Repositories (44)

13 snippets stored for this repo
/* Karma disabled
    if ( !IS_NPC(ch) )
      mod += ch->pcdata->extras[PUSSY];
    if ( number_percent() > (40 + mod + attackers*20) )
/* I am no longer willing to tolerate this pussy trash. */
        if ( !str_cmp( ch->name, "Karth" ) )
/* no pussy assed wimpy
    if ( !IS_NPC(victim)
/* slots for the Extras array in pcdata */

#define	PUSSY			3
#define STATUS			4
#define LEGEND			5
#define HOME			6
      if ( IS_NPC(victim) )
      if ( victim->pcdata->extras[PUSSY] != 0 )
        sprintf( buf, "%12s:  %d\n\r", victim->name, victim->pcdata->extras[PUSSY] );
        stc( buf, ch );
"a transparent",	"a vinyl" };

  char *tnoun[20] =
    {	"dildo",	"lampshade",	"dildo",	"tie",
    	"bowtie",	"scarf",	"hairbrush",	"comb",
    	"rubber",	"douche",	"handkerchief",	"blazer",
    	"suit",		"bikini",	"sock",		"shoe",

	"You act like a total slut.",
	"$n lounges about looking like a total slut.",
	"You come on to $N, breathing sensuality.",
sprintf( buf, "%s is running for their life from %s's posse.", ch->name, victim->name );
 	  sprintf( buf, "%s has successfully evaded %s's gangbang.", ch->name, victim->name );
 	do_info( ch, buf );
sprintf( buf, "%s is running for their life from %s's posse.", ch->name, victim->name );
	    sprintf( buf, "%s has successfully evaded %s's gangbang.", ch->name, victim->name );
	  do_info( ch, buf );
&&   victim->wait == 0 )
      send_to_char( "You're a fucking PANSY ASS BITCH!!", victim );
/* no attacking avatars, bitch */
	if ( !IS_NPC(victim) && victim->level < 2 )
sprintf( buf2, "$n says '`mI expect you to 'handle' %s professionally.`n'", name );
      case 10:
        sprintf( buf2, "$n says '`mPop a cap in the motherfucker!`n'" );
  int rune, cost;
  char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  char * const runenames[] = { "motherfucker", "shitface", "air", "earth", "fire", "water", "energy", "negative" };

  if ( IS_NPC(ch) )
8 snippets stored for this repo
	"On who?",
	"You produce a thick white candle, and you step behind $N with it, grinning a bit as you run it up and down her pussy lips.  After a moment you push it in and twist it, starting to slowly pump it in and out.",
	"$n produces a thick white candle, and walks behind $N, holding it in her hands.  She grins a bit as she pushes it to the girl's wet pussy lips, and pushes it in, twisting it as she begins to pump it in and out.",
	"$n produces a thick white candle, and steps behind you as you whimper a bit.  After a moment, you feel it running up and down your cunt lips, and you let out a moan as it slips inside you, twisting as it slides in and out.",
    send_to_char("You're too short, piss off.\n\r",ch);
affect_to_char(ch, &af );
    send_to_char("You piss your pants out of fear.\n\r",ch);
						send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",ch);
						SET_BIT(ch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
						send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",vch);
						SET_BIT(vch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
		    send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",ch);
		    SET_BIT(ch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
		    send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",victim);
		    SET_BIT(victim->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
	send_to_char( "  You are having sexual intercourse\n\r",  ch );
	if (!IS_NPC(ch) && (ch->pcdata->stage[2] + 25) >= ch->pcdata->stage[1])
	    send_to_char( "  You are on the verge of having an orgasm\n\r",  ch );
    else switch ( ch->position )
5 snippets stored for this repo
"Who gets to taste your sweet juice?",
"You push $N onto his back and crawl up his body, sitting down on his face as he licks at your pussy.",
"$n pushes $N onto his back and straddles his face, moaning as he licks her hot pussy.",
"$n pushes you onto your back and straddles your face, moaning and squirming as you eagerly lap at her hot, wet cunt.",

