Source Code Containing the Phrase "kill yourself"

We have detected over 267 code snippets in our database containing the word "kill yourself"

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// You can't shutdown the system from a process in console because we want to stop the console container.
// If you do that you kill yourself.  So we spawn a separate container to do power operations
// This can up because on shutdown we want ssh to gracefully die, terminating ssh connections and not just hanging tcp session
// Be careful of container name. only [a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-] are allowed
JavaScript IconJavaScript
"Yeah speak to me like that again and there's no music anymore.",
        "How dare you... without me this server wouldn't even be cool.",
        "Shut up man, I'm getting bored of you.",
        "You should really kill yourself, I mean for the best",
        "We live in a society where people like this are still alive",
        "stop DMING me",
        "No one wants to hear you shit",
Ruby IconRuby
xvideos|retard|retarded|porno|deepfake|erection|thirst trap|erection|
          kill yourself|kys|clit|orgasm|semen|foreskin|cock|ahegao|pedophile|
          join my server|thighs|th1ghs|smut|wanker|vulva|wank|titty|topless|tit|tits|swinger|
JavaScript IconJavaScript
words: [
    "kill your self",
    "kill yourself",
    "kill urself",
    "kill self",
JavaScript IconJavaScript
words: [
	'kill your self',
	'kill yourself',
	'kill urself',
	'kill self',
JavaScript IconJavaScript
//window.navigator.href = ""
        // redirect to listing page?
      }).catch(function(error) {
        console.log('kill yourself, highscore not registered');
Python IconPython
while True:
	cap = raw_input('Enter a captcha: ')
	if c == '1':
		cv = ['tips fedora ', 'kill yourself ', 'desu ', 'jew ', 'nigger-rigged ', 'cucked ', 'tfw ', 'ITT: ', 'memed ', 'fizz buzzed ']
		co = ['fedora ', 'jew ', 'nigger ', 'cuck ', 'reddit ', 'tumblr ', 'bane ', 'ITT: ', 'faggot ','meme ', 'autist ', 'waifu ', 'semen demon ', 'fizz buzz ', 'trap ',': the thread ', 'doge ', 'pleb ', 'feel ']
		com = ['a shit', 'fedora tipping ', 'an-heroing ', 'JUST ', 'jew ', 'nigger ', 'cuck ', 'based ', 'reddit-tier ', 'tumblr-tier ', 'baneposting ', 'literally ', 'faggot ','meme ', 'autistic ', 'fizz buzz-tier ', 'shit tier ', 'god tier ',':the thread ', 'pleb ', 'for free ','objectively ']
		cg = ['Argentina is white', 'jet fuel can\'t melt steel beams','install gentoo', 'ayy lmao', 'it\'s happening', 'REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE', 'huehuehuehuehue', 'umad?', '''>>>/pol/''']
[ what should i make her do?  <br><br>Put a dildo herself with her face in the pic.</br></br>  Sharpie in pooper?  <br>lose weight</br>  Post the actual pic, not a screenshot. Also, time stamp in your "send" box  <br>this.</br>  <br>/thread</br>  <br>Thirded</br>  <br>this. deepthroat something. tell her to put mascara on and then get it runny. thatll be hot</br>  <br>fourtheded</br>  Sharpie in pooper  boobs    <br>Shoe on head.</br>  Where's her asshole? Am I looking at this pic wrong or what the fuck?  lose weight  <br>lose weight apparently</br>  <br>buried deep in the folds of fat</br>  Confirmed whale.<br><br>Why do you think she just has a picture of her face OP.<br><br>No one wants this shit,</br></br></br></br>  Gag herself with her pissed in knickers (panties)  White Knight Win<br><span class="deadlink">&gt;&gt;631002191 </br>  WHOOOOA, I AM FRIENDS WITH NICOLE!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT!  <br><br>just post more of her</br></br>  <br>go on...</br>  Make her suck your dick Ryan! DO IT RYAN  <br>ftw, post her fb id</br>  <br><br>texting her now</br></br>  <br>why?</br>  <br>GG</br>  <br>Kek'd &amp; rekt <br>Post screens please</br></br>  <br> IT <br>Just found OP too. Dead easy. Should hide names better Ryan. I'm on the Wirral. Would be comedy to have mutual friends</br></br>  <br>At least wait for OP to deliver</br>  <br>what about the 2nd girl in the chat op?</br>  <br><br><br><br><br>no reply yet. sent her a screenshot of the fb post.</br></br></br></br></br>  His and her t shirts and your posting her fanny over the net.<br><br>She'll be chuffed.</br></br>    <br><br>winrar</br></br>  <br>vote for donald trump. for teh lulz.</br>  <br>Ryan Fitzgerald</br>  <br>The athleet?</br>  Is that even a pussy? I'm not sure what I'm looking at here  No problem  Nicole Carroll<br>that is the grill in pic</br>  fb link: /ryan.fitzgerald.9655  <br>Kanker</br>  Poor a bucket of water on her and call greenpeace  <br>Kanker</br>  That was the moment, OP realized, he fucked up.  Found him and the girl /b/ros<br>/ryan.fitzgerald.9655<br>/nicole95williams<br><br>Do as you will</br></br></br></br>  <br><br>Oboy we got OP's name? WAT DO? :)</br></br>  Send him semi boner pics  Toasting in epic bread  <br>gj sherlock, after everything was posted already</br>  <br>"Heeft een relatie"<br><br>kek.</br></br></br>  I bet Nicole would love to know that the internet is seeing her pussy  anyone message her yet?  lol op is retart  <br>It's easier then having to look it up yourself fuckhead</br>  <br><br><br><br><br><br>And that was the moment after which their relationship would never be the same. Ryan betrayed Nicole's trust.</br></br></br></br></br></br>  Haha book mark op's fb this and come back in a week this faggot is gonna get dumped so hard  <br><br>i have already done it for u /B/ros</br></br>  <br>Nah. Felt harsh. She is on holiday and bought Ryan a his and hers t shirt set. Would spoil the moment</br>  Normshits, when will they learn?  <br>Pics</br>  <br>you are doing gods work<br>keep us updated with response</br></br>  <br>Pics or it didn't happen</br>  <br> what should i make her do? <br>How about break up with you because you've violated her trust, douche? There's gonna be some blowback on this one, friend.</br></br>  pls respond  <br><br/></br>  Well i dunno if anyone wrote to his GF yet but i did she is well informed of the situation    <br>send her the pic op posted of the convo</br>  <br>and now we wait for shit to hit the fan</br>   This thread.   <br>everybody already did</br>  <br>ah come on<br>errytime something fun happens a whiteknight appears</br></br>  How the fuck do you find facebook profiles so quickly?  <br>Lurking</br>  <br>that's what i'm trying to figure out. I need /b/ to teach me the ways</br>  <br>mustard gas meme</br>  <br>This isn't whitekinighting this is simply trolling a troll. Fucking faggots everywhere. This is infinitely funnier and actual degrades the woman more.</br>  topkekm8  <br>I found the name and then scrolled through profile pics. Dont know if there is a faster way</br>  <br>OP is shit at masking names in chat.<br>Find the friends find the girl.</br></br>  Don't mind me toasting on a potentially epic bread  <br>We aren't good people here</br>  <br> degrades the woman more <br>listen boy im here for the tits. who cares about degrading someone? is this like a thing now?</br></br>  <br>Lel<br>Life=ruined<br>WHEN WILL THEY LEARN?!?!</br></br></br>  <br>Introduction to hacking first semester MIT</br>  <br>All i saw was this</br>  <br><br><br><br> yep now we wait still no reply <br> because OP did not hide his shit well enough that's why it was so easy <br> lurking like a god <br> no white night im doing my deeds as ha i just fucked up ur shit OP </br></br></br></br></br></br></br>  <br> spoonfeeding </br>  I'd like to thank the mods for exposing this misogynistic OP. Im going to screenshot this and hopefully gain a few followers and notes on Tumblr. I can't believe 4chan is finally on the side of feminist and exposing this scum men that betray women.  <br>this is actually more funny then op's post</br>    <br>Oh yes, i believe that could be handy<br>Thank you :*</br></br>  <br>troll harder</br>  <br>OP is from Skem.<br><br>His life was already ruined</br></br></br>  <br> you are a fucking fag </br>  <br>nice b8 m8<br>kill yourself fucking faggot</br></br>  <br><br>Dat stinky, tasty bait</br></br>  <br>This. It would have taken another 10 seconds to mask them properly but no.</br>  <br>Nah, its just that fucking with people and distroying their lives is far more entertaining then asking for nudes.<br><br>We do this shit for teh luls</br></br></br>  <br>is this real life or op just got cucked?</br>    the moment you relies you msged them on you'r main account<br> shit may have fucked up <br> shit might of fucked up more than OP <br> RIP me </br></br></br>  <br> look mom i am anonymooose xDDDD </br>  <br>dis girl is freakin out on op right now<br><br>op is now single.</br></br></br>  Kip of that wool as well.<br><br>No-one will know what that means unless they're from Merseyside.<br><br>So OP is this girls now-ex?<br><br>Wonder what she done to get him pissed:<br><br>Reckon she was playing the skin-flute when she was abroad?</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>  <br>keep going</br>  <br>Send her the pic!</br>  Please /a/rchive for further use  <br>This just got interesting.</br>  <br>Saying prayers my friend</br>  Awyeah we're live  <br>she has already been sent the pic u dumb shit</br>  Wonder where OP went :D You guys think he's in here reading this? ^^  Where the hell is op anyway?  <br>getting dumped and killing himself</br>  <br>Probably trying to damage control.</br>  <br>I hope so !!!! XDXDDXDDD LOLOL</br>  OP is clearly shitting bricks.    <br>Dat pussy looks like from a 9 y/o, nice!<br>Her age?<br><br> inb4 404 </br></br></br></br>  <br>hahaha little late for that :D</br>  aww it was nearing a year  The most comforting take away from all of this is that, Nicole will most likely find another man in a few months and emerge from the whole ordeal unscathed, albeit maybe with some trust issues but all around probably wiser from it all.<br><br>While Ryan on the other hand will continue to be a huge fucking faggot for the rest of his life and stagnate on the shitpool that is /b/ until he chokes to death on the exponentially increasing bundle of cocks that he must suck to feed his insatiable hunger. <br><br>I look forward to this inevitability.</br></br></br></br>  <br>theres a 95 in her fb name so I think we can guess 20</br>  <br>this is the fate of us all</br>  Ryan, the OP, to be concrete-shoe'd and thrown into the River Mersey by some of her angry friends.<br><br>This gon' be gud.</br></br>  Anybody told his girlfriend yet ?  She has a vid of 2 cringe faggots sword fighting  <br>HAHA OP you thought you could be a misogynist loser and try to degrade her but my good friends on 4cha didn't let it happen good work b standing up for that poor girl, she deserves better than op</br>  She goes to Liverpool (no)Hope University so she is at least 18.  <br>what's this?</br>  Xd sorry pal  And in an effort to impress strangers on an obsucre bulletin-board, OP's life was ruined  <br>serious?</br>  <br>faggot</br>  <br> well from what i have seen OP and his grill live in Liverpool OP'S grill goes to university so yer <br> enjoy the info </br></br>  How did you guys even get her to see your messages? My fb won't even connect to her and asks for money to deliver the message.    <br>you need to buy 4chan gold</br>  <br>serious</br>  <br>Its just beyond the paywall dude, it sucks but facebook charges for a membership now.</br>  <br>i've never seen that money thing before... that's a joke like</br>  <br>REKT</br>  <br> obscure <br> 4chan <br>Pick one</br></br></br>  This is what happens if you support liverpool  Send her link to this thread<br>OP might play it off like his fb got hacked</br>  <br>Shave balls</br>  Fuck you all<br><br>How can I delete the thread</br></br>  <br>already did when we found out identity</br>  <br>if this site is not so obscure then who is this hacker 4chan?</br>  send it to his parents  <br>Is it really??? COuld it be?? :D</br>  <br>too late bitch</br>  <br>Send a request to 4chan support email</br>  <br>en het is begonen</br>  <br>You can't</br>  <br>Buy 4chan Gold</br>  <br>IS OP?</br>  <br>this is gold, grandma?</br>  <br><br>win</br></br>  <br>Looks more like they're having sex kek</br>  <br>This is fucking hilarious</br>  <br>:D</br>  <br><br>top kek, looking forward to my destiny</br></br>  <br>Morgan Fairhurst her aunt<br><br>Marie Fitzgerald his aunt</br></br></br>  OP is not her girfriend, the fb screenshot was in dutch and she is from the uk  Now i havent been here long but over this past week ive not liked what ive seen.... you guys have ruined multiples peoples lifes and its just sickening and disheartening to see idk whats going on recently but i want the old b back  <br>Are you retarded?</br>  <br>su faggit</br>  I just wanted to deliver some epic fapping material but you started your hurr durr anonymous shit. I just told her I was hacked and I am feeling like shit and she is more into me telling me that it is ok, so you can all eat shit.  <br> what is long distance relationships </br>  <br>you must pluck forty pubes (one for each kek) and blow them into the wind like a dandelion. Then pray to the almighty moot while rubbing toothpaste on your nipples and using your fingerbox. This will resolve your issue within the fortnight</br>  <br>what is this curedonut ?<br>go fuck yourself land whale</br></br>  <br>and maybee they are sending pics because his on a trip?</br>  <br>daddy, tell us about the old /b</br>  <br>Maybe his language setting was on Dutch fucktard?</br>  <br> what should i make her do? <br> Lose some weight. good lord what a fupa</br></br>  <br> haven't been here long <br> want the old b back <br>whut?<br><br> captcha told me to find all the juice <br> i immediately check'd the attic </br></br></br></br></br></br>  <br>she is hot, i'll give you that. why stop now?