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</p><p>Issue pictures:</p>
<p>Gangbang warning 1: C cannot be changed to D:</p>
<p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer nofollow"><img src="" /></a></p>
</p><p>deep Gangbang warning 2: Service registration is missing or corrupt</p>
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what a gangbang
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<title>how to i get my graphics adapter to support windows aero - Microsoft Community</title>
<h3> rawrxd say:</h3>
<h2> how to i get my graphics adapter to support windows aero interface?</h2>
i am currently using<br />
intel 945g<br />
Tried everything apart from using a different computer and its stil "Unable to find phone"<br />
Its managed to delete all my music & photos tho so im bl**dy raging with the thing now!!! Longshot but dont suppose theres anyway of getting them back (if they would have been saved on my laptop or anything?) :(<br />
<br />
OMG Im such a retard!! Found my photos and that - on the memory card I took out before I started trying to download :D:D<br />
<br />
Message Edited by craigquine on <span>07-Feb-2008</span> <span>
12:01 AM</span>
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What's the <strong>EXACT STOP CODE</strong>. We will help you but please give us a little jizz on what happened. Click the event I.D. so you can get the stop code.
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</p><p>Yeah no shit. It's been explained so endlessly finding an answer that pertains to individual problems amidst the 10 billion Hindi websites and videos is nearly impossible. Like I got ten years to read through all this bullshit. A simple fix on MS's end would
be much easier, since they are all so brilliant, likely according to you.</p>
</p><p>Must be nice being the only game in town. Like Greyhound bus, MS products are basically the only choice, so if we want to use the product we have to eat all the horseshit that goes with it.</p>
</p><p>Piss off.</p>
<title>whatsapp Expired difficult to re- download. - Microsoft Community</title>
<h3> ekwe dyke say:</h3>
<h2> whatsapp Expired difficult to re- download.</h2>
</p><p>Ekwe Dyke</p>
<p> Nigeria </p>
<title>Denial of access to external drive (FAT32) to an Administrator - Microsoft Community</title>
<h3> diana van dyke say:</h3>
<h2> Denial of access to external drive (FAT32) to an Administrator (Win7, NTFS, x64)</h2>
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<h3> diana van dyke say:</h3>
<title>Cannot boot to Win10 Startup Settings options menu. - Microsoft Community</title>
<h3> **** van dyke say:</h3>
<h2> Cannot boot to Win10 Startup Settings options menu.</h2>
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<h3> **** van dyke say:</h3>
<title>Error 1723 - Microsoft Community</title>
<h3> robert j van dyke say:</h3>
<h2> Error 1723</h2>
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<h3> robert j van dyke say:</h3>
<title>FOLDER LOCK ADVANCED - Microsoft Community</title>
<h3> ekwe dyke say:</h3>
<p>Severally tried to install the above subject but difficult to download app in my window 10 mobile phone. So help???</p>
<p>Many thanks for coming back.</p>
</p><p>As with a similar post by <a href="" title="Ron Van Dyke">Ron
Van Dyke</a><span> I have tried everything suggested.
</p><p><span>The 3D Builder update seems to be the issue as all other Windows 10 updates have not affected the perfect operation of the app till now.</span></p>
<title>text to speech in bluetooth not working after denim update 1520 - Microsoft Community</title>
<h3> edwardvan dyke say:</h3>
<h2> text to speech in bluetooth not working after denim update 1520</h2>
<p><span style="color: rgba(51, 51, 51, 1)">Hello </span>EdwardVan Dyke ,</p>
<title>Publisher won't send pictures to printer - Microsoft Community</title>
<h3> aprilvan dyke say:</h3>
<h2> Publisher won't send pictures to printer</h2>
I create my church newsletter in 2013 publisher. I print it as a booklet, but when I send it to my printer it isn't sending all of my first page. All the other pages are going just fine, pictures and text. I've checked my settings and nothing has changed
since the last time I did a newsletter 2 weeks ago.
