebin password files"}, {"id": 1593, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Passwords emailed in plain text"}, {"id": 1594, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Password: Guest"}, {"id": 1595, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "0wning You"}, {"id": 1596, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Online backups"}, {"id": 1597, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "One Salty Hash"}, {"id": 1598, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "OMGBTFBBQ"}, {"id": 1599, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Obvious"}, {"id": 1600, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "NSA"}, {"id": 1601, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Now I'm into something... Darker"}, {"id": 1602, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Not a single fuck was given"}, {"id": 1603, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "North Korea's Twitter Account"}, {"id": 1604, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "No Starch Press"}, {"id": 1605, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "No Reason"}, {"id": 1606, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Nmap"}, {"id": 1607, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Ninjas, Pirates, Robots, and Zombies!"}, {"id": 1608, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Ninja badge"}, {"id": 1609, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Nigerian scammers"}, {"id": 1610, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Neck beard"}, {"id": 1611, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "NAMBLA"}, {"id": 1612, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Na-ah-ah You didn't say the magic word!"}, {"id": 1613, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "My sex robot Fisto Roboto"}, {"id": 1614, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "My massive SSD"}, {"id": 1615, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "My little Bronies"}, {"id": 1616, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "My first Prostate Exam"}, {"id": 1617, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Mouth Hugs"}, {"id": 1618, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Mega"}, {"id": 1619, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Mega Upload"}, {"id": 1620, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Math is hard. Lets go shopping!"}, {"id": 1621, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Masturbating in a hot tub for a Ninja Badge"}, {"id": 1622, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Mansplaining"}, {"id": 1623, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Maniacally laughing while wearing a monocle"}, {"id": 1624, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Making a sandwich"}, {"id": 1625, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Maintaining the Ballmer Peak"}, {"id": 1626, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Lock picks"}, {"id": 1627, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Level 8 Portal"}, {"id": 1628, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Lemon Party"}, {"id": 1629, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Learning something at Con"}, {"id": 1630, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Lady boner"}, {"id": 1631, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "L0pht"}, {"id": 1632, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Keyloggers"}, {"id": 1633, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Kevin Mitnick"}, {"id": 1634, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Kegels"}, {"id": 1635, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Just the Tip"}, {"id": 1636, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Just a sniff"}, {"id": 1637, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Julian Assange"}, {"id": 1638, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "John McAfee"}, {"id": 1639, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "It's just a bunch of ones and zeros"}, {"id": 1640, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "It blended!"}, {"id": 1641, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Ingress"}, {"id": 1642, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Infected email attachments"}, {"id": 1643, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "In the cloud"}, {"id": 1644, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Implied Situational Consent"}, {"id": 1645, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Ill-tempered sea bass"}, {"id": 1646, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "If you know what I mean"}, {"id": 1647, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Identity theft"}, {"id": 1648, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "ICANN"}, {"id": 1649, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "I should buy a boat"}, {"id": 1650, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Humperdink award"}, {"id": 1651, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "HuBot (Chatroom bot)"}, {"id": 1652, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Hookers & Blow"}, {"id": 1653, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Hashtag"}, {"id": 1654, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Handcuffs"}, {"id": 1655, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Grumpy Cat"}, {"id": 1656, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Gray beard, gray balls"}, {"id": 1657, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Grammar Nazi"}, {"id": 1658, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Got it done!"}, {"id": 1659, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Good Guy Greg"}, {"id": 1660, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Golf cart"}, {"id": 1661, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Glasshole"}, {"id": 1662, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Getting thrown the the pool by the Goons with all your tech"}, {"id": 1663, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Getting hammered in the ass so much you die of getting hammered in the ass"}, {"id": 1664, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Getting F'd in the A with a D"}, {"id": 1665, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Getting a sympathy boner"}, {"id": 1666, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Fyodor"}, {"id": 1667, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "FX"}, {"id": 1668, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Forking someone's repo"}, {"id": 1669, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Forever Alone"}, {"id": 1670, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "FOIA Request"}, {"id": 1671, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Floppy Disk"}, {"id": 1672, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Flipping a table"}, {"id": 1673, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Flesh light"}, {"id": 1674, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Flame wars"}, {"id": 1675, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Fist full of assholes"}, {"id": 1676, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Fish fingers and custard"}, {"id": 1677, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "First World Problems"}, {"id": 1678, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Finished it last week!"}, {"id": 1679, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "FemiNazi's"}, {"id": 1680, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Fear Uncertainty Doubt (FUD)"}, {"id": 1681, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Fapping while wearing a horse head mask"}, {"id": 1682, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Fapping on the family computer"}, {"id": 1683, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Fapped"}, {"id": 1684, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Facepalm"}, {"id": 1685, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "EXIF data stalking"}, {"id": 1686, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "End User License Agreement"}, {"id": 1687, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Electronic Frontier Foundation"}, {"id": 1688, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Edward Snowden"}, {"id": 1689, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Drunken Muppet"}, {"id": 1690, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Drones"}, {"id": 1691, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Double ROT13"}, {"id": 1692, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Double Facepalm"}, {"id": 1693, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Don't Blink"}, {"id": 1694, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Dr. Who"}, {"id": 1695, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Dongs"}, {"id": 1696, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Doing the '(you are) NOT the father' dance"}, {"id": 1697, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)"}, {"id": 1698, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Die in a fire"}, {"id": 1699, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Dick and/or Balls"}, {"id": 1700, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "derp.rar ("}, {"id": 1701, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Def Con Wireless"}, {"id": 1702, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Do not connect to this!"}, {"id": 1703, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Deep C Phishing"}, {"id": 1704, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Dark Tangent"}, {"id": 1705, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Dan Kaminsky Password Generator"}, {"id": 1706, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Dan Kaminsky"}, {"id": 1707, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Daaaaaanger Zone!"}, {"id": 1708, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Cyber war"}, {"id": 1709, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Cyber-douchery"}, {"id": 1710, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Cyber Punk"}, {"id": 1711, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Crying over spilt milk"}, {"id": 1712, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Crash Override"}, {"id": 1713, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Copyright trolls"}, {"id": 1714, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Coding while listening to whale songs"}, {"id": 1715, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Clicking shit"}, {"id": 1716, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Chuck Norris"}, {"id": 1717, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "China"}, {"id": 1718, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Check a look at you later"}, {"id": 1719, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Cat memes"}, {"id": 1720, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Caressing a man's hairy chest"}, {"id": 1721, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Captain Crunch (John Draper)"}, {"id": 1722, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Butthurt"}, {"id": 1723, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Butt chugging mom's boxed wine"}, {"id": 1724, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "But then I'd have to kill you"}, {"id": 1725, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Big Dongles"}, {"id": 1726, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Big Data"}, {"id": 1727, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Being the big spoon"}, {"id": 1728, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Being the little spoon"}, {"id": 1729, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Being sexually aroused by the sight of TSA's gloves"}, {"id": 1730, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Bath salts"}, {"id": 1731, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Bacon"}, {"id": 1732, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Babe caught me slippin'"}, {"id": 1733, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Awkward mouth hugs"}, {"id": 1734, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Awkward hugs"}, {"id": 1735, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Asymmetric encryption"}, {"id": 1736, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Arbitrary code execution"}, {"id": 1737, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "APT1"}, {"id": 1738, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Anonymous"}, {"id": 1739, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "And then it died"}, {"id": 1740, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "And boom goes the dynamite"}, {"id": 1741, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "An arrow to the knee"}, {"id": 1742, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Altair 8800"}, {"id": 1743, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "All the Things!"