Source Code Containing the Phrase "son of a bitch"
We have detected over 256 code snippets in our database containing the word "son of a bitch"
Recent Snippets
"балабоk", "рохля", "пузырь", "любопытный", "вошь", "бісова ковінька", "булька з носа", "пришелепкуватий",
"шмаркач", "тюхтій", "нездара", "дурепа", "йолоп", "боров", "быдло", "пустобрех", "вшивота", "трутень",
"лепешка", "обалдуй", "погань", "профурсетка", "хабалка", "хмырь", "shit", "bastard", "cunt",
"motherfucker", "fucking ass", "slut", "dumbass", "бикукле", "бикуля", "рередикт" };
var high = new List<string> {
"фуфло", "душный козел", "свиняче рило", "підорко", "обезьяна", "шушера", "sucker", "son of a bitch",
"балабоk", "рохля", "пузырь", "любопытный", "вошь", "бісова ковінька", "булька з носа", "пришелепкуватий",
"шмаркач", "тюхтій", "нездара", "дурепа", "йолоп", "боров", "быдло", "пустобрех", "вшивота", "трутень",
"лепешка", "обалдуй", "погань", "профурсетка", "хабалка", "хмырь", "shit", "bastard", "cunt",
"motherfucker", "fucking ass", "slut", "dumbass", "бикукле", "бикуля", "рередикт" };
var high = new List<string> {
"фуфло", "душный козел", "свиняче рило", "підорко", "обезьяна", "шушера", "sucker", "son of a bitch",
YY_DO_BEFORE_ACTION; /* set up yytext again */
#line 129 "dubya.l"
gtf_puts_case("fucking son of a bitch");
case 51:
"you ugly son of a bitch...", // taunt 1 ( F9 )
"Time to die...", // taunt 2 ( F10 )
"You're an inanimate fucking object!",
"You stupid, ignorant son of a bitch, dumb bastard. Jesus Christ. I've met some dumb bastards in my time but you outdo them all.",
"Where did you learn your trade, you stupid fucking cunt, you idiot? Who ever told you that you could work with men? Oh, I'm gonna have your job, shithead.",
"You're all about to have a real bad day!":"",
"Start prayin', boy!":"",
"Don't worry, boys! The Engineer, is Engi-here!":"",
"I'm wolverine-mean, you son of a Bitch.":"",
"Drunk on the battlefield ain't no way to be, son.":"",
'Oh my God.':"",
"I'm gonna lay you out!":"",
Yeah you. Fuck you. Fucking cock. I want to write you a letter; Dear fucking cuntfaced director-prick.
You cocklicking whorish spermsucking son of a bitch. I hope you suffer the most agonozing and foul death ever bestowed
upon any mortal being. Nuns will defecate on your grave for all of eternity. You fucking musical-fan.
worker.write("Give me a break from your take and your take, \n" +
"Come on and five me a break, \n" +
"what do you want from me?\n" +
"Feeding the rich with that son of a bitch:) \n " +
"Well that son of a bitch, \n" +
"he looks just like me\n" +
"Yeh, yeh");
Why won't you check out LV-426?
I say we grease this rat-fuck son of a bitch right now!
She's gone! Let's go!
