Repositories (1)

161 snippets stored for this repo
Scala IconScala
(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {FUCKED})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {SCREWED})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {SCREWING})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {FUCKING})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {SHITTING})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {SHITING})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {JUGS})) ; StrCmp
Scala IconScala
(if ((ScriptID 64017 0) test: 104) ; oFlags
					(gMessager say: 2 4 2 0 self) ; "Hi, Dick."
					(= global232 2)
Scala IconScala
						(gMessager say: 2 4 8 0 self) ; "Waddaya got that's long and hard, Dick?"
(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {SUCKME})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {EATME})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {BUTTHEAD})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {WHORE})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {DYKE})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {CUNT})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {CUNTLICK})) ; StrCmp
((Said '/sorry')
				(Print 109 26) ; "Very well."
			((and (IsFlag 3) (or (Said 'get,have/piss') (Said 'piss')))
				(Print 109 27) ; "It IS a problem with armour. I am sure you will manage somehow."
			((or (Said 'fuck,blow,shit') (Said 'eat,get/shit[/*]'))
Scala IconScala
(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {BUTTHAIR})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {EATDICK})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {COCKFACE})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {CUMSHOT})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {TITBOY})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {TITFUCK})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {BICH})) ; StrCmp
Scala IconScala
			(1 ; Look
				(if (not local3)
					(gMessager say: 3 1 4) ; "A male customer sits at the other side of the bar, riding an inflatable pussy, quietly drinking by himself. He seems to be no match for you in your quest to finally "net" yourself a catch like that babe on the cucumber!"
					(return 1)
					(super doVerb: theVerb)
Scala IconScala
(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {GOOK})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {HONKY})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {HONKEY})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {PUSSY})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {PUSY})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {SNATCH})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {CRACK})) ; StrCmp
(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {FART})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {PUD})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {FUCK})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {FUCKER})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {FUCKFACE})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {BUTTFUCK})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {FUCKO})) ; StrCmp
(= seconds 8)
						(Say coroner 45 18) ; "Your bettin' on WHO in the super bowl?  Are you CRAZY? Are you INSANE? Ya wanna kill yourself, let me do it. It'll be quicker."
						(= seconds 8)
Scala IconScala
(Print 8 0) ; "Ooh, Larry. I think I love you. Why don't you come with me and we'll head back to my place!"
			(Print 8 1 #at -1 130) ; "(You wonder how she knows your name.)"
		(if (Said 'fuck,(nap<using),(enjoy<make),(bone<hop),(fuck<up)')
			(Print 8 2) ; "I could be interested in that; but only with you, my studly hero!"
		(if (Said 'look>')
Scala IconScala
(Message msgGET 85 6 0 14 1 global186) ; "Random Room Key"
				(gMessager say: 6 63 1 0 0 85) ; "YES! You carefully file this key with your bastard file, using the "Impressed Soap" for a pattern."
				(gEgo normalize: 900 3 1)
Scala IconScala
				(Message msgGET 85 5 0 14 1 (global186 data:)) ; "Bastard File"
				(gMessager say: 5 4 0 0 self 85) ; "You carefully use your little bastard to round off your one rough fingernail and thus, avoid a visit to the spa's sadistic manicurist."
				(if (> gHowFast 3)
Scala IconScala
(Message msgGET 85 6 0 14 1 global186) ; "Random Room Key"
						(gMessager say: 6 63 12 0 0 85) ; "YES! You carefully file this key with your bastard file, using the lifeguard's key as a pattern!"
						(return 1)
Scala IconScala
(Message msgGET 85 6 0 14 1 global186) ; "Random Room Key"
						(gMessager say: 6 63 1 0 0 85) ; "YES! You carefully file this key with your bastard file, using the "Impressed Soap" for a pattern."
						(return 1)
Scala IconScala
(Message msgGET 85 6 0 14 1 (global186 data:)) ; "Random Room Key"
						(gMessager say: 6 63 12 0 0 85) ; "YES! You carefully file this key with your bastard file, using the lifeguard's key as a pattern!"
						(return 1)
Scala IconScala
(Message msgGET 85 6 0 14 1 (global186 data:)) ; "Random Room Key"
						(gMessager say: 6 63 1 0 0 85) ; "YES! You carefully file this key with your bastard file, using the "Impressed Soap" for a pattern."
						(return 1)
(Print 997 11) ; "Thank you, I hate it when you talk dirty!"
						((> gFilthLevel 14)
							(Print 997 12) ; "Why you dirty little bastard!"
							(Print 997 13) ; "You're a nasty som'bitch, ain'cha?"
