Repositories (1)
8 snippets stored for this repo
# my ($xml) = $imgxml->data(nometagen=>1,noheader=>1); ## note: this dumbass function returns two elements.
push @{$CONTENTSAR}, [ $MSGID, $SKU, sprintf("%s=%s",$imgset->[0],$imgset->[1]) ];
push @{$xmlar}, $xml;
## not a real file.. it's an object!
elsif (-f $params{'file'}) {
$params{'file'} =~ m/(.*)/; # untaint so perl doesn't bitch when running in suid
$params{'file'} = $1;
else {
## What a bitch??
## returns a hashref of countries and methods supported.
sub available_destinations {
if (defined $ERROR) {
## shit already happened.
elsif ((defined $rm) && ($rm->can('work'))) {
my $cfg = {}; # this is stuff SPECIFIC to this message.
## make a copy of all settings in $iniref since we'll need the settings for SITE::Static when it
## actually generates the button (yeah I know this is retarded)
## NOTE: we could do this better, but it'd require some substantial testing.
foreach my $k (keys %{$iniref}) {
$cfg->{$k} = $iniref->{$k};
#if (substr($value,0,1) eq '~') {
# ## strip stupid tilde which is added by %options so it can distinguish between an option and non/option
# ## thanks you cock sucker anthony
# $value = substr($value,1);
# }
## %DIRECTIVES=> hashref of additional csv directives that will be prepended to file.
## TYPE=> (optional - overrides header)
## note: TYPE=>'JEDI' gets some special handling becausse it's assumed to be a zip file.
## so directives, etc. are dropped. (fuck)
## in hindsight -- it probably should have been called "addJob" or "queueImport" or some shit like that.
# ZOOVY::encode_ref
# note: unlike it's retarded cousin incode and incode_by_ref this one will support double encoding
# parameters: a buffer that needs to be encoded
# returns: $BUFFER