Repositories (1)
16 snippets stored for this repo
'towelhead', 'tranny', 'tribadism', 'tub girl', 'tubgirl', 'tushy', 'twat', 'twink', 'twinkie',
'two girls one cup', 'undressing', 'upskirt', 'urethra play', 'urophilia', 'vagina', 'venus mound',
'vibrator', 'violet blue', 'violet wand', 'vorarephilia', 'voyeur', 'vulva', 'wank', 'wet dream',
'wetback', 'white power', 'women rapping', 'wrapping men', 'wrinkled starfish', 'xx', 'xxx', 'yaoi',
'yellow showers', 'yiffy', 'zoophilia', '4r5e', '5h1t', '5hit', 'a55', 'ar5e', 'arrse', 'arse',
'ass-fucker', 'asses', 'assfucker', 'assfukka', 'assholes', 'asswhole', 'a_s_s', 'b!tch', 'b00bs', 'b17ch',
'b1tch', 'ballbag', 'balls', 'ballsack', 'bastard', 'beastial', 'beastiality', 'bellend', 'bestial',
'clusterfuck', 'cock', 'cocks', 'coprolagnia', 'coprophilia', 'cornhole', 'cum', 'cumming', 'cunnilingus',
'cunt', 'darkie', 'date rape', 'daterape', 'deep throat', 'deepthroat', 'dick', 'dildo', 'dirty pillows',
'dirty sanchez', 'dog style', 'doggie style', 'doggiestyle', 'doggy style', 'doggystyle', 'dolcett',
final_words = []
items = """4r5e, 5h1t, 5hit, a55, anal, anus, ar5e, arrse, arse, ass, ass-fucker, asses, assfucker, assfukka, asshole, assholes, asswhole, a_s_s, b!tch, b00bs, b17ch, b1tch, ballbag, balls, ballsack, bastard, beastial, beastiality, bellend, bestial, bestiality, bi+ch, biatch, bitch, bitcher, bitchers, bitches, bitchin, bitching, bloody, blow job, blowjob, blowjobs, boiolas, bollock, bollok, boner, boob, boobs, booobs, boooobs, booooobs, booooooobs, breasts, buceta, bugger, bum, bunny fucker, butt, butthole, buttmuch, buttplug, c0ck, c0cksucker, carpet muncher, cawk, chink, cipa, cl1t, clit, clitoris, clits, cnut, cock, cock-sucker, cockface, cockhead, cockmunch, cockmuncher, cocks, cocksuck , cocksucked , cocksucker, cocksucking, cocksucks , cocksuka, cocksukka, cok, cokmuncher, coksucka, coon, cox, crap, cum, cummer, cumming, cums, cumshot, cunilingus, cunillingus, cunnilingus, cunt, cuntlick , cuntlicker , cuntlicking , cunts, cyalis, cyberfuc, cyberfuck , cyberfucked , cyberfucker, cyberfuckers, cyberfucking , d1ck, damn, dick, dickhead, dildo, dildos, dink, dinks, dirsa, dlck, dog-fucker, doggin, dogging, donkeyribber, doosh, duche, dyke, ejaculate, ejaculated, ejaculates , ejaculating , ejaculatings, ejaculation, ejakulate, f u c k, f u c k e r, f4nny, fag, fagging, faggitt, faggot, faggs, fagot, fagots, fags, fanny, fannyflaps, fannyfucker, fanyy, fatass, fcuk, fcuker, fcuking, feck, fecker, felching, fellate, fellatio, fingerfuck , fingerfucked , fingerfucker , fingerfuckers, fingerfucking , fingerfucks , fistfuck, fistfucked , fistfucker , fistfuckers , fistfucking , fistfuckings , fistfucks , flange, fook, fooker, fuck, fucka, fucked, fucker, fuckers, fuckhead, fuckheads, fuckin, fucking, fuckings, fuckingshitmotherfucker, fuckme , fucks, fuckwhit, fuckwit, fudge packer, fudgepacker, fuk, fuker, fukker, fukkin, fuks, fukwhit, fukwit, fux, fux0r, f_u_c_k, gangbang, gangbanged , gangbangs , gaylord, gaysex, goatse, god-dam, god-damned, goddamn, goddamned, hardcoresex , hell, heshe, hoar, hoare, hoer, homo, hore, horniest, horny, hotsex, jack-off , jackoff, jap, jerk-off , jism, jiz , jizm , jizz, kawk, knob, knobead, knobed, knobend, knobhead, knobjocky, knobjokey, kock, kondum, kondums, kum, kummer, kumming, kums, kunilingus, l3i+ch, l3itch, labia, lmfao, lust, lusting, m0f0, m0fo, m45terbate, ma5terb8, ma5terbate, masochist, master-bate, masterb8, masterbat*, masterbat3, masterbate, masterbation, masterbations, masturbate, mo-fo, mof0, mofo, mothafuck, mothafucka, mothafuckas, mothafuckaz, mothafucked , mothafucker, mothafuckers, mothafuckin, mothafucking , mothafuckings, mothafucks, mother fucker, motherfuck, motherfucked, motherfucker, motherfuckers, motherfuckin, motherfucking, motherfuckings, motherfuckka, motherfucks, muff, mutha, muthafecker, muthafuckker, muther, mutherfucker, n1gga, n1gger, nazi, nigg3r, nigg4h, nigga, niggah, niggas, niggaz, nigger, niggers , nob, nob jokey, nobhead, nobjocky, nobjokey, numbnuts, nutsack, orgasim , orgasims , orgasm, orgasms , p0rn, pawn, pecker, penis, penisfucker, phonesex, phuck, phuk, phuked, phuking, phukked, phukking, phuks, phuq, pigfucker, pimpis, piss, pissed, pisser, pissers, pisses , pissflaps, pissin , pissing, pissoff , poop, porn, porno, pornography, pornos, prick, pricks , pron, pube, pusse, pussi, pussies, pussy, pussys , rectum, retard, rimjaw, rimming, s hit, s.o.b., sadist, schlong, screwing, scroat, scrote, scrotum, semen, sex, sh!+, sh!t, sh1t, shag, shagger, shaggin, shagging, shemale, shi+, shit, shitdick, shite, shited, shitey, shitfuck, shitfull, shithead, shiting, shitings, shits, shitted, shitter, shitters , shitting, shittings, shitty , skank, slut, sluts, smegma, smut, snatch, son-of-a-bitch, spac, spunk, s_h_i_t, t1tt1e5, t1tties, teets, teez, testical, testicle, tit, titfuck, tits, titt, tittie5, tittiefucker, titties, tittyfuck, tittywank, titwank, tosser, turd, tw4t, twat, twathead, twatty, twunt, twunter, v14gra, v1gra, vagina, viagra, vulva, w00se, wang, wank, wanker, wanky, whoar, whore, willies, xrated, xxxlesbian sex"""
for item in (items.split(", ")):
'octopussy', 'omorashi', 'one cup two girls', 'one guy one jar', 'orgasm', 'orgy', 'paedophile', 'panties',
'panty', 'pedobear', 'pedophile', 'pegging', 'penis', 'phone sex', 'piece of shit', 'piss pig', 'pissing',
'pisspig', 'playboy', 'pleasure chest', 'pole smoker', 'ponyplay', 'poof', 'poop chute', 'poopchute',
'orgasms ', 'p0rn', 'pawn', 'pecker', 'penisfucker', 'phonesex', 'phuck', 'phuk', 'phuked', 'phuking',
'phukked', 'phukking', 'phuks', 'phuq', 'pigfucker', 'pimpis', 'piss', 'pissed', 'pisser', 'pissers',
'pisses ', 'pissflaps', 'pissin ', 'pissoff ', 'poop', 'pornos', 'prick', 'pricks ', 'pron', 'pube',
'fagging', 'faggitt', 'faggs', 'fagot', 'fagots', 'fags', 'fanny', 'fannyflaps', 'fannyfucker', 'fanyy',
'fatass', 'fcuk', 'fcuker', 'fcuking', 'feck', 'fecker', 'felching', 'fellate', 'fingerfuck ',
'fingerfucked ', 'fingerfucker ', 'fingerfuckers', 'fingerfucking ', 'fingerfucks ', 'fistfuck',
'cuntlicker ', 'cuntlicking ', 'cunts', 'cyalis', 'cyberfuc', 'cyberfuck ', 'cyberfucked ', 'cyberfucker',
'cyberfuckers', 'cyberfucking ', 'd1ck', 'damn', 'dickhead', 'dink', 'dinks', 'dirsa', 'dlck',
'dog-fucker', 'doggin', 'dogging', 'donkeyribber', 'doosh', 'duche', 'dyke', 'ejaculate', 'ejaculated',
'pisspig', 'playboy', 'pleasure chest', 'pole smoker', 'ponyplay', 'poof', 'poop chute', 'poopchute',
'porn', 'porno', 'pornography', 'prince albert piercing', 'pthc', 'pubes', 'pussy', 'queaf', 'raghead',
'raging boner', 'rape', 'raping', 'rapist', 'rectum', 'reverse cowgirl', 'rimjob', 'rimming', 'rosy palm',
'rosy palm and her 5 sisters', 'rusty trombone', 's&m', 'sadism', 'scat', 'schlong', 'scissoring', 'semen',
'sex', 'sexo', 'sexy', 'shaved beaver', 'shaved pussy', 'shemale', 'shibari', 'shit', 'shota', 'shrimping',
