Repositories (4)

2 snippets stored for this repo
Python IconPython
how = "Not For  Bitch.😂😂( 😈😈😈😈😈😈)"
Python IconPython
fck_bit = f"Oh! C'mon Master {ULTRA_USER} Im Try To Get Rid Of This Nigga Pls Dont Touch"
2 snippets stored for this repo
$array = [
'6ля',	'6лядь',	'6лять',	'b3ъeб',	'cock',	'cunt',	'e6aль',	'ebal',	'eblan',	
'eбaл',	'eбaть',	'eбyч',	'eбать',	'eбёт',	'eблантий',	'fuck',	'fucker',	'fucking',
'блЯ',	'6ЛяДь',	'6лЯтЬ',	'b3ъEб',	'CoCk',	'CuNt',	'E6AлЬ',	'eBaL',	'eBlAn',	
'eБaЛ',	'eБaТь',	'EбYч',	'EбАтЬ',	'eБёТ',	'eБлАнТиЙ',	'fUcK',	'fUcKeR',	'fUcKiNg',
1 snippets stored for this repo

                Objectionable Material - Child Exploitation Material, Violent Extremism, Bestiality, Zoophilia, Gore, Malware, Hacked/Stolen Data, Passwords
            <p class="text first">
                MEGA does not condone, authorise, support or facilitate the storage or sharing of Child Exploitation Material (<b>CEM</b>), also known as Child Sexual Abuse Material (<b>CSAM</b>) or other objectionable material as defined in section 3 of the Films, Videos, and Publications Classification Act 1993 or other seriously harmful material.
2 snippets stored for this repo
Java IconJava
public class Whore extends Person {
Java IconJava
public Whore() {
        super("Нэлка", "Ебанутая", 12);