Repositories (3)

10 snippets stored for this repo
private Random random = new Random();
	private String randomEpithet() {
		String[] epithets = new String[]{"douche","wanker","prick","cunt","qpt","dick","fag","tard","muppet","jerkoff"};
		return epithets[random.nextInt(epithets.length)];
Scala IconScala
m.reply(m.getSender + ": We don't store so many records - only 5.")
    } else if(num<1 || num>=20) {
      m.reply(m.getSender + ": You're trying to be a dick, but everybody already knows you're a dick, so no need.")
Scala IconScala
import goat.util.StringUtil.toDateStr

class WeatherStore {
    //hmnnn, this is piss poor
    val store:KVStore[List[WeatherReport]] = new KVStore[List[WeatherReport]]("weatherstore.");
    val records:KVStore[Int] = new KVStore[Int]("weatherstore.record.");
    val timeRecs:KVStore[Long] = new KVStore[Long]("weatherstore.record.");
Python IconPython

    RACISM_COUNT: (True, re.compile(

    HOMOPHOBIA_COUNT: (True, re.compile(
Scala IconScala
case ("twegret", _) =>
      case ("twegwet",_) =>
        m.reply("Twou tware twnot twery twood twat twis. Twy twegret.")
      case ("stalk", _) =>
      case ("tweetchannel", true) =>
Java IconJava

    public Goat() {
	Locale.setDefault(Locale.UK);  // goat is UKian, damn it.
        if (showhelp) {
private String blatherer = "";     // who is blathering?
    private int blatherCount = 0;      // how long have they been blathering?
    private int blatherThreshold = 7 ; // how much of this blather will we put up with?
    private int kipismCount = 0;       // and is it that bastard kip again?

    private int commandCount = 0;      // has someone been bossing goat around?
    private int commandThreshold = blatherThreshold + 5;  // and how much will goat tolerate?
Scala IconScala
"a mathematical insight of great beauty and practical use",
        "an improbably complicated conspiracy",
        "an additional ten commandments",
        "a priceless bejeweled dildo",
        "an incredible deal on car insurance",
        "a bag of dirty money",
        "a secret passageway",
    CURSE_COUNT: (True, re.compile(

    RACISM_COUNT: (True, re.compile(
Java IconJava
 * Copyright (c) 2004 Robot Slave Enterprise Solutions
 * <p/>
 * This fucker needs some serious reorganizing before anything more is added to it (2005-05-23)
 * <p/>
 *	@author encontrado
1 snippets stored for this repo
Java IconJava
 * Simple wrapper to store key/values.
 * A full-blown DB in goat is too much. We want something piss easy.
 * So lets adventure into the feature-shorn world of NOSQL.
 * This class will simply wrap JDBM for now.
1 snippets stored for this repo
testbm.add_tags(&mut tagmap);
	assert_eq!(6, tagmap.len());

	testbm.subject = Some(vec!["Billionaire Romance; Romantic Heroes Royalty & Aristocrats; Romantic Themes Workplace; New Adult & College Romance; City Life Fiction; Contemporary British Fiction; Coming of Age Fiction; Avery Flynn; Entangled Publishing; Royal Bastard; Royalty Romance; Earl; Romantic Comedy; RomCom; Contemporary Romance; Loudmouth by Avery Flynn; Awkweird by Avery Flynn; Parental Guidance by Avery Flynn; Opposites attract romance; Boss/Employee Romance; Forbidden Romance; Fish out of Water Romance; Instantly Royal; Amara; Stand Alone Romance; Series Romance".to_string()]);
	tagmap = HashMap::new();
	testbm.add_tags(&mut tagmap);
	assert_eq!(26, tagmap.len());