Source Code Containing the Phrase "dyke"

We have detected over 1461 code snippets in our database containing the word "dyke"

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JavaScript IconJavaScript
"等候	等候	deng3hou4	děnghòu	wait; queue",
"等级	等級	deng3ji2	děngjí	degree; rate",
"瞪	瞪	deng4	dèng	stare at; to glower",
"堤坝	堤壩	di1ba4	dībà	dam; dyke",
"敌视	敵視	di2shi4	díshì	be hostile; adopt a negative attitude towards",
"抵达	抵達	di3da2	dǐdá	arrive; to reach (a destination); touch down",
"抵抗	抵抗	di3kang4	dǐkàng	resist; resistance",
Go IconGo
"yoursite", "yourdomain", "whoishiring",

	"anal", "anus", "arse", "ass", "ballsack", "balls", "bastard", "bitch", "biatch", "bloody", "blowjob", "bollock",
	"bollok", "bonerboob", "bugger", "bum", "butt", "buttplug", "clitoris", "cock", "coon", "crap", "cunt", "damn",
	"dick", "dildo", "dyke", "fag", "feckfellate", "fellatio", "felching", "fuck", "fudgepacker", "fudge", "packer",
	"flange", "Goddamn", "God", "damn", "hell", "homojerk", "jizz", "knobend", "knob", "end", "labia", "lmao", "lmfao",
	"muff", "nigger", "nigga", "omg", "penis", "piss", "poop", "prick", "pubepussy", "queer", "scrotum", "sex", "shit",
/* Your palette color */
    --van-dyke: #F8E1E7;
    --silver: #C7C4BF;
JavaScript IconJavaScript
"Your destiny isn't just fate; it is how you use your own developed abilities to get what you want Byron Pulsifer",
  "Iron rusts from disuse; water loses its purity from stagnation even so does inaction sap the vigour of the mind Leonardo da Vinci",
  "A subtle thought that is in error may yet give rise to fruitful inquiry that can establish truths of great value Isaac Asimov",
  "Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love to work to play and to look up at the stars Henry Van Dyke",
  "You got to be careful if you don't know where you're going because you might not get there Yogi Berra",
  "You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions Naguib Mahfouz",
  "Life is a gift and it offers us the privilege opportunity and responsibility to give something back by becoming more Anthony Robbins",
C++ IconC++