}, {"id": 1744, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Alexis Park"}, {"id": 1745, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Ain't nobody got time for dat!"}, {"id": 1746, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "Ada Initiative approved flesh-light with anti-rape condom included!"}, {"id": 1747, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "ACTII pr0n"}, {"id": 1748, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "A van down by the river"}, {"id": 1749, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "A town with no ducks"}, {"id": 1750, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "A series of explicit Post-It notes"}, {"id": 1751, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "A series of tubes"}, {"id": 1752, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "A Raspberry Pi"}, {"id": 1753, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "A Payphone"}, {"id": 1754, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "A Ninja-tel Phone"}, {"id": 1755, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "A Hak5 Pineapple"}, {"id": 1756, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "A Googly eyed blow job"}, {"id": 1757, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "A giant cup of STFU"}, {"id": 1758, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "A fake ID made from Kinko's"}, {"id": 1759, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "A baby's arm holding an apple"}, {"id": 1760, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "A 'Pair of Docs'"}, {"id": 1761, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "64 Bit Keys"}, {"id": 1762, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "503 Card Unavailable"}, {"id": 1763, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "501 Card Error"}, {"id": 1764, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "500 internal card error"}, {"id": 1765, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "406 Not Allowed"}, {"id": 1766, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "404 Not Found"}, {"id": 1767, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "403 Forbidden"}, {"id": 1768, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "401 Unauthorized"}, {"id": 1769, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "3D printed P0rn"}, {"id": 1770, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "302 Card Redirect"}, {"id": 1771, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "10,000 Canadian Pennies"}, {"id": 1772, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "1.21 Jigawatts"}, {"id": 1773, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "(wub) (wub) (wub)"}, {"id": 1774, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "'I Survived Ada Camp' Challenge Coin"}, {"id": 1775, "expansion": "HACK", "text": "1337 Sp3ak"}, {"id": 1854, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "10 Incredible Facts About the Anus."}, {"id": 1855, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "A Native American who solves crimes by going into the spirit world."}, {"id": 1856, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "A Ugandan warlord."}, {"id": 1857, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "A bunch of idiots playing a card game instead of interacting like normal humans."}, {"id": 1858, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "A dance move that's just sex."}, {"id": 1859, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "A fart."}, {"id": 1860, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "A for-real lizard that spits blood from its eyes."}, {"id": 1861, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "A gender identity that can only be conveyed through slam poetry."}, {"id": 1862, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "A hopeless amount of spiders."}, {"id": 1863, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "A horse with no legs."}, {"id": 1864, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "A kiss on the lips."}, {"id": 1865, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "A manhole."}, {"id": 1866, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "A sex comet from Neptune that plunges the Earth into eternal sexiness."}, {"id": 1867, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "A sex goblin with a carnival penis."}, {"id": 1868, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "A shiny rock that proves I love you."}, {"id": 1869, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Actual mutants with medical conditions and no superpowers."}, {"id": 1870, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Africa."}, {"id": 1871, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "All the single ladies."}, {"id": 1872, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Almost giving money to a homeless person."}, {"id": 1873, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Ambiguous sarcasm."}, {"id": 1874, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "An interracial handshake."}, {"id": 1875, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night."}, {"id": 1876, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Ass to mouth."}, {"id": 1877, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Blackula."}, {"id": 1878, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Bouncing up and down."}, {"id": 1879, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Calculating every mannerism so as not to suggest homosexuality."}, {"id": 1880, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Child Protective Services."}, {"id": 1881, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Crazy opium eyes."}, {"id": 1882, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Dem titties."}, {"id": 1883, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Depression."}, {"id": 1884, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Doo-doo."}, {"id": 1885, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Drinking responsibly."}, {"id": 1886, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Exploding pigeons."}, {"id": 1887, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Falling into the toilet."}, {"id": 1888, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Finally finishing off the Indians."}, {"id": 1889, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Fucking a corpse back to life."}, {"id": 1890, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Grammar nazis who are also regular Nazis."}, {"id": 1891, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "How awesome I am."}, {"id": 1892, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Injecting speed into one arm and horse tranquilizer into the other."}, {"id": 1893, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Interspecies marriage."}, {"id": 1894, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Jizz."}, {"id": 1895, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Khakis."}, {"id": 1896, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Lots and lots of abortions."}, {"id": 1897, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Moderate-to-severe joint pain."}, {"id": 1898, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "My dad's dumb fucking face."}, {"id": 1899, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "My sex dungeon."}, {"id": 1900, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "My worthless son."}, {"id": 1901, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Neil Diamond's Greatest Hits."}, {"id": 1902, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "No clothes on, penis in vagina."}, {"id": 1903, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Party Mexicans."}, {"id": 1904, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Prince Ali, fabulous he, Ali Ababwa."}, {"id": 1905, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Sharks with legs."}, {"id": 1906, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Smoking crack, for instance."}, {"id": 1907, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Snorting coke off a clown's boner."}, {"id": 1908, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Some sort of Asian."}, {"id": 1909, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Sports."}, {"id": 1910, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Stuffing a child's face with Fun Dip\u00ae until he starts having fun."}, {"id": 1911, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Sugar madness."}, {"id": 1912, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "The complex geopolitical quagmire that is the Middle East."}, {"id": 1913, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "The euphoric rush of strangling a drifter."}, {"id": 1914, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "The peaceful and nonthreatening rise of China."}, {"id": 1915, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "The safe word."}, {"id": 1916, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "The secret formula for ultimate female satisfaction."}, {"id": 1917, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "The size of my penis."}, {"id": 1918, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "The tiniest shred of evidence that God is real."}, {"id": 1919, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Three consecutive seconds of happiness."}, {"id": 1920, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Unquestioning obedience."}, {"id": 1921, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "What Jesus would do."}, {"id": 1922, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Whatever a McRib\u00ae is made of."}, {"id": 1923, "expansion": "CAHe4", "text": "Whispering all sexy."}, {"id": 1954, "expansion": "Box", "text": "The biggest, blackest dick."}, {"id": 1955, "expansion": "Box", "text": "A box."}, {"id": 1956, "expansion": "Box", "text": "A box within a box."}, {"id": 1957, "expansion": "Box", "text": "A boxing match with a giant box."}, {"id": 1958, "expansion": "Box", "text": "A box of biscuits, a box of mixed biscuits, and a biscuit mixer."}, {"id": 1959, "expansion": "Box", "text": "An outbreak of smallbox."}, {"id": 1960, "expansion": "Box", "text": "The Boxcar Children."}, {"id": 1961, "expansion": "Box", "text": "A world without boxes."}, {"id": 1962, "expansion": "Box", "text": "Boxing up my feelings."}, {"id": 1963, "expansion": "Box", "text": "A box-shaped man."}, {"id": 1964, "expansion": "Box", "text": "A man-shaped box."}, {"id": 1965, "expansion": "Box", "text": "Something that looks like a box but turns out to be a crate."}, {"id": 1966, "expansion": "Box", "text": "A box that is conscious and wishes it weren't a box."}, {"id": 1967, "expansion": "Box", "text": "An alternate universe in which boxes store things inside of people."}, {"id": 1968, "expansion": "Box", "text": "The J15 Patriot Assault Box."}, {"id": 1969, "expansion": "Box", "text": "A box without hinges, key, or lid, yet golden treasure inside is hid."}, {"id": 1970, "expansion": "Box", "text": "Two midgets shitting into a box."}, {"id": 1971, "expansion": "Box", "text": "A falcon with a box on its head."}, {"id": 1972, "expansion": "Box", "text": "Being a motherfucking box."}, {"id": 1973, "expansion": "Box", "text": "Former President George W. Box."}, {"id": 1974, "expansion": "Box", "text": "Pandora's vagina."}, {"id": 1975, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Tom Baker, in nothing but a scarf."}, {"id": 1976, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Walking in on Jack Harkness doing your mom. And your dad."}, {"id": 1977, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "The buzzing noise that the Sonic Screwdriver makes."}, {"id": 1978, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Sharing a public restroom with a weeping angel."}, {"id": 1979, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Just now realizing that \"Torchwood\" is an anagram of \"Doctor Who\"."}, {"id": 1980, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Fifty years of fanfic."}, {"id": 1981, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Wanting to punch that teeny-bopper Whovian that's butthurt the new Doctor isn't in his twenties."}, {"id": 1982, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "The Doctor going back in time to solve a REAL problem: \"Twilight\"."