</br>  <br>wrote that to her</br>  <br>topb8m8</br>    Looks like this trick could come in handy anytime soon Ryan.<br>Let's hope she's not right.</br>  <br>Are you retarded?</br>  <br>Lol hou gewoon uw bakkes stoeme hollander</br>  <br>we do not share the same definition of epic</br>  <br>someone screencap this post and send it to her fb in a message<br>let her know the truth<br>do it for the kekz</br></br></br>  <br>Kek</br>  Perhaps he thought if he shared a picture of pussy he'd get some pussy  Hey everyone, it's time for Game of /b/ros! Who's up for some go/b/?<br><br>This time with a twist. I've noticed that a lot of people have lost interest in go/b/ because eventually, it all get's boring. So, I decided to mix it up a little. This is an old map, but as most of you can see, with an entirely new continent in the oceans. Atlantis has come, and which one among you will be the one to gain it's power and reign as King of Atlantis.<br><br>PLEASE! PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! READ WHAT IS WRITTEN ON THE MAP. I'm a no shit's given OP, so please read the included explanation for the Atlantis DLC. Also, to those thinking of soloing the quest, don't. You see how many T's Atlantis has? Not to mention how difficult taking the stronghold is. You'll need allies.<br><br>Also, no fucking hugboxing. No having more than two allies people. You can break an alliance, but only once per thread. Now, good luck to you all.<br><br>We'll start with five players. There have also been some changed rules concerning how to become KoA. Please read them all.<br><br> OP Mars. </br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>  what happened last time, why was it deleted  <br>I deleted it because of the raging faggot storming around. <br><br> OP Mars. </br></br></br>  this isn't look good today  <br>i wish he would just get banned<br> Dragonpit </br></br>  <br>If we give up, we let him win. So shut up and play.<br><br> OP Mars. </br></br></br>  <br>claiming Targaryen<br> Dragonpit Targaryen <br> NAP: <br> Allies: <br> Permission: <br> Bonus: Dragons (1/1) </br></br></br></br></br></br>  <br><br><br>You people still need to claim houses.<br><br> OP Mars. </br></br></br></br></br>  <br>two of the people you replied to was me<br> Dragonpit Martell <br> NAP: Tyrell <br> Allies: <br> Permission: <br> Bonus: Unbroken, Unbent </br></br></br></br></br></br>  <br><br>claim astapor again<br><br><br>  King Chevos III </br></br></br></br></br>  <br>Claiming Volantis.<br><br> Triarch Racyrryon Thrace of Volantis, Leader of the Elephant Party, Wielder of the Bastard Sword “Ballcleaver”, The Master of Slavers, The Calm, The Crooked, The Cunning, The Intelligent, The Thoughtful and The Effervescent Elephant <br> Alliances:  <br> Non Aggression Pacts: </br></br></br></br></br>  <br>hello King Chevos III of Astapor<br> Dragonpit Martell <br> NAP: Tyrell <br> Allies: <br> Permission: <br> Bonus: Unbroken, Unbent </br></br></br></br></br></br>  Claim Lannister<br><br> sig inc </br></br>  <br>claim stark<br><br> Blom Stark </br></br></br>  part 1 of my plan is to try to defeat Dothrakie because the last two games with atlantis they fucked me over,  LET THE GAMES BEGIN!<br><br>ROLL TO THIS POST.<br><br> OP Mars. </br></br></br></br>  <br><br>Hello Dragonpit Martell<br><br>  &gt; King Chevos III <br>  Allies <br>  Bonus: RotW </br></br></br></br></br></br>  <br>im Targaryen</br>  <br>I attack Dohtraki<br> Dragonpit Martell <br> NAP: Tyrell <br> Allies: <br> Permission: <br> Bonus: Unbroken, Unbent </br></br></br></br></br></br>  <br>Stark &gt; North of the wall<br><br> Blom Stark <br> Allies: <br> Bonus: Winter is coming </br></br></br></br></br>  <br><br>Astapor &gt; unclaimed lands to west and into dothrak<br><br>  King Chevos III <br>  Allies <br>  Bonus: RotW </br></br></br></br></br></br>  i was actually thinking about being Dothraki earlier and roleplaying as a missionary of Judaism   Authentic rape(currently The Clockwork Orange, that's what inspired this thread) <br> Cucking <br> Cannibalism </br></br>  Oh, I'm a girl btw :))  <br><br> Survive school shooting <br> Get nervous when seated in a crowd like a lecture hall <br> Get nervous running in a crowd </br></br></br></br>  <br><br>ITT a fagget like op always is <br>why rape and cannibalism m8<br>also tits?</br></br></br></br>  Tits and timestamp. But older guys dating young girls. My friends and I used to fuck the guy up bc morals  <br>This is not me! I'm a male!</br>    People who don't understand how consent works "HUR, GAY MARRIAGE WILL LEAD TO CHILD MARRIAGE!" <br>  People who don't understand how context works "HUR, YOU SAID THE N-WORD, YOU SO RACIST FOR SIMPLY SAYING IT!" <br>That's pretty much it for now.</br></br>  <br>The Walking Dead(the game) scene disturbed me for some reason.</br>   new age feminism  <br> arguing/debating using context and subjectivity <br> oversensitive people <br> insensitive people <br> glorification of any gender or race <br><br>that shit makes me enter hulkmode</br></br></br></br></br></br>  <br>its a ruse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</br>  <br>thats gay m8 the only reason i dont do that stuff my self its becasue i can find vids and dont wanna give my family a bad rep</br>  <br>if you get "triggered" by anything you should genuinely kill yourself.<br>Unless you have literal PTSD (none of that tumblr tier shit either) or have a fear of something due to an extremely traumatic event in your life then you have no excuse.</br></br>  <br><br>For Cannibalism. Also how is not eating people gay.</br></br>    <br>Robbie you are a fucking faggot. I hope carly passes away from suffocating in her own roles</br>   People who worship artists <br> All these new shitty pop/dj/tekno and all that sort of shitty efortless to make music "artists" <br>And yep that's that i sometimes can't resist and have to fucking bite my lip or my finger because the frustration level is really high</br></br>  <br> Cannibalism </br>  <br>which scene? (never played, interested in looking it up)</br>  <br>casue its gay pleb</br>  Ok so I just bought weed for the first time. I wanted an 8th. Does this look like an eighth and how quality does this shit look? The person I bought from said its really dense and that's why it doesnt look like alot.  <br>you're fine. just grind it up and smoke</br>  <br>Looks decent.</br>  <br>thats the thing i absolutely need a grinder or can i just use my hands?</br>  <br>What about you stupid stoners buy a fucking balance or ask your dealer to weight it in front of you.</br>  <br><br>Nice trips<br>Nice dubs</br></br></br>  <br>little on the light side, <br><br>but looks like some decent suburban bud to me.<br><br>tear that shit up young fag.</br></br></br></br></br>  <br>Put it in a cup and go to town on it with some scissors.</br>  yep look decent, how much do you pay for these?  <br>This</br>  <br>Store bought stoners, it's a new thing.</br>  <br><br>Or maybe you read and see that i've never smoked weed before so i dont fucking know how it all goes...</br></br>  <br>dont smoke too much or else ur mind is gonna get overwhelmed. One bowl full should be more than enough.</br>  <br>That looks tasty OP, I am proud son</br>  <br>looks fine<br><br>smoke it, I'll join you</br></br></br>  How much did you pay though.  <br>Or just use your fingers to pull it apart.</br>  <br>60 bucks. is that aight? I live in ohio if that matters.</br>  Quality looks fairly good, amount may be a bit low but if it is indeed dense as he claimed it may be alright. You'll get far worse than that, OP, have a fun time. You also don't need a grinder, it's just easier if you do have one, both in terms of time consumption and rolling.  <br> i've never smoked weed before so i dont fucking know how it all goes... <br>How does that stops you from buying a fucking balance to verify how much you got, you fucking buddy</br></br>  <br>also fine, 15/g is normal for black market bud<br>it gets much higher and lower depending on where you lkive and what the laws are</br></br>  <br>because he doesn't know any better you sadistic fuckwit, no bully</br>  <br>50 for an 8th is pretty standard. You weren't hooked up by any means, but if shit's really dank you weren't ripped off.</br>  <br>How are newbies gonna get pro if you don't bully them</br>  I dont pay over 40 an eighth, but I also buy 2g/20 so that's a better deal than an eighth..<br><br>Over a year ago it was 15 a g lol</br></br>    it's decent quality. not bad, not great. <br><br>fine amount. <br><br>you might have gotten shorted like a half a gram but if you have to ask, i'd say you did well for yourself here</br></br></br></br>  s/o to washington where I get $550 qps of mids or better  <br><br>I guess every problem in life looks like a nail if the only tool you have is a hammer</br></br>  <br>Gonna spend $60 on weed but first $20 on a scale to verify it. What kind of pocket-protector fuck are you</br>  <br> paying 550 for mids  <br>why?</br></br>  <br>because &gt;$140 ounces, and if you say you get anything better than mids here people get all elitist</br>  <br>Looks sweet m80</br>  <br>Yea ur good, looks fire.<br> unless the shits legal in ur state, thenu got fucked a lil bit, but for first time itll be fine. </br></br>  <br>Either way. It's easier to smoke it more efficiently with a grinder, though. By hand, you're likely to be smoking the same bowl repeatedly to get the same hit that you could get from one hit if you had ground it up.</br>  <br>you sound like the kind of guy who buys acid and doesn't test it, then doesn't question it when it's bitter</br>  <br>but you're smoking mids...</br>  <br> What kind of pocket-protector fuck are you <br>A scale's gonna last forever and you'll be able to check wether or not your dealer is honest, switch to a better one if he screwed you and thus save money for more weeds.<br>Use your head Jamal.</br></br></br>  <br>60 for an eighth? I can get an eighth at almost half that price and it's good shit.</br>  Looks kinda okay, doesn't look like an 8th though, unless those nugs are dense as fuck.  <br>idk. im at the point where i have to hide shit in my room. how am i going to explain owning a scale?<br>Its just not going to happen.</br></br>  Fuck weed is expensive in America... $20/3g round here in AUS... $25/3g if you're buying it off someone you don't know. <br><br>Keep in mind the American dollar is worth like 60c to the dollar compared with aus too so it's closer to $12 of your dollars for 3 grams here. lol</br></br>  <br>So much this<br><br>OP I will tell you from experience that with weed less is more when you're starting off<br><br>I see my buddies rip bongs and hit dabs and shit, but if I were to take more than 3-4 hits off a bowl I'd get overwhelmed and go into panic attack mode and have an awful time.<br><br>Nobody thought it was possible, but I've panicked so bad from weed I threw up, blacked in and out, etc...<br><br>I may just be a special case, but for me if I limit myself and just take things slow it can be the difference between having a nice mellow time and freaking the fuck out</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>  <br>The dude doesn't have a dealer. He bought weed once. It's obviously a good investment FOR SOMEONE WHO SMOKES but life is too short and expensive to buy all the paraphernalia for every dumb hobby you pick up, BEFORE you pick it up.</br>  <br>How do you "test" acid? I've never had it but my friends never talked about testing it, only that most proclaimed "acid" nowadays is just RC.</br>  ITT:: A dozen Weedlitists, a couple newbies and one oldfag that knows better  <br>I can really recommend using tweezers since once they are at a certain size they are really hard to rip apart since you can't grip them.</br>    I wish I could gather you lovable cunts and we could all burn my dank<br>Out here I get decent stuff for a dollar for a few grams</br>  <br>This looks like good weed. not top tier but pretty nice. it looks pretty dense too. we dont use 8th here so i don't know.</br>  <br> Bought 'fa (fucking arshole) trips from travellers(uk) <br> tasted bitter as fook <br> best fooking acid i've ever had, one friend thought he was elvis and another thought he was a jelly and said he couldn't move or he'd fall off his plate. </br></br></br>  <br>your mom smokes mids</br>    What's this guy called ?  Harry manlet potter  It's Neville Longbottom, fucking idiots.  Shia LaBeouf  You must now roll  yes plox.  <br>rawl</br>  <br>rawl</br>  <br>roll</br>  henry rollins  roll  <br>aight then</br>  <br>frst</br>  <br>reroll</br>  Rollin    <br>rull</br>  <br>Yes roll</br>  <br>rollll</br>  <br>rollin</br>  Roll  Roll. Also sauce on second imagen.  <br>who is that? src?</br>  roll  Roll  rol  Roll  <br>lets play</br>  Roll  roll  <br/>  <br>r</br>  My name is Bob  roll  <br>getting a bit tired of these. any suggestions what i should do?</br>  roolin  <br>Gogogo</br>  rOLL  ROLLE FÜR DEN ENDSIEG  roll  ROLLLL  rollin  ICH REROLL FÜ RENDSIEG  <br>reroll</br>  Roll  Rolling  roll  roll  K  <br>rolling</br>  <br>rawl</br>  roll  faootrune  Roll  Roll  rolling  Rawlll  rolling  Rollin  Reroll  <br>Roll</br>  t rolling  roll for later  roll  <br>yeah I'll roll</br>  chekkem  fuck i must do this   <br>Dammit . reroll</br>  What do I have to lose?  Roll  reroll  rollll  <br>Rolls</br>  ROLLING ROLLING ROLL ROLL ROLL  roll  roll  Roll  mkay  roll  <br>Fucking shemales.</br>  roll  roll for trips  rollll  rawl  kgo  Rollin  <br>Roll roll roll my boat.</br>  rolling  roll  <br>Raul</br>  hvilib  <br>rolling for dish</br>  Roll  <br>roll</br>  roll  Roll  Reroll  <br>Nice trips</br>  roll meh stuff  roll  <br>i'd rather roll for this.</br>  roll  roll this over  roll  <br>rollll</br>  reroll  roll !  