Source Code Containing the Phrase "retarded"
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# 前面这一段指向项目地址
/root/retarded-robot/node_modules/.bin/ts-node main.ts
what are u, retarded?
idk, who does anything outside of games?
# ZOOVY::encode_ref
# note: unlike it's retarded cousin incode and incode_by_ref this one will support double encoding
# parameters: a buffer that needs to be encoded
# returns: $BUFFER
# z_c=rho**2/(2*R)
# except ZeroDivisionError:
# z_c=0
phi = self.k*z_c - psi # leave k out, retarded reference frame
return {'w':w, 'psi':psi, 'absE':absE, 'phi':phi, 'R':R}
def dphidz(self, z, rho):
You want beef, burger, flipper get devoured like food
I'm a retarded evil genius using powers for good
A sip of brew when I wake up, then a Xanax at noon
+ your (stupid|retarded|dumb|annoying)
@ your an idiot
[ ] Your sig/alias is retarded
[ ] I think you might be a fed
[X] You're worthless
[ ] You piss me off
[ ] You whine like a damn toddler
[ ] You have the grammar of an inbred West Virginian
[ ] I saw a wanted poster with your face on it in the sysops' office
//Youre fucking dumb as shit fuck off I'm retarded
private class ListAdapter(array: ArrayList<String>?) : ArrayListAdapter<String, VisTable>(array) {
private var drawBG = VisUI.getSkin().getDrawable("window-bg")
private var drawSelection = VisUI.getSkin().getDrawable("list-selection")
"You're a cunt",
"You're retarded",
"You have no friends",
// Your app can use these Null types instead of the defaults. The sole benefit you get is a MarshalJSON method that is not retarded.
// NullString is a type that can be null or a string.
// Your app can use these Null types instead of the defaults. The sole benefit you get is a MarshalJSON method that is not retarded.
// NullString is a type that can be null or a string
// Your app can use these Null types instead of the defaults. The sole benefit you get is a MarshalJSON method that is not retarded.
// NullString is a type that can be null or a string
//you might notice a lot of magic numbers floating around in this code, but if
//you aren't retarded, you'll also notice that those magic numbers are rather
//clear - most of them are simply offsets. some from the end of the screen, some
+ you are a (stupid|retarded|dumb)
@ you are a idiot
// Yet another Javascript rant: In most languages, booleans are just numeric values, however Javascript is
// retarded and all the values there are strings. We could convert it to an integer or
// use the unary + operator(UGLY AS SHIT -> "val[+bKatakana]"), however it's extremely slow. Turns out, the
// fastest solution is to use a ternary operation... I cannot even...
string = string.replaceAll(key, val[bKatakana >= 1 ? 1 : 0]);
// Yes, this is ugly. But I'm not the retarded idiot that decided to put the file that sets the language used inside a folder specific of the language used.
let path = base_path.join(BRAZILIAN);
# yes, this is completely fucking retarded looking...not really sure
# what I'm trying to graph here..
get '/reports' do
# need a group by here...
@top5cpu = Stat.aggregate(:fields => [:name, :cpu], :order => [:cpu.desc], :limit => 5)
@top5mem = Stat.aggregate(:fields => [:name, :mem], :order => [:mem.desc], :limit => 5)
// yes, oldstyle shaders
// I would use version 130 or above but there are certain
// of their new designs I don't agree with. Namely, what's
// up with removing texture coordinates. That's just plain
// retarded.
# Yep. this is horrific. Basically what's happening here is that
# (with good reason) DBIx::Class::Schema copies the result source for
# registration. Because we have a retarded setup order forced on us we need
# to actually make our ->result_source_instance -be- the source used, and we
# need to get the source name and schema into ourselves. So this makes it
# happen.
// Yeah I know I just invalidated the teb step below but I really don't want to do retarded
// ass .offset shit if I can just cast directly into a struct tee bee haych. Anyway this
y = compile(txt, '<string>', 'exec')
# It says on your chart that you're fucked up. Uh, you talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded.
except Exception as detail:
print "[!] Tried setting our options on the fly, but failed: %s" % detail
YahooFinance yf = YahooFinance.getInstance();
// retarded way of checking if dividends are already split adjusted.
if (yf.HistoricalDividends(symbol, this.StartDate(), this.EndDate()).splitAdjusted)
* XXX is there a different kind of ParseException that is a subclass of RuntimeException? java.lang.NumberFormatException? should use that instead? drat, it doesn't give a position, but could just encode that in the string.
* <br>
* XXX this is a retarded place to put this comment
* Runs a few sanity tests on various Arrays class functions.
xvideos|retard|retarded|porno|deepfake|erection|thirst trap|erection|
kill yourself|kys|clit|orgasm|semen|foreskin|cock|ahegao|pedophile|
join my server|thighs|th1ghs|smut|wanker|vulva|wank|titty|topless|tit|tits|swinger|