		// XXX gross hack-fix
		// AraSVD is named "Smith & Van Dyke", using a literal '&'.
		// this is technically a Sword bug: Sword should encode it.
		// we work around it here: replace '&' with '+'.  *sigh*
		//if (svalue = strstr(, " & "))
Ruby IconRuby
xvideos|retard|retarded|porno|deepfake|erection|thirst trap|erection|
          kill yourself|kys|clit|orgasm|semen|foreskin|cock|ahegao|pedophile|
          join my server|thighs|th1ghs|smut|wanker|vulva|wank|titty|topless|tit|tits|swinger|
Java IconJava
writer.println("  </head>");
            writer.println("  <body>");
            writer.print("      <h1>");
            writer.print("Dyke Pole");
            writer.print("      </h1>");
            writer.println("  </body>");
Python IconPython
words = set(['l3i+ch', 'Shity', 'schlong', 'schmuck', 'c0k', 'ejackulate', 'Mutha Fukah', 'jism', 'skankey', 'skankee', 'jiss', 'masturbate', 'l3itch', 'sh1tter', 'fag', 'orifice', 'pimmel', 'pakie', 'clits', 'kraut', 'dilld0s', 'wetback', 'scheiss', 'nigger', 'n1gr', 'dupa', 'masturbated', 'son-of-a-bitch', 'faen', 'hore', 'porn', 'Mother Fukah', 'c0cks', 'orgasm', 'sh1t', 'fucks', 'arschloch', 'b00b', 'kuk', 'jackoff', 'shemale', 'fcuk', 'nazis', 'cawks', 'wh0re', 'chink', 'fuker', 'ejakulate', 'Fudge Packer', 'massterbait', 'masterbates', 'sadist', 'orgasim;', 'h4x0r', 'p0rn', 'feg', 'crap', 'dirsa', 'Mutha Fucker', 'shitz', 'Assface', 'shits', 'asswipe', 'foreskin', 'masstrbate', 'helvete', 'Phuck', 'pussee', 'teez', 'penis', 'kyrpa', 'b!+ch', 'queef', 'dominatrics', 'Mutha Fukker', 'wank', 'Mother Fuker', 'fuck', 'dyke', 'niigr;', 'nigur;', 'Shyte', 'Fukkah', 'skribz', 'testicle', 'd4mn', 'gayboy', 'xrated', 'jisim', 'sh1ter', 'fart', 'lesbian', 'cock-head', 'fitt', 'pizda', 'boiolas', 'nepesaurio', 'faigs', 'cazzo', 'fanculo', 'paska', 'peinus', 'f u c k e r', 'g00k', 'c0ck', 'hell', 'penuus', 'japs', 'cipa', 'sh1ts', 'sh1tz', 'gook', 'dike', 'Ekrem', 'daygo', 'Slutty', 'honkey', 'vag1na', 'Motha Fukkah', 'Fukken', 'mibun', 'skank', 'Fukker', 'pillu', 'pr1ck', 'slutz', 'sluts', 'asshole', 'ejaculate', 'bassterds', 'Shitty', 'ass', 'rautenberg', 'Kurac', 'boobs', 'motherfucker', 'fatass', 'Felcher', 'lesbo', 'assh0le', 'mulkku', 'kunt', 'cuntz', 'cunty', 'cock-sucker', 'cunts', 'turd', 'pr1k', 'fuckin', 'orgasum', 'hoor', 'merda', 'twat', 'bitch', 'shipal', 'dego', 'recktum', 'scank', 'wh00r', 'bi7ch', 'vagiina', 'b!tch', 'vagina', 'Phukker', 'anus', 'ayir', 'Ass Monkey', 'hui', 'ash0les', 'Fotze', 'Mutha Fukkah', 'sharmuta', 'dikes', 'sharmute', 'gayz', 'buceta', 