Let's see where this ends up  roll again  Rallins  gimme sum gud  roll  <br>Why the hell not?<br><br>And why the hell am I helping google identify pickup trucks?</br></br></br>  Roll  fuckk  <br>relll</br>  <br>shemale get</br>  Roooolll  <br>roll</br>  reroll  Here goes nuttin'  ROLLLL  roll out!!  Rollin  <br>orll</br>  Rawllio pawllio  Roll  Rolllll  roll  This is Destiny  yeah that's good  Roll  roll  roll  rubbyrubrub  no gayporn ROLLL !!!!  roll  Roll  roll  rolling  <br>roll</br>  Rollin  rell  Rollz  Roll  <br>roll</br>  Rollio  Roll  ROLLLLL  <br>rollz</br>  roll  <br>wesrdtfhyjg</br>  Rolling  Rollin' rollin'  REEEEE  rol  roll  rolling  rollo  <br>rollin</br>  reroll  rollo  Rolling    rollin  Rolling  <br>rollin rollin</br>  Sucking a single dick does not mean someone is gay. They could have just been experimenting to find out if they were gay or not. <br><br>You can suck a dick, not enjoy it, which would solidify your heterosexuality.<br><br>If you have never sucked a dick you literally cannot know if you are gay.</br></br></br></br>  <br>Whatever helps you sleep at night, buddy.</br>  Just the fact that you consider sucking one is pretty gay.  <br>If you have never sucked a dick you literally cannot know if you are gay.<br>You avoid it because you're scared of what the truth is.</br></br>  Sucking just one makes you a dick sucking faggot  Sexual orientation is not just "Do I like putting my face on the genitals of this gender?" If you are sexually attracted to men and not women, you are gay. You can be gay and never have sex with a man. I know straight women who hate sucking dick, that doesn't mean they are lesbians.  I'm bisexual.  <br>You keep telling yourself that you raging cock sucking faggot</br>  <br>Having a nigger fuck your wife a single time does not mean someone is cuckold. They could have been experimenting to find out if they were cuck or not.<br><br>You can watch your wife fuck a nigger, not enjoy it, which would solidify your alpha.<br><br>If you have never jerked off to your wife fucking a nigger, you literally cannot know if you are a cuckold.</br></br></br></br></br>  <br>Worshiping a single female foot does not mean someone is footfag. They could have been experimentingto find out if they were footfag or not.<br><br>You can suck a foot, not enjoy it, which would solidify your sanity.<br><br>If you have never sucked an aromatic female foot, you literally cannot know if you are a footfag.</br></br></br></br></br>  <br>Eating a single child corpse does not mean someone is a cannibal. They could have just been experimenting to find out if they were a cannibal or not.<br><br>You can eat a child, not enjoy it, which would solidify your heterotarianism.<br><br>If you have never eaten a child you literally cannot know if you are a cannibal.</br></br></br></br></br>  there is even a better way, do<br>pic related and see if you enjoyed it</br>  <br>Getting castrated by a mistress does not mean someone is into femdom. They could have just been experimenting to find out if they were into femdom or not.<br><br>You can allow your dick get cut, not enjoy it, which would solidify your manliness.<br><br>If you have never experienced castration, you literally cannot know if you are into femdom</br></br></br></br></br>  <br>No such thing<br><br>Faggotry is constant if you're a peter puffer</br></br></br>  <br>Or you could just think, "do I want to see my wife be fucked by a nigger? Is that appealing at all?" It doesn't have to happen for you to know. I know I do not want to eat chicken for dinner tonight. I don't have to eat a bite of chicken to make sure.</br>  <br>Shooting yourself in the face one time does not mean you are An-Hero. You could have just been experimenting to see if you were An-Hero.<br>You can shoot yourself in the face and not die, which would solidify your living status.<br>If you have never shot yourself in the face you literally cannot know if you are alive.</br></br></br>  <br>Sucking a single dogdick does not mean someone is bestial gay. They could have just been experimenting to find out if they were bestial gay or not.<br><br>You can suck a dogdick, not enjoy it, which would solidify your heterosexuality.<br><br>If you have never sucked a dogdick you literally cannot know if you are bestial gay.</br></br></br></br></br>  <br>Killing yourself a single time does not mean someone is suicidal. They could have just been experimenting to find out if they were suicidal or not.<br><br>You can kill yourself, not enjoy it, which would soldify your vidaphilia.<br><br>If you have never killed yourself you literally cannot know if you are suicidal.</br></br></br></br></br>  o fuk OP you are the gayest in the land my sides  <br><br>Hivemind nigger</br></br>    <br>Posting a single thread does not mean someone is a fag. They could have just been experimenting to find out if they were a fag or not.<br><br>You can post a thread, not enjoy it, which would solidify your unfagness.<br><br>If you have never posted a thread you literally cannot know if you are a fag.</br></br></br></br></br>  <br>If you like dick, you're gay. Simple as that. Not "I like my fellow man," just their dicks.</br>  <br>Raping a single woman does not mean someone is a rapist. They could have just been experimenting to find out if they were a rapist or not.<br>You can rape a woman, not enjoy it, which would solidify your non-rapist-ism<br>If you have never raped a woman you literally cannot know if you are a rapist.</br></br></br>  <br><br>Hivedubs roodypoo</br></br>  <br><br>Dub mates check'd</br></br>  <br>How about, I'm not attracted to a man in any way shape or form so I know with 100% certainty that I wouldn't want to suck a dick ever. You're gay.</br>  <br>contantly eating excrements does not mean someone is into scat fetish. They could have just been experimenting to find out if they were into Brazil's exotic taste or ot.<br><br>You can eat shit, not enjoy it, which would solidify that you simply don't like shit.<br><br>If you have never ate a horseshit, you literally cannot know if you are scat fetishist.</br></br></br></br></br>  <br>Wearing a single fedora does not mean someone is a fedora. They could have just been experimenting to find out if they were a fedora or not.<br><br>You can wear a fedora, not enjoy it, which would soldify your uniqueness.<br><br>If you have never worn a fedora you literally cannot know if you are a fedora.</br></br></br></br></br>  <br>Why thank you for checking them, I had no idea good sir.<br>Here I bequeeth thee some mammories.</br></br>  <br>Most straight girls don't even enjoy sucking dick. Your argument is invalid.</br>  Country Quiz<br>Post a few bullet points about a country and others guess which one it is.<br><br> black, white, latino and asian are races <br> good guy, bad guy <br> emphasize a statement like a question </br></br></br></br></br>  too easy, Murica.   People smile and are nice to you, be careful, means they hate you. <br> All your friends want you to crash and burn <br> You're getting above yourself. </br></br>  <br>correct!<br><br>is it in the south america region?</br></br></br>  <br>sweden</br>   makes it impossible to learn their language by speaking to them <br> will be extinct by 2115 </br>  <br>Austria</br>  <br>off by a stones' throw</br>   small country <br> good at basketball </br>  everywhere muslims<br>kebab everywhere<br>people cannot even speak the language of the country<br>women have rights</br></br></br>  <br>Lithuania</br>  <br>Yeah, that was too easy.</br>  <br>England</br>   three of them can sound like a hundred <br> literally animal abusers </br>  <br>Romania?</br>  <br>France.<br><br>Somalia</br></br></br>  <br> the government is fucking corrupt <br> motorcyles and tricycles are also taxis <br> fucking humid <br><br><br>Iceland?</br></br></br></br></br></br>   stupid corrupt woman is president <br> people and students march and riot all the time <br> country wins at soccer and most people forget all the country's problems in a sec </br></br>  <br>huehue country</br>  <br><br><br>germany</br></br></br>  <br>Brasil.<br>Easy one</br></br>  <br><br><br>checked<br><br><br><br>OMG look at these TRIPS</br></br></br></br></br></br></br>  <br><br><br><br>  not germany, and not brazil but close enough! </br></br></br></br>  <br>Argentina</br>  <br><br>North Korea nigger<br><br>  hot as fuck <br>  USA murrica cut through this country like a knife <br> taco taco burrito tongue </br></br></br></br></br></br>   once was one of the greates empires <br> now eats it own shit <br> ass of europe <br> nautic pioneers </br></br></br>  <br>spain?</br>  <br>Panama</br>  Anti gun as fuck<br>Government of Autists<br>Some guy locked his daughter in a basement. <br>scary fucking wildlife.</br></br></br>  <br>also noo.<br>shit now that I realize south america is filled with stupid female rulers, should have been more specific:<br><br>  country gets known worldwide mostly because we had to rescue a bunch of miners cause country doesn't know how to mine tunnels </br></br></br></br>   middle of europe <br> president is total asshole who offends everybody around him </br>  <br><br>imma say Britain</br></br>  <br>Macedonia ?</br>  <br>Russia</br>  <br>Portugal.</br>  <br>straya cunt ?</br>  <br><br>WINRAR</br></br>  <br>straya cunt</br>  <br>thailand?</br>  <br>Chile ?</br>  <br>Afritaly?</br>  <br><br>What gave it away?</br></br>  <br>Austria</br>  <br>nope, but good guess</br>  <br><br><br>Nope.<br><br><br>This nigga got it</br></br></br></br></br></br>  <br>greece?</br>  <br><br>I would play this</br></br>  <br>winnn</br>  <br>The nautic pioneer one gave it away.</br>  <br>The scary wild life and the basement shit ahahaha</br>  <br>France ?</br>  <br><br><br>malaysia?</br></br></br>  <br><br>The bear groaning is already enough lulz to produce it, but ayyyyy.</br></br>  <br>YEEEEESSS<br><br>Shrek is love<br>Shrek is life</br></br></br></br>   gypsies <br> all those fucking gypsies trying to mug you <br> even the prime minister is a fucking gypsy </br></br>   everyone minds their own business <br> everyone happy <br> overlooked as fuck </br></br>   Very friendly people <br> Lot's of poor people, but there's also people with a lot of wealth <br> Well know worldwide for their gastronomy and alcoholic drinks <br> Very beautiful beaches </br></br></br>  <br>sweeden ?</br>  <br> Bear™ <br> not gay porn </br></br>  <br>Romania</br>  <br>Russia</br>   weed <br> hookers <br> flowers <br><br>2 easy, I know</br></br></br></br>  <br><br><br>Another good guess, but no. Closer than the last one though.</br></br></br>  <br>Philippines?</br>  <br>Almost there...</br>  <br>Turkey</br>  <br>Egyptus</br>  <br>Holland</br>  <br> ew u fagget. </br>  <br><br>Nope</br></br>  <br>France or Spain ?</br>  <br>the shiposting</br>  <br> gastronomy <br>either france of Italy<br> very friendly people <br>must be Italy then</br></br></br></br>   bland as fuk people, architecture, culture <br> exists just guard resources <br> not many people <br> just another state de facto </br></br></br>  <br>aye</br>  <br><br>last guess, indonesia!</br></br>  <br> not knowing the difference between holland and the Netherlands. Fuck America has failed our children. </br>  -gypsies everywhere <br>-Europe is pumping us with sand niggers <br>-hard fucking slav language <br>-president is fat drunk cunt<br>-we cling onto our retarded currency instead of getting euro<br>-European country</br></br></br></br></br>  <br>japan</br>  <br>Serbia or Bulgaria</br>  <br>rome</br>   jesus.jpeg <br> rich as fuck <br> full of rappist </br></br>   has multiple languages <br> unable to communicate with people speaking a different language <br> fucking roads </br></br>  <br>True dat.</br>  <br>Nah, it's Portugal homie</br>  <br>india</br>   they said a city cooninnt b a state <br> chingy chong <br> shopping &amp; thats about it </br></br>  <br>winrar<br>i wonder if putting boxer politician would have made things easier or harder</br></br>  <br>But holland is the specific part of the netherlands I was aiming for...</br>  <br>Maldives</br>  <br>how do you people manage on stand on the other side of the world? upside down and shit</br>  <br>Poland or Croatia</br>  <br>Shit, you keep missing, although you are very close.</br>  <br>hong kong</br>  <br>Sweden</br>  <br>no</br>  <br>King Kong :----DDD</br>  <br>Indian roads are good fam <br>also<br> 2015 <br> not speaking Hindi  <br><br>get on with times fam</br></br></br></br></br></br>  <br>Nope, but it's near Poland</br>  <br><br>not american try again nigger h8r</br></br>  <br>?</br>  <br>Magyarország ;__;</br>   removed kebabs a long time ago <br> shit over self <br> fuck muslims </br></br>  <br>Ik keur 'm goed, amsterdam is toch kanker<br><br> inb4 capital of Copenhagen </br></br></br>  <br><br>Forgot to add<br> it's an american country </br></br></br>  <br>But this thread is about countries, so you're making yourself the person who is fucking retarded. <br><br>You did this to yourself.</br></br></br>  <br>Argentina</br>  <br>Denmark</br>  <br>Czech?</br>  <br>Serbia</br>  <br>serbzia</br>  <br><br>nope but try again u got right idea</br></br>  <br><br>Tsjech</br></br>  <br>brazil?<br> oh wait alcohol  <br><br>uhhhh canada?</br></br></br></br>  <br>Spain</br>  <br> american country <br> gastronomy <br>bwahahahahaha<br><br>wew lad, you got me there<br><br>:') good one</br></br></br></br></br></br></br>   government are a bunch of leeches <br> sprouts <br> pedophilia <br> shit weather </br></br></br>  <br>Greece</br>  <br>Hratska</br>  <br>Chile</br>  <br>Dang... Kosovo or Albania?</br>  <br>Yep Czech</br>  <br><br>oh ok, then vegas<br>[spoiler]macau[/spoiler]</br></br></br>  <br>Iran</br>  <br>BELGIË!!!