}, {"id": 1983, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "A \"Doctor Who\" body pillow."}, {"id": 1984, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "The Silence."}, {"id": 1985, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "A Rusty Cyberman."}, {"id": 1986, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "The Doctor having a chance encounter with a couple of 80s metalheads."}, {"id": 1987, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Drunkenly drawing tally marks on your face."}, {"id": 1988, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "A shitty Doctor Who knock-knock joke."}, {"id": 1989, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Davros getting up on the wrong side of the bed."}, {"id": 1990, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "The Master, baiting the doctor into a trap."}, {"id": 1991, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "A Vashta Nerada that just wants a hug."}, {"id": 1992, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Wishing you could regenerate."}, {"id": 1993, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Kidnapping a barely-legal woman to time travel with."}, {"id": 1994, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Getting so much plastic surgery, you have to be framed and moisturized."}, {"id": 1995, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Quitting this panel after one round, because you are afraid of getting typecast."}, {"id": 1996, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "The poor costume decisions that were made in the 1970s."}, {"id": 1997, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "The Mary Jane Adventures."}, {"id": 1998, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Fondling a Dalek's slippery bits."}, {"id": 1999, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Sixteen feet of scarf bondage."}, {"id": 2000, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Air from my lungs."}, {"id": 2001, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Smoking 1000 cigarettes, just so you can sound like a Dalek when you talk."}, {"id": 2002, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Giving her the ol' plastic Mickey."}, {"id": 2003, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Companion Porn."}, {"id": 2004, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "An acid rain shower on Skaro."}, {"id": 2005, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Pointing to your crotch and saying \"Allons-y\"."}, {"id": 2006, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "A sonic screwdriver stuck on the vibrate setting."}, {"id": 2007, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Pouting in a rain storm and having to take a wicked piss."}, {"id": 2008, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "The poor decision that is having a staring contest with a weeping angel."}, {"id": 2009, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Sorry, this answer is only available in the fanfic version of Cards Against Con."}, {"id": 2010, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Plot holes so wide, you could drive a truck through them."}, {"id": 2011, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "A blinged-out TARDIS, blasting dubstep when it is travelling."}, {"id": 2012, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Rose Tyler's teeth."}, {"id": 2013, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "The Master singing \"Bad Case of Loving You.\""}, {"id": 2014, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Steven Moffat taking a big old dump in your Cheerios."}, {"id": 2015, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "K-9 humping your leg."}, {"id": 2016, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "A bigger, bluer TARDIS."}, {"id": 2017, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Robot Anne Robinson."}, {"id": 2018, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "A fez caked with semen."}, {"id": 2019, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "A GUITARDIS"}, {"id": 2020, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "The Celestial Toymaker's \"plaything\"."}, {"id": 2021, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Captain Jack Harkness."}, {"id": 2022, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "A furry writing BAD WOLF everywhere."}, {"id": 2023, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Your dyslexic friend that wants you to come watch a marathon of \"Doctor How\"."}, {"id": 2024, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Fapping to Billie Piper portraying a callgirl."}, {"id": 2025, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Being used as a plot device by Steven Moffat."}, {"id": 2026, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "A Costco-sized bag of Jelly Babies."}, {"id": 2027, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "A global simulcast that forces Whovians to see sunlight for the first time in ages."}, {"id": 2028, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "THE END OF TIME ITSELF!"}, {"id": 2029, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Finding Autons oddly attractive."}, {"id": 2030, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "The fuck machine dungeon of the Cybermen."}, {"id": 2031, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Glenn Beck convulsively puking as a brood of Daleks swarm in on him."}, {"id": 2032, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "River Song."}, {"id": 2033, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Low-budget special effects."}, {"id": 2034, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Eggs."}, {"id": 2035, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Dalek porn."}, {"id": 2036, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Taking a Doctor Poo."}, {"id": 2037, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "The big banana in your pocket."}, {"id": 2038, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Opening the door of the TARDIS and leaving a deuce in the time-space continuum."}, {"id": 2039, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "David Tennant."}, {"id": 2040, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Matt Smith."}, {"id": 2041, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Chistopher Eccleston."}, {"id": 2042, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Siltheen farts."}, {"id": 2043, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "A kid in a gas mask asking if you are his mummy."}, {"id": 2044, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "Fish fingering your custard."}, {"id": 2045, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "The hideousness that is Raxacoricofallapatorious."}, {"id": 2046, "expansion": "Gallifrey", "text": "An Ood getting a starring role in a hentai."}, {"id": 2074, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "\u2026 . .-. . -. .. - -.\u2014 (Serenity)"}, {"id": 2075, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "'Rails with pails."}, {"id": 2076, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "\"Apple Juice.\""}, {"id": 2077, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "A bull penis cane."}, {"id": 2078, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "A chip in your heart that forces you to love."}, {"id": 2079, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "A dead Ms. Paint."}, {"id": 2080, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "A dominant Kankri."}, {"id": 2081, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "A five minute video of Cronus giving Kankri a blowjob."}, {"id": 2082, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "A mighty wwizard of wwhite science."}, {"id": 2083, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "A Nicolas Cage body pillow."}, {"id": 2084, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "A painting of a horse attacking a football player."}, {"id": 2085, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "A rapist cuttlefish."}, {"id": 2086, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "A slaughtered sperm whale."}, {"id": 2087, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "A smuppet in Dirk\u2019s pants."}, {"id": 2088, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "A Strider sandwich."}, {"id": 2089, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "A VrisKan waffle."}, {"id": 2090, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Accidentally touching Gamze\u2019s enormous codpiece."}, {"id": 2091, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Actual blind people who cosplay Terezi."}, {"id": 2092, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Alternian fine art."}, {"id": 2093, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Alternian rainbow-drinker romance novels."}, {"id": 2094, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "An acrobatic fucking pirouette."}, {"id": 2095, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Andrew Hussie."}, {"id": 2096, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Andrew Hussie\u2019s lips."}, {"id": 2097, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Anonymous Soporifics Support."}, {"id": 2098, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Apple Juice."}, {"id": 2099, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Aradia Bot."}, {"id": 2100, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Aradia Megido."}, {"id": 2101, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Aradia\u2019s charred, rotting corpse."}, {"id": 2102, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Aranea Serket."}, {"id": 2103, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Aranea's exposition stand."}, {"id": 2104, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Arguing over troll sexuality."}, {"id": 2105, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "ARquiusprite\u2019s muscles."}, {"id": 2106, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Arthour the lusus."}, {"id": 2107, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "AVATAR."}, {"id": 2108, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Baby Dave."}, {"id": 2109, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Bard Quest."}, {"id": 2110, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Beating the shit out of Terezi."}, {"id": 2111, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Bec Noir."}, {"id": 2112, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Becoming Tumblr famous."}, {"id": 2113, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Being fuck deep in meowcats."}, {"id": 2114, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Being in a relationship with a non-Homestuck."}, {"id": 2115, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Being in a relationship with a non-Homestuck."}, {"id": 2116, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Being locked in a Prospitian prison."}, {"id": 2117, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Being the other guy."}, {"id": 2118, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "BETTY FUCKING CROCKER."}, {"id": 2119, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Binge reading every fanfiction for a pairing and then hating yourself a little bit."}, {"id": 2120, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "BL1ND JUST1C3."}, {"id": 2121, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Blackrom orgies."}, {"id": 2122, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Bro and Dave banging while Rose watches."}, {"id": 2123, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Bro."}, {"id": 2124, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Bro's rapping ventriloquism act."}, {"id": 2125, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Bro\u2019s death."}, {"id": 2126, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "BUCKETS."}, {"id": 2127, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Butler Island."}, {"id": 2128, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "C4NDY R3D BLOOD >:]"}, {"id": 2129, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Caledscratch."}, {"id": 2130, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Caliborn."}, {"id": 2131, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Caliginous speed dating."}, {"id": 2132, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Calliope."}, {"id": 2133, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Can Town."}, {"id": 2134, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Can Town."}, {"id": 2135, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Cards Against Alternia."}, {"id": 2136, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Carlos Maraka."