Source Code Containing the Phrase "dumbass"

We have detected over 1808 code snippets in our database containing the word "dumbass"

Recent Snippets

'ระยำ', 'ชัง', 'ตีน', 'อี', 'กระหรี่', 'ควย', 'ปากหมา', 'จังไร',
            'พี่เลี้ยง', 'ทน', 'สันดาน', 'ขี้โกง', 'คอร์รัป', 'คม', 'ส้นตีน', 'โง่', 'เห่ย',
            'damn', 'hell', 'stupid', 'idiot', 'moron', 'jerk', 'asshole', 'bastard', 'fuck', 'shit', 'bitch',
            'cunt', 'dick', 'piss', 'slut', 'whore', 'fag', 'nigger', 'motherfucker', 'cock', 'twat', 'douchebag',
            'prick', 'wanker', 'wank', 'fistfuck', 'cocksucker', 'pussy', 'shithead', 'ass', 'butt', 'dumbass',
            'cocksucker', 'dumbass', 'shitface', 'clit', 'piss off', 'twat', 'fisting', 'tits', 'nipple', 'cum',
            'douche', 'sex', 'smegma', 'bukkake', 'fist', 'wank', 'blowjob', 'orgy', 'rapist', 'tard', 'retard'
C# IconC#
"балабоk", "рохля", "пузырь", "любопытный", "вошь", "бісова ковінька", "булька з носа", "пришелепкуватий",
                "шмаркач", "тюхтій", "нездара", "дурепа", "йолоп", "боров", "быдло", "пустобрех", "вшивота", "трутень",
                "лепешка", "обалдуй", "погань", "профурсетка", "хабалка", "хмырь", "shit", "bastard", "cunt",
                "motherfucker", "fucking ass", "slut", "dumbass", "бикукле", "бикуля", "рередикт" };

            var high = new List<string> {
                "фуфло", "душный козел", "свиняче рило", "підорко", "обезьяна", "шушера", "sucker", "son of a bitch",
C# IconC#
"балабоk", "рохля", "пузырь", "любопытный", "вошь", "бісова ковінька", "булька з носа", "пришелепкуватий",
                    "шмаркач", "тюхтій", "нездара", "дурепа", "йолоп", "боров", "быдло", "пустобрех", "вшивота", "трутень",
                    "лепешка", "обалдуй", "погань", "профурсетка", "хабалка", "хмырь", "shit", "bastard", "cunt",
                    "motherfucker", "fucking ass", "slut", "dumbass", "бикукле", "бикуля", "рередикт" };

                var high = new List<string> {
                    "фуфло", "душный козел", "свиняче рило", "підорко", "обезьяна", "шушера", "sucker", "son of a bitch",
Shell IconShell
[ -z "$user" ] && { echo "Please provide a user name dumbass"; exit 1; }
JavaScript IconJavaScript
"You’re so fat you could sell shade.",
	"Which sexual position produces the ugliest children? Ask your mother.",
	"Roses are red violets are blue, God made me pretty, what happened to you?",
	"You're so poor I saw you kicking a can across the street I asked you what you were doing you said moving.",
	"We can always tell when you are lying. Your lips move.",
	"The only way you'll ever get laid is if you crawl up a chicken's ass and wait.",
JavaScript IconJavaScript
`You make me angry every time I don't see your flair >:(`,
	`I'll be very hostile the next time I don't see the flair.`,
	`You wouldn't be safe without a flair.`,
	`Get a fricking flair dumbass.`

module.exports.unflaired = unflairedReplies;
Go IconGo
"You look like you'd marry Mirosan. Not surprising really, no one else would marry you.",
		"You should try therapy, they can teach you how to stop being such pathetic piece of shit.",
		"You should try therapy, they can help cure your Miro addiction.",
		"Dear diary, today some dumbass asked me to insult them.",
		"Oh shush, team rocket was more successful than you.",
		"Your birth certificate is actually an apology letter from the condom factory.",
		"What? You’re so desperate for attention you want to be insulted by a robot? Fuck off and get a life.",
'You don\'t need to play this game.',
		'You disappoint me.',
		'Your grandma could do better.',
		'Hahaha, dumbass.',
		'Do you always have that much typos?',
		'I wouldn\'t have known this either.',
		'Eliza did solve it on the first go.',
Java IconJava
"You disgust me",
                        "Fuck off",
                        "You're dumb",
                        "Fuck off midget",
                        "I'll fucking roundhouse kick you in the teeth, dumbfuck"};
You are wondering how? 
Well you Dumbass you have to upload them...
Certain people from every college will be given editing access of the folder of their college
Java IconJava
You are ungrateful; helping you only brings frustration, and when mistakes happen, we get blamed.
        You are slaves to Java, unaware of Kotlin, Scala, Groovy, or Clojure.
        You are obstinate and stagnant, clinging to JDK 1.8. When new syntax causes errors, you blame us developers.
        You are cheapskate, broke, idiot, douchebag, dumbass, jerk, son of bitch, whore, dipshit, motherfucker. Fuck you.
        So, I swear, as a JVM programmer:
        I don't need to be generous—less is more.
        I refuse to help idiots who only know Java, those who lack basic knowledge, nitpickers, and ingrates.
Java IconJava
You are obstinate and stagnant, clinging to JDK 1.8. When new syntax causes errors, you blame us developers.
        You are cheapskate, broke, idiot, douchebag, dumbass, jerk, son of bitch, whore, dipshit, motherfucker. Fuck you.
        So, I swear, as a JVM programmer:
Python IconPython
"You and the princess make some\x01",
            "rounds, while I keep an eye on this\x01",