<br><br>BELGIË!!!</br></br></br>  <br>I also say Turkey</br>  <br>Close, but sweden isnt overlooked nearly as much</br>  <br> Japan <br> everyone happy <br><br>Kek</br></br></br></br>  <br>Canada and alcohol?<br><br><br>It's very fucking easy with the gastronomy part man, what country in America has the most know cusine?</br></br></br></br>  <br>singapore</br>  <br>Indeed it was Belgium.</br>   zeh cheh oh eh <br> upcomming leader in technology <br> muslim enclosures </br></br>  <br>Canada?</br>  <br>it was finland</br>  <br>no, it was denmark.</br>  <br><br>and your country has wat? meat pies?? and shitty meat at that. ya fuking england yokel</br></br>  <br>Chile is the only one I can think of, but can't place the alcohol or friendly people<br><br> inb4 mexico </br></br></br>  <br>they just love their trains fam y u hatin</br>  <br>that's wouldn't be a game for /b/ then, that would be life</br>  <br> implying I'm Brittish <br>topkek</br></br>  <br>i remembered there was friendly people and disregarded the alcohol part immediately after i saw it</br>  <br><br>winnr winnr shikin dinnr!!!</br></br>  <br>India</br>  <br>ISIS</br>  <br>Mexico m8! I tried not to make it as easy</br>  <br>Would have made it a very easy one.</br>  <br><br>implying canada isnt the usa topkek</br></br>  <br>Portugal</br>  <br>France</br>  <br>Mah bad forgot that train love is happiness.</br>  <br>Vatican</br>  <br> mexico <br><br> VERY FRIENDLY PEOPLE <br><br>you fukkin wot m7?<br><br>pic related</br></br></br></br></br></br></br>  <br>wat?</br>  <br>CHILE!</br>  Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, and tea!  <br>Indians rap? nice</br>  <br>Switzerland</br>  <br>Mexicans are usually very friendly and open towards new people. Policeman all over the world and criminals are always faggots</br>  <br>England</br>   horrible tourists <br> worst accents <br> floodrisk.jpg <br> Denmark's gayish fuckbuddy </br></br></br>   used to be a superpower in the 1700s <br> get into civil war <br> get invaded by europeans  <br> might end up being a superpower again <br> not china </br></br></br></br>  <br>you forgot cheeky nandos</br>  Let's make this really easy<br> Beer <br> Döner <br> Greece </br></br></br>  <br>entire EU tbh</br>  <br>sweden yes?</br>  <br>Greece?</br>  <br>G€RMANY</br>  <br>debnts collector</br>  <br> tea <br> entire EU <br>nah.</br></br></br>  <br>Arab Emirates?</br>  <br>nah, not Sweden</br>  <br><br>jylland loLOLO</br></br>  <br>China</br>  <br>it's all filled with niggers and pakis tho</br>   Russia is fucking us in the ass  <br> hot women  <br> Eastern Europe </br></br>  <br>wat? no.</br>  <br>Belgium.</br>  <br>ukraine</br>  <br>nah, it's belgium</br>  <br>Norway</br>  <br>correct</br>  <br>India</br>  <br> yfw you discover you're retarded <br><br><br><br>Eureka</br></br></br></br></br>  <br>Not only paki's all kind of muslims<br>shit we could make 3 ISIS with our muslims in Belgium alone</br></br>  <br>not bad... if they manage to pull their head out of their ass and their ass off their roadsides</br>  <br>Somewhere in Africa?</br>  <br>it's not a scandinavian country<br><br>image is a little hint</br></br></br>  <br> implying all Mexicans are violent drug dealers who get killed in the streets by corrupt policemen </br>  ron paul /b/,<br>you bored? i'm bored. we bored.<br>who interested in niggers fighting? <br>cum to Bibby.<br>We specialize in shit like this.<br><br>Cum here naow.<br><br><br><br>(no money is being made off this site, we are not using this site to gain traffic, we are just very fucking bored.)</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>    note: we might add more shit other than niggers fighting just lettng u know  dateline likes penis :)  ima keep adding thick girls tho  dayunce!      fuck who dis    mmMMmm  Now playing: Supa HOTTTT -- at bibby.    <br>that bitch is crazy hot</br>  Good videos    Dateline is faggot        <br>holy fuck who is this goddess?</br>      French Thread is dead ... ALL hail Feench Thread  <br>raconte un peu (post des photos encore ;) <br><br>si je les lui envoient elle va rager ?</br></br></br>  <br>le thread c'est vraiment epique monsieurs<br><br><br/></br></br></br>    /b/ Jesus is awesome!  <br>Sheldon knows what's going on</br>  Why haven't you newfags created an ED article yet?  <br>  # <br> a/nIMJJ <br>Thanks /b/ro</br></br></br>  ITT we describe movies shittily. Anons guess movies.<br><br> Big black stick <br> everyone loses their shit <br> big black stick <br> everyone looses their shit <br> big black stick <br> everyone loses their shit <br> acid trip <br> earth is placenta </br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>   do drugs <br> stop doing them <br> start again <br> stop again <br> sell a shitload of drugs <br> get all the money for myself </br></br></br></br></br>   am I being catfished? <br> I'm being catfished :( <br> I'm not being catfished!  <br> My friend's sister is fucking hot <br> I'm being catfished? <br> I'm the pope?! <br> I'm not being catfished! </br></br></br></br></br></br>   Kid sees guys <br> Wants to be like guys <br> Kid becomes like guys <br> Oh god helicopter  <br> Kid doesn't want to be like guys anymore <br> Kid testified </br></br></br></br></br>  ITT: Kik sluts names  Free_runner92<br>Loves being called a slut<br>4BB3534</br></br>  Allyy1994  <br>More</br>  Tor link thread <br>  most of my links are not working anymore </br>  <br>you're welcome to check yourself. stop acting liek an oldfag.</br>  http://dildosky53jnf5mt.onion/<br><br>You are welcome guys</br></br>  http://dildosky53jnf5mt.onion/<br>Here you go guys</br>  this bitch<br><br>have at her, 9 wins</br></br>  <br><br>At least you could have used different pictures...<br><br>0/10 b8, but here's the reply you crave for</br></br></br></br>  Sorry guys 5 wins  <br>Hey please come one dont be like that.. one pic and it would make me so happy.. and it wouldnt cost you anything</br></blockquote>]
[ We're bored and too poor to go outside and do fun things. Can anon suggest anything we can do?  post wins, what else?  Boredom enters the boring mind.<br><br>You're both boring people, is my point.</br></br>  <br>flaunt your boobs</br>  <br>fuck already?</br>  <br>I mean, yeah. What this guy said. Show the boobs and all that.</br>  where are you from ?  <br>where in england are you from?</br>  <br>not titsville</br>  Shave those pubes off your face  <br><br><br>Yorkshire</br></br></br>  <br> boredom breeds apathy. <br> ??? <br> profit! </br></br></br>  <br>suggest?<br>gtfo fuckung faggot<br><br>sharp in pooper both of you<br>OR GTFO NIGGERS</br></br></br></br></br>  <br>Shave your neckbeard</br>  <br> sharp in pooper both of you <br>roling ffs</br></br>  <br>Undress and fuck<br>Make .webms</br></br>  <br>Write "I'm a foot slut" on a piece of paper, then make her hold the paper, over her slutty feet.<br> do it </br></br>  <br>piss 69</br>  <br>Winrar.</br>  we send porn images and you recreate them  <br>post nude pics</br>  Anyone find their Facebook yet?  <br>Girl show your gaped anus while the guy faces the wall quietly</br>  fuck your sister and post pics  <br>Don't be faggots, do this</br>  <br>Dubs have spoken.</br>  do some of those boyfriend tag questions thing<br><br>How about just letting 9 decide</br></br>  Hey ! As i said, this is a REAL FUCKING Steam giveaway thread. <br><br>RULES : <br><br> Post your Steam ID <br><br> Post any game you want (max 2). <br><br> Reply to this post.  <br><br>A QUAD POST WITH THESE RULES WILL WIN ! <br><br>Good luck guys.</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>  OP here, i'm not the guy who gave the games yesterday, not the same OP, i just feel kind and i liked the idea of giving games. Not a fake. I'm serious.  <br>are you the guy who made the same thread earlier but 404'd?</br>  <br><br>OP here. NO ! I'm another guy.</br></br><wbr>imonfire/<br><br>GTA V<br><br>Battlefield Hardline</br></br></br></br></wbr>  <br>how come your so defensive about not being the same op who is actually a faggot who doesnt deliver?</br>  <br>Can I ask for Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today is a game that I would really like to play, thanks<br><br><wbr>wanaika/</wbr></br></br></br>  <br><br><wbr>76561198215815036/<br><br>GTA 5<br>ELDER SCROLL ONLINE</br></br></br></wbr></br></br>  <br>op here,fuck off you spammer i saw you spam this shit everywhere</br>  <br>oh shit</br>  <br>winrar</br>  <br>post proof of op delivering</br>  <br>insta winrar but OP is faggot anyways</br>  <br>fucking hell</br>  <br>op better deliver</br>  <br>god mode engaged</br>  BigBossRabbit<br><br>Starbound<br><br>Metal Slug X</br></br></br></br>  <br>INSTA WIN</br>  <br><wbr>erminator/<br>Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm<br>Check em?</br></br></wbr></br>  <br>Pal, CONGRATS. OP here. Just wait a bit and i will give it to you.</br>  <br>OP here, sorry i was just trippin <br><br>nice quads tho</br></br></br><wbr><br>gta5 and eve online 1 month subscription<br>If you want just the eve online subscription and 20 tf2 keys</br></br></wbr>  <br>Hey OP, time to deliver!</br>  <br>i knew it, OP's an faggot.. kill urself OP</br>  <br>zeeTKS<br><br>Fallout 3 or New Vagas or any borderlands</br></br></br>    Any anons want to gift me free games?<br>get insta quads but OP will never deliver</br>  Guys. It's really me, now listen.<br><br><br>WHY FOR FUCK'S SAKE WILL I GIVE GAMES THAT COSTS MONEY TO<br> ANONYMOUS PEOPLE ? <br><br>Stop being so stupid, go work and buy yourself your favorite games.</br></br></br></br></br></br>  <br>if op delivers post proof. but op never delivers so youll problaly not post proof</br>  <br>Yeah i know that<br>any anons feel goods to help me a poorfags?</br></br>  <br>You know what fuck it i'll give it to you. How do i do this ?</br>  prove to me you aren't a bitch nigger and i will give you a game of your choice  <br>Its not spam, I really want the game I must insist.</br>  <br>i luv black dick, can i haz gaemz?</br>  id/saltedfries<br>ARK: Survival Evolved<br>quads please</br></br>  <br>this time maybe?</br>  <br><br>buy the game as a gift and select "purchase as a gift" then just send the game to my email at [email protected]</br></br>  <br>i dont steal bikes, i have a someone good job which gets me through the month but no money for video games<br><br><wbr>sticone</wbr></br></br></br>  <br>OP DIDNT DELIVER GUYS<br>SOME ONE FEEL GENEOURUS ENOUGH TO GIFT ME FREE THINGS WILL TAKE ANYTHING EVEN IF IT SCRAP PLEASE !</br></br>  <br>sent ;)</br><wbr>/76561198043834187/<br>gta 5 or any fallout <br>i am not getting quads anyway</br></br></wbr><wbr>lady/<br>Can i get a compedium in dota 2 instead?</br></wbr>  A steam giveaway where OP doesn't deliver, who'd have guessed?<wbr>y<br><br>arma 3</br></br></wbr>  Dat feels when you get quads and OP didnt deliver anything  <br><wbr>o<br>Binding of Isaac: Rebirth :)</br></wbr></br><wbr>3_1<br><br>Seems they may be at it again. Hand on ass, lets hope for more</br></br></wbr>  <br>Dubs 4 hope</br>  <br>if trips they get raped by 10 black guys</br>  <br>If only. Might see a little other action over at Nora and milana to. Ones ins underwear on couch.</br>  <br>i'm havin a lil look now</br>  the cockblocking dog tho  <br>ITS HAPPENING</br>  <br>Which one</br>  <br>the one in the OP<br><br>they were basically embracing but then the dog decided he needed attention</br></br></br>  Leora and Paul are masturbating each other  looking good  why would anyone fill their house with cameras? (also checkem)  Anyone working on a new script to unlock the cameras?  <br>they get free rent<br>and they're russian</br></br>  <br>Free apartment</br>  <br>they get their rent paid and maybe all lving expenses to agree to live in the house with cameras live 24/7</br>  someone shoot the dog  FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK<br><br>Dog scared the shit outta me</br></br>  outside with a crossbow, trips decides what I do with the dog, will post proof.  id be so pissed if i were this guy right now, fuck off dawg  <br><br>dude I know I had just opened the page too and clicked onto a different tab</br></br>  doge wants the pussy for himself  No one is stupid enough to pay to watch them surely?  <br>people do.</br>  <br>nah</br>  <br><wbr><br><wbr><br><wbr></wbr></br></wbr></br></wbr></br>  <br>PIC + timestamp + leoras tits</br>  <br>no trips no kill m8</br>  lol paul cockblocked by a fucking doge<br><br>hes a faggot anyway</br></br>  <br>Meant proof your were outside m9</br>  <br><wbr>1</wbr> <br>open carlo and mario</br></br>  <br>what's he doing?? doge is gone<br>i'd be all over her</br></br>  <br>thinking about dicks probably</br>  <br>Can't you see me through the window with my 4chan man costume on?</br>  <br>There people are fucking boring... fuck the tv and what is the bith ch chewing?</br>  <br>Nyet</br>  IT'S HAPPENING  haha soon as he starts, doge comes back  <br>it's finally happening!!!!</br>  <br>fucking checked</br>  was he trying to rub her pussy but she wasn't getting into it haha  my name jeFf  she looks more interested in whats on the tv   they go to the bedroom <br>my 6 says they will</br>  Can anyone hack their cameras and play sanik down them?  <br>Trips r 4 dog kill</br><wbr><br>Topless ;)</br></wbr>  I'm gonna pretend this is my girlfriend cheating on me.  Crossbow guy here. Went back to car for lunch. i'll be back in 15 minutes to kill the dog  <br> ;) </br>  <br>...... Good for you.</br>  <br>Thanks sweetie.</br>  oh boy here we go  hoping for this  <br>Almost quads</br>  IT'S HAPPENING!!!  @629655744<br><br>can you hack their intercom and tell them to hurry up?