// Vérifier le commentaire
const commentaireViolent = ["pute","baise", "putain", "enculé", "merde", "con", "salope", "connard", "bite", "cul", "nique","arnaque", "fraude", "contrefaçon", "escroquerie", "piratage", "virus", "spam", "phishing", "malware", "spéculation", "triche", "hameçonnage", "vol", "falsification", "faux", "défectueux", "baise", "putain", "enculé", "merde", "con", "salope", "connard", "bite", "cul", "nique", "fuck", "shit", "asshole", "dick", "cunt", "pussy", "fucker", "cocksucker", "motherfucker", "son of a bitch", "bastard", "whore", "slut", "prostitute", "faggot", "gay", "lesbian", "retard", "stupid", "idiot", "fool", "moron", "dumbass", "chink", "nigger", "spic", "kike", "jap", "raghead", "terrorist", "goatfucker", "camel jockey", "beaner", "wetback", "gringo", "white trash"];
const commentaireRegex = new RegExp(commentaireViolent.join("|"), "gi");
if (commentaireRegex.test(commentaireInput.value)) {
var keyFrame = (int)((float)frame / videoPlayer.frameCount * pixelSaliencyTextureList.Count);
//Debug.Log(string.Format("son of a bitch, keyFrame:{0}, pixelSaliencyTextureList.count:{1}", keyFrame, pixelSaliencyTextureList.Count));
//Debug.Log(string.Format("son of a bitch, videoPlayer.frame:{0},videoPlayer.frameCount:{1}", videoPlayer.frame, videoPlayer.frameCount));
var insultArray = ["Run along and slurp a bowl of cocksmilk, you son of a bitch.", "My version of a flawless Sunday night is seeing an ape wreck your taint.", "Look pissfalcon, I'm going to lay it out for you. You either douche the sand out of your vagina, or I will literally shove a pineapple up your ass.", "I'd rather masturbate with a shotgun to dead children than see you naked.",
"I'd rather masturbate with a riding crop to a spelling bee than hang out with you.", "I fervently hope a journalist fists you in the back of a volkswagen, you christian horse fucker.", "I will pummel you square in your wretched hog funnel, you felch swilling whore.", "Thy wife's a hobby-horse, thou obnoxious shard-borne apple-john.",
"I'm not saying you're a slut, but if your flange had a password, it would be qwerty.", "You are unsightly, filthy, mentally deficient, you smell and your existence depresses me.", "When compared to you, getting a blowjob from a crocodile sounds pretty good.", "If the tales are true, you lack the ability to go to the bathroom by yourself. It's most likely because you have diabetes.",
var $banned_words = array('heroin', 'methamphetamine', 'crack', 'lsd', 'ecstasy', 'opium', 'marijuana', 'mushrooms', 'psilocybin', 'pcp', "4r5e","5h1t","5hit","a55","anal","anus","ar5e","arrse","arse","ass","ass fucker","asses","assfucker","assfukka","asshole","assholes","asswhole","a s s","b!tch","b00bs","b17ch","b1tch","ballbag","balls","ballsack","bastard","beastial","beastiality","bellend","bestial","bestiality","bi+ch","biatch","bitch","bitcher","bitchers","bitches","bitchin","bitching","bloody","blow job","blowjob","blowjobs","boiolas","bollock","bollok","boner","boob","boobs","booobs","boooobs","booooobs","booooooobs","breasts","buceta","bugger","bum","bunny fucker","butt","butthole","buttmuch","buttplug","c0ck","c0cksucker","carpet muncher","cawk","chink","cipa","cl1t","clit","clitoris","clits","cnut","cock","cock sucker","cockface","cockhead","cockmunch","cockmuncher","cocks","cocksuck ","cocksucked ","cocksucker","cocksucking","cocksucks ","cocksuka","cocksukka","cok","cokmuncher","coksucka","coon","cox","crap","cum","cummer","cumming","cums","cumshot","cunilingus","cunillingus","cunnilingus","cunt","cuntlick ","cuntlicker ","cuntlicking ","cunts","cyalis","cyberfuc","cyberfuck ","cyberfucked ","cyberfucker","cyberfuckers","cyberfucking ","d1ck","damn","dick","dickhead","dildo","dildos","dink","dinks","dirsa","dlck","dog fucker","doggin","dogging","donkeyribber","doosh","duche","dyke","ejaculate","ejaculated","ejaculates ","ejaculating ","ejaculatings","ejaculation","ejakulate","f u c k","f u c k e r","f4nny","fag","fagging","faggitt","faggot","faggs","fagot","fagots","fags","fanny","fannyflaps","fannyfucker","fanyy","fatass","fcuk","fcuker","fcuking","feck","fecker","felching","fellate","fellatio","fingerfuck","fingerfucked","fingerfucker","fingerfuckers","fingerfucking","fingerfucks","fistfuck","fistfucked","fistfucker","fistfuckers","fistfucking","fistfuckings","fistfucks","flange","fook","fooker","fuck","fucka","fucked","fucker","fuckers","fuckhead","fuckheads","fuckin","fucking","fuckings","fuckingshitmotherfucker","fuckme","fucks","fuckwhit","fuckwit","fudge packer","fudgepacker","fuk","fuker","fukker","fukkin","fuks","fukwhit","fukwit","fux","fux0r","f u c k","gangbang","gangbanged","gangbangs","gaylord","gaysex","goatse","god","god dam","god damned","goddamn","goddamned","hardcoresex","hell","heshe","hoar","hoare","hoer","homo","hore","horniest","horny","hotsex","jack off","jackoff","jap","jerk off","jism","jiz","jizm","jizz","kawk","knob","knobead","knobed","knobend","knobhead","knobjocky","knobjokey","kock","kondum","kondums","kum","kummer","kumming","kums","kunilingus","l3ich","l3itch","labia","lmfao","lusting","m0f0","m0fo","m45terbate","ma5terb8","ma5terbate","masochist","master bate","masterb8","masterbat3","masterbate","masterbation","masterbations","masturbate","mo fo","mof0","mofo","mothafuck","mothafucka","mothafuckas","mothafuckaz","mothafucked ","mothafucker","mothafuckers","mothafuckin","mothafucking ","mothafuckings","mothafucks","mother fucker","motherfuck","motherfucked","motherfucker","motherfuckers","motherfuckin","motherfucking","motherfuckings","motherfuckka","motherfucks","muff","mutha","muthafecker","muthafuckker","muther","mutherfucker","n1gga","n1gger","nazi","nigg3r","nigg4h","nigga","niggah","niggas","niggaz","nigger","niggers ","nob","nob jokey","nobhead","nobjocky","nobjokey","numbnuts","nutsack","orgasim ","orgasims ","orgasm","orgasms ","p0rn","pawn","pecker","penis","penisfucker","phonesex","phuck","phuk","phuked","phuking","phukked","phukking","phuks","phuq","pigfucker","pimpis","piss","pissed","pisser","pissers","pisses ","pissflaps","pissin ","pissing","pissoff ","poop","porn","porno","pornography","pornos","prick","pricks ","pron","pube","pusse","pussi","pussies","pussy","pussys ","rectum","retard","rimjaw","rimming","s hit","s.o.b.","sadist","schlong","screwing","scroat","scrote","scrotum","semen","sex","sh!+","sh!t","sh1t","shag","shagger","shaggin","shagging","shemale","shi+","shit","shitdick","shite","shited","shitey","shitfuck","shitfull","shithead","shiting","shitings","shits","shitted","shitter","shitters ","shitting","shittings","shitty ","skank","slut","sluts","smegma","smut","snatch","son of a bitch","spac","spunk","s h i t","t1tt1e5","t1tties","teets","teez","testical","testicle","tit","titfuck","tits","titt","tittie5","tittiefucker","titties","tittyfuck","tittywank","titwank","tosser","turd","tw4t","twat","twathead","twatty","twunt","twunter","v14gra","v1gra","vagina","viagra","vulva","w00se","wang","wank","wanker","wanky","whoar","whore","willies","willy","xrated","xxx");
public function username_check($username = '')
