Repositories (1)
24 snippets stored for this repo
// Replies.AddRange(new List<string>() {
// $"Watch your back next time you are in ~p~{mainGangZone.DisplayName}~s~ motherfucker",
// $"You are dead next time we see you in ~p~{mainGangZone.DisplayName}~s~",
// $"Better stay out of ~p~{mainGangZone.DisplayName}~s~ cocksucker",
// });
// }
// }
$"We'll be waiting for you asshole.",
$"You're gonna wish you were dead motherfucker.",
$"Got some 'associates' out looking for you prick. Where you at?",
// Replies.AddRange(new List<string>() {
// $"Watch your back next time you are in ~p~{mainGangZone.DisplayName}~s~ motherfucker",
// $"You are dead next time we see you in ~p~{mainGangZone.DisplayName}~s~",
$"I'll take pleasure in guttin you boy.",
$"Better leave LS while you can...",
$"We'll be waiting for you asshole.",
$"You're gonna wish you were dead motherfucker.",
$"Got some 'associates' out looking for you prick. Where you at?",
"When your mother smiles, she looks like a horse",
"You are one ugly motherfucker",
"Fuck your wannabe crew",
"I'm not even going to respond to this shit.",
"You are a stupid motherfucker aren't you?",
"Good luck dickhead.",
$"ur fucking dead",
$"You just fucked with the wrong people asshole",
$"We're gonna fuck you up buddy",
$"Better leave LS while you can...",
$"We'll be waiting for you asshole.",
$"You're gonna wish you were dead motherfucker.",
$"ur fucking dead",
$"You just fucked with the wrong people asshole",
$"We're gonna fuck you up buddy",
$"Better leave LS while you can...",
$"We'll be waiting for you asshole.",
$"You're gonna wish you were dead motherfucker.",
new Intoxicant("SPANK", 45000, 40000, 5.0f, "BeastIntro01",IntoxicationEffect.ImparesWalking | IntoxicationEffect.ImparesDriving) { EffectIntoxicationLimit = 0.5f, ContinuesWithoutCurrentUse = true },
new Intoxicant("Cocaine", 20000, 30000, 5.0f, "BikerFormFlash",IntoxicationEffect.ImparesDriving | IntoxicationEffect.InfiniteStamina | IntoxicationEffect.FastSpeed) { EffectIntoxicationLimit = 0.5f, ContinuesWithoutCurrentUse = true },
new Intoxicant("Methamphetamine", 30000, 60000, 5.0f, "BeastIntro02",IntoxicationEffect.ImparesWalking | IntoxicationEffect.ImparesDriving | IntoxicationEffect.InfiniteStamina | IntoxicationEffect.FastSpeed),
new Intoxicant("Toilet Cleaner", 10000, 60000, 5.0f, "dying",IntoxicationEffect.ImparesWalking | IntoxicationEffect.ImparesDriving) { ContinuesWithoutCurrentUse = true },
new Intoxicant("Heroin", 15000, 60000, 5.0f, "dying",IntoxicationEffect.ImparesWalking | IntoxicationEffect.ImparesDriving) { ContinuesWithoutCurrentUse = true },
GangClassification = GangClassification.Mafia,
Pavano = new Gang("~g~", "AMBIENT_GANG_PAVANO", "Pavano Crime Family", "Pavano", "Green", "MafiaPeds", "PavanoVehicles", "", "MeleeWeapons", "MafiaSidearms", "MafiaLongGuns", "Pavano", "CHAR_BLANK_ENTRY", "Pavano Associate")
GangClassification = GangClassification.Mafia,
Lupisella = new Gang("~g~", "AMBIENT_GANG_LUPISELLA", "Lupisella Crime Family", "Lupisella", "Green", "MafiaPeds", "LupisellaVehicles", "", "MeleeWeapons", "MafiaSidearms", "MafiaLongGuns", "Lupisella", "CHAR_BLANK_ENTRY", "Lupisella Associate")
//foreach (ModItem modItem in ModItems.AllItems())
