Source Code Containing the Phrase "hentai"
We have detected over 1451 code snippets in our database containing the word "hentai"
Recent Snippets
// 触摸
touch: function () {
current.canvas.onclick = function () {
modules.render(prop.content.touch || ["你在干什么?", "再摸我就报警了!", "HENTAI!", "不可以这样欺负我啦!"]);
// 右侧按钮
/// 获取 html 中的 hentai 列表
# 此目錄在程式運行完後也用來存放過程中產生的紀錄檔*.log,或出錯時的暫存檔*.json。
our $CATCHE_DIR = '/Volumes/WD 8TB/hentai/catche';
# 正規表現
pat_gallery = re.compile('^(*/).*$') # ギャラリーのURLであるか / URLからギャラリーを抜き出す
pat_img_page = re.compile('^*$') # 画像ページのURLであるか
# 本程式的所在路徑,呼叫旗下任何腳本都必須將工作目錄定於此
our $WORKING_DIR = '/Users/hentai/git/dj_voice_organize';
{"恐怖", Horror}, {"神鬼", Ghosts}, {"历史", Historical},
{"同人", FanFi}, {"运动", Sports}, {"绅士", Hentai},
{"机甲", Mecha}, {"限制级", Restricted}, {"伪娘", Otokonoko}};
['二次エロ画像館', ''], //yes
['えろまじょさん', ''], //yes
['桃色虹画像', ''], //yes
if (p.hentai > 0.3) {
c += " hentai"
if ( > 0.3) {
c += " porn"
▢ ⌁ 𖥂 ${prefix}ass °
▢ ⌁ 𖥂 ${prefix}hentai °
▢ ⌁ 𖥂 ${prefix}milf °
'abomination', 'anal', 'asshole', 'barf', 'bukkake', 'butt', 'cocksucker', 'cum', 'dickhead', 'faggot',
'fudgepacker', 'genitalia', 'gonorrhea', 'gook', 'hentai', 'horseshit', 'jizz', 'knob', 'kongo', 'lewd', 'milf',
'minge', 'mongoloid', 'my', 'balls', 'noob', 'penetrative', 'sex', 'penis', 'perv', 'poontang', 'pussy', 'quim',
'randy', 'rimming', 'rogering', 'rusty', 'trombone', 'scatological', 'skank', 'sodomy', 'spank', 'strip',
'turd', 'twat', 'vagina', 'whorehouse', 'rimjob', 'roger', 'rollin', 'rough', 'sex', 'ruxpin', 's_e_x', 's_h_i_t',
/// Создаёт переключатель.
Widget _buildSwitch() {
return UListSwitch(
"I love hentai",
value: _checkedRules,
onChanged: (value) => setState(() => _checkedRules = value),
z-index: -1;
.vk-post.comics .name.--hentai:after {
content: '[18+]';
position: absolute;
color: var(--color-h);
z-index: -1;
.vk-post.comics .name.--hentai:after {
content: '[18+]';
position: absolute;
color: var(--color-h);
"Your code is as messy as your manga collection"
"Writing spaghetti code while watching tentacle movies?"
"Your weeb powers are inversely proportional to your coding skills"
"Error 404: Coding skills not found (but found 10TB of 'hentai')"
'Ya te quiero hacer hentai',
'Ya te quiero hacer hentai',
YanJing = 11, //眼镜
HuangDi = 12, //皇帝
ZhanDouKuang = 13, //战斗狂
HenTai = 14, //变态
YiNv = 15, //乙女
GongZhu = 16, //公主
DaXiaoJie = 17, //大小姐
'': '',
'': '',
'': '',
'': '',
'': '',
'': '',
* (xxbboy)
* <p>
* Original Authors -> - I Can't Code (BPWeber - Naughty, Naughty,
* Naughty) - Randal Gay Boy (iFamasssRAWRxD - Hentai, Hentai, Hentai)
* <p>
* Updated to Minecraft 1.9 -> - Written by Giovanni (VawkeNetty) 2017.
* - Written by Jaxson (Red29) 2016/2017.
.wrapper-3t9DeA[user_by_bdfdb="147889058670968844"]:hover::before {
content: "Hentai™";
background-image: url(;
color: #FB4B25;
while read line; do
declare key=$(echo "${line}" | cut -d "=" -f1)
declare value=$(echo "${line}" | cut -d "=" -f2)
printf -v "`trim ${key}`" "`trim ${value}`" #
done < <( echo "${xctoolVars}" )
declare -r gcov_dir="${OBJECT_FILE_DIR_normal}/${CURRENT_ARCH}/"
## what r u fapping to?
## < k`> tentacle hentai \:D/
sub enc2