Repositories (1)
38 snippets stored for this repo
document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(/onion /ig,'Freeman ');
document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(/sex /ig,'Free ');
document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(/adult /ig,'Freem ');
document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(/cumshot /ig,'Freema ');
// @include http://*coeds*.*
// @include http://*.*/*coeds*
// @include http://*creampie*.*
// @include http://*.*/*creampie*
// @include http://*crotchless*.*
// @include http://*.*/*crotchless*
// @include http://*cum*.*
// ==UserScript==
// @name TwinCreeks link fixer
// @namespace
// @description Fix the TwinCreeks links that the damn webmasters are too retarded to fix
// @include*
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do_modify_html_it(window.document,document.evaluate('/HTML[1]/BODY[1]/DIV[4]/DIV[4]/DIV[1]/TABLE[1]/TBODY[1]/TR[1]/TD[2]/P[4]', document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE,null).singleNodeValue,/(.+)http:\/\/\/images\/thumbnails\/(.+).jpg(.+)/,'<a href="$2.flv">Descargar</a>',null);
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window.addEventListener("load", function() { do_platypus_script() }, false);
// ==UserScript==
// @name Forumfall Dumb Motherfucker Ignorer
// @namespace
var userLinks = document.evaluate(
"//a[@class='bigusername']", // link with the motherfucker's nick
document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
var prijs4 = tabel.getElementsByTagName('tr')[5].getElementsByTagName('td')[1].textContent.substr(1,6);
var drugs4 = document.getElementsByName('cocaine')[0].value;
var drugs4 = drugs4 * prijs4;
var soort4 = document.getElementsByName('cocaine')[0];
soort4.addEventListener('change', calc, false);
"f\\*\\*\\*(?!\\*)": "fuck",
"J\\*\\*\\*(?!\\*)": "Jizz",
"j\\*\\*\\*(?!\\*)": "jizz",
"pressurespot/r": "google",
"pokehole/r": "google",
"phreak/r": "google",
"queef" : "vag fart",
"anonymous sex" :"",
"skin flute" : "skin flute",
"shit": "SHIT",
// ==UserScript==
// @name Buttplug for PersoAnal Office
// @namespace po
// @match http://po/po/personal_docs_exec.php?f=docs&option=notready&page_num=&route=*
// @require
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
"C\\.\\.ksucker": "Cocksucker",
"c\\.\\.ksucker": "cocksucker",
"c\\*nt": "cunt",
"c\\_nt": "cunt",
"C\\*nt": "Cunt",
"ふた×男":"Futa on Male",
"パンツに手":"Grabbing Panties",
"腕押さえ輪姦":"Holding Arms Gangbang",
"聖水":"Holy Water",
// ==UserScript==
// @name Ausblenden
// @description Blendet Blaue Blume aus
// @author r u ready for gangbang?
// @version 1.0
// @include
// ==/UserScript==
// @include https://*
// ==/UserScript==
var words = { 'The Inzuki' : 'HUGE FUCKING FAGGOT', 'BlueFlash' : 'SOME BEARDED FUCKING LOSER', 'compwhizii' : 'ACNEACNEACNEACNE', 'Soul-Chicken' : 'DICK SUCKER', 'Arc Nova' : 'Arc' };
2007-08-29 - YouTube pages now have 2 embed fields, so fill both
2007-08-22 - Fix for new YouTube pages
2007-03-22 - Fixed dumbass error (innerHTML was misspelled)
2006-10-18 - Made
var replacementText = "<p>ITTY BITTY BABY!<p>";
//The replacementTag string will replace the user's tag (the little text under their name).
var replacementTag = "I am a douchebag!";
//Begin useful script-type stuff here:
// ==/UserScript==
//var playername = new Array();
var playername = new Array("Rex Mashburn","Dribbles McGee","Smokes McKenzie","Seamus McNasty","Lamar Money Mundane","Howie Neckbeard","Bobby Rainmaker","Brock Shothouse","Thor Vander Geldt","Max Zamphirescu","William Wallace","James Caine","Chris Hansen","Place Holder","Larry Lobster","Officer Bates","Michael-Larry Jabbar","Mike Carey","Snicker Doodle","Carlos Washington");
//var playername = new Array( "Hakeem .", "Pops Mensah-Bonsu", "Lucas Ray" , "Kevin Wall", "Lee Humpty-Dumpty", "Erick Strickland", "I . Am . Legend", "George Mikan", "Toney McCray", "Mitsui Hisashi");
var dsmade=new Array(), laymade=new Array(), hkmade=new Array(), jmphkmade=new Array(), runjmade=new Array(), turnmade=new Array(), bankmade=new Array(), jumpermade=new Array(), thrmade=new Array();
var dsmiss=new Array(), laymiss=new Array(), hkmiss=new Array(), jmphkmiss=new Array(), runjmiss=new Array(), turnmiss=new Array(), bankmiss=new Array(), jumpermiss=new Array(), thrmiss=new Array();