}, {"id": 2137, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Casey."}, {"id": 2138, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Centaur milk."}, {"id": 2139, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Charging down halls, shouting profanities and being silly."}, {"id": 2140, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Cherub m-preg."}, {"id": 2141, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Cherub mating rituals."}, {"id": 2142, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Chest of WHIMSY."}, {"id": 2143, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Cliched JohnKat fanfiction."}, {"id": 2144, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Cod Palace."}, {"id": 2145, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Cod Tier Gamzee."}, {"id": 2146, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Communism!"}, {"id": 2147, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Constantly breaking Hussie\u2019s copyright."}, {"id": 2148, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Cosplay sex."}, {"id": 2149, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Cosplayers who do photo shoots in bondage (God bless them)."}, {"id": 2150, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Cosplayers who do photo shoots in bondage (God bless them)."}, {"id": 2151, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Cosplayers who don\u2019t seal their paint."}, {"id": 2152, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Crabdad."}, {"id": 2153, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Creative uses for Aradia\u2019s whip."}, {"id": 2154, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Cronus actually getting laid."}, {"id": 2155, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Cronus Ampora."}, {"id": 2156, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Dad Egbert/Dad Crocker."}, {"id": 2157, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Dad's pipe."}, {"id": 2158, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Dad\u2019s fedora."}, {"id": 2159, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Damara Megido wearing white at her wedding."}, {"id": 2160, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Damara Megido."}, {"id": 2161, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Damara Megido\u2019s existence."}, {"id": 2162, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Dante Basco."}, {"id": 2163, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Dating exclusively within the fandom."}, {"id": 2164, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Dave Strider."}, {"id": 2165, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Dave\u2019s throbbing beef truncheon."}, {"id": 2166, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Dead parents."}, {"id": 2167, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Destroying clocks."}, {"id": 2168, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Developing a deep fear of the sound of clown horns after becoming a Homestuck."}, {"id": 2169, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Dirk Strider."}, {"id": 2170, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Dirk\u2019s self-insert MLP fan character."}, {"id": 2171, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Discovering Sollux is red-blue colorblind."}, {"id": 2172, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Doc Scratch."}, {"id": 2173, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Drawing pornography for Caliborn."}, {"id": 2174, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Elf tears."}, {"id": 2175, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Equius cumming so hard he blows a hole straight through his partner."}, {"id": 2176, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Equius Zahhak."}, {"id": 2177, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Equius\u2019s choice ass."}, {"id": 2178, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Equius\u2019s copy of \"Fifty Shades of Neigh.\""}, {"id": 2179, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Equius\u2019s towel."}, {"id": 2180, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Equius\u2019s used towel pile."}, {"id": 2181, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Eridan Ampora."}, {"id": 2182, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Eridan crying after pailing Vriska for the first time."}, {"id": 2183, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Eridan stripping to make rent."}, {"id": 2184, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Eridan\u2019s cape."}, {"id": 2185, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Eridan\u2019s empty quadrants."}, {"id": 2186, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Eridan\u2019s empty quadrants."}, {"id": 2187, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Eridan\u2019s lowwer half."}, {"id": 2188, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Eridan\u2019s upper half."}, {"id": 2189, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Falling into a pool of lava."}, {"id": 2190, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Fat Vriska."}, {"id": 2191, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Faygo."}, {"id": 2192, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Feferi Peixes."}, {"id": 2193, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Feferi\u2019s voluptuous curves."}, {"id": 2194, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Fiduspawn."}, {"id": 2195, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Fifty fucking Nepetas."}, {"id": 2196, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Filling all of your quadrants."}, {"id": 2197, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Filling all of your quadrants."}, {"id": 2198, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Finding grey paint on your bathroom door three weeks after the last meetup."}, {"id": 2199, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Fis)( puns!"}, {"id": 2200, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Flighty broads."}, {"id": 2201, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Flipping the fuck out."}, {"id": 2202, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Game Bro Magazine."}, {"id": 2203, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Gamzee Makara."}, {"id": 2204, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Gamzee\u2019s clown horns."}, {"id": 2205, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "gAmZeE\u2019S pOtIoNs: 420 bOoNbUcKs."}, {"id": 2206, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Geromy."}, {"id": 2207, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Getting forked by a 2x3dent."}, {"id": 2208, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Gl'bgolyb. AKA Feferi\u2019s fucking lusus."}, {"id": 2209, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Going to the bark side."}, {"id": 2210, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Grandpa Harley/Grandma English."}, {"id": 2211, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Grimbark Jade."}, {"id": 2212, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Groincobblers."}, {"id": 2213, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Gross misinterpretations of your favorite character."}, {"id": 2214, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Hateclown on the side."}, {"id": 2215, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Having STRONG surprise buttsex."}, {"id": 2216, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Hellmurder Island."}, {"id": 2217, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Hemostuck."}, {"id": 2218, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Hemostuck."}, {"id": 2219, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Her Imperious Condescenscion."}, {"id": 2220, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Her Imperious Condescension\u2019s royal butt-plug collection."}, {"id": 2221, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Homesmut Voices."}, {"id": 2222, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Homestuck stealing all the fans from Hetalia and then subsequently watching all its fans leave for OFF and Danganronpa."}, {"id": 2223, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Homestuck."}, {"id": 2224, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Homosuck."}, {"id": 2225, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "HONK HONK, MOTHER FUCKER."}, {"id": 2226, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Horsearoni."}, {"id": 2227, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Horuss Zahhak."}, {"id": 2228, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Hot crossplayers."}, {"id": 2229, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Hunk Rump Magazine."}, {"id": 2230, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Hussie constantly breaking copyright and then telling his fans to not break his copyright."}, {"id": 2231, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Hussie constantly breaking copyright."}, {"id": 2232, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Hussie jacking it to our tears of anguish."}, {"id": 2233, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Jade Harley."}, {"id": 2234, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Jade\u2019s dog penis and knot."}, {"id": 2235, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Jailbreak."}, {"id": 2236, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Jake English standing there like a fucking idiot."}, {"id": 2237, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Jake English."}, {"id": 2238, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Jake English\u2019s assless chaps."}, {"id": 2239, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Jake English\u2019s choice ass."}, {"id": 2240, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Jake English\u2019s manhood."}, {"id": 2241, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Jane Crocker."}, {"id": 2242, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "John Egbert."}, {"id": 2243, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "John\u2019s flaming homosexuality."}, {"id": 2244, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "John\u2019s Prankster\u2019s Gambit."}, {"id": 2245, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Just KNOWING that Slick is going to stab Ms. Paint."}, {"id": 2246, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Kanaya destroying Cantown."}, {"id": 2247, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Kanaya Maryam."}, {"id": 2248, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Kanaya's ashen promiscuity."}, {"id": 2249, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Kanaya\u2019s chainsaw."}, {"id": 2250, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Kankri Vantas."}, {"id": 2251, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Karkat actually topping, for once."}, {"id": 2252, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Karkat and Jade\u2019s adorable little of mpreg puppies."}, {"id": 2253, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Karkat dying of a burst blood vessel mid-rant."}, {"id": 2254, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Karkat going through puberty before every other troll and being, like, nine feet tall."}, {"id": 2255, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Karkat Tantrum Bingo."}, {"id": 2256, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Karkat Vantas."}, {"id": 2257, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Karkat\u2019s ragegasm."}, {"id": 2258, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Karkat\u2019s tiny, angry looking dick."}, {"id": 2259, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Kawaii Yaoi."}, {"id": 2260, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Kurloz Makara."}, {"id": 2261, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Lame bucket jokes."}, {"id": 2262, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Latula Pyrope."}, {"id": 2263, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Laying back and thinking of Alternia."}, {"id": 2264, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Leprechaun m-preg."}, {"id": 2265, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Liberty. Reason. Justice. Civility. Edification. Perfection. MAIL."}, {"id": 2266, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Lil' Cal's dead eyes."}, {"id": 2267, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Lil\u2019 Cal."}, {"id": 2268, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Lil\u2019 Cal\u2019s raging boner."