(Print 997 8) ; "Thank you, I hate it when you talk dirty!"
						((> gFilthLevel 14)
							(Print 997 9) ; "Why you dirty little bastard!"
							(Print 997 10) ; "You're a dirty little som'bitch, ain'cha?"
Scala IconScala
				(gMessager sayRange: 4 83 0 26 26 self) ; "You cold-hearted bastard! I guess we'll do it your way."
				(gOSound1 preload: 31403 31402)
(Print 997 10) ; "Thank you, I hate it when you talk dirty!"
						((> gFilthLevel 14)
							(Print 997 11) ; "Why you dirty little bastard!"
							(Print 997 12) ; "You're a nasty som'bitch, ain'cha?"
Scala IconScala
			(9 0)
				(gMessager say: 14 0 12 6 self) ; "(RRCC. VERY UPSET & SYMPATHETIC. JUST WATCHED SOMEONE DIE)Oh, God! Poor bastard!"
				(= local1 0)
				(gEgo normalize: 6)
				(gGame handsOn:)
Scala IconScala
		x 145
		y 56
		lookStr {How fitting that the Sheriff should hang a shield with a bend sinister upon it, the mark of a man of bastard descent.}

	(method (init)
Scala IconScala
(gCurRoom setScript: theDribble)
								(gMessager say: 9 2 10) ; "Hi, Jack! Good news, buddy. We caught the bastard who was selling to Kathy."
								(= local2 1)
Scala IconScala
(3 0)
				(malia setCycle: RandCycle)
				(gMessager say: 9 124 23 2 self 900) ; "(ENRAGED)WHAT??? You bastard of a bastard!"
				(gMessager say: 9 124 23 3 self 900) ; "You can't stop me! Watch your friend die!"
Scala IconScala
(gEgo loop: 3 cel: 0 setCycle: End self)
				(fan view: 2652 init: setPri: 180 cycleSpeed: 9 setCycle: End)
				(drJohn init: hide:)
				(gMessager say: 28 8 11 2) ; "(ADDRESSING A SNAKE THAT JUST ATTACKED HIM)You BASTARD!"
				(PalVary 3) ; PalVaryKill
Scala IconScala
				(= save1 1)
				(iEgo init:)
				(Say iEgo 36 11) ; "I'll get the bastard who did this, Babe. I SWEAR IT!"
				(= seconds 5)
Scala IconScala
				(poDrew setCycle: End)
				(gMessager say: 7 206 11 4 self) ; "You bastard! That's it. I'm not staying here. And don't try coming around the pool, either!"
				(gOSound1 playSound: 31103)
Scala IconScala
(sam view: 4631 loop: 0 cel: 0 setCycle: End)
				(gMessager say: 20 0 45 4 self) ; "(WISTFUL)If I could really beat that bastard...."
Scala IconScala
				(gMessager say: 20 0 37 1 self) ; "(GLEEFUL, GLOATING)Checkmate! Hee, hee, hee! Checkmate, ya bastard!"
				(sam loop: 2 cel: 0 setCycle: Fwd)
(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {SEXPOT})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {PISS})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {PISSER})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {BASTARD})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {DAMN})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {DAMMIT})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {GODAMMIT})) ; StrCmp
Scala IconScala
((super handleEvent: event))
			((Said '[/woman,cunt,boob][/table]>')
Scala IconScala
			((Said '[/woman,woman,clerk,you,cunt,boob]>')
							(Said 'kiss,fuck,shit,cunt,cocksucker,leak')
							(Said '/fuck,shit,cunt,cocksucker,leak')
							(Said 'eat/shit,and,die')
						(Print 800 (Random 0 7))
Scala IconScala
((Said '/woman<bag')
								(Print 155 6) ; "She looks awfully mean, and you decide to stay here where it's safe."