'assh0lez', 'Mother Fucker', 'clit', 'penus', 'Fukkin', '@$$', 'dildo', 'orospu', 'Motha Fukker', 'vaj1na', 'cabron', 'spierdalaj', 'nazi', 'splooge', 'kusi', 'screw', 'bastard', 'Lezzian', 'assholz', 'orifiss', 'suka', 'peenus', 'ahole', 'knobz', 'knobs', 'fagit', 'pen1s', 'dild0', 'shitter', 'Ekto', 'butt-pirate', 'oriface', 'Fuck', 'kurwa', 'peeenus', 'jizz', 'Motha Fucker', 'assholes', 'Phuc', 'jizm', 'queer', 'Phuk', 'Mother Fukker', 'dick', 'jap', 'Carpet Muncher', 'penis-breath', 'hoore', 'smut', 'nastt', 'kike', 'CockSucker', 'gaygirl', 'qahbeh', 'skanck', 'enema', 'vulva', 'w0p', 'klootzak', 'bollock', 'fux0r', 'faig', 'hoer', 'arses', 'Flikker', 'wop', 'dominatrix', 'piss', 'Lipshitz', 'queers', 'Lipshits', 'queerz', 'faget', 'gays', 'h0re', 'fagz', 'faggit', 'dildos', 'Fukin', 'w00se', 'Mother Fukkah', 'puuke', 'flipping the bird', 'assrammer', 'Blow Job', 'masstrbait', 'Shyt', 'damn', 'sh!+', 'niiger;', 'dziwka', 'gay', 'xxx', 'chuj', 'packy', 'bitchy', 'kunts', 'spic', 'mother-fucker', 'kuntz', 'pecker', 'packi', 'cunt', 'schlampe', 'sh!t', 'pr0n', 'phuck', 'guiena', 'cock', 'fuk', 'Shyty', 'buttwipe', 'fags', 'hoar', 'whore', 'muie', 'ficken', 'Biatch', 'Skanky', 'skanks', 'cockhead', 'skurwysyn', 'fucker', 'preteen', 'fucked', 'fagg1t', 'arse', 'retard', 'masochist', 'perse', 'puuker', 'vajina', 'sphencter', 'chraa', 'feces', 'mouliewop', 'Fukk', 'dilld0', 'cnts', 'picka', 'orafis', 'yed', 'cocks', 'niggers', 'pierdol', 'cntz', 'Huevon', 'cum', 'dicks', 'asholes', 'knob', 'scrotum', 'puta', 'shitty', 'blowjob', 'bastards', 'wichser', 'va1jina', 'bastardz', 'nigger;', 'cawk', 'jerk-off', 'packie', 'Poonani', 'dominatricks', 'bi+ch', 'nigga', 'fucking', 'God-damned', 'vittu', 'andskota', 'qweir', 'fag1t', 'amcik', 'Motha Fuker', 'peeenusss', 'fanny', 'boffing', 'Sh!t', 'muschi', 'slut', 'polack', 'futkretzn', 'Fukah', 'h0ar', 'masokist', 'Clit', 'qweerz', 'schaffer', 'qweers', 'mofo', 'vullva', 'pussy', 'h00r', 'kuksuger', 'f u c k', 'pusse', 'enculer', 'pr1c', 'masterbate', 'masturbating', 'kawk', 'dild0s', 'bollocks', 'b1tch', 'zabourah', 'paki', 'bitches', 'testical', 'nutsack', 'paky', 'pimpis', 'rectum', 'puto', 'penas', 'Shytty', 'Mutha Fuker', 'pule', 'h0r', 'b00bs', 'pula', 'masterbat3', 'b17ch', 'masterbaiter', 'injun', 'faggot', 's.o.b.', 'monkleigh', 'azzhole', 'butthole', 'shiz', 'basterdz', 'basterds', 'whoar', 'shit', 'Phuker', 'tit', 'ash0le', 'titt', 'tits', 'shi+', 'poop', 'knulle', 'semen', 'breasts', 'polac', 'Fuken', 'polak', 'Cock', 'hells', 'teets', 'mamhoon', 'poontsee'])

