Repositories (1)

34 snippets stored for this repo
`Punching an MP in the face`,
			`Pussy Galore`,
			`Queen Elizabeth's immaculate anus`,
			`Racially-biased SAT questions`,
"twat":        true,
	"vagina":      true,
	"wank":        true,
	"whore":       true,
	"tits":        true,
	"titty":       true,
	"asshole":     true,
`Eating a pizza that's lying in the street to gain health. (Pax Prime 2013)`,
			`Endless ninjas. (Pax East 2014)`,
			`Forgetting to eat, and consequently dying. (Pax East 2013 Promo Pack C)`,
			`Getting bitch slapped by Dhalsim. (Pax East 2013 Promo Pack A)`,
			`Getting bitten by a radioactive spider and then battling leukimia for 30 years. (Pax East 2014)`,
			`KHAAAAAAAAN! (Pax East 2014)`,
			`Loading from a previous save. (Pax East 2013 Promo Pack B)`,
"whore":       true,
	"tits":        true,
	"titty":       true,
	"asshole":     true,
	"fvck":        true,
	"asshat":      true,
	"pu55y":       true,
"masturbate":  true,
	"muff":        true,
	"nigger":      true,
	"nigga":       true,
	"penis":       true,
	"piss":        true,
	"poop":        true,
`A woman’s right to choose`,
			`Aborting the shit out of a fetus`,
			`Albert Einstein but if he had huge muscles and a rhinoceros cock`,
`Turning the rivers red with the blood of infidels`,
			`Two whales fucking the shit out of each other`,
			`Unquestioning obedience`,
`Unrelenting genital punishment`,
			`Unsheathing my massive horse cock`,
			`Vegetarian options`,
"cum":         true,
	"cunt":        true,
	"dick":        true,
	"dildo":       true,
	"dyke":        true,
	"erection":    true,
	"fag":         true,
"clitoris":    true,
	"cock":        true,
	"cum":         true,
	"cunt":        true,
	"dick":        true,
	"dildo":       true,
	"dyke":        true,
"Your face is so oily that I'm surprised America hasn't invaded yet.",
	"If you were any dumber, someone would need to water you twice a week",
	"If you were on fire and I had a cup of my own piss, I'd drink it",
"If I had a gun with three bullets and I was in a room with Hitler, bin Laden, Toby, and you, I'd shoot you thrice",
	"You're a basic bitch",
	"You're the AT&T of people",
"dyke":        true,
	"erection":    true,
	"fag":         true,
	"faggot":      true,
	"feck":        true,
	"fellate":     true,
	"fellatio":    true,
"sex":         true,
	"shit":        true,
	"sh1t":        true,
	"slut":        true,
	"smegma":      true,
	"spunk":       true,
	"tit":         true,
`The power of the Dark Side`,
			`The right amount of cocaine`,
			`The safe word`,
`Throwing stones at a man until he dies`,
			`Too much cocaine`,
			`Total fucking chaos`,
"boner":       true,
	"boob":        true,
	"boobs":       true,
	"buttplug":    true,
	"clitoris":    true,
	"cock":        true,
	"cum":         true,
"piss":        true,
	"poop":        true,
	"pube":        true,
	"pussy":       true,
	"scrotum":     true,
	"sex":         true,
	"shit":        true,
`Exposing yourself outside of a school of Jedi Younglings`,
			`faking an orgasm`,
			`Faro Argyus`,
`George Lucas' new edits of the movies`,
			`getting a cleaning orgasm from a Vibromop`,
			`getting a Han job`,
`A good old-fashioned suck-off`,
			`Fingerholes Bowling Alley`,
			`Finger Queen`,
			`Orgasm Juice`,
			`Lady Dipstick, Mr. Fib and The Milkman`,
			`A tattoo on my forehead that says 'Sinbad lives in my building'`,
			`The All-ages piano lounge`,
`Condoleezza Rice`,
			`Consensual, nonreproductive incest`,
			`Crazy anal orgasms`,
			`Creamy slices of real, California avocado`,
			`Critical thinking`,
			`Crushing the patriarchy`,
`Magic: The Gathering`,
			`Making direct eye contact with a horse's asshole`,
			`Mark Zuckerberg`,
			`Maybe getting a little involved in selling heroin sometimes`,
			`Melania Trump`,
			`Murdering our parents`,
			`My buddy Jeff`,
`making lightsaber sounds while wielding an actual lightsaber`,
			`making the jump to lightspeed`,
			`Mark Hamill`,
			`masquerading as a moisture farmer when you're actually dealing heroin`,
			`Max Rebo's dangly blue trunk`,
			`May the 4th`,
			`may the force be with you`,
`General Grevious’s long lost Marlboro advert`,
			`General Grievous and his highly marketable cough medicine`,
			`General Hux and Kylo ren are playing a game of soggy biscuits`,
			`General Hux's Nazi-esque uniform`,
			`General Hux’s ginger pubes`,
			`genetically engineered Bantha’s with acidic urine`,
			`Geonosis freezing over`,
"Ola soy Dora. Can you help me find where we asked?",
	"When karma comes back to punch you in the face, I want to be there in case it needs help.",
	"May both sides of your pillow be uncomfortably warm.",
	"I’d explain it to you but I left my English-to-Dumbass Dictionary at home.",
	"You are the reason why God is not talking to us anymore.",
	"You need a kiss on the neck from a crocodile.",
	"You’re about as useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle.",
`Orgasm Juice`,
			`Lady Dipstick, Mr. Fib and The Milkman`,
			`A tattoo on my forehead that says 'Sinbad lives in my building'`,
`Being rich`,
			`Being white`,
			`Benedict Cumberbatch`,
			`Bill Nye the Science Guy`,
			`Bingeing and purging`,
			`Bio-engineered assault turtles with acid breath`,
Name:        "pride",
		Description: "Pride Pack - 30 cards that completely encapsulate the queer experience",
		Prompts: []*PromptCard{
`30 shirtless bears emerging from the fog.`,
			`A 6-hour conversation on gender and queer theory.`,
			`A big black dick strapped to a frail white body.`,