</br></br>  <br>why am i getting 403 - Forbidden</br>  SHES COMING  <br>actually thats called foreplay son</br>  <br>same</br>  <br>Because you're a faggot</br>  <br>Post pics</br>  <br>dont worry next to nothing is happening.</br>  She's controlling his toes with his penis.  <br>why did they fkin stop then ?</br>  <br>she wants the D (dog)</br>  dudes just waiting for the next ad break again kek  He just pretended to scratch his nose so that he could smell his fingers. kek.  how does paul not have his dick inside her already what a fag  <br><br><br><br>Because fuck Paul.</br></br></br></br><wbr><br>this is more exciting to me right now</br></wbr>  <br>she asked him if he could triangle force. he said no and cockblocked himself</br>  What country is this in?  she was rubbing his dick why did they stop  <br>It's so fucking awkward, it's like neither of them will make a move even though they both want it. They started to get somewhere and no they're regressing because neither of them will take the next step.<br><br>I remember having this problem in my first sexual relationship when I was 14</br></br></br>  <br>lesbian 3 way when?</br>  <br>you really think she just came? wouldnt you think he would wanna do more then rub her cunt? she stops everytime the show comes back on. just coz she grinding her hips doesnt mean she coming</br>  crossbow guy here. finished lunch, heading back for the dog  Does anybody know in which cities these apartments are located? If you knew that, you could look up where they live, and call them, asking funny stuff. There shouldn't be too many couples named Leora and paul in any given specific place, so it shouldn't be hard if you know the city.  <br>were you also filmed all the time knowing there are hundreds of /b/ros watching?</br>  <br>Of course, what do you take me for? an amateur?</br>  <br>not all girls come the same way , some fucking scream till the dog dies and some just move hips and give a silent moan</br>  <br>i remember, there was some guy in a thread maybe 1 year ago. He said Leora and Paul live in Novosibirsk, but their names aren't real.</br>  <br>how would fake names help them?</br>   ITT: kids discuss the female orgasm   <br>Ok. Maybe someone can crosscheck the floor-plan with a specific building?</br>  <br>maybe theyre sociall awkward and they dont like their real names</br><wbr> can anyone get into the other cams? half naked girl just took her laptop upstairs</wbr>  <br>to stop people like you from looking them up in a phone book<br><br>you goddamn retard</br></br></br>  I never get these reallifecam, they don't work for me. Should I use proxy? I am gettin 403 error (Forbidden: access denied)<wbr></wbr>  fuck paul what a corpse....stepans been lookin for a fap for a good hour now.....oh shit son adriana and daniel shes suckin him off  <br>surely someone could easily find out who they are though</br>  Has anybody ever been murdered on one of these?    GUYS BEEN DOGBLOCKED AGAIN  <br>Nice trips Satan. Now someone go make a new script for unlocking the cameras.</br>  that fucking dog  <br>this</br>  SOMEONE KILL THAT DOG  <br>AGAIN</br>  <br>this. I want to see someone get murdered. any /b/ros in the area up to make some cash? richfag here name your price</br>  is he fingering her?  newfag paul cant even close  keep us updated its expired for me :(  <br>what cam?</br>  <br>It looked like he was for a moment, but it's over now.</br>   she's on her phone <br>LONDON<br>O<br>N<br>D<br>O<br>N</br></br></br></br></br></br>  <br>nothing, while i was typing the girl got up and started to use her phone<br><wbr></wbr></br></br>  she clearly wants the dog  <br>die</br>  hes getting close again, hope she doesnt stop it again, im starting to think they are teasing us  These cameras aren't working for me, please /b/ help<wbr><br><br>girl in underwear went upstairs with a laptop. someone get them cams pls. I'd bet shes masturbating now</br></br></wbr>  <br>u need to add a triforce to the link</br>  <br>just reload the page</br>  @629662511<br>whats that?</br>  fuckin paul  03_1 hand in pants! Woo attempt 3  check mate bros  <br> 669 </br>  <br><br> @629662511 <br>Get out</br></br></br>  <br><br>Hands though</br></br><wbr><br>Guys get in on this action, it is high fucking stakes</br></wbr>  <br>OP here.been testing all scripts online and shit. Need a hacker fagget to write a new script to access all cameras.</br>  come on paul fuck her you dumb cunt, she wants it bad  <br>guys cheating like fuck. see him identifying the textures of the cards</br>  <br>this this this<br>someone??</br></br>  he's so sexually frustrated right now, i can tell, i do the same with with my feet and cant keep them still  @629662731<br>Look who it is again, ID Anonymous . I'm fed up with your shit faggot. The other day when you called me a newfag, yeah, haven't forgotten about that yet. Fuck you I've been on here for months and probably get on here more than you anyways. Don't you know that you make yourself look like a newfag when you call others newfag? Just because you learned how to hack your name and change it to "Anonymous" does not give you the right to disrespect anyone at any time.</br>  <br><wbr>1</wbr> <br><br> 2015 <br> Not using a riffle shuffle </br></br></br></br>  <br>gr8 b8 m8</br>  <br>Don't worry guy, very soon the entertainment industry will hit this unbelievable/inevitable bottom and we'll continue to lower the bar. Family values are dead and children are being indoctrinated to accept satan</br>  <br>*@bait</br>  <br> Ok i got bated hard</br>  get your shit together Paul      <br>yeah he is. gotta give it to him hes patient, no way i could just leave it after she started pulling dick</br>  <br>I'm trying be she keeps whispering in my ear that her penis is bigger than mine</br>   a whole lot of nothing <br> /thread </br>  anybody got screenshots ?  Do these cams have a speaker or something.<br>Scream heil hitler or something.</br><wbr>1</wbr> <br><br><br>ass and guy with no shirt</br></br></br>  <br>The music industry has already become concerts of female masturbation and devil worshipping.</br>  <br>NO QUADS FOR YOU</br>  <br>theres literally nothing worthwhile going on. he tried to finger her and she shot him down pretty quick</br>  There's 3 hoes and a dude in Carina and Sarina  <br>problem is she holds all the cards, when she says go he goes, when she says stop he stops, power of the fucking pussy man</br><wbr><br>shits going down</br></wbr>  fuck u paul give her the d you micro penis fag  ayy lamo<wbr><br>Pussy play going on here</br></wbr>  <br>Someone, anyone</br>  <br><br>kek</br></br>  <br>nope.fagpeg</br>  <br>dat cats mad as fuck bro</br>  <br>Kek<br>Also kill yourself</br></br>  But there is still hope folks!  <br>i lel'd</br>  <br>yeah you right. but i usually cant just sit there like he is now, id need to get something. look hes trying again lol</br>  Hands on again  His arm is oh her leg! Hopedihope!  <br>that idiot!</br>  Adriana and Daniel seem like there about to do iot in the bed room, you can see into vina the hallwway  <br>oh can see their feet/legs on the bed from the hall...</br>  07_3 they just went into there and now I can't see  <br>FUCK HER GODDAMIT FUCK HER</br>  Watching grass grow  <br>link m8</br>  <br>told you guys</br>  why it doesnt work?  <br><wbr></wbr></br>  <br>i didn't doubt you ;)</br>  <br>SOMETHINGS GOING ON. for the love of hitler someone get access to that cam pls</br>  <br><br><br>ANYONE GOT THIS? Shits going down yo!</br></br></br>  now, about the scripts...  <br><wbr>3</wbr> <br>The guy got shot down again.</br></br>  <br><br>someone needs to hack the cams so we can all see the sex</br></br>  can anybody confirm if they have EVER fucked on the public cams before?<br><br>Also pic is of the pc im thinking about getting, what do you guys think needs a change? Also thinking about forking out an extra $250 to get a 980 instead of a 970 but i thought i could just wait until the 980ti's are cheaper and upgrade later</br></br>  <br>they always close door when sex</br>  uhuhu nice arse  IT's on guys<wbr></wbr>    This fuckin dog...  <br>fuck off, make a new thread for that shit</br>   DOG <br>HOLY FUCK</br>  paul may also just fuck the dog  <br>DOG strikes again</br>  <br>I've seen Leora&amp;Paul, Nelly&amp;Bogdan and Zoya&amp;Lev fucking in public before</br>  he's fucking the dog LMAO  he going to fuck that dog?  <br>hes going to fuck the dog.</br>  so paul was in it to get the doge all along  <br>well he kept getting shot down form the other dog</br>  The dog is fucking ruining this, guy is grabbing him weirdly, maybe he wants to break his neck  FUCKING DOG SOAB  <br> Dog shot him down too </br>  he wants the dog now  its funny cuz their names are not leora and paul<br>who the fuck chose names for them<br>theyre gay as fuck lmao</br></br>  <br>CPU could be better but apart from that, it's pretty good. I have the same GPU.</br>  <br><br>kek dog</br></br>  at this point the tv show is more interesting  i can see pauls blue balls bulging all the way from here<wbr></wbr>  Wainting for a strip poker at Nelly's...  <br>CPU could be better? its pretty much the top tier atm dude :/</br>  <br><wbr>9</wbr> <br>wonder if she can play that guitar</br></br><wbr> Dog is kill</wbr>  OP here, abandoning thread.Hope tomorrow someone's written a new script  <br>he can</br>  pauls so fuckin pissed he keeps smelling his fingers, smell of defeat  <br>wonder if your a faggot</br>  WHYS SHE DRESSING UP WHERE SHE GOIN  <br>if you overclock it, that is. Anything above 4Ghz and you're future-proof.</br>  <br>to see her actual boyfriend</br>  <br>yesterday she was naked all day long and all he done was surfing the net</br>  05_1 has like 4 bitches and one dude  <br>this guy needs to sort his fucking game out.</br>  RIP in Pepperoni  <br>kek</br>  <br>kek loudly</br>  <br>paul killed him without anyone noticing<br>maybe he isnt that dumb</br></br>  <br>i dont think you actually know that its 6-core you faggot, not to mention socket 2011 which is going to be the new standard soon, god damn you're retarded</br>    GOGOGO PAUL GO  now hes fucking the dog in front of her to show dominance?  paul is on the move  go go paul, he is going for it again  HE'S FUCKING THE DOG  Fucker fucked the dog instead.  Oh Fuck! He's going to finish the job!  such a loser that paul  raping the dog now  <br>kkeekk</br>  what the fuck is he doing to that dog  where did she go? is she evading him?  where tf he gone  yep yep fucking the doge  not the dog  anyone getting 403 forbidden error?<wbr><br>i saw the booty</br></wbr>  they're gonna have a threesome with the doge  <br>Why hasn't anyone checked these trip dubs yet?</br>  bitch knows where the camera angles are  dat ass  <br>I saw it too anon, what a whore</br>  paul is back<br><br>he already cummed</br></br>  There has got to be a way to get premium without having to pay 50 a month  <br>yep and paul the fag let her put pants on</br>  <br>she is showing it us on purpose, i think paul is going to get cucked as soon as she leaves</br>  <br>Because we're not massive faggots like yourself.</br>  fucking jeans  <br>Booty pics? Missed it</br>  she has her jeans on<br><br>it's over guys</br></br>  Confirmed for Ape  I bet hes so fucking mad now. being cockblocked by a dog  fuck Paul, it 8:20pm now with GMT+7 and you let your woman go out at this time  she has such nice legs and ass  how tf did he even get her?  Dog is sneakraping the butt!  I want the 6 digit 6's.  <br>I forgot to ;-;</br>  listening to music. hes mad lol  <br>Sounds like butthurt<br>Does someone need a hug?</br></br>  <br>rr</br>  maybe she's just going out for throwing thrash  <br>It's Russia! Tons of hot grills and only ugly dudes.</br>  <br>nice trip trips</br>  !get 666666  <span class="deadlink">&gt;&gt;629666666   if she goes out hes going to vent his "tension" out on the dog.  Are kill?  <br>Thanks, nice dubs.</br>  Check ma 6's  666666 git  is there any way to access the rest of the cams without paying money??  Roll  god i wish they would fuck  someone find a new cam, I need to jerk off  checkemm  Found a way to hack my school's printer, which is at the office of the director, I will try to print out all images in this thread.<br>give me your best</br>    Look out guys he's hacking the internet.    <br>Lol</br>   hack           Fuck with everyone so bad they wont want to stop you          <br>check'd</br>                    <br>PEDO!!!!</br>    <br>Fucking pedo</br>          <br>fuck right off randy</br>    <br>Fuck off, Randy.</br>      <br>Fuck off randy</br>    Prints as many as these as possible and hang then all over the school    HACKERING    <br>Moar midna rimming pls</br>    <br>but will you deliver?</br>      OP won't deliver  <br>gifs being printed iwwwwooooow</br>      <br>Stupid fucking candyass, cats cant melt steep beams.</br>      Don't just carpet bomb. Print out one of these each week. Fuck with them. The first and second one will be a fluke. Then they will start suspecting some one on in the office. Divide and conquer    <br> 12/08/14 <br>Why is fat acceptance still not kill?</br></br>      <br><br><br><br><br> 629664633 <br/></br></br></br></br></br>  <br>Pussy still intact...would fuck it</br>  <br>kekked hard</br>    <br>Lmao for the divide et impera quote</br>  <br>fuck off</br>  <br>Fuck right the fuck off ye fucker</br>  <br>Hory shit dad are you proud of me?</br>    <br> checking himself <br> baby's first trips </br></br>    <br>How you manage to pull that off OP</br>  <br>Periscock</br>  That printer is gonna run out of ink before the memes          <br>Shit i got rekt dad I put shame on our family I shourd sudoku</br>  Quick /b/, need a pic of that "hot" QT girl with bone over-growth in her face  Begging for Minecraft account .<br>I'll give you my love .