Repositories (4)

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words = set(['l3i+ch', 'Shity', 'schlong', 'schmuck', 'c0k', 'ejackulate', 'Mutha Fukah', 'jism', 'skankey', 'skankee', 'jiss', 'masturbate', 'l3itch', 'sh1tter', 'fag', 'orifice', 'pimmel', 'pakie', 'clits', 'kraut', 'dilld0s', 'wetback', 'scheiss', 'nigger', 'n1gr', 'dupa', 'masturbated', 'son-of-a-bitch', 'faen', 'hore', 'porn', 'Mother Fukah', 'c0cks', 'orgasm', 'sh1t', 'fucks', 'arschloch', 'b00b', 'kuk', 'jackoff', 'shemale', 'fcuk', 'nazis', 'cawks', 'wh0re', 'chink', 'fuker', 'ejakulate', 'Fudge Packer', 'massterbait', 'masterbates', 'sadist', 'orgasim;', 'h4x0r', 'p0rn', 'feg', 'crap', 'dirsa', 'Mutha Fucker', 'shitz', 'Assface', 'shits', 'asswipe', 'foreskin', 'masstrbate', 'helvete', 'Phuck', 'pussee', 'teez', 'penis', 'kyrpa', 'b!+ch', 'queef', 'dominatrics', 'Mutha Fukker', 'wank', 'Mother Fuker', 'fuck', 'dyke', 'niigr;', 'nigur;', 'Shyte', 'Fukkah', 'skribz', 'testicle', 'd4mn', 'gayboy', 'xrated', 'jisim', 'sh1ter', 'fart', 'lesbian', 'cock-head', 'fitt', 'pizda', 'boiolas', 'nepesaurio', 'faigs', 'cazzo', 'fanculo', 'paska', 'peinus', 'f u c k e r', 'g00k', 'c0ck', 'hell', 'penuus', 'japs', 'cipa', 'sh1ts', 'sh1tz', 'gook', 'dike', 'Ekrem', 'daygo', 'Slutty', 'honkey', 'vag1na', 'Motha Fukkah', 'Fukken', 'mibun', 'skank', 'Fukker', 'pillu', 'pr1ck', 'slutz', 'sluts', 'asshole', 'ejaculate', 'bassterds', 'Shitty', 'ass', 'rautenberg', 'Kurac', 'boobs', 'motherfucker', 'fatass', 'Felcher', 'lesbo', 'assh0le', 'mulkku', 'kunt', 'cuntz', 'cunty', 'cock-sucker', 'cunts', 'turd', 'pr1k', 'fuckin', 'orgasum', 'hoor', 'merda', 'twat', 'bitch', 'shipal', 'dego', 'recktum', 'scank', 'wh00r', 'bi7ch', 'vagiina', 'b!tch', 'vagina', 'Phukker', 'anus', 'ayir', 'Ass Monkey', 'hui', 'ash0les', 'Fotze', 'Mutha Fukkah', 'sharmuta', 'dikes', 'sharmute', 'gayz', 'buceta', 'assh0lez', 'Mother Fucker', 'clit', 'penus', 'Fukkin', '@$$', 'dildo', 'orospu', 'Motha Fukker', 'vaj1na', 'cabron', 'spierdalaj', 'nazi', 'splooge', 'kusi', 'screw', 'bastard', 'Lezzian', 'assholz', 'orifiss', 'suka', 'peenus', 'ahole', 'knobz', 'knobs', 'fagit', 'pen1s', 'dild0', 'shitter', 'Ekto', 'butt-pirate', 'oriface', 'Fuck', 'kurwa', 'peeenus', 'jizz', 'Motha Fucker', 'assholes', 'Phuc', 'jizm', 'queer', 'Phuk', 'Mother Fukker', 'dick', 'jap', 'Carpet Muncher', 'penis-breath', 'hoore', 'smut', 'nastt', 'kike', 'CockSucker', 'gaygirl', 'qahbeh', 'skanck', 'enema', 'vulva', 'w0p', 'klootzak', 'bollock', 'fux0r', 'faig', 'hoer', 'arses', 'Flikker', 'wop', 'dominatrix', 'piss', 'Lipshitz', 'queers', 'Lipshits', 'queerz', 'faget', 'gays', 'h0re', 'fagz', 'faggit', 'dildos', 'Fukin', 'w00se', 'Mother Fukkah', 'puuke', 'flipping the bird', 'assrammer', 'Blow Job', 'masstrbait', 'Shyt', 'damn', 'sh!+', 'niiger;', 'dziwka', 'gay', 'xxx', 'chuj', 'packy', 'bitchy', 'kunts', 'spic', 'mother-fucker', 'kuntz', 'pecker', 'packi', 'cunt', 'schlampe', 'sh!t', 'pr0n', 'phuck', 'guiena', 'cock', 'fuk', 'Shyty', 'buttwipe', 'fags', 'hoar', 'whore', 'muie', 'ficken', 'Biatch', 'Skanky', 'skanks', 'cockhead', 'skurwysyn', 'fucker', 'preteen', 'fucked', 'fagg1t', 'arse', 'retard', 'masochist', 'perse', 'puuker', 'vajina', 'sphencter', 'chraa', 'feces', 'mouliewop', 'Fukk', 'dilld0', 'cnts', 'picka', 'orafis', 'yed', 'cocks', 'niggers', 'pierdol', 'cntz', 'Huevon', 'cum', 'dicks', 'asholes', 'knob', 'scrotum', 'puta', 'shitty', 'blowjob', 'bastards', 'wichser', 'va1jina', 'bastardz', 'nigger;', 'cawk', 'jerk-off', 'packie', 'Poonani', 'dominatricks', 'bi+ch', 'nigga', 'fucking', 'God-damned', 'vittu', 'andskota', 'qweir', 'fag1t', 'amcik', 'Motha Fuker', 'peeenusss', 'fanny', 'boffing', 'Sh!t', 'muschi', 'slut', 'polack', 'futkretzn', 'Fukah', 'h0ar', 'masokist', 'Clit', 'qweerz', 'schaffer', 'qweers', 'mofo', 'vullva', 'pussy', 'h00r', 'kuksuger', 'f u c k', 'pusse', 'enculer', 'pr1c', 'masterbate', 'masturbating', 'kawk', 'dild0s', 'bollocks', 'b1tch', 'zabourah', 'paki', 'bitches', 'testical', 'nutsack', 'paky', 'pimpis', 'rectum', 'puto', 'penas', 'Shytty', 'Mutha Fuker', 'pule', 'h0r', 'b00bs', 'pula', 'masterbat3', 'b17ch', 'masterbaiter', 'injun', 'faggot', 's.o.b.', 'monkleigh', 'azzhole', 'butthole', 'shiz', 'basterdz', 'basterds', 'whoar', 'shit', 'Phuker', 'tit', 'ash0le', 'titt', 'tits', 'shi+', 'poop', 'knulle', 'semen', 'breasts', 'polac', 'Fuken', 'polak', 'Cock', 'hells', 'teets', 'mamhoon', 'poontsee'])