							((or (Said '/willow[<cunt]') (Said '/ass<cat'))
								(Print 155 7) ; "These are of a species known as "Gargantium Pussiwilliums""
							((Said '/tree')
							(Said 'fuck,eat,blow/woman,wanda')
							(Said 'feel/boob,cunt')
(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {BUTTHEAD})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {WHORE})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {DYKE})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {CUNT})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {CUNTLICK})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {DICKLICK})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {FAGGOT})) ; StrCmp
((super handleEvent: event))
			((> (gEgo distanceTo: client) 55))
			((CantBeSeen client))
			((Said 'kiss,fuck,suck[/woman,boob,cunt,bitch,stacy]')
				(localproc_1 611 30 33)
				(local2 setScript: agentHuffScript)
(!= (gEgo script:) eSitAS)
			((CantBeSeen client))
			((Said 'kiss,fuck,suck[/woman,boob,cunt,bitch,stacy]')
				(localproc_0 611 30 33)
				(local2 setScript: agentHuffScript)
							(Said 'kiss,fuck,shit,cunt,cocksucker,leak[/!*]')
							(Said '/fuck,shit,cunt,cocksucker,leak')
							(Said 'eat/shit,and,die')
						(Print 800 (Random 0 7))
((super handleEvent: event))
			((> (gEgo distanceTo: client) 70))
			((CantBeSeen client))
			((Said 'kiss,fuck,suck[/woman,boob,cunt,bitch]')
				(localproc_1 611 30 33)
				(local2 setScript: agentHuffScript)
			((Said 'kiss,suck,fuck,touch/woman,cunt,boob')
				(Print 301 13) ; "You don't see one."
			((Said '[/bitch,cunt,boob,brunette,woman[<native]]>')
			((Said 'kiss,suck,fuck/woman,cunt,boob')
				(Print 301 12) ; "You don't see one."
Scala IconScala
((super handleEvent: event))
			((Said '[/woman,cunt,boob]>')
Scala IconScala
((super handleEvent: event))
			((Said '[/woman,woman,clerk,you,cunt,boob]>')
Scala IconScala
((or (Said 'leak') (Said 'get//leak'))
				(Print 303 19) ; "Step closer, Johnny, it's shorter than you think."
			((or (Said 'shit') (Said 'get//shit'))
				(Print 303 20) ; "The human process of waste elimination has made you two pounds lighter."
			((Said 'get/*')
Scala IconScala
(gMessager say: 3 2 0 3 self) ; "I'd like to ask you a few questions."
				(gMessager say: 3 2 0 2 self) ; "Bugger off, faggot!"
				(metzler setLoop: 2 cel: 0 setCycle: End self)
Scala IconScala
y 79
		noun '/fire'
		description {the intensely hot fire}
		lookStr {The fiercely flickering fire needs another faggot of firewood.}
		view 145
		loop 5
(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {CUNT})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {CUNTLICK})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {DICKLICK})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {FAGGOT})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {FAGOT})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {FAGGET})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {BUTTHEAD})) ; StrCmp
Scala IconScala
(gMessager say: 3 2 0 3 self) ; "I'd like to ask you a few questions."
				(gMessager say: 3 2 0 2 self) ; "Bugger off, faggot!"
				(metzler show: z: 0 setLoop: 2 cel: 0 setCycle: End self)
					(Said 'eat,fuck/me')
					(Said 'shit,leak,fuck,fart')
					(Said '/clit,shit,leak,fuck,fart,asshole')
					(Said '//clit,shit,leak,fuck,fart,asshole')
				(Print 0 129) ; "Tsk, tsk."
					(Said 'eat,fuck/me')
					(Said 'clit,shit,leak,fuck,fart,boob,ass,asshole')
				(Printf 71 3 gEgoName) ; "My, %s! You certainly have a charming way with the opposite sex."
Scala IconScala
				(if (> gFilthLevel 10)
					(Print 42 5 #at -1 152) ; "(Asshole!)"
Scala IconScala
(Print 81 15 #at -1 20) ; "What power!"
				(Print 81 16 #at -1 20) ; "What force!"
				(if (> gFilthLevel 10)
					(Print 81 17 #at -1 130) ; "(What an asshole!)"
				(aCoil hide:)
				(gAddToPics add: aCoil1 doit:)
Scala IconScala
(Print 81 15 #at -1 20) ; "What power!"
				(Print 81 16 #at -1 20) ; "What force!"
				(if (> gFilthLevel 10)
					(Print 81 17 #at -1 152) ; "(What an asshole!)"
				(aCoil hide:)
				((View new:)
Scala IconScala
(= local2 1)
					(gMessager say: 1 79 7 3) ; "(Yankee asshole.)"
Scala IconScala
					(gMessager say: 1 79 6 5 self) ; "(American asshole.)"
Scala IconScala
				(gMessager say: 4 2 26 9 self) ; "(Geez, what an asshole!)"
Scala IconScala
				(gMessager say: 4 2 26 10 self) ; "(Geez, what an asshole!)"
Scala IconScala
(Print (Format @gString 35 26 gLaffer)) ; ""Hi, you bevy of beautiful babes," you say to the women at the bar, flashing your best smile. %s"
					(Print 35 27) ; ""Why don't you join hands and try communicating with the living?" she asks sarcastically."
