Repositories (1)
6 snippets stored for this repo
<p>Phoebe: Hey! So I had a great day, Rick and I really hit it off, and we started
making out, and then my boss walked in and fired me for being a whore.</p>
y’know? I-I started asking people on the street if they wanted massages. Then these
policemen, thought I was a whore too. It’s been a really bad day, whore wise.</p>
<p>Emily: Oh, no-no-no, that’s not rude! It’s perfectly in keeping with a
trip that I’ve already been run down by one of your wiener carts, and been
strip-searched at John F. Kennedy Airport, apparently to you people, I look like someone
who’s got a balloon full of cocaine stuffed up their bum.</p>
<p>Monica: I-I-I think you look great.</p>
<p>Joey: Oh, so you’re playing Adrienne, huh?</p>
<p>Kate: Yes. Are you one of the retarded cousins?</p>
<p>Joey: Oh, no. Ah, I playing your husband, Victor. I’m Joey Tribianni.</p>
<p><strong>Phoebe</strong>: (in a French accent) Uh, excuse me. Uh, I am Reginé Philange. I was passing by when I heard this man speaking the regional dialect of my French town of Estée Lauder.</p>
<p><strong>Director</strong>: You really think this man is speaking French?</p>
<p><strong>Joey</strong>: Sa-sa-saw!</p>
<p><strong>Phoebe</strong>: Écoutez, je vais vous dire la vérité. C'est mon petit frère. Il est un peu retardé. (Translation: Listen, I will tell you the truth. He's my little bother. He's a bit retarded.)</p>
<p>(The director looks at Joey and he nods.)</p>
<p><strong>Phoebe</strong>: Alors, si vous pouviez jouer le jeu avec lui... (Translation: So, would you please just humor him?) </p>
<p><strong>Director</strong>: (to Joey) Good job, little buddy. That was some really good French. But I think we're gonna go with someone else for the part.</p>