}, {"id": 2269, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Lil\u2019 Hal."}, {"id": 2270, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Lil\u2019 Seb."}, {"id": 2271, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Little children who poop hard in their baby ass diapers."}, {"id": 2272, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Lord English."}, {"id": 2273, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Lord English\u2019s peg leg."}, {"id": 2274, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Lucky Charms."}, {"id": 2275, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Maid Equius."}, {"id": 2276, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Maple Hoof."}, {"id": 2277, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "March Eridan."}, {"id": 2278, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Masturbating while thinking of your OTP."}, {"id": 2279, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Masturbating while thinking of your OTP."}, {"id": 2280, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Maxing out your credit cards to buy Homestuck merchandise."}, {"id": 2281, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Meenah Piexes."}, {"id": 2282, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Meulin Leijon."}, {"id": 2283, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Mierfa Durgas."}, {"id": 2284, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Mierfa Durgas\u2019 troll-horn nunchakus."}, {"id": 2285, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Mind honey."}, {"id": 2286, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Mister Dude, Sir Brah, Dood Dude, Vitamin D, Dude Esquire."}, {"id": 2287, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Mituna Captor."}, {"id": 2288, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Mom."}, {"id": 2289, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "MS Paint Adventures."}, {"id": 2290, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "MSPARP."}, {"id": 2291, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Murdering angels."}, {"id": 2292, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Muscle beasts."}, {"id": 2293, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "My Little Hoofbeast: Moirailigence Is Magic."}, {"id": 2294, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Nektan Whelan."}, {"id": 2295, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Neophyte Redglare."}, {"id": 2296, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Nepeta Leijon."}, {"id": 2297, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Nepeta violently mauling people with bad ships."}, {"id": 2298, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Nepeta\u2019s heat cycle."}, {"id": 2299, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Nepeta\u2019s shipping chart."}, {"id": 2300, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Never being able to look at apple juice, milk, buckets, or knitting needles without feeling a little bit uncormfortable."}, {"id": 2301, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Never dating a Serket."}, {"id": 2302, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Nic Cage saying \"boner.\""}, {"id": 2303, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "No homo."}, {"id": 2304, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Noping the fuck out of there."}, {"id": 2305, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Not shipping it."}, {"id": 2306, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Nyehs and wwehs."}, {"id": 2307, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Only cosplaying male characters when you get pregnant."}, {"id": 2308, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Overtaking entire conventions."}, {"id": 2309, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Paint splatters that look like troll cum."}, {"id": 2310, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "PantsKat."}, {"id": 2311, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Paradox slime."}, {"id": 2312, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Petstuck."}, {"id": 2313, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "PipeFan413."}, {"id": 2314, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Plush Rump Magazine."}, {"id": 2315, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Plush rump."}, {"id": 2316, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Porrim Maryam."}, {"id": 2317, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Porrim's condom stash."}, {"id": 2318, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Porrim\u2019s motherly affections."}, {"id": 2319, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Post-apocalyptic shroudwear."}, {"id": 2320, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Problem Sleuth."}, {"id": 2321, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Recuperacoon."}, {"id": 2322, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Remembering that awkward time when Karkat called Future arachnidsGrip \"FAG.\""}, {"id": 2323, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Rose and Kanaya snuggling."}, {"id": 2324, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Rose Lalonde."}, {"id": 2325, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Rose telling John she\u2019s a lesbian and they will never be together."}, {"id": 2326, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Rose\u2019s review of \"My Immortal.\""}, {"id": 2327, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Roxy Lalonde."}, {"id": 2328, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Rufio."}, {"id": 2329, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Rufioh Nitram."}, {"id": 2330, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Sacred leggings."}, {"id": 2331, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "SBAHJ hentai doujinshi."}, {"id": 2332, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Schr\u00f6dinger's Nepeta."}, {"id": 2333, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "SCIENCE WAND!"}, {"id": 2334, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Seadweller dick fins."}, {"id": 2335, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Selling your soul to Hussie."}, {"id": 2336, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Shippers."}, {"id": 2337, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Shipping it."}, {"id": 2338, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Shipping the fuck out of something."}, {"id": 2339, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Ships ending in -cest."}, {"id": 2340, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Shitty swords."}, {"id": 2341, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Shopping with Terezi."}, {"id": 2342, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Sick fires."}, {"id": 2343, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Skipping to Act 5."}, {"id": 2344, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Sleeping ten people to a room at conventions."}, {"id": 2345, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Sloppy inter-species makeouts."}, {"id": 2346, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Smuppets."}, {"id": 2347, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Sobbing uncontrollably while reading fanfiction."}, {"id": 2348, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Sollux Captor."}, {"id": 2349, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Sollux\u2019s bifurcated bone bulge."}, {"id": 2350, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Sopor pies."}, {"id": 2351, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "SORD."}, {"id": 2352, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Soul portraits."}, {"id": 2353, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Species-swap fanfics."}, {"id": 2354, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Spidermom."}, {"id": 2355, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Staying up to three AM, cleaning the grey off every surface of your hotel room in a desperate bid to not get fined."}, {"id": 2356, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Stealing Tavros\u2019s wheelchair."}, {"id": 2357, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Stridercest."}, {"id": 2358, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Sugoi Yuri."}, {"id": 2359, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "sweet bro and hell jeff."}, {"id": 2360, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "TAB."}, {"id": 2361, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Tavros Nitram."}, {"id": 2362, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Tavros\u2019s wheelchair."}, {"id": 2363, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Telling Sollux what happens to male bees after sex."}, {"id": 2364, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Tentabulges."}, {"id": 2365, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Tentative thank-you stabs."}, {"id": 2366, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Terezi Pyrope."}, {"id": 2367, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "That dead crow with the sword through it."}, {"id": 2368, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "That human vacation with the giant red chimney-ass-hole."}, {"id": 2369, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "That shitty apple."}, {"id": 2370, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "That wonderful feeling when you take off your binder."}, {"id": 2371, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The \"special attachments\" we ALL know that Equius gave to AradiaBot."}, {"id": 2372, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The 7th Gate."}, {"id": 2373, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The animes."}, {"id": 2374, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The Condesce\u2019s crotch."}, {"id": 2375, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The Condesce\u2019s selfies."}, {"id": 2376, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The Dildo of Oglogoth."}, {"id": 2377, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The Disciple."}, {"id": 2378, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The Dolorosa."}, {"id": 2379, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The E%ecutor/Expatri8 Darkleer."}, {"id": 2380, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The Exiles."}, {"id": 2381, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The Felt."}, {"id": 2382, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The gays."}, {"id": 2383, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The glory that is BroJohn."}, {"id": 2384, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The Grand Highblood."}, {"id": 2385, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The Great Hiatus of 2013."}, {"id": 2386, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The green sun."}, {"id": 2387, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The guy who fingered an Ampora."}, {"id": 2388, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The Handmaid."}, {"id": 2389, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The hemospectrum."}, {"id": 2390, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The Hilarocaust."}, {"id": 2391, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The Homestuck drinking game (do a shot every time someone dies!)"}, {"id": 2392, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The Insane Clown Posse."}, {"id": 2393, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The little red arm-swingy-dealy thing or whatever it is called."}, {"id": 2394, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The Marquise Spinneret Mindfang."}, {"id": 2395, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The Mayor."}, {"id": 2396, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The mere concept of the Olive Garden."}, {"id": 2397, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The Midnight Crew."}, {"id": 2398, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The noises Mituna makes during sex."}, {"id": 2399, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The Orphaner Dualscar."}, {"id": 2400, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The Psiionic."}, {"id": 2401, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The ridiculous fact that some people communicate without luminous rear ends."}, {"id": 2402, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The Shipping Olympics."