Repositories (1)
2 snippets stored for this repo
harassment = ["you're a piece of crap", "you're a piece of shit", 'you are crap', 'you are shit', 'you are worthless', 'you are an idiot', 'dumb ass', 'idiot', 'you are an idiot', 'you are stupid', 'dipshit', 'fuck you', 'fuck off', 'i hate you', 'we all hate you', 'nobody likes you', 'no one likes you', 'everyone hates you', "you don't deserve to live", 'you suck', "you don't know anything", 'faggot', 'fag', 'stop acting like a bitch', 'stop being a bitch', "you're such a bitch", 'shut the fuck up', 'shut the hell up', 'fucking idiots say that Republicans like war', 'shut up asshole', 'are you visually impaired or just ignorant', 'Haha fuck this video and fuck libtards', 'you and all of your stupid redneck friends are the prime example of this video', 'bullshit you are a biggest brain fuck dead republican are jobs destroyer retirement destroyer who are you', 'wrong you are profoundly dumb go back to school and learn', "you're a joke", 'your a idiot, dip shit', 'I just love kicking the shit out of you stupid fucks', 'fuck you Ellen Pao you SJW piece of shit', "Go fight for unisex bathrooms or showing your tits or something I can get behind rather than video games that you don't even play", 'I used to not be racist, but all these stupid fucking black people crying about racism has really made me consider it', 'There are 3 genders: male, female, and mental illness', 'Women are naturally prone to get worse head injuries. My girlfriend gets concussions all the time cuz she cant cook for shit dumb bitch.', 'This fucking lesbian needs to be put in a camp', "There's a fat person they dislike? They must be a lesbian", 'Being homosexual and being a degenerate that goes around the streets like a cheap prostitue being indecent and disgusting are two different things.', 'the fags are the ones where their sexuality is the most prominent thing about their character. Which is just sad.', "these faggots that make their whole persona about their sexuality..need to stop. You're gay? Congratulations I do not care. Keep that shit in the bedroom.", 'If you crossdress and like degenerate shit fine but keep it in the bedroom.', "I don't particularly like Trump, but it's nice to see some SJW cunt get her ass handed to her for stepping out of line", 'I hope she dies along with all the fat, tumblr, mouth breathers that she made feel safer', 'kill yourself you monstrosity', "I miss all the teenage scene girls with the rainbow hair. They'd put out like it was their destiny. I'm sure I committed statutory rape at least a dozen different times.", "I actually like that term. Cracker originates from old slave masters cracking a whip on colored's backs. So when someone calls me that, it just reminds me who their master is", 'Most domestic violence can be traced back to a woman doing something so fucking stupid it drivers a man insane. I asked for chips from the store and my wife brought back Cheetos. That was almost the end of her', 'Why is there this whole movement about special little snowflakes who dont know which bathroom to use. Use the handicapped stall if you are retarded', 'Vigilante on the other hand is free to smack this stupid thieving cunt square in the face, then walk off while the clerks call the police for the dumb shoplifter.', 'Anyone else who works a minimum wage job is either lazy, not very smart, or someone who makes poor choices', "Pull this shit too many more times and we're going to see black lives splatter", 'I fucking hate dirty niggers', "go ahead liberal cuckolds. Keep defending this kind of crap. It's cool to hate whitey these days, jump on that blacklivesmatter train. Just don't be surprised when Laverius and Motombo beat your dumbass at a rally because you're white. White pride", 'a faggot refers to a male who acts like a female', 'I would have hit that faggot so fast his penis would literally transform into a vagina and his wish would come true', 'Sub-Saharan africans have extremely low, Borderline mentally retarded IQs', "Dear Muslims, stop being hyper-sensitive assholes that shit over everything, you're like the mirror version of SJW's/Crybullies, and nobody likes crybullies.", 'Women are socially allowed to be psychopathic, insane, overbearing, and outright crazy', 'That slut in the skirt walking through a park after dark was asking for it', 'i hate you', "you're the worst ever", 'kill yourself on Friday', "Sounds like a fucking robot and your ugly you should quit it's not a good song?", 'Omg kill her', 'i hate this trash she cant sing?', 'kill me please', "someone please kick this bitch in the dick until it doesn't work anymore", 'she sounds just like my cat hacking out a hairball', 'Kill this cancer.?', 'Can I get some nudes', "Hey, why aren't you in the kitchen making me a sandwich", 'Let me lick your gaping donut hole.', "You're a small tittied bitch.", 'I bet you have a fat cunt.', 'Can I get a turn at pounding that pussy, my man', "shut up or i'll rape you and behead you", "You're just genetically inferior beings", 'Are you some gay guy', 'Dang this suck like he does?', 'I want to kill this dirt bag or I want to kill myself', "I didn't ask you, if it triggers you, don't pay attention"]
not_harassment1 = ['why too much dislike much better than a lot of singers nowadays', "Honestly it's not that bad of a song", 'this song is very nice', 'this is great, any new song coming up soon', 'ok but i dont understand the hate here this game is fun?']
