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..yeah, this was about the sexiest thing you could imagine at this moment. So, you let her dictate the pace a bit, you let her go crosseyed on her own time, you let HER turn HERSELF into a drooling monkey cock addicted whore..
"Our greatest enemy.." Davenport continues. " the illusion of privacy and the idea that students have some certain 'rights' (he enunciated this as though it was an alien word) when they attend school. This leads to dangerous ideas.. and apparently, trusting the students with all these privileges has led to disaster. We must reinforce the notion that the students are there to LEARN in a SAFE and CONTROLLED environment - removing any and all possible distractions, and securing the buildings properly, will help us all assure this. After all, Students can't be posing for racy images if they've no way of recording them, yes? Yes. And I think the affirmation of the new policies as permanent should be done as well - Zero Tolerance for any naughty behavior, followed by swift punishment for offenders. Reinforce the point that flaunting the rules and disregarding authority will be met by swift punishment."
That's what he was after, anyway - drill it into the kids' heads not to question anything, follow the rules like drones.. drain away any sense of individuality or idea of personal responsibility. Quill Davenport received heavy applause for his concise, well-thought-out proposal - he looked like he was doing something to combat this perceived evil, and sounding the appropriate warning against dangers, real or imagined. He stepped down, with Superintendent Somra's sincere thanks.
Soulless statist cocksucker gets handshake and public thanks from a dyed-in-the-wool Politician, in every conceivable insulting definition of that word.
You stand up as the applause dies down. You have to say something.. no one else in this room is really worried about the kids themselves, they're only worried about the things their precious pooplings are exposed to, and how these so-called 'threats' are a threat or danger to them.