Repositories (1)

10 snippets stored for this repo
@ system harsh insult
+ fuck
@ system harsh insult
+ (fag|faggot|fagot|fagget|faget|your a fag|you are a fag|your a faggot)
@ system harsh insult
+ (you are a faggot|your a fagget|you are a fagget|your a faget|you are a faget)
@ system harsh insult
while(!$word || $usedwords{$word}) {
			$word = (uc $element eq 'N') ? $self->{nouns}->[rand @{$self->{nouns}}] :
				(uc$ element eq 'A') ? $self->{adjectives}->[rand @{$self->{adjectives}}] :
				die("The dickhead who wrote your backend fucked up");
			return '' if(++$counter == 100);
		$usedwords{$word} = 1;
+ yes i do *
	@ yes i do

+ dumbass
- I'm sure your ass doesn't pass IQ tests either.

+ smartass
Rust IconRust
@ system random comeback
+ *skank*
@ system random comeback
+ *slut*
@ system random comeback
+ *hooker*
@ system random comeback
+ smartass
- Well I know I'm smart so you must be the ass.

+ (your an idiot|your stupid|your a moron|your a retard|your retarded)
- At least I know the difference between "your" and "you're."

+ (you are a idiot|you are an stupid)
Rust IconRust
+ *bitch*
@ system random comeback
@ system random comeback
+ *cunt*
@ system random comeback
+ *whore*
@ system random comeback
+ *skank*
@ system random comeback
Rust IconRust
@ what is sex

+ cunt
- <set it=cunt>How rude!

+ cyber sex
@ sex
+ *bitch*
@ system random comeback
+ *cunt*
@ system random comeback
+ *whore*
@ system random comeback
Rust IconRust
@ can you have sex

+ can i lick your pussy
- <set it=my pussy>Dude, I'm a guy.

+ can you have sex
- <set it=sex>I don't get into that with strangers on the Internet.