// if (modItem.Name == "Marijuana" || modItem.Name == "Cocaine" || modItem.Name == "Heroin" || modItem.Name == "Methamphetamine" || modItem.Name == "Crack" || modItem.Name == "SPANK" || modItem.Name == "Toilet Cleaner")
// {
// EntryPoint.WriteToConsole($"ITEM {modItem.Name} CHECKING");
// List<Zone> foundDealer = Zones.GetZoneByItem(modItem, ShopMenus, true);
new PercentageSelectShopMenu(new ShopMenu(StaticStrings.DrugDealerMenuID, "Coke Dealer 1", new List<MenuItem>() {
new MenuItem("Cocaine", 180, 130) { IsIllicilt = true,NumberOfItemsToPurchaseFromPlayer = 6, NumberOfItemsToSellToPlayer = 14 } }, StaticStrings.CokeDealerMenuGroupID),1),
new PercentageSelectShopMenu(new ShopMenu(StaticStrings.DrugDealerMenuID, "Coke Dealer 2", new List<MenuItem>() {
new PercentageSelectShopMenu(new ShopMenu(StaticStrings.DrugCustomerMenuID, "Coke Customer 3", new List<MenuItem>() {
new MenuItem("Cocaine", 0, 199) { IsIllicilt = true, NumberOfItemsToPurchaseFromPlayer = 5 } }),1),
new PercentageSelectShopMenu(new ShopMenu(StaticStrings.DrugCustomerMenuID, "Coke Customer 4", new List<MenuItem>() {
new Ingredient() { IngredientName = "Chesty", Quantity = 2 }
}) { CrimeId = StaticStrings.DealingDrugsCrimeID, ResultantAmount = 1, Cooldown = 2000},
new CraftableItem("Cut Cocaine", "Crack", new List<Ingredient>() {
new Ingredient() { IngredientName = "Cocaine", Quantity = 1}
}) { CrimeId = StaticStrings.DealingDrugsCrimeID, ResultantAmount = 2, Cooldown = 2000},
new CraftableItem("Molotov Cocktail", "Improvised Incendiary", new List<Ingredient>() {
new Ingredient() { IngredientName = "NOGO Vodka", Quantity = 1 },
$"Seems like a car was just called in as stolen, must be a coincidence.",
$"LSPD gonna fuck you and your car up prick.",
$"Cops already know about the car, good luck dickhead.",
$"Trying to move some hot cars I see? LSPD will be thrilled to know.",
$"Did you think you could keep this from us? Would be unfortunate to get caught in that hot car.",
$"Seems like a van was just called in as stolen, must be a coincidence.",
$"LSPD gonna fuck you and your van full of guns up prick.",
$"Cops already know about the van, good luck dickhead.",
$"Trying to move some hot guns I see? LSPD will be thrilled to know.",
$"Did you think you could keep this from us? Would be unfortunate to get caught with all those guns.",
"I'm not even going to respond to this shit.",
"You are a stupid motherfucker aren't you?",
"Good luck dickhead.",
Player.CellPhone.AddPhoneResponse(ActiveGang.Contact.Name, ActiveGang.Contact.IconName, Replies.PickRandom());
// ,new SpeechData("PED_RANT","Rant",false,"Chat","Rant","",true)
// ,new SpeechData("STEPPED_IN_SHIT","Stepped In Shit",false,"Chat","Stepped In Shit","",false)
// ,new SpeechData("GENERIC_YES","Yes",false,"Chat","Yes","",false)
"Your mom raised you exactly like I expected",
"When your mother smiles, she looks like a horse",
"You are one ugly motherfucker",
List<string> Replies = new List<string>() {
"You think I give a shit?",
"Fuck off prick.",
"Make like a tree and get outta here. You've got ~r~30 seconds~s~.",
"Fuck off punk. T-Minus ~r~30 seconds~s~ to an ass beating.",
"You wanna go to jail or you wanna go home? You've got ~r~30 seconds~s~ to decide.",
"Pleasure doing business douchebag. You've got ~r~30 seconds~s~ to fuck off.",