					(if (> gFilthLevel 10)
						(Print 35 28) ; ""What an asshole," she tells her friend."
			((and (< global200 3) (Said 'fuck,shit,asshole,piss'))
				(Talk 15 34) ; "I cannot believe such filth... from the lips of my own king!"
			((Said 'smell')
					(Said 'wipe,cloth/ass,asshole')
					(Said 'shake/cock')
					(Said 'flush/crapper,bathroom')
Scala IconScala
							((Said '/ass,asshole,cigarette')
								(if (== local4 4)
Scala IconScala
					((Said 'eat,cigarette,get/ass,asshole,cigarette')
						(if (== local4 4)
Scala IconScala
(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {KNOCKERS})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {ASS})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {ASSWIPE})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {ASSHOLE})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {ARSE})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {BUNGHOLE})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {SHAT})) ; StrCmp
(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {SHITTY})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {FUCKBOY})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {SHITBOY})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {DICKHEAD})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {FELCHER})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {COCK})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {COCKSUCK})) ; StrCmp
Scala IconScala
					(SetFlag 662)
					(if (IsFlag 661)
						(gMessager say: 11 62 0 1 0 600) ; "Another autograph by the same big son-of-a-bitch that was at the farm."
						(PlayScene 680)
Scala IconScala
					(SetFlag 661)
					(if (IsFlag 662)
						(gMessager say: 4 62 0 1 0 600) ; "(LOOK AT SECOND PRINT IN WOODS)Another autograph by the same big son-of-a-bitch."
						(PlayScene 680)
Scala IconScala
(class Dildo of Actor
Scala IconScala
(instance oDildo of Dildo
Scala IconScala
			(= temp0 (Str with: {memory8.drv}))
			(= temp1 (Str with: {DILDO.PICT}))
			(= global235 0)
Scala IconScala
(instance oLocalDildo of Dildo
Scala IconScala
(if (== nMyFlag 0)
			(PrintDebug {Dildo without a flag, not initting!})
Scala IconScala
			(= temp0 (Str with: {memory8.drv}))
			(= temp1 (Str with: {dildo.bmp}))
			(= global235 0)
					(switch gFilthLevel
						(4 {Son of a bitch!})
						(3 {Damn it to hell!})
						(2 {Damn!})
						(1 {Gol dang it!})
(= cycles 1)
				(gMessager say: 0 0 1) ; "OK! This is it! This is it! Listen! I want out of here! See this, I got a ticket outta here... and I'll use it! I swear I will! I'll kill this son of a bitch! I will!"
				(= seconds 25)
Scala IconScala
(Said '/castle<caffeine[<carol]')
									(Said '/willie<bitch')
									(Said '/chamber<blue')
				(global112 pausePath: 1)
				(gMessager say: 0 0 2 1 self) ; "OK! This is it! This is it! Listen! I want out of here! See this, I got a ticket outta here... and I'll use it! I swear I will! I'll kill this son of a bitch! I will!"
				(global112 pausePath: 0)
				(gMessager say: 0 0 1 0 self) ; "OK! This is it! This is it! Listen! I want out of here! See this, I got a ticket outta here... and I'll use it! I swear I will! I'll kill this son of a bitch! I will!"
Scala IconScala
(mosley setLoop: 2 setCel: 2 setCycle: Beg)
				(gMessager say: 11 0 57 6 self) ; "You mean you weren't dead, you son-of-a-bitch?"
				(gEgo setCel: 0 setLoop: 5 setCycle: End self)
Scala IconScala
							(Print 997 10) ; "You're a dirty little som'bitch, ain'cha?"
Scala IconScala
(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {SATAN})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {BITCH})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {CUNTHAIR})) ; StrCmp
Scala IconScala
(locker init:)
		(cocaine init: hide:)
		(lockerInset init: hide:)
Scala IconScala
(SetScore 174 10)
				(cocaine show:)
				(lockerInset show:)
Scala IconScala
							(- (cocaine x:) 4)
							(+ (cocaine y:) 7)
Scala IconScala
(= global150 0)
						(localproc_0 504 56 10 160 250 global125) ; "- Four one-pound packets of cocaine."
Scala IconScala
(localproc_2 203 28 100 140 65) ; "NO WANTS"
						(localproc_2 203 29 10 150 250) ; "NOTE: Rocklin associates with, and at one time was known to be a member of the cult "Sons of Darkness." It is suspicioned the cult deals in the sale of "crack" cocaine."