def isBadWord(word):
    if word in words:
        return True
    return False
Ruby IconRuby
      "debug" => ["p", "debugger"], #ok
      "profanity" => ['fuck\w*', 'shit\w*'], #ok
      "ableism" => ["crazy", '\w*sanity', "dumb", 'idiot\w*', "lame", 'moron\w*', "retarded"], #ok
      "racism" => ["chink", "coon", "dago", "gook", 'gyp\w*', "k[yi]ke", 'nig\w*', "spic"], #ok
      "gender" => ["bitch", "cocksucker", "cunt", "dyke", "faggot", "tranny"], #ok
      "issues" => ["XXX", "TODO"], #ok
/* --wine: hsla(350, 30%, 34%, 1); */
/* --van-dyke: hsla(353, 22%, 23%, 1); */
/* --- END PALETTE --- */
/* --wine: #723d46ff; */
/* --van-dyke: #472d30ff; */
--wine: #723d46ff;
  --van-dyke: #472d30ff;
JavaScript IconJavaScript
window.onload = function()
    var element = document.getElementById("para");
var words1 = [/5hit/gi, /a_s_s/gi, /a55/gi, / anal/gi, / anus/gi, /ar5e/gi, /arrse/gi, / arse/gi, /arsehole/gi, / ass/gi, / asses/gi, /asshole/gi, /assholes/gi, /asswhole/gi, /b!tch/gi, /b00bs/gi, /b17ch/gi, /b1tch/gi, /bastard/gi, /bi+ch/gi, /biatch/gi, /bimbos/gi, /bitch/gi, /bitcher/gi, /bitchers/gi, /bitches/gi, /bitchin/gi, /bitching/gi, /blow job/gi,/blowjob/gi,/blowjobs/gi,/boner/gi,/boob/gi, /boobs/gi, /breasts/gi, /bugger/gi, /bum/gi, /busty/gi, /butt/gi, /c0ck/gi, /cock/gi, /cocks/gi, /cunt/gi, /cunts/gi, /d1ck/gi, /damn/gi, /dick/gi, /dickhead/gi, /dildo/gi, /dildos/gi, /dink/gi, /dlck/gi, /doosh/gi, /duche/gi, /dyke/gi, /ejaculate/gi, /ejaculated/gi, /ejaculates/gi, /ejaculating/gi, /ejaculation/gi, /ejakulate/gi, /erotic/gi, /f u c k/gi, /f u c k e r/gi, /f_u_c_k/gi, /fagging/gi, /faggitt/gi, /faggot/gi, /faggs/gi, /fagot/gi, /fagots/gi, /fatass/gi, /fcuk/gi, /fcuker/gi, /fcuking/gi, /feck/gi, /fecker/gi, /fook/gi, /fooker/gi, /fuck/gi, /fucka/gi, /fuck-ass/gi, /fuck-bitch/gi, /fucked/gi, /fucker/gi, /fuckers/gi, /fuckhead/gi, /fuckheads/gi, /fuckin/gi, /fucking/gi, /fuckings/gi, /fuckingshitmotherfucker/gi, /fuckme/gi, /fucks/gi, /fuk/gi, /fuker/gi, /fukker/gi, /fukkin/gi, /fuks/gi, /god damn/gi, /god-dam/gi, /goddamn/gi, /goddamned/gi, /god-damned/gi, /hell/gi, /hoar/gi, /hoare/gi, /hoer/gi, /homo/gi, /homoerotic/gi, /hore/gi, /horniest/gi, /horny/gi, /jackoff/gi, /jack-off/gi, /jerk/gi, /jerk-off/gi, /jizz/gi, /kawk/gi, /kock/gi, /lust/gi, /lusting/gi, /m0f0/gi, /m0fo/gi, /m45terbate/gi, /ma5terb8/gi, /ma5terbate/gi, /masterbat*/gi, /masterbate/gi, /master-bate/gi, /masterbation/gi, /masterbations/gi, /masturbate/gi, /mof0/gi, /mofo/gi, /mo-fo/gi, /mothafuck/gi, /mothafucka/gi, /mothafuckas/gi, /mothafuckaz/gi, /mothafucked/gi , /mothafucker/gi, /mothafuckers/gi, /mothafuckin/gi, /mothafucking/gi, /mothafuckings/gi, /mothafucks/gi, /mother fucker/gi, /mother fucker/gi, /motherfuck/gi, /motherfucked/gi, /motherfucker/gi, /motherfuckers/gi, /motherfuckin/gi, /motherfucking/gi, /motherfuckings/gi, /motherfuckka/gi, /motherfucks/gi, /mutherfucker/gi, /n1gga/gi, /n1gger/gi, /nigg3r/gi, /nigg4h/gi, /nigga/gi, /niggah/gi, /niggas/gi, /niggaz/gi, /nigger/gi, /niggers/gi, /orgasim/gi, /orgasims/gi, /orgasm/gi, /orgasms/gi, /p0rn/gi, /pawn/gi, /pecker/gi, /penis/gi, /phuck/gi, /phuk/gi, /phuked/gi, /phuking/gi, /phukked/gi, /phukking/gi, /phuks/gi, /phuq/gi,/pimp/gi, /pimpis/gi, /piss/gi, /pissed/gi, /pisses/gi, /pissin/gi, /pissing/gi, /pissoff/gi, /porn/gi, /porno/gi,/prostitute/gi, /pornography/gi, /pornos/gi, /prick/gi, /pricks/gi, /pube/gi, /pusse/gi, /pussi/gi, /pussies/gi, /pussy/gi, /pussys/gi, /queer/gi, /retard/gi, /rimming/gi, /s hit/gi, /s.o.b./gi, /s_h_i_t/gi, /scroat/gi, /scrote/gi, /scrotum/gi, /sex/gi, /sh!+/gi, /sh!t/gi, /sh1t/gi, /shag/gi, /shagger/gi, /shaggin/gi, /shagging/gi, /shit/gi, /shithead/gi, /shiting/gi, /shitings/gi, /shits/gi, /shitter/gi, /shitters/gi, /shitting/gi, /shitty/gi, /skank/gi, /slut/gi, /sluts/gi, /son-of-a-bitch/gi, /spunk/gi, /teets/gi, /teez/gi, /testical/gi, /turd/gi, /twat/gi, /twathead/gi, /twatty/gi, /v1gra/gi, /vagina/gi, /viagra/gi, /whoar/gi, /whore/gi, /wtf/gi];
words1 = words1.join();
words1 =  words1.replace(/gi/gi," ");
words1 = words1.replace(/\//g,"");
JavaScript IconJavaScript
widgets: require('../widgets/config.js'),