}, {"id": 2403, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The significant purposes, biologically speaking, of troll nipples."}, {"id": 2404, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The slammer."}, {"id": 2405, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The Sufferer/The Signless."}, {"id": 2406, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The Summoner."}, {"id": 2407, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The sweat-drenched, rippling muscles of several truly majestically endowed hoofbeasts."}, {"id": 2408, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The undeniable fact that Gamzee did nothing wrong."}, {"id": 2409, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The unimaginable amounts of cash Faygo\u2019s been making off of Homestucks."}, {"id": 2410, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The Wrinklefucker."}, {"id": 2411, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "The Wrinklefucker."}, {"id": 2412, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Toilet displacement."}, {"id": 2413, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Topping from the bottom."}, {"id": 2414, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Triggers."}, {"id": 2415, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Troll blood."}, {"id": 2416, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Troll horns."}, {"id": 2417, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Troll Will Smith."}, {"id": 2418, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Trolls misunderstanding what \"Bucket List\" means."}, {"id": 2419, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Tumblr spoilers."}, {"id": 2420, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Tumblr user Egberts."}, {"id": 2421, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Tumblr user Pizza."}, {"id": 2422, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Tumblr."}, {"id": 2423, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Unreal air."}, {"id": 2424, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "UPD8!!!!!!!!"}, {"id": 2425, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "UPS delivery woman Nepeta."}, {"id": 2426, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Viceroy Bubbles von Salamancer."}, {"id": 2427, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Violent Blackrom sex."}, {"id": 2428, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Vodka Mutini."}, {"id": 2429, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Vodka."}, {"id": 2430, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Vriska dying after being stabbed by Terezi."}, {"id": 2431, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Vriska Serket."}, {"id": 2432, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Vriska\u2019s SEXY sex tips for having SEXY SEX!"}, {"id": 2433, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Warhammer of Zillyhoo."}, {"id": 2434, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "What pumpkin?"}, {"id": 2435, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "When your favorite character dies."}, {"id": 2436, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "where MAKING THIS HAPEN"}, {"id": 2437, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Willingly filling buckets with Eridan."}, {"id": 2438, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Wondering if Meenah has a pitch crush on John, what with the attempted stabbings."}, {"id": 2439, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "World building!"}, {"id": 2440, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Your 300 pound matronly freight-train."}, {"id": 2441, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Your lusus giving you \"The Talk.\""}, {"id": 2442, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Your Mary Sue fantroll."}, {"id": 2443, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Your privilege."}, {"id": 2444, "expansion": "Alternia", "text": "Your significant other coming home and finding you in full grey cosplay."}, {"id": 2512, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Making 77 cents on the dollar (unless you're Latina)."}, {"id": 2513, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Inspirational Dove chocolate wrappers."}, {"id": 2515, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Masturbating to Ty Pennington."}, {"id": 2516, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Pretending you'll wear that bridesmaid dress again."}, {"id": 2517, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Mansplaining."}, {"id": 2518, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Beyonce thinkpieces."}, {"id": 2519, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Gabby Giffords' physical therapy."}, {"id": 2520, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Female genital mutilation."}, {"id": 2521, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "When the tampon's too low and you feel it with every step."}, {"id": 2522, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "A joke too funny for women to understand."}, {"id": 2523, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Meryl Streep selfies."}, {"id": 2524, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Hillary bitch-slapping Bill with a frozen tuna."}, {"id": 2525, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "The Bechdel Test."}, {"id": 2526, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Staph infections from dirty nail salons."}, {"id": 2528, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Stalking wedding photos on Facebook, weeping softly."}, {"id": 2529, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Emma Goldman burning the whole motherfucker down."}, {"id": 2530, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Douches that smell like rain."}, {"id": 2531, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Rosa Parks' back seat."}, {"id": 2532, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Engagement photos on train tracks."}, {"id": 2533, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Choking on the ashes of Gloria Steinem's bras."}, {"id": 2534, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "The cold, hard truth that no lesbian has ever scissored."}, {"id": 2535, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Doing your kegels at work."}, {"id": 2536, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Misandry."}, {"id": 2537, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Abortion Barbie."}, {"id": 2538, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Telling a street harasser \"You know what? I *will* blow you.\""}, {"id": 2539, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Peggy Olson's cutthroat ambitions."}, {"id": 2540, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "A quickie with Rachel Maddow in the green room."}, {"id": 2541, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Forcefeeding Sheryl Sandberg the pages of Lean In, one by one."}, {"id": 2542, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Emma Watson, Emma Stone, EMMA THOMPSON BITCHES."}, {"id": 2544, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Dumpsters overflowing with whimisical save-the-date magnets."}, {"id": 2546, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "The torture chamber where Kathryn Bigelow keeps James Cameron."}, {"id": 2547, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "A detailed vajazzling of Van Goh's Starry Night."}, {"id": 2549, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "STOP MAKING ME PRETEND TO CARE ABOUT YOUR WEDDING PINTEREST DARLA."}, {"id": 2550, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "The Chub Rub."}, {"id": 2551, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Chin hairs you pretend you don't have."}, {"id": 2553, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "A strongly worded letter to Netflix demanding the addition of \"The Good Wife\"."}, {"id": 2554, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Doubling up on sports bras."}, {"id": 2555, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "When a dog smells your crotch and you know exactly why."}, {"id": 2557, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Malala's gunshot wounds."}, {"id": 2558, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Lactating when a stranger's baby cries on the train."}, {"id": 2560, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "A new cookbook by Sylvia Plath."}, {"id": 2561, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Crying in the fitting room during bikini season."}, {"id": 2563, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Eating the entire bag."}, {"id": 2565, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Scalding hot wax right there on your labia."}, {"id": 2566, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "The G-Spot, the Y-spot, the other spot you made up to confuse your partner."}, {"id": 2568, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "The Golden Girls' never-ending supply of frozen cheesecake."}, {"id": 2569, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Forcefeeding Sheryl Sandberg the pages of Lean In, one by one."}, {"id": 2570, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Underboob swet like rancid milk."}, {"id": 2572, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Wondering whether your girl crush on Hermione constitutes pedophilia."}, {"id": 2573, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Taking a giant dump on the 18th green at the Augusta National Golf Club."}, {"id": 2574, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "A brown smudge equally likely to be period blood or chocolate."}, {"id": 2576, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "A hand-crocheted Diva Cup case from Etsy."}, {"id": 2578, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Your gigantic crush on Jenna Lyons."}, {"id": 2579, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "A one-way ticket to Steubenville."}, {"id": 2580, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "A bodice-ripping 4-way with Alexander Skarsgard, Ian Somerhalder, and David Boreanaz."}, {"id": 2582, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Finger banging Michelle Rodriguez."}, {"id": 2583, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Princess Aurora maniacally devouring the still-beating heart of Maleficent."}, {"id": 2585, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "A tear stained copy of Reviving Ophelia."}, {"id": 2586, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "A misogynist dystopia set in a not-too-distant WAIT A MINUTE."}, {"id": 2587, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Dying your hair red like Angela Chase."}, {"id": 2588, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Daenerys Targaryen's fire-breathing vajayjay."}, {"id": 2590, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Resentfully clicking like on your boss's vacation photos."}, {"id": 2591, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Calmly informing your date that you understand the infield fly rule better than he does."}, {"id": 2592, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Tina Fey and Amy Poehler making out on a pile of Bitch magazines."}, {"id": 2593, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Only shaving up to the knee."}, {"id": 2594, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Meredith Grey's slut phase."}, {"id": 2595, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Shameful childhood memories of envying the wheelchair girl who got all the attention."}, {"id": 2597, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Sort of wishing the baby on the plane would die."}, {"id": 2598, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Tenderly dominating Uncle Jesse from behind."}, {"id": 2599, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Stumbling on David Wright performing as Judy Garland in the East Village."}, {"id": 2600, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Urinating on yourself to prevent an assault."}, {"id": 2601, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "When a FOX News anchor causally references 'ebonics'."}, {"id": 2602, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Getting DPed by the Property Brothers on a custom granite countertop."}, {"id": 2604, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Being compared to a Cathy Cartoon on Metafilter."}, {"id": 2605, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Kim Kardashian's placenta banh mi."}, {"id": 2607, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Asking Gilbert Gottfried to do the Iago voice during sex."