						(= cycles 1)
Scala IconScala
				(= save1 1)
				(sonnyInset init:)
				(Say sonnyInset 21 58) ; "Captain, I have reason to believe that my partner, Morales, has stolen some of the evidence from the Rocklin case.  There were five bags of cocaine removed from accident scene, but only four were checked in as evidence."
				(= seconds 6)
Scala IconScala
				(gMessager say: 13 0 6 0 self) ; "Nice bust, Bonds. You just forgot one little thing--you didn't search Victor Simms. The boy panicked, and swallowed the packet of cocaine he had just purchased in an attempt to conceal it. He died. You were immediately suspended. Remember, not following police procedure can cost people their lives--your own, or someone else's."
Scala IconScala
(localproc_1 201 18 100 90 100) ; "SUMMARY"
				(localproc_1 201 19 10 110 250) ; "Convicted on two counts of burglary 6/23/85. Sentenced to 5 years in state penitentiary. Paroled 6/25/88 and is currently serving 3 years probation."
				(localproc_1 201 20 100 140 65) ; "NO WANTS"
				(localproc_1 201 21 10 150 250) ; "NOTE: Rocklin associates with, and at one time was known to be a member of the cult "Sons of Darkness." It is suspicioned the cult deals in the sale of "crack" cocaine."
				(self dispose:)
Scala IconScala
(localproc_2 8 98) ; "INCARCERATED: local LOCATION: Lytton Jail SENTENCE: 1 year suspended sentence. PAROLE DATE: None. PROBATION: 3 yr. END FILE."
													(localproc_2 8 99) ; "CASE#: NT5552465 NAME: Mulkins, Jack ALIAS: Snow Man. ADDRESS: 111 Peach St. Lytton City, USA. SCARS/TATTOOS: none DOB: 8/17/64. PHYS: wht/male 5'9",blk,brn,170. ARREST RECORD: Under investigation for cocaine trafficking CONVICTED: None"
Scala IconScala
add: jackThrowsWad
						add: 15 16 0 13 4 ; "Keep a special lookout for a black 1983 Mercedes Benz, license LOP123, VIN 603456218. This vehicle was reported stolen last week. We suspect it may be drug-related. Speaking of drugs, be sure to contact any and all informants who may know something about current developments in local drug trafficking. control, people."
						add: dooleyGestures
						add: 15 16 0 13 5 ; "This problem is out of hand, people. Three more teenagers were arrested last night for drunk driving. Two of them were in possession of cocaine, and all three of them tested positive for it. That's pretty grim news, team. We're not doing our jobs. We all have to work together on this, before it's too late."
						add: dooleyGestures
						add: 15 16 0 13 6 ; "Let's get out there and clean things up, boys and girls! And please, everybody be careful out there. This is a lot rougher crowd than we're used to dealing with in little old Lytton. We've got to get their numbers...before they get ours."
						add: dooleyGestures
Scala IconScala
					(Said 'help/lloyd,man')
					(Said 'talk,ask/investigation,cocaine,(complaint<cocaine)')
Scala IconScala
(localproc_2 203 30 100 140 200) ; "NO WANTS"
						(localproc_2 ; "NOTE: Rocklin associates with, and at one time was known to be a member of the cult "Sons of Darkness." It is suspicioned the cult deals in the sale of "crack" cocaine."
Scala IconScala
(localproc_1 201 18 100 90 100) ; "SUMMARY"
				(localproc_1 201 19 (LangSwitch 10 2) 110 (LangSwitch 250 270)) ; "Convicted on two counts of burglary 6/23/85. Sentenced to 5 years in state penitentiary. Paroled 6/25/88 and is currently serving 3 years probation."
				(localproc_1 201 20 100 140 65) ; "NO WANTS"
				(localproc_1 201 21 (LangSwitch 10 2) 150 (LangSwitch 250 270)) ; "NOTE: Rocklin associates with, and at one time was known to be a member of the cult "Sons of Darkness." It is suspicioned the cult deals in the sale of "crack" cocaine."
				(self dispose:)
Scala IconScala
(lockerStingSound init: play:)
				(cocaine show:)
				(lockerInset show:)
Scala IconScala
					(Said 'aid/lloyd,man')
					(Said 'talk,ask/investigation,cocaine,(complaint<cocaine)')
Scala IconScala
(localproc_1 201 18 100 90 100) ; "SUMMARY"
				(localproc_1 201 19 10 110 250) ; "Convicted on two counts of burglary 6/23/85. Sentenced to 5 years in state penitentiary. Paroled 6/25/88 and is currently serving 3 years probation."