            "These two are our assistants, yeah?\x01",
            "Let's make 'em assist.\x02",
Rust IconRust
+ yes i do *
	@ yes i do

+ dumbass
- I'm sure your ass doesn't pass IQ tests either.

+ smartass
Perl IconPerl
# XXX - Might be a good idea to make sure that category 0 has ID 0, in case
# some dumbass runs this on a non-StdAppInfo database.
Perl IconPerl
# XXX - Might be a good idea to make sure that $Pappinfo_raw is at least
# long enough for a standard set of categories, in case some dumbass runs
# this on a non-StdAppInfo database.
C IconC
x = strtok(temp, ".");
	while (x != NULL) {
		if (px >= 10) {
			puts("Force DUMP:: dumbass, wtf you think this is, IPV6?");
		comps[px++] = x;
C IconC
x = strtok(temp, ".");
	while (x != NULL) {
		if (px >= 10) {
			puts("Force DUMP:: dumbass, wtf you think this is, IPV6?");
		comps[px++] = x;
Go IconGo
ws, err := ws281x.MakeWS2811(&opt)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("failed to initiate the dumbass LEDs: %w", err)

			leds := engine.NewLightstrip(ws)
C# IconC#
writes[pointer].Metadata == writes[afterLoopPointer].Metadata) ||
                    writes[pointer].Register != NesApu.APU_DMC_START)))
                        Debug.WriteLine($"Dumbass broke at frame {writes[pointer].FrameNumber} at pointer {pointer}/{afterLoopPointer} because \'{writes[pointer].Value:x2} => ${writes[pointer].Register:x4}\' isn't equal to \'{writes[afterLoopPointer].Value:x2} => ${writes[afterLoopPointer].Register:x4}\'");
                        loopsTwice = true;
                        return writes;
Ruby IconRuby
write_repo_config(root: repo_root)
    # Weird. Like a singleton - dumbass circular dependency? = blog =
C IconC
write("\n\tUsage: ban player dumbass\n");
        write("<ban player> is an OOC punishment for abusing the library "
Python IconPython
# - Wouldn't it be a neat hack to trojan the openssh tree to enable server-to-client shells? Must go and read the code and see if it's not already!

# - Note to self: The ssh_open_session2_metl fucking connects out, not listens. OMFG. I can't believe I spent two hours remember that I wrote "connect()" instead of "listen()". /me beats self around head
# - And furthermore, what class of dumbass has a parameter "safe place" offset, and doesnt fucking make a note "Oh, and I was using value n for testing" instead of just assuming that he'll remember it 6 months later. DUMBASS!
# - Further to the previous comment, I've been using one of the mainline points at 0x0804fb30 in my openssh, which is client_wait_until_can_do_something in the main client loop

# - Wonder if this'd work over an SCP? I fucking bet it would. Ixnay on the scp-push backupay?
Rust IconRust
Java IconJava
words.add(new UrbanWord("YOLO", "Abbreviation for: you only live once The dumbass's excuse for something stupid that they did Also one of the most annoying abbreviations ever....", "ShLuBsTeR"));
        words.add(new UrbanWord("Yolo", "\"carpe diem\" for stupid people", "ozball21"));
        words.add(new UrbanWord("Yolo", "The douchebag mating call.", "DeadTheBBQ"));
        words.add(new UrbanWord("Yolo", "YOLO', meaning You Only Live Once, is a viral quote most popularly used by prepubescent girls, but the range is undoubtedly in the teenage community.", "Wuskar"));
        words.add(new UrbanWord("Yolo", "You Obviously Lack Originality", "ispeakdatruthhhh"));
        return words;