Repositories (1)
3 snippets stored for this repo
then notify chatcontrol.notify.rulesalert <dark_gray>[<gray>Swastika<dark_gray>] <gray>{player}: <white>{original_message}
then deny
# Bitch filter - commented out just to show you example of usage. It is filtered in more advanced way below.
#match \bb[i_!@#$%^&*]tch
#name swear
#then warn <red>Watch your language please.
# You can also use MiniMessage tags and {matched_message} to get the matched part of the message.
#then replace <hover:show_text:'<red>Swearing on this server\nis prohibited and will get you banned.\n\n<gray>Click this to appeal.'><click:suggest_command:'/appeal My message got censored: "$0"'><red>[censored]</red></click></hover>
# Blocks 'fuck', 'f#ck' and 'f*ck' etc. Also catches 'fucker', 'fucking' etc.
match \b(f+[\W\d_]*[u_!@#$%^&*]+[\W\d_]*c+[\W\d_]*k+)(?=[^\s]*\b)
group swear
#then notify chatcontrol.notify.rulesalert <dark_gray>[<gray>ID {rule_name}<dark_gray>] <gray>{player}: <white>{original_message}
#then console kick {player} <red>Your rating will be processed by our staff soon. \nThanks and welcome back!
#match ((admin|op|ateam|server|owner) (is|are)) +(a|) *(dick|cock|duck|noob)
#name server hate
#then console kick {player} <red>I don't think so.
#then deny