				(localproc_1 201 20 (LangSwitch 100 60) 140 (LangSwitch 95 160)) ; "NO WANTS"
				(localproc_1 201 21 10 150 250) ; "NOTE: Rocklin associates with, and at one time was known to be a member of the cult "Sons of Darkness." It is suspicioned the cult deals in the sale of "crack" cocaine."
				(self dispose:)
Scala IconScala
				(= save1 1)
				(sonnyInset init:)
				(Say sonnyInset 21 59) ; "Captain, I have reason to believe that my partner, Morales, has stolen some of the evidence from the Rocklin case.  There were five bags of cocaine removed from accident scene, but only four were checked in as evidence."
				(= seconds 6)
Scala IconScala
(= cycles 2)
				(gMessager say: 13 4 21 0 self) ; "You find a stick of gum, a movie ticket stub, and a cellophane packet of a white, powdery substance that resembles cocaine. You'll turn the stuff over to Detective Watts to book into evidence."
				(gMessager say: 13 2 31 (if (>= local26 3) 4 else 0) self)
Scala IconScala
(gMessager say: 5 4) ; "You don't need to take the drugs out of the trunk. They will be impounded with the car."
			(1 ; Look
				(gMessager say: 41 1 35) ; "You look into the open trunk and see some whitish plastic packages containing what appears to be cocaine and a few green bags containing a leafy substance which you assume to be marijuana."
				(SetScore 161 2)
Scala IconScala
							(gCast contains: cocaine)
							(== (gCurRoom script:) openTrunk)
Scala IconScala
							(- (cocaine x:) 4)
							(+ (cocaine y:) 7)
(switch (event type:)
					((Said '/book,instruction,cocksucker')
						(Print 8 1) ; "It's your typical computer manual - completely unreadable by normal human beings. You're better off without it."
					((Said 'look/switch,button,power')
Scala IconScala
(Print (Format @gString 44 35 gLaffer)) ; ""Hello, my little native beauty," you tell her. %s"
				(Print 44 36) ; "Hello, sir," she smiles. "I would like to help you in any way I can."
			(if (Said '(enjoy<make),(clit<have),fuck/woman')
					((!= gCurrentStatus 0)
						(NotNow) ; "Not now!"
Scala IconScala
(Print (Format @gString 44 33 gLaffer)) ; ""Hello, my little native beauty," you tell her. %s"
				(Print 44 34) ; "Hello, sir," she smiles. "I would like to help you in any way I can."
			(if (Said '(enjoy<make),(clit<have),fuck/woman')
					((!= gCurrentStatus 0)
						(NotNow) ; "Not now!"
(Print 63 12) ; "It is already open."
			((Said 'fuck,fuck,shit')
				(Print 63 13) ; "Such poetic language will never get you through this door."
			((Said 'open,unlock/door')
((Said '/appendage,head,leg,body,self')
						(Print 703 18) ; "An inspection of yourself reveals nothing outstanding."
					((Said '/iro,scrap,junk,debris,heap,junk,debris,fuck,shit')
						(Print 703 19) ; "It's way down there and not very pretty."
					((Said '/conduit')
((Said 'clean')
						(Print 700 7) ; "It's against your nature to do that."
					((Said 'eat,eat/fuck,shit')
						(Print 700 8) ; "Ah! You're one of those!"
					((Said 'hit')
Scala IconScala
((Said '/appendage,head,leg,body,self')
						(Print 703 18) ; "An inspection of yourself reveals nothing outstanding."
					((Said '/iron,scrap,debris,heap,garbage,fuck')
						(Print 703 19) ; "It's way down there and not very pretty."
					((Said '/conduit')
(= local4 1)
				(self changeState: 6)
			((or (Said 'fuck') (Said 'eat/shit,me'))
				(= local4 2)
				(self changeState: 6)
Scala IconScala
(Talk 14 6) ; "I have no use for money."
			((Said 'give/rose,sleeve,lodestone,charger')
				(Talk 14 7) ; "I have no use for it."
			((Said 'fuck,fuck')
				(Talk 14 8) ; "For that insult, I shall take special pleasure in slaying you."
(DontHave) ; "First, you must have it. I cannot simply conjure it out of thin air for you."
			((or (Said 'fuck') (Said 'eat/shit,me'))
				(Talk 132 29) ; "I should have expected no less from an armed barbarian."
((and (IsFlag 3) (or (Said 'get,have/piss') (Said 'piss')))
				(Print 109 27) ; "It IS a problem with armour. I am sure you will manage somehow."