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<h3> billvan dyke iii say:</h3>
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<title>3D Builder Stopped Working - Microsoft Community</title>
<h3> ron van dyke say:</h3>
<h2> 3D Builder Stopped Working</h2>
<p>I've been using 3D Builder since the first of the year but today I received a message that my video card is not compatible and that I need to update the drivers.</p>
<p>I updated the drivers but no change.</p>
<title>Movie Maker Causes Clicking Audio on my System After Windows 8.1 - Microsoft Community</title>
<h3> patrickvan dyke say:</h3>
<h2> Movie Maker Causes Clicking Audio on my System After Windows 8.1 Update</h2>
I am having a clicking sound in my left audio channel when using Movie maker after the Windows 8.1 update. It remains even after I close the program and access other audio or video files including those on the internet. I have to restart the computer to
make it go away and it only returns if I open Movie Maker and try to do a project. Pleas help! The program has become useless since the update. I am on Version 2012 (Build 16.4.3508.0205)
</p><p>Currently, my work around is to print to PDF and then use Adobe to print just the pages I want. This is a recent issue, I have successfully printed only some pages of a multipage document before.</p>
</p><p>I have read through previous threads from January and February, GTRSailor posted one, but no one ever solved this problem. Rand Van Dyke posted one in March of 2014, and someone solved it using terminal. I tried copying and pasting the solution into terminal,
but nothing happened (i may be doing it wrong). Anyway, I'm very frustrated with microsoft office updates for mac 2011. I wish i never accepted the updates. this isn't the first update they deployed that actually broke something in Office. Remember the
Outlook identity rebuild issue a few years ago?....I digress, can anyone offer a solution here? If not, I will just keep printing to Adobe until I ween myself off of Word like I did when Outlook broke.</p>
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<h3> **** van dyke say:</h3>
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<title>MSConfig in Win10 breaks startup recovery (Safe mode etc) - Microsoft Community</title>
<h3> **** van dyke say:</h3>
<h2> MSConfig in Win10 breaks startup recovery (Safe mode etc)</h2>
<p>After running MSConfig on Windows 10 (any version including the latest anniversary update) and making any changes to startup services, booting into recovery options no longer allows me to get to the 'Startup' menu (The menu with the Safe mode options where
you choose a number). It boots straight past it back into normal Windows startup. It no longer boots to the startup selection screen after choosing to startup with that screen in the recovery options.</p>
<title>How to disable Mouse Acceleration? - Microsoft Community</title>
<h3> alex van dyke say:</h3>
<h2> How to disable Mouse Acceleration?</h2>
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<p>I think I had my first real orgasm. I just happy at how good the controller felt in my hands. I needed a step ladder to hit some of the Duke controller buttons.</p>
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<p>I love people who troll the boards looking just to insult people, and on top of it, then think they're "cool" because they're jackasses. LOL</p>
<p>News flash for you, chief. You're NOT cool.. No one here is chuckling at your posts and thinking, "Wow, that guy is too awesome to even care he's a douchebag". We're actually all just thinking, "Wow, that kid is really a douchebag."</p>
<p>So, sign off...go back to writing in your "people I'm going to get back for picking on me" notebook...and get lost.</p>
<p><br />
Pretty straight forward to me, Microsoft owes you nothing if you use the internet to be a douchebag. A no tolerance policy for stupidity is a good way to thwart future offenders and these people are 100% guilty of being idiots.
<br />
<p>[quote user="Dee Cazo"]</p>
<p>Pretty straight forward to me, Microsoft owes you nothing if you use the internet to be a douchebag. A no tolerance policy for stupidity is a good way to thwart future offenders and these people are 100% guilty of being idiots.
<br />
<title>Got suspended for a really dumb reason. - Microsoft Community</title>
<h3> xboxer214 say:</h3>
<h2> Got suspended for a really dumb reason.</h2>
<p>So I got suspended on Xbox Live the other day because I called a guy that team killed me for no reason "douchebag". So this is how it all happened, I was playing Siege, I joined late, the score was 2-0, we were winning, so I pick the operator Ash, and we start attacking, the enemy team team kills each other until 2 enemies are left, so we just push in to end the game, but I get shot in the back, so I freak out and turn around, no enemies, then I get shot two more times, I'm downed and need a teammate to revive me, but it was my teammate that shot me, and so he taunts me by reviving me, then stopping when I'm almost revived, he does this twice, then shoots me, killing me. This is when I send him a message asking "wtf why.???.", then they go in and win the round, after the game ends he doesn't respond, so I messaged him again with "Douchebag", the second I sent that message, I got a message from XBL saying: "Notice of enforcement action: For mo
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Office 365 University install was buggered. I get a response that my Microsoft Office account is not yet active, come back later douchebag customer! Well, maybe not that harsh but they way they give me the run around, it might as well be that way.
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<p>My bad. Some douchebag literally went back like 20 pages to bump an old topic.
<a href="/search?q=gaming_and_xbox">gaming_and_xbox, </a> <br>
<p>And now after thousands of people complaining how **** is skype 8, you just look the other way and send us to **** ourselves. Nice, that's nice microsoft.</p>
</p><p>I'm done buying or using any microsoft product anymore, your company is full of douchebag idiots who don't and will never hear any user feedback, your'e always ruining all your products such as Windows (with the **** and buggy 10), Office (heavier as ****),
and now Skype... You've also killed ms flight simulator, virtual pc and messenger, and hundreds more.</p>
</p><p>I hope you microsoft have a hard time & dissapear from the entire world, THAT would be great. You used to be a great company but lastly you're **** everything. It's time to say goodbye to micosoft products, guys.</p>
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<p>is it also fun being a douchebag? </p>
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<p>@Power Not trying to be a Douchebag or anything. But when a hand full people come on here saying about the same thing happen to them at the same time.This including me having the same problem aswell. I'm sure it has nothing to do with their connection.