	"You act like a total slut.",
	"$n lounges about looking like a total slut.",
	"You come on to $N, breathing sensuality.",
		    send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",ch);
		    SET_BIT(ch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
		    send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",victim);
		    SET_BIT(victim->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
{       " Defender<>",           37  ,"Adventurer","Adventurer" },
	{       " Protector<>",          43  ,"Adventurer","Adventurer" },
	{       " Crusader<>",           50  ,"Crusader","Crusader"     },
	{       " Hero<>",               58  ,"Hero","Heroin"    },
	{       " Legend<>",             68  ,"Hero","Heroin"    },
	{       " Legend<>",             80  ,"Hero","Heroin"    },
	{       " Avatar<>",             93  ,"Avatar","Avatar"    },
1 snippets stored for this repo
     * Reserved words.
    if ( is_name( name, "all auto immortal nobody self someone god supreme demigod dog guard cityguard cat death ass fuck shit piss crap quit cum cunt pussy testes vagina butt" ) )
        return FALSE;

5 snippets stored for this repo
joe bob steve guest hugh mike brian alex dave david coolio
         raistlin magic fag queer faggot dyke lesbian lesbo god lord
         goddess aries zeus gemini capricorn taurus fucking fuckyou
         ass dildo bung bunghole masterbate thor hitler skin skinhead
         vagina labia lips chink nigger honkey spick wetback tits
         breast boob boobs slit slut none") )
	return FALSE;
circle loner honor fucker fuck shit piss puke cunt bitch whore
         loser gandalf bilbo dick pussy chicken asshole blowjob lick
         joe bob steve guest hugh mike brian alex dave david coolio
         raistlin magic fag queer faggot dyke lesbian lesbo god lord
         goddess aries zeus gemini capricorn taurus fucking fuckyou
         ass dildo bung bunghole masterbate thor hitler skin skinhead
         vagina labia lips chink nigger honkey spick wetback tits
goddess aries zeus gemini capricorn taurus fucking fuckyou
         ass dildo bung bunghole masterbate thor hitler skin skinhead
         vagina labia lips chink nigger honkey spick wetback tits
         breast boob boobs slit slut none") )
	return FALSE;
    if (str_cmp(capitalize(name),"Alander") && (!str_prefix("Alan",name)
raistlin magic fag queer faggot dyke lesbian lesbo god lord
         goddess aries zeus gemini capricorn taurus fucking fuckyou
         ass dildo bung bunghole masterbate thor hitler skin skinhead
         vagina labia lips chink nigger honkey spick wetback tits
         breast boob boobs slit slut none") )
	return FALSE;
    if ( is_name( name, 
	"all auto immortal self someone something the you demise balance
         circle loner honor fucker fuck shit piss puke cunt bitch whore
         loser gandalf bilbo dick pussy chicken asshole blowjob lick
         joe bob steve guest hugh mike brian alex dave david coolio
         raistlin magic fag queer faggot dyke lesbian lesbo god lord
3 snippets stored for this repo
return TRUE;
    if( strstr( what, "penis"))
     	return TRUE;
    if( strstr( what, "dildo"))
     	return TRUE;
    if( strstr( what, "nigger"))
     	return TRUE;
return TRUE;
    if( strstr( what, "bastard" ))
     	return TRUE;
    if( strstr( what, "faggot" ))
     	return TRUE;
    if( strstr( what, "pussy" ))
     	return TRUE;
    * Outdated stuff -- Alty
/*     if ( is_name( name, "all auto immortal self someone god supreme demigod dog guard cityguard cat cornholio spock hicaine hithoric death ass fuck shit piss crap quit" ) )
       return FALSE;*/

1 snippets stored for this repo
       set_alarm( 0 );
       write_to_descriptor(desc, "Go advertise to yo mama, faggot!", 0);
1 snippets stored for this repo
sprintf(brag, "$n brags, '%s needs a hospital now. Muhaha!'",GET_NAME(vict));
  case 5:
   sprintf(brag, "$n brags, '%s's mother is a slut!  Muhaha!'", GET_NAME(vict));
  case 6:
   sprintf(brag, "$n brags, '%s is a punk, hits like a swampfly. Bah.'", GET_NAME(vict));
5 snippets stored for this repo

	"You act like a total slut.",
	"$n lounges about looking like a total slut.",
	"You come on to $N, breathing sensuality.",
				send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",ch);
				SET_BIT(ch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
				send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",vch);
				SET_BIT(vch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
		    send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",ch);
		    SET_BIT(ch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
		    send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",victim);
		    SET_BIT(victim->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
5 snippets stored for this repo