}, {"id": 2608, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Watching Bethenny Frankel struggle for life in a churning sea of pre-mixed SkinnyGirl cocktails."}, {"id": 2609, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "An alternate version of the Washington Monument that looks kind of like a vagina."}, {"id": 2611, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Telling Pacey your innermost secrets in a canoe beneath the Capeside stars."}, {"id": 2612, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "The blue liquid from tampon commercials."}, {"id": 2614, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Patti Stanger's line of jewelry."}, {"id": 2615, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "#solidarityisforwhitewomen."}, {"id": 2617, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "A candlelight vigil for Nicole Brown Smith."}, {"id": 2619, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Sexual fantasies involving Mindy Lahiri and a sumptuous coffeecake."}, {"id": 2620, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Tweeting Cory Booker about that guy walking behind you."}, {"id": 2621, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "A gender neutral, owl-themed baby announcement."}, {"id": 2623, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Being the only woman at the office-mandated sexual harassment training."}, {"id": 2624, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Asking Larry Summers increasingly difficult mathematical questions until Bar and Mat Mitzvahs are considered equally important."}, {"id": 2625, "expansion": "Ladies Against Humanity", "text": "Cramming Vladimir Putin full of Activia until he poops out Russia's homophobia."}, {"id": 2635, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "Snotsicles"}, {"id": 2636, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "Naked News."}, {"id": 2637, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "Done Cherry's wardrobe."}, {"id": 2638, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "Syrupy sex with a maple tree."}, {"id": 2639, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "Terry Fox's prosthetic leg."}, {"id": 2640, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "Canada: American's hat."}, {"id": 2641, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "Homo milk."}, {"id": 2642, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "Mr. Dressup."}, {"id": 2643, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "The Front de Lib\u00e9ration du Qu\u00e9bec."}, {"id": 2644, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "Heritage minutes."}, {"id": 2645, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "The Royal Canadian Mounted Police"}, {"id": 2646, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "Stephen Harper"}, {"id": 2647, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "Burning down the White House."}, {"id": 2648, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "Being Canadian"}, {"id": 2649, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "The Famous Five."}, {"id": 2650, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "A Molson muscle."}, {"id": 2651, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "An icy hand job from an Edmonton hooker."}, {"id": 2652, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "Poutine"}, {"id": 2653, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "Schmirler the Curler."}, {"id": 2654, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "The Official Languages Act. La Loi sure les langues officielles."}, {"id": 2655, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "Newfies."}, {"id": 2656, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "The CBC."}, {"id": 2657, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "Graham Greene playing the same First Nations character on every TV show."}, {"id": 2658, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "Killing a moose with your bare hands."}, {"id": 2659, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "tim Hortons."}, {"id": 2660, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "Quintland."}, {"id": 2661, "expansion": "Canadian Conversion Kit", "text": "Karla Momolka."}, {"id": 2672, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "A depressed tentacle monster."}, {"id": 2673, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "Pussy spiders."}, {"id": 2674, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "The erotic possibilities of duct tape."}, {"id": 2675, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "A starsip powered by orgasms."}, {"id": 2676, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "A vagina dentata."}, {"id": 2677, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "The periodic table of the awesoments."}, {"id": 2678, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "An erotic audio drama, complete with moans and groans."}, {"id": 2679, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "An addictive aerosol aphrodesiac."}, {"id": 2680, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "Debugging nanobot code while hung over."}, {"id": 2681, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "Never being able to touch your lover ever again."}, {"id": 2682, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "Enormous breasts. I mean, seriously, 'how does she even walk' gigantic."}, {"id": 2683, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "The sneaking suspicion that having sex with a theriomorph is actually bestiality."}, {"id": 2684, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "Majoring in mad science."}, {"id": 2685, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "Balticon!"}, {"id": 2686, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "A call on the listener feedback line that turns out to be a wrong number."}, {"id": 2687, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "Penis enlargement that actually works."}, {"id": 2688, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "Dirty Mad Libs."}, {"id": 2689, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "Pregnant sex."}, {"id": 2690, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "A killer corset"}, {"id": 2691, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "Professor Pinkertoot's Bosom Wax"}, {"id": 2692, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "Genderfuckery."}, {"id": 2693, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "Zero gravity sex."}, {"id": 2694, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "Badly translated Latin."}, {"id": 2695, "expansion": "Nobilis Reed", "text": "Detachable Boobs."}, {"id": 2696, "expansion": "christmas2013", "text": "Making up for 10 years of shitty parenting with a PlayStation."}, {"id": 2697, "expansion": "christmas2013", "text": "Giving money and personal information to strangers on the Internet."}, {"id": 2698, "expansion": "christmas2013", "text": "A magical tablet containing a world of unlimited pornography."}, {"id": 2699, "expansion": "christmas2013", "text": "These low, low prices!"}, {"id": 2700, "expansion": "christmas2013", "text": "Piece of shit Christmas cards with no money in them."}, {"id": 2701, "expansion": "christmas2013", "text": "Moses gargling Jesus's balls while Shiva and the Buddha penetrate his divine hand holes."}, {"id": 2702, "expansion": "christmas2013", "text": "The Hawaiian goddess Kapo and her flying detachable vagina."}, {"id": 2703, "expansion": "christmas2013", "text": "The shittier, Jewish version of Christmas."}, {"id": 2704, "expansion": "christmas2013", "text": "Swapping bodies with mom for a day."}, {"id": 2705, "expansion": "christmas2013", "text": "Finding out that Santa isn't real."}, {"id": 2706, "expansion": "christmas2013", "text": "Slicing a ham in icy silence."}, {"id": 2707, "expansion": "christmas2013", "text": "The Grinch's musty, cum-stained pelt."}, {"id": 2708, "expansion": "christmas2013", "text": "Rudolph's bright red balls."}, {"id": 2709, "expansion": "christmas2013", "text": "Jizzing into Santa's beard."}, {"id": 2710, "expansion": "christmas2013", "text": "Breeding elves for their priceless semen."}, {"id": 2711, "expansion": "christmas2013", "text": "The royal afterbirth."}, {"id": 2712, "expansion": "christmas2013", "text": "Congress's flaccid penises withering away beneath their suit pants."}, {"id": 2713, "expansion": "christmas2013", "text": "Having a strong opinion about Obamacare."}, {"id": 2714, "expansion": "christmas2013", "text": "A simultaneous nightmare and wet dream starring Sigourney Weaver."}, {"id": 2715, "expansion": "christmas2013", "text": "Being blind and deaf and having no limbs."}, {"id": 2716, "expansion": "christmas2013", "text": "People with cake in their mouths talking about how good cake is."}, {"id": 2726, "expansion": "90s", "text": "Sucking the President's dick."}, {"id": 2727, "expansion": "90s", "text": "Sunny D! Alright!"}, {"id": 2728, "expansion": "90s", "text": "A mulatoo, an albino, a mosquito, and my libido."}, {"id": 2729, "expansion": "90s", "text": "Log.™"}, {"id": 2730, "expansion": "90s", "text": "Jerking off to a 10-second RealMedia clip."}, {"id": 2731, "expansion": "90s", "text": "Deregulating the mortgage market."}, {"id": 2732, "expansion": "90s", "text": "The Y2K bug."}, {"id": 2733, "expansion": "90s", "text": "Wearing Nicolas Cage's face."}, {"id": 2734, "expansion": "90s", "text": "Stabbing the shit out a Capri Sun."}, {"id": 2735, "expansion": "90s", "text": "Kurt Cobain's death."}, {"id": 2736, "expansion": "90s", "text": "Freeing Willy."}, {"id": 2737, "expansion": "90s", "text": "Liking big butts and not being able to lie about it."}, {"id": 2738, "expansion": "90s", "text": "The Great Cornholio."}, {"id": 2739, "expansion": "90s", "text": "Pure Moods, Vol. 1."}, {"id": 2740, "expansion": "90s", "text": "Yelling \u201dgirl power!\u201d and doing a high kick."}, {"id": 2741, "expansion": "90s", "text": "Pamela Anderson's boobs running in slow motion."}, {"id": 2742, "expansion": "90s", "text": "Pizza in the morning, pizza in the evening, pizza at supper time."}, {"id": 2743, "expansion": "90s", "text": "Angels interfering in an otherwise fair baseball game."}, {"id": 2744, "expansion": "90s", "text": "Getting caught up in the CROSSFIRE.™"}, {"id": 2745, "expansion": "90s", "text": "Patti Mayonnaise."}, {"id": 2746, "expansion": "90s", "text": "Cool 90s up-in-the-front hair."}, {"id": 2747, "expansion": "90s", "text": "Several Michael Keatons."}, {"id": 2748, "expansion": "90s", "text": "A bus that will explode if it goes under 50 miles per hour."}, {"id": 2756, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "The black half of Barack Obama."}, {"id": 2757, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "The white half of Barack Obama."}, {"id": 2758, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Free ice cream, yo."}, {"id": 2759, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "A face full of horse cum."}, {"id": 2760, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Getting caught by the police and going to jail."}, {"id": 2761, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "My dead son's baseball glove."}, {"id": 2762, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Ejaculating live bees and the bees are angry."}, {"id": 2763, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Western standards of beauty."}, {"id": 2764, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Getting eaten alive by Guy Fieri."}, {"id": 2765, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Blowjobs for everyone."}, {"id": 2766, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Blackface."}, {"id": 2767, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Butt stuff."}, {"id": 2768, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Some shit-hot guitar licks."}, {"id": 2769, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Social justice warriors with flamethrowers of compassion."}, {"id": 2770, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Deez nuts."}, {"id": 2771, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "An unforgettable quincea\u00f1era."}, {"id": 2772, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "September 11th, 2001."}, {"id": 2773, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Daddy's credit card."}, {"id": 2774, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "A one-way ticket to Gary, Indiana."}, {"id": 2775, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "An uninterrupted history of imperialism and exploitation."}, {"id": 2776, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "P.F. Change himself."