It has to with xbox live. I've had this problem in the past. It randomly kicks you off and while it don't affect other people. So please be a good little ambassador to xbox live and report this problem to them.</p>
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<h3> cm tensai say:</h3>
<h2> Outside of the map on Zoo in Wager match</h2>
<p>I looked on the 1st 3 or 4 pages on this and didn't see anything about it. I just came across this less than 10 minutes ago. Some douchebag found his way outside of the map on Zoo during a Sticks and Stones Wager match, Ante Up btw, so there was no reason
for that person to glitch other than to **** other people off. I've been playing Sticks and Stones pretty heavily the last 2 weeks, a lot of matches on Zoo, and never seen anyone do it until now. Who would I need to send the footage to so it could get fixed
<p>I see sexual discrimination on Xbox Live on a daily basis & can understand why they have a ladies night or girl-only clans. It's so they can have a way of playing the game with others that go through the same crap that they do & that will understand their
plight. Sure, telling a girl-gamer to go back to the kitchen might be a joke to you, but to her it just makes you out to be a douchebag (not you specifically, I'm just using you as an example, so don't take it personally). I personally think that you're being
quite arrogant talking about equality when Xbox Live is anything but equal. Sure, girl-gamers are on the rise, but they're not considered equals by most guys out there, & to me, that's just disheartening... Regardless of whether they're a guy-gamer or a girl-gamer,
it makes no difference to me, & it shouldn't to you either; if it does, then shame on you.</p>
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<p>I get the whole if you get pushed back thing. But, me personally, if my squad has all the flags, we focus on maintaining those flags and not on spawn camping. It guarantees a win as opposed to being a douchebag and sitting in someone's spawn shooting them
as they pop in. How is that fair? In most of these maps, if they get into your spawn and lock it down, there is no getting out due to these maps being designed very linear.
<p>But, my biggest issue with this are the asshats that make their whole game about spawn camping.... from the word go, they are hauling it to your spawn and spend their match there. For them, its clearly not about winning, its about being douches. This would
<p>Seriously. I still have 800 MSP left, which is just enough to change my gamertag. Anyone got any suggestions? I am thinking of either "THUNDRAR", "N64 Nostalgia" or "REBQRN". </p>
<p> </p>
<p>It's a damn shame how every decent gamertag was taken by some douchebag who never used the account more than once. Why the @#$% doesn't MS just delete them and make them up for grabs for everyone else? </p>
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<p>what a douchebag</p>
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<title>not deleting hyperlink - Microsoft Community</title>
<h3> deepthroat say:</h3>
<h2> not deleting hyperlink</h2>
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<h3> deepthroat say:</h3>
<title>Keep getting new Windows 7 updates to install - Microsoft Community</title>
<h3> deepthroat say:</h3>
<h2> Keep getting new Windows 7 updates to install</h2>
<title>Fix It diagnostics tool not installng >Compressed (zipped) - Microsoft Community</title>
<h3> deepthroat say:</h3>
<h2> Fix It diagnostics tool not installng >Compressed (zipped) Folders Error<</h2>
<title>Can't install Whatsapp on child's Windows 7 phone - Microsoft Community</title>
<h3> deepthroat say:</h3>
<h2> Can't install Whatsapp on child's Windows 7 phone</h2>
<title>Could not reconnect all network drives - Microsoft Community</title>
<h3> deepthroat say:</h3>
<h2> Could not reconnect all network drives</h2>
<title>Unable to empty Recycle Bin - Microsoft Community</title>
<h3> deepthroat say:</h3>
<h2> Unable to empty Recycle Bin</h2>
I have not been able to empty my recycle bin for a while. I'm running Win7 Ultimate 64 bit.<br />
Going through this forum I see others have had the same problem, but no "Found this helpful" or "Solved" postings. I tried the various proposed solutions but to no avail.<br />
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<p>Hi Deepthroat,</p>
<p>I can tell you what I did, and that was using your Registry program I restored to the last date or prior to your restore date or back up.</p>
<p>If it resolves the problem then it would seem to be the registry program - I would then get in touch with them to seek further advice. As for me I was usinga program from Uniblue and informed they were trying to resolve the issue and offered a refund.</p>
<p>I would think the problem lies with Norton rather then MS since I am running 64bit windows 7 - as since I have chosen another Registry program from Systweak using their Advance system Optimizer which seems very stable. (however pls do your research on reviews