			((or (Said 'fuck,blow,shit') (Said 'eat,get/shit[/*]'))
				(Print 800 (Random 0 4))
			((or (Said 'make/love') (Said 'fuck'))
Scala IconScala
			((Said 'fuck')
				(Print 395 10) ; "You wonder if you are fit enough to handle this one."
Scala IconScala
					(Said 'cross/canyon,hemp')
					(Said 'cross//canyon,hemp')
					(Said 'fuck,go,grab,exit,use,climb/hemp,belt')
					(Said 'fuck,go,grab,exit,use,climb//hemp,belt')
Scala IconScala
			((Said 'fuck')
				(PrintP 265 9 gExpletive) ; "%s Shame on you!"
Scala IconScala
(Print 700 6) ; "Your taste is in serious question."
					((Said 'clean')
						(Print 700 7) ; "It's against your nature to do that."
					((Said 'eat/fuck')
						(Print 700 8) ; "Ah! You're one of those!"
Scala IconScala
			((Said 'fuck')
				(PrintP 455 11) ; "Why, Larry! Shame on you!"
Scala IconScala
			((Said 'fuck,kiss,hug')
				(switch (Random 0 3)
Scala IconScala
(Print 8 0) ; "Ooh, Larry. I think I love you. Why don't you come with me and we'll head back to my place!"
			(Print 8 1 #at -1 152) ; "(You wonder how she knows your name.)"
		(if (Said 'fuck,(nap<using),(enjoy<make),(bone<hop),(fuck<up)')
			(Print 8 2) ; "I could be interested in that; but only with you, my studly hero!"
		(if (Said 'look>')
Scala IconScala
				(event claimed: 1)
			((Said 'fuck,fuck')
				(Print 395 10) ; "You wonder if you are fit enough to handle this one."
				(PrintP 395 11) ; ""Larry! Shame on you! Your face is an open book!"%"
				(React 4 4)
Scala IconScala
					(Said 'fuck,kiss,hug/mari,woman')
					(Said 'ask[/mari,woman]/coitus,goods')
Scala IconScala
					((Said 'fuck')
						(Print 80 5) ; "I can hardly blame you for being upset, but it will take more than foul language to catch the thief."
Scala IconScala
(Said 'cross/canyon,lasso,hemp')
					(Said 'cross//canyon,lasso,hemp')
Scala IconScala
	(dwarf fuck dwarf man person)
Scala IconScala
			((Said 'fuck,fuck')
				(Print 395 10) ; "You wonder if you are fit enough to handle this one."
				(PrintP 395 11) ; "Larry! Shame on you! Your face is an open book!"
				(React 4 4)
Scala IconScala
				(self changeState: 2)
			((Said 'fuck,fuck')
				(PrintP 265 9 global304 global305) ; ""%s Shame on you!"%"
				(React 4 8)
Scala IconScala
Scala IconScala
(gEgo setScript: (ScriptID 198 1)) ; sheathSwordAndRun
					((Said 'fuck')
						(Print 75 9) ; "I can hardly blame you for being upset, but it will take more than foul language to catch the thief."
						(Print 75 3) ; "Arthur, nothing else matters except that you catch that thief and retrieve the Grail at once!"
Scala IconScala
(gEgo setScript: (ScriptID 198 1)) ; sheathSwordAndRun
					((Said 'fuck')
						(Print 77 8) ; "I can hardly blame you for being upset, but it will take more than foul language to catch the thief."
						(Print 77 2) ; "Arthur, nothing else matters except that you catch that thief and retrieve the Grail at once!"
Scala IconScala
(gEgo setScript: (ScriptID 198 1)) ; sheathSwordAndRun
					((Said 'fuck')
						(Print 76 8) ; "I can hardly blame you for being upset, but it will take more than foul language to catch the thief."
						(Print 76 2) ; "Arthur, nothing else matters except that you catch that thief and retrieve the Grail at once!"
Scala IconScala
(Print 79 11) ; "First catch the Thief, then decide how to deal with him."
						(gEgo setScript: (ScriptID 198 1)) ; sheathSwordAndRun
					((Said 'fuck')
						(Print 79 12) ; "I can hardly blame you for being upset, but it will take more than foul language to catch the thief."
Scala IconScala
				(self changeState: 2)
			((Said 'fuck,fuck')
				(PrintP 265 9 global304 global305) ; "%s Shame on you!"
				(React 4 8)
Scala IconScala
((or (Said '/marriage') (Said 'marry/'))
				(Print 455 10) ; "A little fast, aren't you, Larry? Why, you hardly know her!"