</br>  It's Summer and I'm bored as fuck. Met this bitch like two weeks ago and she won't stop messaging me mundane shit. Let's go.  Lemme see her picture!  <br> after that its got to be<br><br>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.</br></br></br>  <br>I'm really sorry <br>OMG I was watching mr robot and started getting really edgy. Sorry pls forgive me and I will be your little cuckolded bitch for eternity!</br></br>  Let's get the best damn baily Jay thread going. Gifs, webms, anything  His tits are nasty  <br> Fake tits are nasty <br>Fixed</br></br>  <br><br>Don't ever reply to me with bullshit like this again</br></br>      <br>so much yes</br>  not much on Jay, though ?        Luckily for you, I have a few      <br><br><br/></br></br>          <br>princess dust</br>    Yay I love these threads  <br>mezmerizing</br>  <br>Okay I'm done that's all I've got.<br>I had more but I had to prune a bit unfortunately.</br></br>  So pretty. Would love to squeeze my cock all the way into his little sluthole. Dirty little bitch.  <br>Ha!</br>  Moar please. Need a fap  <br>I wanna see him do a hardcore gang bang I'm talking bound gangbangers rough shit would be hot.</br>  <br>I like to see her do moar stuff with girls honestly</br>    <br> him <br>gtfo</br></br>    <br>Wait found qt one</br>  <br>Yep it's him.<br>XY chromosomes means it's a male.</br></br>  No amount of hormones is going to fix what he will look like when he gets old.      <br>REKT<br>any recent images of him?</br></br>  <br><br>No amount of hormones is going to fix what ALL WOMEN look like when they get old, so who cares?</br></br>  <br><br>If Bailey Jay has tits in later shoots, does that make this CP?</br></br>  <br>It's official. I'm a gay</br>  <br>He isn't a women. He will look way worse than any female when he gets old</br>  <br><br>Actually, he'll probably look better than most women still because he'll get a shit ton of plastic surgery. He already looks fucking hot, so the base on which he is working will be Christine Brinkley levels of good-looking.<br><br>Also, you do understand that it's the hormones that have made him look that feminine, yes? So therefore as long as he keeps taking the hormones he'll age like a woman, not a man.</br></br></br></br>  <br>yep<br><br><br>ummm ... no!!!</br></br></br></br>    <br> plastic surgery <br> hot <br>TOP FUCKING KEK. You've also never seen older trannies if you think he will look good when he ages.</br></br></br>  <br>Men have much more elastin and collagen in their skin. This means they age much better on average.</br>        <br><br/></br>  <br>Luckily for Bailey, she's transitioned (heh) her career from porn to personality via her podcast and tv appearances. Looks-wise her forehead is becoming more prominent and some fear recession of the hairline might be in play. She's using way way more make-up, and her original younger sets were appealing cause their was none. <br><br>Its looking bad for trapfags. Bailey was the great gay hope to justify their penis fetish.<br><br>inb4 &gt;her</br></br></br></br></br>  Nice dick        If this is wrong then I don't wanna be right.    <br>Sounds like what your mom said when you were conceived</br>        Thoughts?  send her to a place that doesnt have marines and troops to protect her ass  I partly agree. You were in the army? Good for you faggot I'm not treating you different from anyone else  <br>Ayy, the military is just a social relief program for the otherwise unemployable. Fucking welfare queens.</br>  <br> everyone plays the marines and troops game <br><br>Well if humanity could once and for all get its shit together then it would not be required.<br>But we gotta be a planet full of dumb faggots, so we might aswell need trained and experienced dumb faggots to protect us from average dumb faggots.</br></br></br></br>  <br>I agree with her, probably not for the same reason though. Anyone in the US military is a jew puppet and genuinely retarded. They are also totally unable to conversed with rationally.</br>  Ask her how to appropriately use literally in a sentence.  <br>she is just an ungrateful bitch like you, the military is more than just welfare queens who the fuck else is going to fight? not your faggot ass</br>  <br> protect her ass <br>yeah because the civilians in afghanistan wouldn't hesitate to travel down to america just to wreck her ass.<br>same counts for the vietnamese, japanese and all the others</br></br></br>  <br>  Literally get paid to kill people <br>Correct usage, although redundant.<br><br>  Literally fuck the marines and all our troops <br>Is she offering to?<br><br>Other than that, meh.</br></br></br></br></br></br></br>  <br>Sheltered millennial<br><br>Had she been born in the 30's and had that attitude she would have been executed. <br><br>The troops have done nothing wrong, it's the people who control them that are the evil ones.</br></br></br></br></br>  <br>Yes, and in this era people should be smart enough to know not to enlist in and risk your life for evil people.</br>  <br>I feel like she probably would throw herself at any marine</br>  With the US army, I agree. <br>Fighting defensive wars is honorable. Fighting offensive wars is not. <br><br>In the end, even countries work with the gang code of the rule of the strongest. Military are just hired thugs of the gang doing their bidding and they are glorified because they are OUR hired thugs.</br></br></br>  <br> wow hey look, YOU gave me the weapon so that I would shoot them, it must be YOUR fault <br>Basic Murrica Reasoning right there.</br></br>  <br>never actually though of it like that</br>  12 year old girls are stupid  <br><br>Having a military is 'literally' a prerequisite to being a country.<br><br>Choosing to be in that military is a very noble decision. <br><br>Just so happens that the world has gone to shit and corporations have taken control of the military and are using it to generate profits</br></br></br></br></br></br>  Gay  <br>youd be surprised at how many service members dont agree with what goes on most the time but there has to be SOMEONE to fucking do it at they at least deserve some respect for that</br>  <br>We all don't have a pussy and tits to calm others down<br><br>We actually have to defend ourselves<br><br>And use other types of weapons<br>So people like you can go on twitter and cry about something you know nothing about. Jon Snow</br></br></br></br></br></br>  <br> world has gone to shit <br>A race which thinks of itself smarter than an animal, yet behaves just as much or even worse than an animal.<br>Ofcourse it's gone to shit. Everybody is smarter than everybody else.<br><br><br>So I automaticaly deserve respect for doing irrespectable things that nobody wants to do?<br>I'm not sure I can follow..<br><br>You say there MUST be someone, who told you that?<br>You want to hold a position, ofcourse there will be friction.<br>Nobody told you you must but still you do. There is no respect for stupid actions.</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>  <br>No, there doesn't have to be someone do get tricked into getting shot at/ killing other to make Jews more profits.</br>  <br>it wasnt that far away, this should be her for not being grateful to people who sacrifice their lifes for her safety and comfort</br>  <br> 1 retweet <br> 10 favorites <br>Stop shilling yourself faggot. You will ever be important.</br></br></br>  i agree with her op  The military doesn't " protect our freedom " by killing sandniggers  <br>Kill her</br>  <br> Dont agree with whats going on <br>because they actually fucking SEE what is going on. what they are doing and why profits for the cooperations ~the jews.</br></br>  When I worked in a restaurant I would pull all the table tents that advertised our military discount because fuck that and fuck them  <br>Props bruh. U R smrt</br>  <br>Pawn<br>noone will give a damn if you die "for your country"</br></br>  <br>This. Also, the whole defending my freedoms is bullshit. There hasn't been a credible threat to the US since WW2. So bombing some midieval opium farmers has fuck all to do with protecting me. More Americans died in Afghanistan than in 9/11, whats the point other than revenge.<br><br>We flush trillions of dollars down the toilet on defense spending. I'm not going to treat veterans any different than I treat a normal person. Most didn't even do shit and 75% that are deployed just sit on their ass in Japan, Korea, or Germany spending my tax money on hookers.</br></br></br>  <br>I would fight if I needed to. We haven't been in a war worth actually fighting since WW2.</br>  kek, dumb bitch doesn't realize what saying "literally fuck troops " means. she does seem like the typical marine dick loving slut i remember.   America has the best military ever <br> Loses 3 wars in a row to 3rd world countries </br>  <br>Perhaps she really likes marines and all her other troops and want's them to have all the sex they can get, but also apologises for not liking them fully because of one aspect of them.</br>  <br>Been going on since the dawn of mankind, her bitching has not</br>  <br>boys, i think we got some bait here.</br>  army in greece is mandatory faggots  <br><br><br>brainwashed jack ass</br></br></br>  I agree with her. Military people are assholes for the most part, and they yell "I protected this country!" And all they were was a cook. You don't get your dick sucked for something you volunteered for. And lastly, I don't need anyone else taking credit for protecting my family. I have a glock 40, and an AK47 fully loaded and ready to defend my family. We're either living or dying together. We can protect ourselves. Not to mention, I can't even think of the last war waged on "protecting" us. It's all corporate interest.  <br>I hate when idiots misuse the word literally</br>  <br>safety from what?</br>  <br>You think you won in Nam, iraq or Afghanistan? HA</br>  <br>lol protect her from who? You really think rich men pay dumb men to kill young men to protect the country lmao</br>  <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Welcome to the new generation of 4chan. :) <br>Its been a little over 10 years since the start.<br><br>Now its going into DEEP retardation.<br><br>What will the next 10 years hold? :)</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>  <br>Same with any army in the world</br>  <br>whom*</br>  <br>we just left, simple as that anon</br>  <br>nope..cos in america only dickhead faggots join the army...</br>  <br>just got bored?</br>  <br>After losing yeah thats oftenwhat the loser does</br>  <br>100% this. My college roommate was in the army reserves. He acted like his shit didn't stink and all he did was drive a fucking truck up and down the east coast. Yep, my glock is all the defense I need as well.<br><br>As if invading Iraq and Afghanistan could actually prevent terrorist attacks.</br></br></br>    <br>politics, god you're fucking dense anon</br>  <br>You don't have a point or counter argument. You just disagree because you make decisions based on your feminine feelings.</br>  <br>kek, been on here for 7 years. Said the same shit at the time too.</br>  The pay is shit, and you got a 10% chance of dying if you are out on the field.  <br> glock 40  <br>Kills yourself no guns</br></br>  Enlisted here. The whole military thing worked out good for me. Nice experience, some benefits. I still pay taxes and definitely don't get paid enough for what I do but I suppose it all balances its self out.<br>I've also literally met nobody on the active duty side who goes around expecting people to thank them for their service. The only people I've met who try that are FNG's from basic who are just having their little moment of pride for officially wearing a uniform.</br>  <br>Same with any army in the world.</br>  <br>Flame war and drama = 4chan</br>  <br>I agree with the marines being sissies and useless. They have to be saved by the army every God damn minute.<br>It gets annoying after a while, I rather we just sent them home.</br></br>  <br>Yeah after 19 and 14 years, coincidentally as they were being dumped on they decided to oull out almost as if the lost or something</br>  <br>nope nigga...i told you the army in greece is mandatory...every male has to join for 9 months</br>  <br>True that. Faggots wouldn't know up from left-right if the military wasn't peering the worlds niggers in their nigger faces 25/8.</br>  <br>So you admit everyone from Greece is a dickhead faggot?</br>  <br>so the plan was go there..fuck the shit up and then just simply leave?that's politics?</br>  <br>Faggot getting butthurt over opposing views</br>  <br>for not paying denbts..yea</br>  I never understood the glorification of soldiers in the usa, because the minute they suffer from war related trauma the military doesnt give a shit about them and drops them.<br><br>I always thought the military was for people that are lost causes that cant get a respectable job.</br></br>  <br>this, had a good experience in the navy, done some cool shit that nobody else would be able to do. but mostly training all the time</br>  <br>well it is for people who can't get a respectable job...but with the stupid amerifats even being a soldier became a respectable job</br>  <br><br>I guarantee everyone that each and every soldier, doesn't matter which division in the military you're in. Army, marines, Air Force, or navy.... Doesn't matter. Every soldier in the battlefield, aren't fighting for their country, though they can believe in their country, of course they can, but not fighting for their country or freedom... They are fighting for their fellow soldiers and themselves... The soldier who whose beside you fighting with you, the soldier who just took a bullet for you, the soldier who got caught in an explosion, the soldier who was just looked at you with fear, the soldier who looked at you with bravery, and courage... You are fighting for your fellow soldiers, their freedom, and themselves....