# Once upon a flame came a blue bird...
# i grabbed my rifle and shot the shot the son of a bitch
# the cops came, i ran like hell...
# i fucked my transmission
# ocifer i swear the drunk i'm not god
# Once upon a flame came a blue bird...
# i grabbed my rifle and shot the shot the son of a bitch
# the cops came, i ran like hell...
# i fucked my transmission
# ocifer i swear the drunk i'm not god
{'type':'instruct' , 'dat':'Sit-ups. Basic Bitch Sit-ups. Do it. Strong Abs.'},
{'type':'instruct' , 'dat':'Side Leg Raises. Buns Effect. Iron Buns. '},
{'type':'instruct' , 'dat':'Leg Raises. Laying down flat raise legs. Do it slowly, super slowly. '},
{'type':'instruct' , 'dat':"Jumping Jacks. You son of a bitch. I\'m in. "},
{'type':'instruct' , 'dat':'Mountain Climbers. Some people call this step through lunges....... Yeeeeeah Fuck Yeah yeah bomb diggity. '},
{'type':'instruct' , 'dat':'Upper Body Hula Hoops. Rotate upper body spine strength. '},
{'type':'instruct' , 'dat':'Bobble Head Jumping Jacks '}
txt = None
file_name = None
lst = []
words_list = "anal,anus,arse,ass,ass fuck,ass hole,assfucker,asshole,assshole,bastard,bitch,black cock,bloody hell,boong,cock,cockfucker,cocksuck,cocksucker,coon,coonnass,crap,cum,cunt,cyberfuck,damn,darn,dick,dirty,douche,dummy,erect,erection,erotic,escort,fag,faggot,fuck,Fuck off,fuck you,fuckass,fuckhole,god damn,gook,hard core,hardcore,hore,mother fucker,motherfuck,motherfucker,nigger,penisfucker,piss,piss off,pussy,retard,sadist,shit,slut,son of a bitch,tits,whore"
words_list = words_list.split(",")
swears = words_list
* Those used are the medium, strong, and stronger words that were not marked as least recognised.
* "Geohash", "all" and "seen live" have also been added to this list.
const FILTERED_WORDS = ['geohash','all','seen live','i have seen live','cunt','fuck','motherfucker','bastard','beaver','bellend','clunge','cock','dick','dickhead','fanny','flaps','gash','knob','minge','prick','punani','pussy','snatch','twat','arsehole','balls','bint','bitch','bollocks','bullshit','feck','munter','pissed','pissed off','shit','son of a bitch','tits','cocksucker','dildo','jizz','ho','nonce','prickteaser','skank','slag','slut','wanker','whore','shag','slapper','tart','prod','yid','batty boy','chick with a dick','faggot','gender bender','fudge-packer','shirt lifter','bender','bum boy','dyke','he-she','homo','lezza','lesbo','muff driver','nancy','poof','queer','rug muncher','carpet muncher','tranny','bummer','fairy','pansy','mong','retard','spastic','spakka','spaz','window licker','cripple','midget','schizo','special','vegetable','chinky','coon','darky','golliwog','nigger','nig-nog','paki','wog','honky','jap','negro','polack','raghead','spade','coloured','gippo','kraut','pikey']
class Generator {
/**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Constructor ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ */
// This son of a bitch works, beautful
# This 'son of a bitch' construct obviously starts two processes.
# Looks like one for the shell command with parent_pid +1
# and one thats listening to the STOUT pipe coming back, with parent_pid +2 - ?, but as far as I know closer than +10.
# killing the first process doesnt stop the blast, might even make the listener wait forever
# This 'son of a bitch' construct obviously starts two processes.
# Looks like one for the shell command with parent_pid +1
"That shirt, where'd you get that shirt?",
"That's my cabana shirt, you stole my shirt you son of a bitch!",
"(really fast) George you let your friends go up in my attic and steal my clothes?",
'You crazy son of a bitch, you did it.',
textboxContact.Text = layout.FilePath;
//textboxDesc.Text = "You Son of a Bitch, I'm In.";
this.Closing += PreviewWallpaper_Closing;
this.Loaded += PreviewWallpaper_Loaded;
'Terry Jeffords': ['Absolutely.mp3', "Can't believe that's good.mp3", 'Damn.mp3', 'Grind these kittens.mp3', 'How dare you.mp3', 'I am loving it.mp3', 'I love being scary Terry.mp3', 'I love yoghurt.mp3', 'I returned my yoghurt fridge.mp3', "I'm drunk as hell!.mp3", "I'm off the nibs.mp3", 'IMPORTANT.mp3', 'Not today, nibs!.mp3', 'Not today.mp3', 'Oh damn.mp3', 'Release your sweets.mp3', 'Shut up stupid.mp3', 'Terry feels like a whore.mp3', 'Terry loves lavender.mp3', 'Terry loves responsible agricultural practises.mp3', 'Terry loves walls.mp3', 'Terry needs a hug.mp3', 'Terry regrets.mp3', "Terry's gotta update his keychain.mp3", "Terry's out of breadth.mp3", "That's even worse!.mp3", 'The worst thing in the world.mp3', 'This is taking too long.mp3', 'Three-perp perp cell.mp3', 'Top dog Terry.mp3', 'Whhatt.mp3', 'Whyyy.mp3', 'Woooh.mp3', 'Work environment.mp3', 'Yoghurt fridge.mp3', 'Yoghurt, me too.mp3'],
'Charles Boyle': ['A dry boy is a smart boy.mp3', 'Aroused by bees.mp3', 'Completely useless.mp3', 'Cry during sex.mp3', 'Dianne Wiest infection.mp3', 'Fantasy threesome.mp3', 'Gobble gobble.mp3', 'Head and muffin.mp3', "I don't wanna be known as the office slut.mp3", 'Intimate fingers.mp3', 'Like yeast.mp3', "Mama's gonna talk her way in.mp3", 'Nikolaj 1.mp3', 'Nikolaj 2.mp3', 'Nikolaj 3.mp3', 'Nikolaj 4.mp3', 'Nikolaj 5.mp3', 'Nikolaj 6.mp3', 'Nikolaj 7.mp3', "No I don't.mp3", 'Now the balls.mp3', 'Photos of Nikolaj.mp3', 'Pina collada.mp3', 'Protect our breasts.mp3', 'Really.mp3', 'Rosa laugh.mp3', 'STDs.mp3', 'Sexy parts.mp3', 'Testies no longer make sperm.mp3', 'Toys for boys.mp3', 'Whatever you say.mp3', 'Why do you care so much.mp3', 'Yippie Kayak other buckets.mp3', 'You are ovulating like crazy right now.mp3'],
'Jake Peralta': ['A skibba skob skoop.mp3', 'Aha, noice.mp3', 'Barrel of laughs.mp3', 'Boobies bounce.mp3', 'Boobies on my vest.mp3', 'Bub-bup-bup-bup-bah.mp3', 'Butt enhancement surgery.mp3', 'By using my big fat brain.mp3', 'Bye Nikolaj.mp3', 'Captain Dad.mp3', 'Captain Holt!.mp3', 'Celebration candy bars.mp3', 'Champage, mountain range, hugs.mp3', 'Clown booby.mp3', 'Cocaine.mp3', 'Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool.mp3', 'Cool cool cool cool no doubt.mp3', 'Cool cool yeah.mp3', 'Cool.mp3', 'Cooool.mp3', 'Crucial as hell.mp3', 'Dat really bummed me out.mp3', "Didn't work.mp3", 'EEEE EEEE EEEE EEEE.mp3', 'Four kilos.mp3', 'Give them a public dressing