// ==/UserScript==
var playername = new Array();
//var playername = new Array("Rex Mashburn","Dribbles McGee","Smokes McKenzie","Seamus McNasty","Lamar Money Mundane","Howie Neckbeard","Bobby Rainmaker","Brock Shothouse","Thor Vander Geldt","Max Zamphirescu","William Wallace","James Caine","Chris Hansen","Place Holder","Larry Lobster","Officer Bates","Michael-Larry Jabbar","Mike Carey","Snicker Doodle","Carlos Washington");
//var playername = new Array( "Hakeem .", "Pops Mensah-Bonsu", "Lucas Ray" , "Kevin Wall", "Lee Humpty-Dumpty", "Erick Strickland", "I . Am . Legend", "George Mikan", "Toney McCray", "Mitsui Hisashi");
var dsmade=new Array(), laymade=new Array(), hkmade=new Array(), jmphkmade=new Array(), runjmade=new Array(), turnmade=new Array(), bankmade=new Array(), jumpermade=new Array(), thrmade=new Array();
var dsmiss=new Array(), laymiss=new Array(), hkmiss=new Array(), jmphkmiss=new Array(), runjmiss=new Array(), turnmiss=new Array(), bankmiss=new Array(), jumpermiss=new Array(), thrmiss=new Array();
}, 'munch': {
keys: ['this is gonna be good', 'munch', 'popcorn', 'eat', 'drink', 'can', 'soda', 'watch']
, url: ''
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keys: ['neckbeard emot u say?', 'neckbeard', 'happy', 'face', 'smile', 'laugh', 'clap', 'glee']
, url: ''
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emoji["morning"] = "";
emoji["munch"] = "";
emoji["neckbeard"] = "";
emoji["newfap"] = "";
emoji["newlol"] = "";
emoji["niggly"] = "";
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[":eng99:", "fp/emoot/eng99.gif", "Eng99"],[":yarr:", "fp/emoot/yarr.gif", "Yarr"],[":rolleyes:", "fp/emoot/rolleyes.gif", "Rolleyes"],[":eek:", "fp/emoot/eek.gif", "Eek"],
[":ninja:", "fp/emoot/ninja.gif", "Ninja"],[":raise:", "fp/emoot/raise.gif", "Raise"],[":dance:", "fp/emoot/dance.gif", "Dance"],[":aaa:", "fp/emoot/aaa.gif", "Aaa"],
[":neckbeard:", "fp/emoot/neckbeard.gif", "Neckbeard"],[":cool:", "fp/emoot/cool.gif", "Cool"],[":ohdear:", "fp/emoot/ohdear.png", "Ohdear"],[":ese:", "fp/emoot/ese.gif", "Ese"],
[":jihad:", "fp/emoot/jihad.gif", "Jihad"],[":hist101:", "fp/emoot/hist101.gif", "Hist101"],[":niggly:", "fp/emoot/niggly.gif", "Niggly"],[":mad:", "fp/emoot/mad.gif", "Mad"],
[":catholic:", "fp/emoot/catholic.gif", "Catholic"],[":Dawkins102:", "fp/emoot/Dawkins102.gif", "Dawkins102"],[":cop:", "fp/emoot/cop.gif", "Cop"],[":aaaaa:", "fp/emoot/aaaaa.gif", "Aaaaa"],
[":shlick:", "fp/emoot/shlick.gif", "Shlick"],[":biggrin:", "fp/emoot/biggrin.gif", "Biggrin"],[":3:", "fp/emoot/3.gif", "3"],[":xd:", "fp/emoot/xd.gif", "Xd"],
[":raise:", "fp/emoot/raise.gif", "Raise"],
[":dance:", "fp/emoot/dance.gif", "Dance"],
[":aaa:", "fp/emoot/aaa.gif", "Aaa"],
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"snatch": "female organ",
"spic": "mexican",
"spick": "mexican american",
"splooge": "ejaculate",
"spook": "White person",
"suckass": "idiot",
keys: ['Worst Case Scenario', 'camera6', '6', 'news', 'channel']
, url: ''
}, 'ccb': {
keys: ['clown balloon cock', 'ccb', 'balloon', 'baloon', 'cock', 'ejaculate']
, url: ''
}, 'cedric': {
keys: ['Graham, watch out!', 'cedric', 'kings', 'king\'s', 'quest', 'owl', 'wise', 'advice']
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// @include http://*.*/*cunt*
// @include http://*deepthroat*.*
// @include http://*.*/*deepthroat*
// @include http://*deep-throat*.*
// @include http://*.*/*deep-throat*
// @include http://*dick*.*
// ==UserScript==
// @name Sweet Jesus is a fatass
// @namespace GLB
if (findName(els[i])){
els[i].innerHTML = 'I am a fatass, pay no attention to me'
var userslist = new Array("olympushic", "pete265", "Tapestry", "mardi72", "SnowyDog", "Kevlar", "beefiboi", "christinafan", "paulh430", "vincenzo", "Weasel404", "smokintony1", "dasatelier", "greuelz", "orclordz", "shemalelover1975", "hocy", "shorthairlover", "gaocan390", "Maetel", "Dominion300", "agathorn", "hattertim", "upgrader", "inckurei", "12mpro", "Bomkia", "kaanod", "smokinspartan", "jordgubbe", "thanoz", "Tazyizan", "wrightm100", "webbyno1", "ilu03240");
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"vibrating delights":"",
" spine shuddering orgasm":"",
" sale happening now": "",
" book today. Buy yours now.": "",
"Orgasm Torture, Tickling":"",
"Predicament Bondage,": "",