def isBadWord(word):
    if word in words:
        return True
    return False
1 snippets stored for this repo
<p>They drove him to his uncle’s house, pinned him to the ground and gagged him with a cloth. Then, his mother, sister and brothers beat him for four hours, he said.</p>
      <p>“It was like a nightmare that I was trying to wake up from, but I realized it was a reality,” he said.</p>
      <p>The only thing that makes remembering that night easier, Lane said, is to get high. </p>
      <p>He uses pot two or three times a week, plus cocaine once every one or two weeks, when he can get his hands on it.</p>
  <aside class="pull-quote parallax" style="background-image:url('<?php echo SITE_URL; ?>img/day3/02.Header.JPG')">
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Beach, California, and became interested in rap music during her senior year of high school.</p>
      <p>Keces went to Outside Lands and Camp Flog Gnaw Carnival, but the lineup for Coachella is what hooked her this year.
        She’s most looking forward to Kendrick Lamar, though she prefers his previous album “To Pimp a Butterfly” over the
        recent “DAMN.”</p>
      <hr class="rule" />

      <p>This year also marks student Azisa Todd’s first time at Coachella – in fact, their first time at any big music festival.
1 snippets stored for this repo
are going to hit the marijuana thing, and I want to hit it right square in the puss.”
        <p>And he did with the Controlled Substances Act, signed in 1970, which classified marijuana as a Schedule I drug, the
          highest rating, on par with drugs like heroin. Schedule II drugs, which are considered less severe, include cocaine
          and methamphetamine.
        <p>The fear these beliefs and policies have instilled prevents any level-headed federal action to this day. The people