Repositories (3)
1 snippets stored for this repo
<br>Watching the movie, feeling all right.
<br>Piss alligator eyes at a quarter to three,
<br>Just me and The Government's Misery:
4 snippets stored for this repo
<div align=center>
<a href="134.html"><img
alt=".-- .... .- - - .-. .. ... - .- -. ... . --.. .-.-.- .-.-.-" width=161 height=178 border=0></a>
[ ] Your sig/alias is retarded
[ ] I think you might be a fed
[X] You're worthless
[ ] You piss me off
[ ] You whine like a damn toddler
[ ] You have the grammar of an inbred West Virginian
[ ] I saw a wanted poster with your face on it in the sysops' office
[ ] Fed
[ ] Slut
[ ] Freak
1 snippets stored for this repo
<font size=2 color="#990000">
<a href="2004/Dec5.html"><img height="19" width="19" alt="[extra shit]" border="0" src="../images/icons/iconFeedback2.gif" hspace="2"></a>
<a href="2004/Dec5.html"><img