Repositories (1)

3 snippets stored for this repo
// FinalDOOM?
            yield return $"fuck you, pussy!{Environment.NewLine}get the fuck out!";
            yield return $"you quit and i'll jizz{Environment.NewLine}in your cystholes!";
            yield return $"if you leave, i'll make{Environment.NewLine}the lord drink my jizz.";
            yield return $"hey, ron! can we say{Environment.NewLine}'fuck' in the game?";
            yield return $"i'd leave: this is just{Environment.NewLine}more monsters and levels.{Environment.NewLine}what a load.";
            yield return $"suck it down, asshole!{Environment.NewLine}you're a fucking wimp!";
yield return $"if you leave, i'll make{Environment.NewLine}the lord drink my jizz.";
            yield return $"hey, ron! can we say{Environment.NewLine}'fuck' in the game?";
            yield return $"i'd leave: this is just{Environment.NewLine}more monsters and levels.{Environment.NewLine}what a load.";
            yield return $"suck it down, asshole!{Environment.NewLine}you're a fucking wimp!";
            yield return $"don't quit now! we're {Environment.NewLine}still spending your money!";

            // Internal debug. Different style, too.
yield return $"you're lucky i don't smack{Environment.NewLine}you for thinking about leaving.";

            // FinalDOOM?
            yield return $"fuck you, pussy!{Environment.NewLine}get the fuck out!";
            yield return $"you quit and i'll jizz{Environment.NewLine}in your cystholes!";
            yield return $"if you leave, i'll make{Environment.NewLine}the lord drink my jizz.";
            yield return $"hey, ron! can we say{Environment.NewLine}'fuck' in the game?";