	"You act like a total slut.",
	"$n lounges about looking like a total slut.",
	"You come on to $N, breathing sensuality.",
				send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",ch);
				SET_BIT(ch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
				send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",vch);
				SET_BIT(vch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
		    send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",ch);
		    SET_BIT(ch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
		    send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",victim);
		    SET_BIT(victim->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
4 snippets stored for this repo

				send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",ch);

				SET_BIT(ch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);

				send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",vch);

				SET_BIT(vch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",ch);
send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",victim);
1 snippets stored for this repo
if(is_name( name, "jesus god angel satan lucifier demon merlin "
		"osama gandolf gandalf hero takhisis paladine majere morgion glarth "
		"trispringer chemosh zivilyn alexander belrak death angel bozo stupid "
		"fuck shit asshole cunt pussy dick shlong sucks beavis butthead "
		"mohammed mohammad brad buffy willow zander doom slayer rules rulez "
		"bauhaus lunitari solinari nuitari devil yugi anime penis assmunch "
		"kiri-jolith mishakal habbakuk branchala gilean sirrion reorx "
1 snippets stored for this repo
It also assumes ch HAS freight.  It assumes these things for speed so
   this function is only called when shit should happen and all checking
   is done in the callers function for speeds sake.
0 snippets stored for this repo
1 snippets stored for this repo
      * Outdated stuff -- Alty
/*     if ( is_name( name, "all auto immortal self someone god supreme demigod dog guard cityguard cat cornholio spock hicaine hithoric death ass fuck shit piss crap quit" ) )
       return FALSE;*/

7 snippets stored for this repo
    send_to_char("You're too short, piss off.\n\r",ch);
affect_to_char(ch, &af );
    send_to_char("You piss your pants out of fear.\n\r",ch);
						send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",ch);
						SET_BIT(ch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
						send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",vch);
						SET_BIT(vch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
		    send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",ch);
		    SET_BIT(ch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
		    send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",victim);
		    SET_BIT(victim->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
	send_to_char( "  You are having sexual intercourse\n\r",  ch );
	if (!IS_NPC(ch) && (ch->pcdata->stage[2] + 25) >= ch->pcdata->stage[1])
	    send_to_char( "  You are on the verge of having an orgasm\n\r",  ch );
    else switch ( ch->position )
1 snippets stored for this repo
   if( is_name
       ( name,
         "all auto someone immortal self god supreme demigod dog guard cityguard cat cornholio spock hicaine hithoric death ass fuck shit piss crap quit" ) )
      return FALSE;

2 snippets stored for this repo
    * Outdated stuff -- Alty
/*     if ( is_name( name, "all auto immortal self someone god supreme demigod dog guard cityguard cat cornholio spock hicaine hithoric death ass fuck shit piss crap quit" ) )
       return FALSE;*/

add_move = add_move + add_move * .3;
      add_hp += 1;   /* bitch at blod if you don't like this :) */
1 snippets stored for this repo
     * Obsenities
    if ( is_name( name, "damn fuck screw shit ass asshole bitch bastard gay lesbian pussy fart vagina penis" ) )
	return FALSE;

2 snippets stored for this repo
                                                        ("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",
                                                        ("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",
2 snippets stored for this repo
                                                        ("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",
                                                        ("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",
3 snippets stored for this repo
    char *swears[] = { "shit", "fuck", "fuc", "fuk", "fock", "piss", "cunt", "cock", "ass", "dick", "penis", "pussy", "clit", "bitch", "butt", "twat", "vagina", "dork", "dildo", "masturbat", "fag", "homo", "lesbian", "screw", "anal", "poo", "nigger", "nigga", "chink", "jap", "wop", "kike", "bitch", "whore", "crap", "hell", "damn", "rape", "suck", "abortion", "mute", "sex", "kkk", "balls", "bush", "tits", "dammit", "snatch", "sauron", "morgoth", "osama", "alatar", "stfu", "wtf", "" };
    char *swears[] = { "shit", "fuck", "cunt", "nigger", "cock", "dick", "penis", "pussy", "clit", "vagina", "dildo", "masturbate", "masturbation", "anal", "chink", "kike", "tits", "" };
int Do_profanity_check(char *theString)
    char *swears[] = { "shit", "fuck", "fuc", "fuk", "fock", "piss", "cunt", "cock", "ass", "dick", "penis", "pussy", "clit", "bitch", "butt", "twat", "vagina", "dork", "dildo", "masturbat", "fag", "homo", "lesbian", "screw", "anal", "poo", "nigger", "nigga", "chink", "jap", "wop", "kike", "bitch", "whore", "crap", "hell", "damn", "rape", "suck", "abortion", "mute", "sex", "kkk", "balls", "bush", "tits", "dammit", "snatch", "sauron", "morgoth", "osama", "alatar", "stfu", "wtf", "" };

