Repositories (2)

0 snippets stored for this repo
13 snippets stored for this repo
$culprit = "anon";
	else {
		print "\t$culprit did this! That little bastard!\n\n";

	# If we know who did it, add the bitch to the warners list.
# If we know who did it...
	if ($from ne "anon") {
		# Let's add the bastard to the warners list.
		# If the list doesn't exist...
		if (-e "./data/warners.txt" != 1) {
			# Create it.
&system_block ($last,"AIM", "24");
	else {
		print "$from did this! That bastard!\n"
			. "ChaosAIM: I'm getting revenge on $from!\n\n";

		# Warn and block this idiot.
$to = $args{"screenname"} if $args{"screenname"};
			$to = $args{"sn"} if $args{"sn"};

			# Warn the bastard.
			$aim->evil ($to, 0);

			$reply = "I have warned $to.";
Perl IconPerl
Perl IconPerl
Shipping material (keeps your photos from being bent in the mail). 
Protect your table from burns caused by hot pots and pans. 
Snack trays (great for holding hors d'oeuvres at parties). 
Give them as stocking stuffers to all those people who piss you off. 
Fly paper (use actual disk and put string through middle, hang 2" apart and apply honey to disks). 
Pocket protector 
They make a *dandy* addition to a #$*+&% neighbor's back yard. Better yet, get them to actually install it on their computer.
Perl IconPerl
'Shipping material (keeps your photos from being bent in the mail).',
		'Protect your table from burns caused by hot pots and pans.',
		'Snack trays (great for holding hors d\'oeuvres at parties).',
		'Give them as stocking stuffers to all those people who piss you off.',
		'Fly paper (use actual disk and put string through middle, hang 2" apart and apply honey to disks).',
		'Pocket protector.',
		'They make a *dandy* addition to a #+&% neighbor\'s back yard. Better yet, get them to actually install it on their computer.',
Perl IconPerl
"Yo mama's so fat and stupid, her waist size is larger than her IQ!",
		"Yo mama's so fat she was zoned for commercial development!",
		"Yo mama's so fat she won 'Miss Bessie the Cow 94'!",
		"Yo mama's so fat, she has her own brand of jeans: FA - FatAss Jeans!",
		"Yo mama's so stupid, she studied for a drug test!",
		"Yo mama's so stupid, she thought 'Wu Tang' was an African orange drink!",
		"Yo mama's so stupid, she hears it's chilly outside so she gets a bowl!",
"recalcitrant ",
		"reprehensible ",
		"repulsive ",
		"retarded ",
		"revolting ",
		"rediculous ",
		"rotund ",