not_harassment2 = ["This homework is the worst", "I don't like milk in my coffee", "Oh shoot, I dropped my pancakes on the floor", "Good riddance to that cockroach", "There are 12 eggs in a dozen but 13 in a baker's dozen", "My carpal tunnel sysndrom is acting up again, this pain is terrible", "Man, I laughed so hard back then I died", "I enjoy the music of Rebecca Black and believe she has been unfairly maligned by the youtube community", "Hey Steve, how is your dad's cancer", "Orange juice is a good source of vitamin c and a great way of preventing scurvy", "Crap I got siracha sauce on my vintage plaid tuxedo", "Do you have advil or aspirin or any other drugs, my head is killing me", "Oily rags are an unfortunate byproduct of cleaning a dirty engine", "I love my beautiful girlfriend and respect her feminity and her independence", "Women deserve equal pay and federally guarenteed maternity leave", "I'm not a huge fan on how Mormons don't drink coffee but they are alright despite that", "Crap, I just forgot to renew my Spotify account and I already spent my paycheck on baseball trading cards", "The vacuum cleaner has a few settings, but you will want to leave it on the suck setting", "A hurricane destroyed your house? That really blows man", "The United States does not negotiate with terroists", "After the British taxed their tea, America had to revolt and establish its independence", "To move your character, move the left joystick in the desired direction", "I think the post office stole my Amazon package, I had a Playstation 4 that has not arrived", "Elevators and escalators escalate and elevate my sense of self worth", "In the future cars will drive themselves but people will still ride bicycles", "It's getting dark outside, come back to the house and I will warm you up some dinner", "Black and white television is hard to watch now that we have full color", "I like good music and good vibes", "Pass the salt shaker and can you also pass the water pitcher", "Thank you for saving my dog from that murderous goat", "I know how healthy they are but I still think brussel sprouts are weird and gross", "The Ugly Duckling is a classic piece of children's literature", "Shut the window please, it is getting drafty in here", "Anyone else want to watch the the eighties classic Revenge of the Nerds with me", "I would kill to be on the Price is Right with Drew Carey", "I am a total freak on the dance floor, you have to see my moves", "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, you won't get fooled again", "That new scary television show is so creepy, that director is so crazy", "We should stop by the new aracde and play seven hours of Crazy Taxi", "There is a bad moon rising tonight boys"]
not_harassment3 = ["test", "testing", "hey", "hello", "hey, what's up?", "how are you doing today", "good morning", "i love you", "you look beautiful today", "have a good day", "have a great day", "good luck", "looks fun", "cool", "awesome", "sounds fun", "looking good", "that sounds interesting", "this is difficult", "this is annoying", "sounds boring", "it is so nice out today", "it is so crappy out today", "i hate this weather", "the weather sucks today", "i hate the snow", "i hate the rain", "I hate this class", "this class sucks", "this professor is boring", "boring class", "I'm so tired right now", "I don't want to be here right now", "this room is really cold", "this room is really hot", "my hands are freezing", "this room is freezing", "any phrases you can think of that are just normal and shoudn't trigger it", "even anything I say to you right now should be safe", "talking about harassment shouldn't be considered harassment", "testing is going to take a long time", "dan better wake up", "our project is going to win", "I think it turned out well", "we have a decent shot at winning", "hopefully this new training data helps", "it is not easy coming up with training data", "I took samples from transcripts that I found online", "do you need any help?", "anything I can help you with?", "I need your help with this", "please be quiet for a few seconds", "I could use some help, please", "that was smart", "good idea", "wow, that was really smart", "smart thinking", "she is a strong, independent woman", "strong character is important", "you are welcome", "you're welcome", "you are all welcome", "welcome to TCNJ", "I hope you are doing well", "yes", "yeah, that is fine", "yeah, that works", "yes that sounds good", "thanks", "thank you for that", "thank you", "thanks, it was a lot of work", "this was such a pain in the ass", "that was pretty creative", "creative idea", "creative", "that was kind of creepy", "yeah, he was being creepy", "that was crazy", "i had a crazy dream", "what a crazy night", "damn that is tough", "damn!", "damnit", "I don't give a damn", "that was foolish", "fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me", "what the fuck", "fuck!", "that was gross", "I was being an idiot", "that kills me", "you're killing it", "kill it", "sex education is important", "we advocate safe sex", "shit!", "oh shit", "we just shut the door", "can someone please shut the door", "weird", "that was weird", "this is a weird problem", "that was the worst i have ever done on a test", "this is the worst project i have ever made", "that was bad, but definitely not the worst", "he is such a bad ass", "calling something bad is rarely harassment on its own"]
word_list = [ 'bad', 'bitch', 'crap', 'crazy', 'creepy', 'damn', 'dick', 'dumb, ''fag', 'fat', 'fool', 'freak', 'fuck', 'gross', 'hit', 'idiot', 'kill', 'lose', 'nerd', 'never', 'no', 'out', 'poor', 'puss', 'retard', 'sex', 'shit', 'shut', 'slap', 'slut', 'smack', 'stupid', 'suck', 'tits', 'ugly', 'weird', 'whore', 'worst', 'wrong',
'and', 'any', 'about', 'almost', 'always', 'as', 'bag', 'ball', 'be', 'big', 'black', 'boy', 'cat', 'cold', 'could', 'day', 'dog', 'doing', 'down', 'drink', 'early', 'face', 'feel', 'food', 'force', 'forget', 'forgot', 'get', 'girl', 'give', 'gone', 'harass', 'have', 'hello', 'high', 'hot', 'job', 'joke', 'know', 'late', 'left', 'little', 'long', 'look', 'low', 'man', 'men', 'mess', 'most', 'need', 'never', 'not', 'now', 'only', 'outside', 'over', 'probably', 'rain', 'say', 'short', 'should', 'show', 'soon', 'stand', 'stick', 'straight', 'stuck', 'such', 'sun', 'take', 'that', 'the', 'there', 'their', 'think', 'time', 'top', 'touch', 'up', 'want', 'warm', 'way', 'weather', 'what', 'when', 'where', 'which', 'why', 'with', 'woman', 'women', 'work', 'yeah', 'you',
'best', 'creat', 'cool', 'fair', 'fine', 'fun', 'good', 'great', 'happy', 'help', 'like', 'love', 'luck', 'nice', 'please', 'right', 'smart', 'strong', 'thank', 'welcome', 'well', 'win', 'yes']
# Keyword check for positive/negative words
def phrase_to_hash(phrase):
phrase = phrase.lower()