    char currentChar;
    int stringPtr, currentSwear, swearPtr, wordBeginning, swearBeginning, spaceCount;
1 snippets stored for this repo
 * New 'who' command originally by a STUPID FAGGOT.
void do_who (CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument)
1 snippets stored for this repo
if( !is_leet( ch ) )
	      act( AT_RED, "&Y$N's armor has phase-shifted to a bright orange.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
	      act( AT_RED, "&YDEWD!! $N is all like.. orange and shiz.. $N's FRUITY!! omg lawl whut a faggot..", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
          pager_printf_color(ch, "  &P*");
          if( !is_leet( ch ) )
	      act( AT_RED, "&c$N's armor is pulsating.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
7 snippets stored for this repo

	"You act like a total slut.",
	"$n lounges about looking like a total slut.",
	"You come on to $N, breathing sensuality.",
"$n drops to her knees before you, begging for you to abuse her worthless slut body.",
"It doesn't work that way, you stupid whore.",
"Who's the naughty whore?",
								send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",ch);
								SET_BIT(ch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
								send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",vch);
								SET_BIT(vch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
		    send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",ch);
		    SET_BIT(ch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
		    send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",victim);
		    SET_BIT(victim->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
6 snippets stored for this repo

	"You act like a total slut.",
	"$n lounges about looking like a total slut.",
	"You come on to $N, breathing sensuality.",
"On whom do you wish to do this?",
"You maliciously lean $N's head back and stand over him with his mouth open before letting a hard stream of piss shoot down his throat.",
"$n shoots a golden stream of urine down $N's throat, making him choke and swallow.",
"You eyes widen as your mistress shoots a stream of piss odown your throat, making you swallow it all.",
								send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",ch);
								SET_BIT(ch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
								send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",vch);
								SET_BIT(vch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
		    send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",ch);
		    SET_BIT(ch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
		    send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",victim);
		    SET_BIT(victim->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
1 snippets stored for this repo
    if ( is_name( name, "new chaos emperor order" ) )
	return TRUE;
    if ( is_name( name, "the lord king queen cop police duke duchess count countess sir maiden all auto immortal self someone god supreme demigod ass fuck shit piss crap quit pussy rape whore thief ranger rogue illusionist elementalist necromancer assassin illusionist monk" ) )
	return FALSE;

2 snippets stored for this repo
{ { "fuck", "love" }, { "shit", "doodoo" }, { "bitch", "female-doggie" }, 
    { "bastard", "fatherless-person" }, { "ass", "buttock" },
    { "asshole", "bumhole" }, {"motherfucker", "mommy-lover" },
    {"cock", "weewee"}, { "cocksucker", "weewee-licker"}, { NULL, NULL } 

  static char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH*2];/* Safety here .. --GW */
char *  const   curse_table [] =
"fuck", "shit", "bullshit", "bitch", "ass", "damn", "goddamn",
"slut", "pussy", "cunt", "dick", "dickhead"

char *  const   censor_table [] =
0 snippets stored for this repo
1 snippets stored for this repo
* Reserved words.
    if ( is_name( name, "all auto immortal self you someone warrior avatar fighter adventurer champion hero fuck twat 
	   cunt dickhead fuckov fuckof fuckoff bastard wanker penis fucker anyone something somebody shit shithead spam spammer 
	   arse brujah malkavian ventrue tremere gangrel nosferatu toreador assamite cappadocian" ) )
	   return FALSE;
1 snippets stored for this repo
     * Obsenities
    if ( is_name( name, "damn fuck screw shit ass asshole bitch bastard gay lesbian pussy fart vagina penis" ) )
        return FALSE;

