Repositories (1)

7 snippets stored for this repo
//is getting a little crazy. But hey, I'm not your dad, dude. It's your life. You're still
    //retarded though.
    pub unsafe fn parse() -> PeHeader {
// Yeah I know I just invalidated the teb step below but I really don't want to do retarded
        // ass .offset shit if I can just cast directly into a struct tee bee haych. Anyway this
pub static GENERIC_READ: u32 = 0x80000000;

// File Share Rights (
// I know that this is retarded but in the microsoft documentation this is the name of the flag I
// just added file before it. Don't hate the player.
pub static FILE_0: u32 = 0x00000000;
pub static FILE_SHARE_DELETE: u32 = 0x00000004;

    // This is the base value for ordinals, basically add this onto the value you pull out of
    // the ordinal array. It is a u32 by default but because rust is retarded you cannot add a u32
    // to a u16, so we are just going to cast to a u16 and pray for the best.
    let ordinal_base = export_directory.Base as u16;
isize,       // HANDLE hFile
        *mut c_void, // LPVOID lpBuffer [out]
        u32,         // DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead
        *mut c_void, // LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead [out, optional], how fucking retarded is this
        *mut c_void, //LPOVERLAPPED lpOverLapped [in, out, optional]
u32,         // DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead
        *mut c_void, // LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead [out, optional], how fucking retarded is this
        *mut c_void, //LPOVERLAPPED lpOverLapped [in, out, optional]
Rust IconRust
pub unsafe fn LoadLibraryA(&self, library: &str) -> isize {
        // TODO remove this unwrap, retard, but also
        // this creates a null terminated string from the library string