Repositories (1)

3 snippets stored for this repo
Python IconPython
# %% = who, %2 = dildo
    i('dildoPlays', [
Python IconPython
# %% = dildo, %2 = who
    i('dildoFinishes', [
Python IconPython
,       "what a difference head makes!"
,       "up on the table, arms out, knees bent, now flap!   "
,       "Something is up there again but I haven't worked out what. "
,       "I am chief wanking furiously of the clan jizz mopper"
,       "%ruser{like} would be ok for a drunken 1 nite stand"
,       "i'm going to get it at the weekend %VAR{smiles}"
,       "i'm king of getting pointless things"