</br></br>  <br>She's right. And the only reson US needs such a strong military is because they pissed off a lot of people with their international politics. nobody was hating US when you were isolationists.</br>  <br>are you old or just ignorant. this hasn't applied sine the 60s or 70s</br>  LITERALLY LITERALLY LITERALLY  <br>Social relief program? more like community service. I was making more money in the civilian world before I joined.<br><br>Basically, if you joined the military for the money. you picked the wrong job<br><br>After being in 8 years, i don't continue to do it for the money. I do it for the worldly experiences and helping my fellow soldiers. Seeing shit on the news and actually being there are vastly different perceptions.</br></br></br></br></br>  <br> Kills a bunch of sandniggers and their children <br> Doesn't give a fuck <br> Friend gets killed by a sandnigger <br> PTSD occurs </br></br></br></br>  <br> just go to the army for 9 nothing..and then return to your normal life...also the division does matter</br>  <br>also what does this have to do with the matter that not only dickheaded faggots join the army cos it's mandatory?</br>  The use of the word "litetally" in this sentence implies she wants to be gangbanged by sevice men. People should understand what they are saying, before blasting words on the interwebs.  <br> implying American is the first to consider military a respectable job. you don't history much do you anon </br>  <br><br>She wants to literally fuck (have sex with) marines.</br></br>  <br>Both statements are correct in this day and age.</br>  <br><br><br><br>You are all under aged and probably got your first dose of communism.<br><br>You'll grow out of it eventually. If not. Oh well.<br><br>I'm not going to do your work for you and tell you every single reason why the military is important. <br>You'll just have to go through life being idiots or actually have to learn something for yourself.</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>  <br>Or she wants horses to fuck the marines, its open to interpretation</br>  <br>nope but amerifats believe that they should respect the marines for protecting them</br>  <br>do you have experience first hand m8</br>  <br>She posted it for attention, and then you posted it on here for attention. Those are my thoughts on the matter.</br>  Get payed to to kill people so they don't kill you.<br>Ungrateful bitch</br>  <br>well the military is important...why is it important to pay respect to the troops?for doing what?</br>  <br><br>You might want to read up on the barbary wars and that whole period in history.</br></br>   volunteer forces <br> if no one volunteered, the draft would be used because 'Murica <br><br>Naw m8, means I never needed to go to a dumbass war because some awesome mother fuckers signed up for that shit on their own.<br><br>They get an A+ in my book<br><br>inb4 butthurt hurr durrs about selective service</br></br></br></br></br></br></br>  <br>Yea, from across the planet, with WW2 era technology</br>  <br>only you would think about horse fucking anon</br>  <br>Go to hell fag your stupider than a woman</br>  <br>Imagine how far they would have been if someone wasn't there to contain them in the first place</br>  <br>well you've never been to a war cos your country was never in danger...if it was i'm sure the american government would take you too</br>  <br>We are taking the offensive to prevent ourselves from having to take the defensive. Would you rather have a missile be disarmed before it gets here, or deal with the fallout it creates? If you haven't noticed, Europooran countries have shootings/bombings every other week due to terrorism. Kill all sandniggers = no more sandnigger attacks. <br><br>Or we could, y'know, let them keep attacking us with no repercussions, except on the occasional basis that we catch them before they do anything.</br></br></br>  <br>Doesn't explain you training religiontard taliban when it suited you nor does it explain supporting that iranina shah when it suited you. such things create anti us sentiment. don't get me wrong. I don't hate average joe citisen of the us, he's prolly a decen person but i dislike your foreign policy and constant aggression, whether outright military or cia destabilising governments and installing puppet regimes.</br>  <br>you're*</br>  <br> taking the bait </br>  <br>Exactly what I would say, good jub</br>  <br>I can't even tell which side you're taking</br>  <br> :) </br>  Some serious dumbasses in this thread. You say no war since WW2 was worth anything. There has been a stupid as fuck proxy war with communism ever since ww2. Via korea vietnam and even Afghanistan part 1. The korean war where we stepped into the middle of our allys getting ass raped because the north did a surprise attack. We have been there ever since to deter the Kims from being stupid. I don't agree with all the wars or the money spent. But unless you have done it and actually served then your stupid opinion is just that. Not going to affect me in the slightest. So keep crying that military is welfare. It is not like you basement dwellers even pay taxes. You most likely are still a deduction for your parents. Have fun with your un popular opinion  <br>you mean disarm the american missle that was bought by the sand niggers before it gets there</br>  <br><br>We didn't have a plan to begin with. That's the only reason people consider it a loss.<br> "they were being dumped on" <br>Yeah, I guess that's why we killed about 3 times more than we lost, right?</br></br></br></br>  <br>what's wrong with having respect for someone anon</br>  <br>Ask anyone who is a marine or in the military if they actually want to be in the middle east.<br><br>Honestly who the fuck wants to see their friend's faces being blown off everyday?<br><br>Wars cannot be fought with jets. If they could then the U.S. would honestly just be doing that, and we do do that a lot of times. Any time we can do it we do, but when we need to extract information, when we need to minimalize causualties we need to use troops.<br><br>Their job is shit and someone has to do it. <br>You respect troops because it HAS to be done and its not you.</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>  <br>The army does protect us. Why do you think Europoor countries get shot up by sandniggers all the time, and we don't?</br>  <br>Gayest post ever</br>  <br>You have more chances of be killed by a cop or a fellow fucking american than a goddamn foreign terrorist. This isn't fucking red dawn, faggot. ISIS isn't going to start paratrooping into the U.S via the east coast.terrorism in this country is dealt with by law enforcement. Stop watching so much fucking 24.</br>  <br>Because we're giving up a lot of freedoms so you don't have to. If you're in the selective service, they have your ass. It's because so many of us volunteer that the US doesn't do the whole mandatory service bullshit that so many other countries do.<br><br>Personally though, I didn't join to be respected or put on some pedestal for doing something anyone else could do. I did it because my family was lower middle class and could only support either me or my younger brother through college. Rather then go get my education, then leave my younger brother with whatever leftover finances were there, I joined so he could get my parent's 100% support (or what little they can give) so he can go out and chase his own dreams.<br>No regrets, I still feel I made the right choice, even after four years and seeing all my friends graduating college.</br></br></br></br>  <br>politics is shit but you are trying to blame the military anon</br>  <br>In nam they killed you with swords while you had guns, took your guns and then killed you with those, and you think it could possibly be taken as anything but a loss? HA</br>  <br><br>I havent trained anyone let alone the Taliban. Ive never been to the pashtun region of Pakistan.<br><br>But the point im making is your talking about two different eras.<br><br>When the US became independent from Britain, they lost the protection of the British navy. And the muslims started fucking them over repeatedly. Stopping them from trading without being captured and ensalved.<br><br>Thats both the reason and the justification for the US stopping being an isolationist nation.<br><br>These conflicts were not a result of the US creating an armed force.<br>The US created an armed force as a result of these conflicts.<br><br>Its all well documented if you read up on it.</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>  <br>I got education and work, I get payed very well and I enjoy my work and staying with mt colleges.<br>Operating technician and biologist at an off-shore fishfarm<br><br>However I'm choosing to join the army this january, why? Beacuse I want to be prepared to defend my country when the time comes.<br>Like my fathers before me that drove the nazis out with next to no equipment to start with.</br></br></br></br></br>  its almost like this dumb bitch had an epiphany one this whole time she had been lied to.  <br> Like my fathers before me <br><br><br>Haha you have two gay dads!</br></br></br></br>  <br>I'm not exactly sharing her view, mostly because she's close to being correct, but for the wrong reasons.<br><br>People say governments are the problem, when in reality soldiers are. If soldiers wouldn't blindly follow instructions, they wouldn't be a tool of the powerful. Any war that is fought, that is not for defensive means, is the fault of the soldiers who are the aggressors and this is in very most cases the US army. So yeah, in a way, fuck the US troops.</br></br></br>  <br>Yeah, because that totally happens, right? <br>We make money off of selling terrorists missiles, even though we unload hundreds on them all the time that cost 100 times more than the cheap shit they're using? Every little bit matters, right? The only weapons we have given terrorists was before they were terrorists, and we wanted them to fight the Soviets out of their country. Which we did. It is better for us to fight sandniggers than Russians.</br></br>  <br>what about the kosovo war you faggot?</br>  <br>Raid and make her sudoku</br>  <br>Made me kek a little</br>  <br>I think her caps is stuck down with maple syrup</br>  <br>Hard to tell, women are always wrong but she actually got a point.<br>So ill somewhat agree with her.</br></br>  <br>that doesn't make the us marines a respectable force..just a bunch of faggots</br>  <br>so you didn't have a plan and went to war?just for fun?</br>  <br>Post webm</br>  <br>There's a reason why the chance of getting killed by a terrorist is so slow in comparison to getting killed by crazed faggots who already live here B^). <br><br>US is ISIS' biggest enemy. There is no reason they wouldn't try to make their way here if they had the power to do so (which they don't, because we constantly kill the shit out of em and blow their shit up).</br></br></br>  I live my life like this; if I personally am not involved in something, I couldn't give a fuck less. People in this country, in this world can bitch and fuck each other up as much as they want, leave me the fuck out of it.  <br>having respect for someone who deserves it...not a bunch of fags</br>  Do people in here honestly hate troops or are they just trolling?  They ARE paid to kill people, there is no denying it.  <br>I'm not even going to bother arguing with someone who actually believes the Vietcong fought with swords. I don't think you understand a single thing about that war.</br>    <br>Prior to WW2 you were isolationists. That is a fact. Some conflict happened here and there but you weren't actively meddling in the international politics. That is a fact. You didn't personally train the taliban but your government did. And armed them too. That created some anti us sentiment. And then you bacstabbed your former allies creating even more anti us sentiment. There's a lot of people blinded by hatred that would love to kill YOU personally because of what your government did in the past. It's wrong but it was brought upon you by your own government. That's politics.</br>  <br>don't the marines join the army with their will?so they join the marines but don't want to be in the middle east?why do they join the marines then?</br>  <br>why are they fags anon. what determines if a person deserves respect, what is your criteria</br>  <br>The plan was to stop communism from spreading. We thought that if Vietnam became communist, other countries there would too. We didn't have any real means of stopping them, though. We just went there and killed all the commies. We killed at least a million of 'em, and lost a quarter of that. Communism didn't spread. Victory in my book.</br>  <br>Troops are great, go and get killed, the more single women the better.</br>  <br>Not hate, but it's hard to feel any sort of sympathy for people who go out and kill others and then get really butthurt when their buddies get killed in return.</br>  <br>The army only protects the leaders not the people.</br>  <br>when was the last time you heard about sandniggers blowing up 2 of the tallest buildings on earth?oh sorry..that wasn't the was an inside job!</br>  <br>But.... you're a basement dwelling neckbeard.</br>  <br>They are paid to protect people you dumb shit.<br><br>They do not fire unless they are fired at or see a possible threat. <br><br>We are shitting out billions into the middle east so they have democracy.<br><br>KINDA LIKE KOREA you piece of shit.