Repositories (1)
11 snippets stored for this repo
"Ju're all a bunch of fuckin' assholes!",
"Look at ju now, you piece of shit!",
"Ju got a bag for a belly!",
"Ju got a look in your eye like ju haven't been fucked in a year!",
"Dat piece of shit up right there",
"I never liked you; I never trusted you.",
"You know what a hassa is? That's a pig that don't fly straight, and neither do you!",
"Why don't ju try stickin' ju head up jur ass? See if it fits.",
"Ju got a fucking junkie for a wife!",
"This town is like a great big pussy just waiting to get fucked.",
"Who, why, when, and how I fuck is none of your business.",
"I'm gonna stick your heads up your asses faster than a rabbit gets fucked!",
"Do I have to kill your brother first, before I kill you?",
my @insults = (
"Ju prick",
"Fuckin' wasp whore",
"You die, motherfucker",
"You think you can fuckin' take me? ju fuckin maricon",
"Don't fuck wit 'me",
"the obelisk", "the obvious",
"the ol' 1 wood", "the ol' piss pump",
"the old goal post", "the old lizard",
"the pipes", "the pirate",
"the piss pipe", "the piss pump",
"the pisser", "the plank",
"Charlie 'till he throws up", "Cheetah",
"Darth Vader", "dick",
"Eddy", "Elvis",
"the meat missle", "the midget",
"the mighty dick hinge", "the mink",
"the mole", "the Monk",
"the shank", "the shellaleigh",
"the sheriff and waiting for the posse to come", "the shit out of your incapacitated midget",
"the single serving soup dispenser", "the skin bus",
my @insults = (
"Ju prick",
"Fuckin' wasp whore",
"You die, motherfucker",
"You think you can fuckin' take me? ju fuckin maricon",
"Don't fuck wit 'me",
"Ju're all a bunch of fuckin' assholes!",
"the Jesuit", "the Jesuit and getting cockroaches",
"the jizz monster", "the Jocelyn Elders Midterm",
"the Johnson", "the joystick",