			((Said 'fuck,fuck')
				(PrintP 455 11) ; ""Why, Larry! Shame on you!"%"
				(React 4 4)
Scala IconScala
((or (Said '/marriage') (Said 'marry/'))
				(Print 455 11) ; "A little fast, aren't you, Larry? Why, you hardly know her!"
			((Said 'fuck,fuck')
				(PrintP 455 12) ; ""Why, Larry! Shame on you!"%"
				(React 4 4)
Scala IconScala
((or (Said '/marriage') (Said 'marry/'))
				(Print 455 10) ; "A little fast, aren't you, Larry? Why, you hardly know her!"
			((Said 'fuck,fuck')
				(PrintP 455 11) ; "Why, Larry! Shame on you!"
				(React 4 4)
Scala IconScala
(Said '(go<out),date')
					(Said 'fuck')
					(Said 'get/*/building')
Scala IconScala
(Said 'caress,(make<enjoy),embrace,embrace/woman')
				(Said 'bath,(bath<using),(nap<using),fuck/bed,woman')
Scala IconScala
			((Said 'fuck,board,(climb,lie,get<on)/log')
Scala IconScala
((Said 'talk')
						(Print 301 19) ; "She's trying to ignore you."
					((Said 'kiss,suck,fuck,touch')
						(if (> (gEgo distanceTo: self) 50)
							(Print 301 20) ; "You'll have to get closer than this."
Scala IconScala
					((Said 'fuck')
						(if (> (++ global185) 25)
Scala IconScala
							((Said '/labor,hoe,shit')
								(if (IsFlag 217)
			((and (< global200 3) (Said 'fuck,shit,asshole,piss'))
				(Talk 15 34) ; "I cannot believe such filth... from the lips of my own king!"
			((Said 'piss,shit<on/forester')
				(Talk 11 73) ; "I may be a loyal servant, but if you dare to insult me in such a fashion, you may find an intimate portion of yourself skinned and hung to dry!"
			((or (Said 'fuck') (Said 'eat/shit,me'))
				(= local4 2)
Scala IconScala
							((Said '//labor,hoe,shit')
								(if (IsFlag 217)
Scala IconScala
							((Said '//labor,labor,hoe,shit,shit')
								(if (IsFlag 217)
(switch gFilthLevel
						(4 {Son of a bitch!})
						(3 {Damn it to hell!})
						(2 {Damn!})
						(1 {Gol dang it!})
						(else {Golly gee!})
Scala IconScala
(cacique init: setScript: ((ScriptID 299 2) new:)) ; birdMove
		(cock init: setScript: ((ScriptID 299 2) new:)) ; birdMove
		(if (not (IsEcorderFlag 10))
Scala IconScala
				(if (or (cacique onMe: param1 &rest) (cock onMe: param1 &rest))
					(return 0)
(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {HITLER})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {MUSOLINI})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {NAZIBOY})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {NAZI})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {NEONAZI})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {NIGGER})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {NIGER})) ; StrCmp
Scala IconScala
(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {KIKE})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {BEANER})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {SPIC})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {WETBACK})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {COON})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {COONSKIN})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {JAP})) ; StrCmp
Scala IconScala
				(if (> gFilthLevel 10)
					(Print 42 5 #at -1 130) ; "(Asshole!)"
					(Said '/clit,shit,leak,fuck,asshole,boob,ass,asshole')
					(Said '//clit,shit,leak,fuck,asshole,boob,ass,asshole')
				(Print 0 121) ; "Ok, but I don't usually do that!"
(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {TITBOY})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {TITFUCK})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {BICH})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {HITLER})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {MUSOLINI})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {NAZIBOY})) ; StrCmp
				(not (KString 7 (gEgoName data:) {NAZI})) ; StrCmp
					(Said 'eat,fuck/me')
					(Said 'shit,leak,fuck,fart')
					(Said '/clit,shit,leak,fuck,fart,asshole')
					(Said '//clit,shit,leak,fuck,fart,asshole')
				(Print 0 131) ; "Tsk, tsk."
Scala IconScala
			(Print 320 39) ; "You know how I can tell when my wife has an orgasm?"
			(Print 320 40) ; "She drops her nail file!!"
Scala IconScala
			(Print 320 87) ; "I asked my wife, `How come you never tell me when you're having an orgasm?'"
			(Print 320 88) ; "She replied, `Because you're never around!'"
Scala IconScala
setCycle: End self
				(UpdateScreenItem poAnnette)
				(gMessager say: 0 0 1 26 self 552) ; "(ORGASM FUNNY AND QUICKLY) Oooooohhhh!!"