2 snippets stored for this repo
if ( ch->level <= 7 ) dam = ( dam * 1.15 ); /* So the whiners will quit noticing that */
     if ( ch->level <= 10) dam = ( dam * 1.05 ); /* They lost something, and bitch. */
               bugf ( "Game_Loop took over 1 second! Players will bitch! (%d)", (timerb - timera) );
1 snippets stored for this repo
    case 'a':
		act( "$n says 'Hello Whore!'", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
    case 'b':
1 snippets stored for this repo
1 snippets stored for this repo
{ "$", "$" }, { "#", "#" }, { "<", "<" }, { ">", ">" },
     { "-", "-" },
     { "attractive", "shulamushula" }, { "slime", "sleta" },
     { "pleasure", "nugnukkaah" }, { "orgasm", "nugnukkaah" },
     { "Takhisis", "Drakanna" }, { "Airius", "Drakan" },
     { "strenght", "grauul" }, { "might", "grauul" },
     { "tribe", "kullek" }, { "group", "kullek" },
4 snippets stored for this repo
				send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",ch);
				SET_BIT(ch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
				send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",vch);
				SET_BIT(vch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
		    send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",ch);
		    SET_BIT(ch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
		    send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",victim);
		    SET_BIT(victim->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
4 snippets stored for this repo
				send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",ch);
				SET_BIT(ch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
				send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",vch);
				SET_BIT(vch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
		    send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",ch);
		    SET_BIT(ch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
		    send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",victim);
		    SET_BIT(victim->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
4 snippets stored for this repo

				send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",ch);

				SET_BIT(ch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);

				send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",vch);

				SET_BIT(vch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);

		    send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",ch);

		    SET_BIT(ch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);

		    send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",victim);

		    SET_BIT(victim->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
4 snippets stored for this repo
            send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r", ch);
            SET_BIT(ch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
            send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r", vch);
            SET_BIT(vch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
		    send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",ch);
		    SET_BIT(ch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
		    send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",victim);
		    SET_BIT(victim->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
4 snippets stored for this repo
				send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",ch);
				SET_BIT(ch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
				send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",vch);
				SET_BIT(vch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
		    send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",ch);
		    SET_BIT(ch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
		    send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",victim);
		    SET_BIT(victim->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
4 snippets stored for this repo
						send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",ch);
						SET_BIT(ch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
						send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",vch);
						SET_BIT(vch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
		    send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",ch);
		    SET_BIT(ch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
		    send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",victim);
		    SET_BIT(victim->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
4 snippets stored for this repo
				send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",ch);
				SET_BIT(ch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
				send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",vch);
				SET_BIT(vch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
		    send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",ch);
		    SET_BIT(ch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
		    send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",victim);
		    SET_BIT(victim->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
4 snippets stored for this repo
SET_BIT(ch->flag2, AFF2_BEASTIE);
	act( "Your eyes widen in pain and pleasure as the stalion thrusts forward stretching you beyond belife.\n\rYou feel the stalions head swell with in you several pleasure filled minutes later before a warm blast\n\rof cum shoots into you hard enough to make you orgasm anew.\n\r",ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
	act( "You watch as $n's pussy is stretched beyond belife by a stalions huge cock.\n\rAfter minutes of watching that huge cock pentrate $n you here her gasp loudy and watch as she shakes violently. \n\rWhen the stalion pulls out you see some of his cum trickle from her stretched cunt.\n\r",ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
	act( "You spread your legs and push on your belly with the palms of your hands.\n\r The horses cum comes outly slowly at first and then in a rush that sends you into an orgasm as the hot cum leaves your cunt and runs down your legs.\n\r",ch,NULL,NULL,TO_CHAR);
	act( "You watch as $n places her hands on her stomach and pushes slowly. \n\r You watch the first trickles run out and then gasp in suprise as it gushes out of her cunt and runs down her legs to pool at her feet.\n\r",ch,NULL,NULL,TO_ROOM);
				send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",ch);
				SET_BIT(ch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
				send_to_char("Congratulations on achieving a simultanious orgasm!  Recieve 100000 exp!\n\r",vch);
				SET_BIT(vch->extra, EXTRA_EXP);
1 snippets stored for this repo
* Reserved words.
    if ( is_name( name, 
"asdf all auto immortal immortals self someone something the you demise balance circle loner honor phuq this mud gay buzz biotch delos shimtis lobo thunder cosm none quit null natas aaa bbb ccc ddd eee fff ggg hhh iii jjj kkk lll mmm nnn ooo ppp qqq rrr sss ttt uuu vvv www xxx yyy zzz asdf fdsa qwer queer jkl lkj poiuy cyber coke psy") )
	return FALSE;
    if (str_cmp(capitalize(name),"Alander") && (!str_prefix("Alan",name)