Repositories (1)

62 snippets stored for this repo
Shell IconShell
mornarice	navy,marine,
lista	shit of paper,list,
mornarica	navy,
Shell IconShell
mornarice	marine,
lista	shit of paper,
mornarica	navy,
Shell IconShell
mornarice	navy,marine,
lista	shit of paper,
mornarica	navy,
Shell IconShell
pjesme	poems,
pjesma	song,songs,
seobe	migration,migrations,
mirom	peace,piss,
kosovo	kosovo,
kosova	kosovo,
fond	fund,fond,
Shell IconShell
pjesme	poems,
pjesma	song,songs,
seobe	migrations,
mirom	peace,piss,
kosovo	kosovo,
kosova	kosovo,
fond	fund,fond,
Shell IconShell
pjesme	poems,
pjesma	song,songs,
seobe	migration,migrations,
mirom	peace,piss,
kosovo	kosovo,
kosova	kosovo,
fond	fund,
Ruby IconRuby
платить	pay,
мвд	department of the interior,mvd,
боевых	militant,combat,
блядь	whore,
перемены	changes,
человеческий	human,
октябрьской	october,
Ruby IconRuby
платить	pay,
мвд	department of the interior,mvd,
успеха	success,
блядь	whore,
перемены	changes,
человеческий	human,
октябрьской	october,
Ruby IconRuby
платить	pay,
обусловлено	due to the,
в путин	putin in,
блядь	whore,
лиза	liza,
графа	graph,
октябрьской	october,
Ruby IconRuby
платить	pay,
мвд	department of the interior,
успеха	success,
блядь	whore,
перемены	changes,
человеческий	human,
октябрьской	october,
náměstí	square,
hovno	shit,
bitva	battle,
omezen	limited,
hovno	shit,
různí	different,
náměstí	square,
hovno	shit,
různí	varies,different,
náměstí	square,
hovno	shit,
papež	the pope,
náměstí	square,
hovno	shit,
umožnil	allowed,
Perl IconPerl
przetrwały	survived,
orgazmu	orgasm,
piosenkarka	singer,
Perl IconPerl
białystok	bialystok,
orgazm	orgasm,
ekspresowa	expressway,express,
Perl IconPerl
koncert	concert,
orgazm	orgasm,
magnetyczne	magnetic,
Perl IconPerl
białystok	bialystok,
orgazm	orgasm,
ekspresowa	express,expressway,
Perl IconPerl
białystok	bialystok,
orgazm	orgasm,
ekspresowa	express,
Shell IconShell
dve	two,
sve	everything,all,
youtube	youtube,
mirom	piss,
vrnjačka	vrnjachka,
toliko	that much,
vrnjačke	vrnjachka,vrnjachke,
Ruby IconRuby
владимир	vladimir,
оргазма	orgasm,
корана	coran,
Ruby IconRuby
статей	articles,
оргазм	orgasm,
рекой	river,
Ruby IconRuby
владимир	vladimyr,vladimir,
оргазма	orgasm,
районами	districts,areas,
Ruby IconRuby
фильму	film,
оргазм	orgasm,
относят	connect to,place,refer,
Shell IconShell
članak	article,
orgazma	orgasm,
postizanje	achieving,achieve,
Shell IconShell
turska	turkey,turkish,
orgazam	orgasm,
izvore	sources,
Shell IconShell
americi	america,
tridesetih	thirtieth,
društveno	social,
orgazam	orgasm,
pavle	pavle,
pavla	pavle,
pokazuje	shows,
Shell IconShell
turska	turkey,
orgazam	orgasm,
izvore	sources,
Shell IconShell
tenzije	tensions,
orgazma	orgasm,
igračima	players,
Shell IconShell
društveno	social,
orgazam	orgasm,
ptičje	bird,
Shell IconShell
arhitektura	architecture,
arhitekture	architecture,
teritorij	territory,
orgazam	orgasm,
kakav	like what,
ostalog	rest,
kućama	houses,
Shell IconShell
članak	article,
orgazma	orgasm,
