Repositories (6)
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manage-a-twa<FONT color=blue>(sic!)</FONT>;
manage-a-tri<FONT color=blue>(sic!)</FONT>; gangbang;
gang-sex; ntrain-bang; oral-group-sex;
2 snippets stored for this repo
<p><em>Try to describe the "tipical anti-virus-nigga"? 8-)</em></p>
<p>I have some friends who work in this side (Skeeve, ShadSeek, rilo...), so i prefer to not answer this question... i don't want them to get angry with me! :)))) Nah, anyway... i was joking. You can't compare them with dickheads such as Bontchy or Patty. Eugene Kaspersky seems to be cool, Fridrik Skulasson and Alan Solomon seem to be good persons, and Frans Veldman seems to be a stupid lazy ass... there's no a special pattern for describing how they are.</p>
<p><em>How do you consider the actual virus scene?</em></p>
<p><em>What about legal problems concerning virus writing in your country? Do you care about them? Are you all the day long closed in a box to avoid feds? 8-)))</em></p>
<p>Nope, we don't have legal problems... the law just goes against those who destruct or modify data intentionally, but we just write viruses and put them into a magazine... it's not our fault if some unconscious dickhead loses his HD because of his stupidity. So there's no problem on writing/releasing viruses, unless you use them intentionally in order to destruct or modify data.</p>
<p><em>Imagine. The apocalipse. Just you, Patty Hoffman and Bonchev survived on the earth. You *MUST* select to go with Patty, that is telling you that "your effects are unknown", or Bonchev, that is calling you "Mr_Boza.1039.H". What do you do and why?</em></p>
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<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Worst Case Scenario - BUTTplug</title>
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# One of the most sloppy, unreliable and awkward exploits ever released for
# Wordpress. The original exploit from Stefan Esser was mediocre at best.
# No offense meant, it was just a seriously deficient piece of horse shit.
def exploit_205_trackback_utf7
wpuser_list = {}
sql_query = ""
7 snippets stored for this repo
printf("jizz %s -- dns spoofer (BIND cache vuln.)\n",VERSION);
printf("by nimrood\n\n");
--- begin ---
int arch=0;
char *command=0;
/* these two dns routines from dspoof/jizz */
/* pull out a compressed query name */
char *dnssprintflabel(char *s, char *buf, char *p)
## Decrypts cisco "encrypted" passwords. Feed this confg files as stdin.
## Anything that looks like a "type 7 encrypted" string gets decrypted.
## This should really be a C program, but is presented as a script just to
## piss off a certain group of people. One beer, please...
while read xx ; do
case "$xx" in
** t12 - <[email protected]> **
** **
** greetz go out to aempirei, a gun toatin' gangstah' hustler' player **
** motherfucker who isn't with us anymore, miah, who's GTA2 game was **
** was most entertaining tonight, Cathy, who provided the trippy light **
** to stare at, and to KT, for providing me with hours of decent **
** conversation. **
Greets: _kiss_ (the real fucker ;-P); gordoc (no comment, the most
hax man in the w0rld); Perip|o (tibetan mantras for u! ;-P); and all
# It would be nice for someone who knows asm for Windows to email us
# Thanks to Dethy,Datagram,Mixter,Anarcho,bi0cide,Initd,0x7f Security Research,
# Matic,Mystik,Kave,Sniper of Dugnet,Sniper of GForce,Piffy and RootShellHackers
# It is sad that people have too do what I have seen Hitler's Crew do in there
# latest defacements on Attrition located at
use IO::Socket;
1 snippets stored for this repo
pkill sxhkd
sxhkd &
# Add steroids and cocaine to my keyboard
xset r rate 300 50
setxkbmap -option caps:swapescape