Repositories (1)
11 snippets stored for this repo
if(get_user_class() < UC_MODERATOR) {
write_log("User <a href=userdetails.php?id=".$CURUSER['id'].">".$CURUSER['username']."</a> Tried to modify forums! Tard!");
stderr("Omg?!","What the fuck are you doing? aaa?");
$forumid = (int)$_GET['forumid'];
if (!is_valid_id($forumid))
if($ir['user_level'] <1){
print"You must be atleast level 1 to access whore house !";
print('</div><div><img src="images/generalinfo_btm.jpg" alt="" /></div>');
<div><img src='images/generalinfo_top.jpg' alt='' /></div>
<div class='generalinfo_simple'>You are retarded!</div>
<div><img src='images/generalinfo_btm.jpg' alt='' /></div>
$hospit = rand(10,30);
if($odata['bguard'] >0){
$response["msg"] = " <center><b><font color='#FFFF00'>Holy Shit!</b></font> You Just Got Your Ass Kicked By The Bodygaurd!! You were injured and taken to the hspital for $hospit min<br/><br/><a href='index.php'>>Home</a></center>";
$response["youhp"] = 0;
$db->query("UPDATE users SET hp=0, hospital=hospital+$hospit, hospreason='Beaten Severely By Someones Personal Bodyguard' WHERE userid=$userid",$c);
":word:" => "word.gif",
":retardlol:" => "retardlol.gif",
":die:" => "die.gif",
":retard:" => "retard.gif",
":finger:" => "cody.gif",
":horse:" => "horse.gif",
":whip1:" => "whip1.gif",
":maxlocked:" => "maxlocked.gif",
":hslocked:" => "hslocked.gif",
":banned:" => "banned.gif",
":asshole:" => "asshole.gif",
":rockon:" => "rockon.gif",
":stfu:" => "stfu.gif",
":cya:" => "cya.gif",
write_log("User <a href=userdetails.php?id=".$CURUSER['id'].">".$CURUSER['username']."</a> Tried to modify forums! Tard!");
stderr("Omg?!","What the fuck are you doing? aaa?");
if($arr['ledby'] != $CURUSER['id'] && get_user_class() < UC_MODERATOR)
stderr("What?!","What the fuck are you doing?!");
$topicid = (int)$arr['topicid'];
include "globals.php";
if($ir['user_level'] <> STAFF_CLASS)
die("ERROR! Fucking Retard!");
if ($_GET["act"] == "newsect")
":wanker1:" => "wanker1.gif",
":shit:" => "shit.gif",
":lovers:" => "lovers.gif",
else if($skill=="agility")
$message = "
<font color='green'>
You Begin to run on the treadmill, You keep tapping the faster button till you fly off the damn thing!.<br />
You have gained {$gain} agility by doing {$times} minutes of running.<br />
You now have {$ir["agility"]} agility and {$ir["energy"]} energy left.