Repositories (2)
23 snippets stored for this repo
// It's either invalid or we can't read it.
// Fuck that.
return null
// Do spawn all other stuff.
// MAES: we have loaded the shit with the proper endianness, so no fucking around, bitch.
/*mt.x = SHORT(mt.x);
mt.y = SHORT(mt.y);
mt.angle = SHORT(mt.angle);
//Maes: this makes it a bit less retarded.
val NUMCARDS = card_t.NUMCARDS.ordinal
//Maes: this makes it a bit less retarded.
val NUMWEAPONS = weapontype_t.NUMWEAPONS.ordinal
translationtables[12][i] = (0x98 + (i and 0xf) / 2).toByte() // gray2
translationtables[13][i] = (0xA0 + (i and 0xf) / 2).toByte() // piss
translationtables[14][i] = (0xA8 + (i and 0xf) / 2).toByte() // gay
translationtables[22][i] = (0xE0 + (i and 0xf)).toByte() // shit &
// piss
translationtables[23][i] = (0xF0 + (i and 0xf)).toByte() // raver
"Grinning evilly, you check your gear, and\n" +
"get ready to give the bastard a little Hell\n" +
"of your own making!"
spriteframes = arrayOfNulls(numframes)
// copy shit over...
for (i in 0 until numframes) {
spriteframes = arrayOfNulls(maxframes)
// copy shit over...
for (i in 0 until maxframes) {
companion object {
/** Static buffers used during I/O.
* There's ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY no reason to manipulate them externally!!!
* I'M NOT KIDDING!!!11!!
private val guesspostofs = IntArray(256)
interface Melt : ColorTransform {
* No more fucking column-major transpose!
* A funny fast thing for 1993, but able to make Intel i7 think hard in 2017
* (well, at least, in energy saving mode :p)
* - Good Sign, 2017/04/10
while (i < len) {
c = text[i].uppercaseChar()
if (c != ' ' && c.code >= sc && c <= '_') {
// MAES: fixed a FUCKING STUPID bug caused by SWAP.SHORT
w = f!![c.code - sc]!!.width.toInt()
if (x + w > DOOM.vs.getScreenWidth()) break
DOOM.graphicSystem.DrawPatchScaled(DoomScreen.FG, f!![c.code - sc]!!, DOOM.vs, x, y)
// bug, which is now fixed.
// Fucking GOTOs....
ClipPassWallSegment(x1, x2 - 1) // to clippass
* always positive 32-bit unsigned integers, so a subtraction should
* be always positive by definition, right? WRONG: this fucking spot
* caused "blind spots" at certain angles because ONLY HERE angles
* Special Stuff that can not be categorized
* (I'm sure it has something to do with John Romero's obsession with fucking stuff and making them his bitches).
* @param line
"if you leave, i'll make\nthe lord drink my jizz.",
"hey, ron! can we say\n'fuck' in the game?",
"i'd leave: this is just\nmore monsters and levels.\nwhat a load.",
"suck it down, asshole!\nyou're a fucking wimp!",
"don't quit now! we're \nstill spending your money!", // Internal debug. Different style, too.
"THIS IS NO MESSAGE!\nPage intentionally left blank."
try {
debugfile = OutputStreamWriter(FileOutputStream(filename))
} catch (e: FileNotFoundException) {
System.err.println("Couldn't open debugfile. Now, that sucks some putrid shit out of John Romero's asshole!")
translationtables[16][i] = (0xE8 + (i and 0xf) / 2).toByte() // turd
translationtables[17][i] = (0xF0 + (i and 0xf) / 2).toByte() // compblue
translationtables[18][i] = (0xF8 + (i and 0xf) / 2).toByte() // whore
translationtables[19][i] = (0x05 + (i and 0xf) / 2).toByte() // nigga
// "Pimped up" colors, using mixed hues.
translationtables[20][i] = (0x90 + (i and 0xf)).toByte() // soldier
translationtables[21][i] = (0xA0 + (i and 0xf)).toByte() // drag
translationtables[15][i] = (0xE0 + (i and 0xf) / 2).toByte() // yellow
translationtables[16][i] = (0xE8 + (i and 0xf) / 2).toByte() // turd
translationtables[17][i] = (0xF0 + (i and 0xf) / 2).toByte() // compblue
translationtables[18][i] = (0xF8 + (i and 0xf) / 2).toByte() // whore
translationtables[19][i] = (0x05 + (i and 0xf) / 2).toByte() // nigga
// "Pimped up" colors, using mixed hues.
translationtables[20][i] = (0x90 + (i and 0xf)).toByte() // soldier
if (priority < 7) {
// getting hurt because of your own damn stupidity
if (plyr!!.damagecount != 0) {
* Another switchable fix of mine
"you're lucky i don't smack\nyou for thinking about leaving.", // FinalDOOM?
"fuck you, pussy!\nget the fuck out!",
"you quit and i'll jizz\nin your cystholes!",
"if you leave, i'll make\nthe lord drink my jizz.",
"hey, ron! can we say\n'fuck' in the game?",
"i'd leave: this is just\nmore monsters and levels.\nwhat a load.",
"suck it down, asshole!\nyou're a fucking wimp!",
val spritename = namelist[i]
val list: List<Int>? = hash[SpriteNameHash(spritename)]
// Well, it may have been something else. Fuck it.
if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) {
// Maes: the original code actually set everything to "-1"
"look, bud. you leave now\nand you forfeit your body count!",
"just leave. when you come\nback, i'll be waiting with a bat.",
"you're lucky i don't smack\nyou for thinking about leaving.", // FinalDOOM?
"fuck you, pussy!\nget the fuck out!",
"you quit and i'll jizz\nin your cystholes!",
"if you leave, i'll make\nthe lord drink my jizz.",
"hey, ron! can we say\n'fuck' in the game?",
1 snippets stored for this repo
arrayOf( "Cutlass", "1d6", "5", "" ),
arrayOf( "Scimitar", "2d4", "4", "" ),
arrayOf( "Long Sword", "1d8+1", "6", "" ),
arrayOf( "Bastard Sword", "1d10+1", "8", "Requires 2 hands to use effectively" ),
arrayOf( "Great Sword", "1d12+1", "10", "Must always be used with 2 hands")