			foulWords: 'assface clit cocksucker shitty shity slutty ahole anus arschloch ass asshole assholes asswipe ' +
				'bastard bastards bitch bitches blowjob butthole buttwipe clit cock crap cum cunt cunts dick ' +
				'dildo dyke enema fag faggot fags fuck fucker fuckin fucking fucks gay gays hell helvete jackoff ' +
				'kraut kurwa lesbo mofo motherfucker nazi nazis nigga nigger nigger; nutsack paska pecker penis ' +
Dart IconDart
JavaScript IconJavaScript
--white: #FFF;
    --van-dyke: #463937;
    --blue: #2760B9;
We soon went to her house. It was an old German Dyson piano, brought over from Germany. We and bought it for &pound;80 along with the carved oak chest and  both still graces our living room and are much used.

<img src="steventon.jpg" alt="Colin and Margaret in 3, Meredyke Road, Steventon" ALIGN="LEFT">
<P>After a year at Abingdon we had funds for a 3-bed semi in Steventon. Mere Dyke road was a cul-de-sac
of about 12 houses, and mostly filled with young families with children. Every Sunday night we met
together in some-one's house and drank home-made wine. All the neighbours 
made their own wine. If, like me, they did not they started to! We chatted or played games.
Ruby IconRuby
weed coke drug  anal anus arse ass ballsack balls
                    bastard bitch biatch blowjob bollock bollok boner
                    boob bugger butt buttplug clitoris clit cock coon crap
                    cunt damn dick dildo dyke fag feck fellate fellatio
                    felching fuck fudgepacker flange Goddamn hell homo
                    jerk jizz knobend labia lmao lmfao muff nigger nigga
                    penis piss poop prick pube pussy queer scrotum sex
C++ IconC++
**       we close down Glide.
**  37   3dfx      1.36        03/11/00 Kenneth Dyke    Make sure slave registers
**       are kept up to date after board is mapped in.
C++ IconC++
**       we close down Glide.
**  37   3dfx      1.36        03/11/00 Kenneth Dyke    Make sure slave registers
**       are kept up to date after board is mapped in.
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
  @apply bg-[var(--van-dyke)] hover:bg-[var(--raisin-black)];
JavaScript IconJavaScript
"We all want to work on...", "We all enjoy something...", "We all feel happy...",
"We are all part of a community"]

var censoredList = ["anal","anus","arse","ass","ballsack","balls","bastard","bitch","biatch","bloody","blowjob","blow job","bollock","bollok","boner","boob","bum","butt","buttplug","clitoris","cock", "crap","cunt","damn","dick","dildo","dyke","fag","feck","fellate","fellatio","felching","fuck","f u c k","fudgepacker","fudge packer","flange","Goddamn","God damn","hell","homo","jerk","jizz","knobend","knob end","labia","lmao","lmfao","muff","nigger","nigga","omg","penis","piss","poop","prick","pube","pussy","queer","scrotum","sex","shit","s hit","sh1t","slut","smegma","spunk","tit","tosser","turd","twat","vagina","wank","whore","wtf"]

var chosenMadlib = []
var repeated = 0
Ruby IconRuby
        ass    bich   bitch  boner  butt   chink  clit   coc    cok    cock
        cunt   cum    damn   dick   dike   dildo  dyke   fag    fuck   fuc
        fuk    gay    god    homo   jizz   kike   kunt   lesbo  muff   nig
        piss   penis  public poon   queer  sex    shit   skank  slut   spic
        static tit    twat   vag    video  whor   kkk
      ] + self.class.forwarded_dus_id_list(1)