}, {"id": 2777, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Cutting off a flamingo's legs with garden shears."}, {"id": 2778, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "A giant powdery manbaby."}, {"id": 2779, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Anal fissures like you wouldn't believe."}, {"id": 2780, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Not believing in giraffes."}, {"id": 2781, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Getting drive-by shot."}, {"id": 2782, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "A team of lawyers."}, {"id": 2783, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "AIDS monkeys."}, {"id": 2784, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Wearing glasses and sounding smart."}, {"id": 2785, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Slowly easing down onto a cucumber."}, {"id": 2786, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "A whole new kind of porn."}, {"id": 2787, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "40 acres and a mule."}, {"id": 2788, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Boring vaginal sex."}, {"id": 2789, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Genghis Khan's DNA."}, {"id": 2790, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "The tiger that killed my father."}, {"id": 2791, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "My boyfriend's stupid penis."}, {"id": 2792, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Changing a person's mind with logic and facts."}, {"id": 2793, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Child support payments."}, {"id": 2794, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "The passage of time."}, {"id": 2795, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Going to a high school reunion on ketamine."}, {"id": 2796, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "A reason not to commit suicide."}, {"id": 2797, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Russian super-tuberculosis."}, {"id": 2798, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "A mouthful of potato salad."}, {"id": 2799, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "All these decorative pillows."}, {"id": 2800, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Figuring out how to have sex with a dolphin."}, {"id": 2801, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Being worshipped as the one true God."}, {"id": 2802, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "The basic suffering that pervades all of existence."}, {"id": 2803, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "The ghost of Marlon Brando."}, {"id": 2804, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Out-of-this-world bazongas."}, {"id": 2805, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Ancient Athenian boy-fucking"}, {"id": 2806, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "A crazy little thing called love."}, {"id": 2807, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "A zero-risk way to make $2,000 from home."}, {"id": 2808, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Seeing my village burned and my family slaughtered before my eyes."}, {"id": 2809, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Being paralyzed from the neck down."}, {"id": 2810, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Backwards knees."}, {"id": 2811, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Having been dead for a while."}, {"id": 2812, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "My first period."}, {"id": 2813, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Vegetarian options."}, {"id": 2814, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "The Abercrombie & Fitch lifestyle."}, {"id": 2815, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "The unbelievable world of mushrooms."}, {"id": 2816, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Being nine years old."}, {"id": 2817, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "The eight gay warlocks who dictate the rules of fashion."}, {"id": 2818, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "The swim team, all at once."}, {"id": 2819, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Denzel."}, {"id": 2820, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Unrelenting genital punishment."}, {"id": 2821, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Mom's new boyfriend."}, {"id": 2822, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "A disappointing salad."}, {"id": 2823, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "A powered exoskeleton."}, {"id": 2824, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Ennui."}, {"id": 2825, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Oil!"}, {"id": 2826, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Giant sperm from outer space."}, {"id": 2827, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Doing the right stuff to her nipples."}, {"id": 2828, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Too much cocaine."}, {"id": 2829, "expansion": "CAHe5", "text": "Seeing things from Hitler's perspective"}, {"id": 2855, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "A bass drop so huge it tears the starry vault asunder to reveal the face of God."}, {"id": 2856, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Growing up chained to a radiator in perpetual darkness."}, {"id": 2857, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Shitting all over the floor like a bad, bad girl."}, {"id": 2858, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "A buttload of candy."}, {"id": 2859, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Sucking all the milk out of a yak."}, {"id": 2860, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Bullets."}, {"id": 2861, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "A man who is so cool that he rides on a motorcycle."}, {"id": 2862, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Sudden penis loss."}, {"id": 2863, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Getting all offended."}, {"id": 2864, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Crying and shitting and eating spaghetti."}, {"id": 2865, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "One unforgettable night of passion."}, {"id": 2866, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Being popular and good at sports."}, {"id": 2867, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Filling a man's anus with concrete."}, {"id": 2868, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Two whales fucking the shit out of eachother."}, {"id": 2869, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Cool, releatable cancer teens."}, {"id": 2870, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "The amount of gay I am."}, {"id": 2871, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "A possible Muslim."}, {"id": 2872, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Unsheathing my massive horse cock."}, {"id": 2873, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "A bowl of gourds."}, {"id": 2874, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "The male gaze."}, {"id": 2875, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "The power of the Dark Side."}, {"id": 2876, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Ripping a dog in half."}, {"id": 2877, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "A constant need for validation."}, {"id": 2878, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Meaningless sex."}, {"id": 2879, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Such a big boy."}, {"id": 2880, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Throwing stones at a man until he dies."}, {"id": 2881, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Cancer."}, {"id": 2882, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Like a million alligators."}, {"id": 2883, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Eating together like a god damn family for once."}, {"id": 2884, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Cute boys."}, {"id": 2885, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Pussy."}, {"id": 2886, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Being a terrible mother."}, {"id": 2887, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Never having sex again."}, {"id": 2888, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "A pizza guy who fucked up."}, {"id": 2889, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "A whole lotta woman."}, {"id": 2890, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "The all-new Nissan Pathfinder with 0.9% APR financing!"}, {"id": 2891, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "A peyote-fueled vision quest."}, {"id": 2892, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Kale."}, {"id": 2893, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Breastfeeding a ten year old."}, {"id": 2894, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Crippling social anxiety."}, {"id": 2895, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Immortality cream."}, {"id": 2896, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Texas."}, {"id": 2897, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Teaching a girl how to handjob the penis."}, {"id": 2898, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "A turd."}, {"id": 2899, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Shapes and colors."}, {"id": 2900, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Whatever you wish, mother."}, {"id": 2901, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "The haunting stare of an Iraqi child."}, {"id": 2902, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Robots who just want to party."}, {"id": 2903, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "A self-microwaving burrito."}, {"id": 2904, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Forgetting grandma's first name."}, {"id": 2905, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Our new Buffalo Chicken Dippers®!"}, {"id": 2906, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Treasures beyond your wildest dreams."}, {"id": 2907, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Getting shot out of a cannon."}, {"id": 2908, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "The sweet song of sword against and the braying of mighty war beasts."}, {"id": 2909, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Walking into a glass door."}, {"id": 2910, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "The color \"puce\"."}, {"id": 2911, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Every ounce of charisma left in Mick Jagger's tired body."}, {"id": 2912, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "The eighth graders."}, {"id": 2913, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Setting my balls on fire and cartwheeling to Ohio."}, {"id": 2914, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "The dentist."}, {"id": 2915, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Gwyneth Paltrow's opinions."}, {"id": 2916, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Turning the rivers red with the blood of infidels."}, {"id": 2917, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Rabies."}, {"id": 2918, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Important news about Taylor Swift."}, {"id": 2919, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Ejaculating inside another man's wife."}, {"id": 2920, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Owls, the perfect predator."}, {"id": 2921, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Being John Malkovich."}, {"id": 2922, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Bathing in moonsblood and dancing around the ancient oak."}, {"id": 2923, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "An oppressed people with a vibrant culture."}, {"id": 2924, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "An overwhelming variety of cheeses."}, {"id": 2925, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Reading the entire End-User License Agreement."}, {"id": 2926, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Morpheus."}, {"id": 2927, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Peeing into a girl's butt to make a baby."}, {"id": 2928, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "Generally having no idea of what's going on."}, {"id": 2929, "expansion": "CAHe6", "text": "No longer finding any Cards Against Humanity card funny."}]`)
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public function username_check($username = '')