down.mp3', 'Gross, gross, gross.mp3', 'Guilty cool.mp3', 'Hey, my croissant.mp3', 'Homeland security.mp3', 'I was kinda thinking about asking you out.mp3', "I'm stuck.mp3", 'It will be good and professional.mp3', 'Just breathe, baby.mp3', 'Just urinal water.mp3', "Let's break into the FBI.mp3", "Let's do this.mp3", 'Literal chills.mp3', 'Lost your objectivity.mp3', "Name of Amy's sex tap.mp3", 'No longer made.mp3', 'No no no no no no no.mp3', 'No spoilees.mp3', 'No.mp3', 'Noice.mp3', 'Noooooooo.mp3', 'Now number 5.mp3', "Now that it's just us.mp3", 'Number 1 or number 2.mp3', 'Oh cool cool cool.mp3', 'Oh cool.mp3', 'Oh my god I forgot about that part.mp3', 'Oh wait.mp3', 'Potato Potato.mp3', 'Pull up.mp3', 'Santiago broke the glass!.mp3', 'Sex Tape (kind, sober, fully-dressed).mp3', 'Sex tape (ass bite).mp3', 'Sex tape (get to sexual).mp3', 'Sex tape (not your fault I was terrible).mp3', 'Sex tape (what is taking so long).mp3', "Sex tape (why doesn't your mouth work).mp3", 'Sex tape (with someone).mp3', 'She meant it.mp3', 'Slam!.mp3', 'Something funny.mp3', 'Sweet.mp3', 'Tell me why.mp3', 'Telllllll me why.mp3', 'The Pontiac Bandit.mp3', 'This B needs a C in her A.mp3', 'Three perps in the three-perp cell.mp3', 'Time to party.mp3', 'Title of my sex tape.mp3', 'Was it cool it felt very cool.mp3', 'We did it!.mp3', 'Well, guessed wrong.mp3', 'What, how.mp3', 'Why do you have to ruin everything.mp3', 'Why.mp3', 'Wife and dad.mp3', 'Woooh!.mp3', 'Yeah how cool.mp3', 'You sick son of a bitch.mp3', 'You suck man.mp3', "You're lactose intolerant.mp3"],
'Gina Linetti': ['BLAM BLAM!.mp3', 'Be my bestie.mp3', 'Booty shake.mp3', 'Bye.mp3', 'Civilized.mp3', 'Delicious.mp3', 'Each sentence is getting fatter.mp3', 'Emotionally.mp3', 'Florgasm.mp3', 'Gina Linetti spagheti confetti.mp3', 'Ginaless world.mp3', 'I hate you.mp3', 'I said dismissed!.mp3', 'Kwazy cupkakes.mp3', 'Less talk more solve.mp3', 'Mike drop.mp3', 'My nose itches.mp3', "No I'm not.mp3", 'Oh my god.mp3', 'One-hundred emoji.mp3', 'Peanut butter.mp3', 'Racism.mp3', 'Sex tape.mp3', 'Shot more often.mp3', 'That makes me wanna cry.mp3', 'This is so fun!.mp3', 'Toilet emoji.mp3', 'What is it.mp3', 'Wrong answer, friend.mp3', 'Yeah, I know.mp3', 'Yeeahh.mp3', 'You think these buffoons can help.mp3'],
'Rosa Diaz': ['Bye bye.mp3', 'Damn it.mp3', 'Dumb dumbs.mp3', 'Go to hell.mp3', 'Ha ha ha ha ha.mp3', 'I will punch you.mp3', 'Just need to bone.mp3', "Let's do this.mp3", "No it's not.mp3", 'Okay.mp3', 'Scoliosis.mp3', 'So much worse than I imagined.mp3', 'Son of a bitch.mp3', 'You turds.mp3', 'Your life is garbage.mp3'],
'Amy Santiago': ['Boring.mp3', 'Captain Dad.mp3', 'Cool cool cool.mp3', "I'm teaching Father the math.mp3", 'Me likey.mp3', 'Noice, smort.mp3', 'Now suck it down.mp3', 'OH MY GOD.mp3', 'Oh mama.mp3', 'Pretty dope.mp3', 'Sensual pottery.mp3', 'This B needs a C in her A.mp3', 'Those are our dads!.mp3', 'Time to die.mp3', 'Weird, weird, weird.mp3', 'What up, bro.mp3', 'Wooh, Crampon Holt!.mp3', 'You seem a little.mp3'],
'Hitchcock': ['About time.mp3', 'Delicious consequences.mp3', 'Find out!.mp3', 'Flat top and the Freak.mp3', 'Hold brownies from the side.mp3', 'I need my afternoon nap.mp3', "It's a pie.mp3", "It's time to sauce up.mp3", 'Kind of a big one.mp3', 'Skidmark.mp3', "Who's the moron now.mp3", "You're fake news.mp3"],