dohotka	income,
Shell IconShell
turske	turkish,
orgazam	orgasm,
milovan	milovan,
Shell IconShell
formacija	formation,
formacije	formations,
šef	boss,
heroin	heroin,cheroin,
brzo	quick,quickly,
smeru	direction,
povećanjem	increase,enlargement,increasing,
Shell IconShell
statistika	statitics,statistics,statistic,
hitlera	hitler,
udaljena	distant,far away,
Shell IconShell
katarina	catherine,katharina,
hitler	hitler,
svjetskih	world,
labi	elbe,labe,
pásy	passports,strips,
situacích	situations,
heroin	heroin,
aspekty	aspects,
asi	about,
vrátil	back,returned,
Ruby IconRuby
питание	nutrition,power,supply,
героина	heroin,
явно	clearly,obviously,
Ruby IconRuby
характеристики	characteristics,
героин	heroin,
знака	mark,
Ruby IconRuby
питание	nutrition,supply,
героина	heroin,
явно	clearly,obviously,
Ruby IconRuby
иркутска	irkutsk,
трех	three,
половину	half,
героина	heroin,
долей	shares,
иметь	having,
зная	knowing,
Ruby IconRuby
питание	nutrition,supply,
героина	heroin,
явно	obviously,
Ruby IconRuby
питание	nutrition,power,supply,
героина	heroin,
явно	obviously,
Shell IconShell
psihologija	psyhology,psychology,
nacističke	nazi,
rečnik	dictinary,dictonary,
Shell IconShell
psihologija	psyhology,psychology,
nacističke	nazi,
rečnik	dictinary,
Shell IconShell
psihologija	psychology,
nacističke	nazi,
rečnik	dictonary,
Perl IconPerl
cesarz	emperor,
osiągnięcia	achievements,
osiągnięcie	attainment,achievement,
hitlera	by hitler,land,hitler,
strona	site,page,
biologicznych	biological,
wielkich	great,
Perl IconPerl
osiągnięcie	attainment,achievement,
hitlera	by hitler,land,
biologicznych	biological,
Perl IconPerl
wybiera	choose,
hitler	hitler (last name),
zresztą	besides,
Perl IconPerl
cesarz	emperor,
osiągnięcia	achievements,
osiągnięcie	achievement,
hitlera	by hitler,land,hitler,
strona	page,site,
biologicznych	biological,
wielkich	great,
Perl IconPerl
cesarz	emperor,
osiągnięcia	achievements,
osiągnięcie	attainment,achievement,
hitlera	by hitler,land,hitler,
strona	page,site,
biologicznych	biological,
wielkich	great,
Perl IconPerl
cesarz	emperor,
osiągnięcia	achievements,
osiągnięcie	achievement,
hitlera	by hitler,hitler,
strona	site,
biologicznych	biological,
wielkich	great,
Ruby IconRuby
окончательный	definitive, final,final,
гитлер	hitler,
прошёл	is over,went,
Ruby IconRuby
виктория	victoria,
гитлера	hitler,gitler's,
данные	data,
Ruby IconRuby
виктория	victoria,
гитлера	hitler,gitler's,
никому	nobody,no one,
Ruby IconRuby
виктория	victoria,
гитлера	hitler,
никому	nobody,no one,
Ruby IconRuby
процедуры	treatment,
наподобие	like,
романов	novels,
гитлер	hitler,
еврейских	jewish,
частного	private,
течением	cboe,
Ruby IconRuby
лиц	people,
формой	form,
альцгеймера	alzheimer,
гитлер	hitler,
огромная	huge,
широкого	wide,
подразумевается	means,
Ruby IconRuby
формой	form,
гитлер	hitler,
прошёл	is over,
Ruby IconRuby
виктория	victoria,
гитлера	hitler,
никому	no one,nobody,
Ruby IconRuby
окончательный	final,
гитлер	hitler,
прошёл	is over,