'slanteye', 'slut', 'smut', 'snatch', 'snowballing', 'sodomize', 'sodomy', 'spic', 'spooge', 'spread legs',
'boiolas', 'bollock', 'bollok', 'booobs', 'boooobs', 'booooobs', 'booooooobs', 'breasts', 'buceta',
'bugger', 'bum', 'bunny fucker', 'buttmuch', 'buttplug', 'c0ck', 'c0cksucker', 'cawk', 'chink', 'cipa',
'cl1t', 'clits', 'cnut', 'cock-sucker', 'cockface', 'cockhead', 'cockmunch', 'cockmuncher', 'cocksuck ',
'yellow showers', 'yiffy', 'zoophilia', '4r5e', '5h1t', '5hit', 'a55', 'ar5e', 'arrse', 'arse',
'ass-fucker', 'asses', 'assfucker', 'assfukka', 'assholes', 'asswhole', 'a_s_s', 'b!tch', 'b00bs', 'b17ch',
'b1tch', 'ballbag', 'balls', 'ballsack', 'bastard', 'beastial', 'beastiality', 'bellend', 'bestial',
'masturbate', 'menage a trois', 'milf', 'missionary position', 'motherfucker', 'mound of venus',
'mr hands', 'muff diver', 'muffdiving', 'nambla', 'nawashi', 'negro', 'neonazi', 'nig nog', 'nigga',
'nigger', 'nimphomania', 'nipple', 'nipples', 'nsfw images', 'nude', 'nudity', 'nympho', 'nymphomania',
bad_words = ['fucked', 'brunette', 'erotica', 'fucks', 'interracial', 'creampie', 'blowjob', 'nuru massage',
'latina', 'licking', 'sucking', 'redhead', 'ebony', 'cumshot', 'gangbang', 'slippery', 'squirting',
'seduces', 'masturbating', 'passionate', 'housewife', 'fetish', 'dildos',
'two girls one cup', 'undressing', 'upskirt', 'urethra play', 'urophilia', 'vagina', 'venus mound',
'vibrator', 'violet blue', 'violet wand', 'vorarephilia', 'voyeur', 'vulva', 'wank', 'wet dream',
'wetback', 'white power', 'women rapping', 'wrapping men', 'wrinkled starfish', 'xx', 'xxx', 'yaoi',
'yellow showers', 'yiffy', 'zoophilia', '4r5e', '5h1t', '5hit', 'a55', 'ar5e', 'arrse', 'arse',
'ass-fucker', 'asses', 'assfucker', 'assfukka', 'assholes', 'asswhole', 'a_s_s', 'b!tch', 'b00bs', 'b17ch',
'b1tch', 'ballbag', 'balls', 'ballsack', 'bastard', 'beastial', 'beastiality', 'bellend', 'bestial',
'bi+ch', 'biatch', 'bitcher', 'bitchers', 'bitchin', 'bitching', 'bloody', 'blow job', 'blowjobs',
'panty', 'pedobear', 'pedophile', 'pegging', 'penis', 'phone sex', 'piece of shit', 'piss pig', 'pissing',
'pisspig', 'playboy', 'pleasure chest', 'pole smoker', 'ponyplay', 'poof', 'poop chute', 'poopchute',
'porn', 'porno', 'pornography', 'prince albert piercing', 'pthc', 'pubes', 'pussy', 'queaf', 'raghead',
'raging boner', 'rape', 'raping', 'rapist', 'rectum', 'reverse cowgirl', 'rimjob', 'rimming', 'rosy palm',
'rosy palm and her 5 sisters', 'rusty trombone', 's&m', 'sadism', 'scat', 'schlong', 'scissoring', 'semen',
'sex', 'sexo', 'sexy', 'shaved beaver', 'shaved pussy', 'shemale', 'shibari', 'shit', 'shota', 'shrimping',
'slanteye', 'slut', 'smut', 'snatch', 'snowballing', 'sodomize', 'sodomy', 'spic', 'spooge', 'spread legs',
'buttcheeks', 'butthole', 'camel toe', 'camgirl', 'camslut', 'camwhore', 'carpet muncher', 'carpetmuncher',
'chocolate rosebuds', 'circlejerk', 'cleveland steamer', 'clit', 'clitoris', 'clover clamps',
'clusterfuck', 'cock', 'cocks', 'coprolagnia', 'coprophilia', 'cornhole', 'cum', 'cumming', 'cunnilingus',
'cunt', 'darkie', 'date rape', 'daterape', 'deep throat', 'deepthroat', 'dick', 'dildo', 'dirty pillows',
'dirty sanchez', 'dog style', 'doggie style', 'doggiestyle', 'doggy style', 'doggystyle', 'dolcett',
'domination', 'dominatrix', 'dommes', 'donkey punch', 'double dong', 'double penetration', 'dp action',
'eat my ass', 'ecchi', 'ejaculation', 'erotic', 'erotism', 'escort', 'ethical slut', 'eunuch', 'faggot',