</br></br></br></br></br></br></br>  <br>The kurds are their BIGGEST enemy right now you dumb fuck. ISIS doesn't have armies of tanks, ships, aircraft carriers, satellites, etc. This isn't a fucking action movie. Not every goddamn threat is defcon 2</br>  <br>fuckin americans and their freedoms</br>  <br>People, like the military personnel, are expendable.</br>  <br><br>Neither my country nor the US were isolationists prior to WW2.<br><br>I mentioned the barbary wars which was the USAs first international conflict.<br>That was over a hundred years before WW2.<br><br>Thats why I was politely asking you to do a bit of research on that era in history.</br></br></br></br></br></br></br>  I think the lady doth protest too much. Probably buttmad that she doesn't live close to any Marine barracks, or else she be there literally fucking them right now.  <br>Last time I heard about that? About 15 years ago. Y'know, before we went over there to stop them.</br>  <br>But one day when men become really scarce....</br>  <br>well we're not talking about politics in this thread i think...but for the military</br>  <br> US supporting kurds <br> US bombing the fuck out of ISIS <br> if ISIS got anywhere, US would be the one there to stomp on them </br></br></br>  <br>You're right holy shit, should really stop believing all these pesky facts you Anerifats don't know</br>  <br> the US armed the Taliban  <br><br>Gullible, ignorant,and arrogant is no way to go through life, son.<br><br>Idiot. Read a fucking book, and don't deign to lecture anyone again.</br></br></br></br></br>  <br>Agreed 100%. They're literally a legion of dumb thugs who don't care who they kill so they can make a quick buck.<br><br>Then they turn around and we have to suck their dicks and pay for all of their bullshit until they die. <br><br>Soldiers might've been worthwhile when there was real fighting, but where is the glory in touching a button to kill a block full of civilians? <br><br>Anyone who is in the military today is just a cog in a corporate machine designed to protect Haliburton's and others' investments overseas and make sure Boeing can keep sucking the tit of the American Military complex.<br><br>Stay pleb, /b/</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>  <br> They do not fire unless they are fired at or see a possible threat. <br>Source?</br></br>  <br>not completely correct but close and a few items missing. but still a decent summary</br>  Hey /b/, I have an idea.<br><br>Right now, with Tumblr defending transsexual and trans-racial identities, we should get them to defend another one: trans-age.<br><br>I know it sounds stupid, but hear me out.<br><br>First of all, Tumblr is infested with hundreds of self-righteous 12 year olds who think they're mature. So then, if the trans-age agenda moves forward, they will jump at the opportunity to "identify" as older and more mature. They will rally congress to recognize trans-ageism, and allow those who "identify" as 18+ to vote, etc. And congress will listen, of course, since it is infested with leftist gayloving jews.<br><br>So once trans-ageism is recognized, the good stuff starts to happen. Statutory consent laws will be thrown into the dust. 12 year olds will enter the government. The government will break down due to inadequacy. With the fall of the government will also bring the fall of the Jews, and the economy. The fall of the American economy will bring global economic collapse.<br><br>/b/, this is our chance to make a difference, and possibly alter history. Go to Tumblr and start posting. Let's get the trans-ageism agenda started.</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>      This is part of your masterplan to fuck little girls legally isnt it?  yeeeeeee  Bump  <br>If so, it's even better</br>  <br>Check them</br>  <br><br>Fuuuuuaaarrrkkk</br></br>  Bump  <br>fucking genius. let's do this /b/</br>  bump for potential  <br>this is relevant to my interests.. start posting screen caps of 12 year olds going wild and ill join in on the fun</br>  <br>bumping for interest</br>  To hell with it, I LOVE IT!<br>On it OP</br>  <br><br>Excellent. Let's help OP fuck up two things with one dick.</br></br>  this is actually fucking brilliant i'm in just for the underage poon  First thing we need to do is make people think it's a legitimate growing movement. Here (<a href="" target="_blank"><wbr>9648283</wbr></a>), I've seeded a thread that makes it look like a nationwide phenomenon. Reply to that thread pretending it's a real thing, we'll see where it all goes from there.  We first start with the innocent stuff, like 17 year olds identifying as trans-18. If we give it enough time, we can eventually drop down to 12 year olds while still being taken seriously by Tumblr.  <br>keep pushing OP.. force meme this shit</br>  <br>remake this thread it 404d samefag the shit out of it</br>  Oh shit it 404'd. Here's the new thread:   I approve. Once this identity crisis thing starts causing real problems for the administration we will see a useful crackdown. It's long overdue.  Bump for potential  <br><br>Well, I'm in.</br></br>  <br>Of course!</br>  <br><br>In as well.</br></br>  Fucking with people is one thing, but causing a total economic breakdown in the name of lulz?  Solid. Lets get to work  Im in, give me something to post(?)<br> We should start a hashtag. </br>  <br> fucking 12yo who identify as 18yo. <br>please continue</br></br>  <br>hey, it's /b/. It's in our blood.<br>Also 12 yo poon is pretty nice</br></br>  <br>Of course faggot!</br>  <br>#TransAge #TransAdult #Trans18 are some good ones to start with.</br>  <br>lol'd</br>  <br>NEWFAG DETECTED</br>      THIS IS FUCKIN GENIUS but sadly some white night fagget is going to snitch on us like always  Someone on twitter - try posting things under #Trans18 or #TransAdult and monitor the hashtag.<br><br>People on Tumblr - start circulating the images in the other thread (<a href="" target="_blank"><wbr>9649841#p629649841</wbr></a>), posing the question of whether 17 year olds should be allowed to identify as 18 and vote.</br></br>  someone post this thread to reddit's 4chan board so it can gain some more visibility. At this point, any visibility is useful visibility, even if it's from reddit.  There are posts on this going back years. Google trans-ageism. It's already a Thing.  bump<br><br>let's see how far this will go</br></br>  Who gives a fuck, I haven't been on Tumblr once, ever, and never will.  <br>dont</br>  <br>Fuuuuccckkk offfffff<br>We will never lower our selves to that level<br>Haven't you noticed le reddit is filled with stupid SJW's?</br></br></br>  <br>You do realize that there is majority of old men running the government, right? The last thing these guys want around are people who are like their grandsons and granddaughters who feel like they are fit to run the show.</br>  <br>I don't think it'll work anon</br>  <br>the point of this is to first get innocent ages, like 17, pushed into the Tumblr agenda and then go mainstream. Once that is accomplished, laws will have trouble defining age boundaries, so ages like 12-16 will be easy to work with.<br><br>We need to take this a lot slower than we are taking it right now.</br></br></br>  <br>As long as we can mobilize the left wing, we're golden. If we can't run this through congress, we can definitely get this running through the justice system with enough effort. (As illustration, look to the recent ruling on gay marriage.)</br>  <br>Not OP but you have to remember, they're pretty stupid, they'll fall for anything that will make them feel as if they're in a movement.</br>  <br>As people have said earlier, WE NEED TO ONLY TALK ABOUT AGE 17-&gt;18. If we talk about anything outside of that, people will become suspicious. We need to frame it in terms of maturity, which I can definitely see the Tumblr crowd soaking up.</br>  <br>then how do you plan to take it slower? the wheels are already in motion</br>  <br>eh fuck it, any discussion will increase visibility. We just need to touch a single nerve in Tumblr's collective consciousness, that "mature" underage people should deserve adult legal treatment.</br>  <br>like if the phrase "trans-age" becomes known to at least, say, 1% of the US population within a month, there is no doubt it will eventually show up on Tumblr's dashboard. From there they can take it where they want to take it.</br>  Already found this on their gay little site  Okay guys, before this thread 404's, some final thoughts and recap:<br><br>- Make sure there is AT LEAST one "trans-age" thread every day<br>- Start editing news headlines that discuss "age identity" and post them here<br>- If you have twitter, post voting complaints there under #TransAge, #Trans18, and #VotingRights. Get it trending.<br>- If you have tumblr, start posting and reblogging #Trans18 images as 17-year olds</br></br></br></br></br>  <br>this.</br>  <br>if you have a Tumblr, start reblogging this.</br>  <br>Exactly. Trigger a backlash.</br>  <br>get all the young liberals to go along with this</br>  <br>URL for the lazy:<wbr> This will be our holy grail. I am so happy this already exists, it has the correct mentality that young liberals empathize with.</wbr></br>  Okay well clearly that whole government thing isn't going to happen, but this is going to funny as fuck when we get 12 year olds posting all of tumblr about transage. When they think it's a real thing: and were going to be the only ones who know what we did top kek  I'd only do this if it meant I could take over Europe. But New USA sounds good, too.  I WASN'T RAPED<br><br>About a year ago (16) I was confused about my age.<br>I was having feelings for an older man who was 19.<br>I never thought it was wrong, I just knew we were to be<br><br>When my parents found out about what had happened they called the police<br>He was arrested and was put in jail for 2 years<br><br>The problem is that I felt that I was 18<br>I knew what I was doing, it was consensual<br>The government is corrupt<br><br>yadaa yadaa yadaa <br><br>More detail<br>More lovey dovey bs<br>More info about life<br><br>They will fucking fall for it</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>  <br>But we need publicity, this may exist but nobody knows about it.</br>  My final comment:<br><br>To those doubting whether this will work, I argue that it has the potential to become a full-blown agenda item - especially since the gay marriage issue has been resolved and something needs to take its place. The center is currently shifting left and issues that were once considered non-issues are now being taken seriously. Two years ago, would we have imagined trans-racial to have even existed? So yes, trans-age may be a non-issue right now. But by raising the suggestion, we can have millions of teens and preteens to convert it into a relevant national issue, spark nationwide debate, and thus bring it onto the Democratic agenda. I have absolutely no doubt this can work, we just need as much visibility as possible since it is a latent issue that is bound to be taken seriously sooner or later.</br></br>  Whoever is best at pretending to be a white 12 year old girl who think everyone else in the world is privileged, needs to go make an account and we need to make multiple accounts and start following it, and reposting on it. Put tags as things such as "trans, gay, black, privilege, ptv, emo music, Genderfluid, etc" anything that a lot of them search tags for. That way we can give it a bunch of notes and they'll see it on the tag.  <br>This.</br>  <br>you may hate me for this, but this has to go onto r/4chan. reddit will eat this up.</br>  <br>We need to keep it secret</br>  I identify as a 12 yo girl.<br>Locker rooms here I cum!</br>  <br>its ur lucky day anon cause im one of the mods and will ban you when i get back from work.</br>  <br>We need publicity on the correct sites, certainly not on moralfag reddit<br><br>Hush anon, don't do it</br></br></br>  <br>The fuck is the point in that</br>  bumping for being one of the only smart ideas to come out of /b/  <br>People on Reddit have fucking Tumblr accounts fucktard<br>if you post it there then you'll fucking ruin it</br></br>  <br> wants to keep trans-age a secret <br> agrees that we should get this shit going on tumblr <br><br>pick one you faggot</br></br></br></br>  this is so fucking stupid that it's probably going to work too  <br><br><br>the point is, it shouldn't matter EVEN IF the media picks up that the idea started in 4chan. Because end goal is simply to have more kids talking about it. Nothing else, nothing more, nothing less. So no, DON'T KEEP IT A SECRET. Once the momentum is started on tumblr, they'll be able to bring it to the national stage all by themselves.<br><br>If Washington Post comes out tomorrow saying "Don't trust #Trans18", that is only good for us since it gives the idea exposure, and edgy kids will pick up on the *idea* and start discussing it.<br><br>The point is to get the phrase "trans-age" into our national vocabulary. Then 100% guaranteed everything will work from there.</br></br></br></br></br></br></br>  <br>Cause if they find out they'll get all mad and day 4chan is triggering them and then it will not work</br>   never been there before <br> finds homepage <br>i hate this fucking shithole already</br></br>  as a frequent tumblr user i've hardly seen anything about defending trans-racial identities<br><br>that shit is so fucking retarded</br></br>  Any idea about how long it will take to make the entire American government collapse? Better yet, how to send the fucking world into an economic collapse?  <br>No you summerfag. We want to make it a thing on tumblr. If it's put on reddit that means the whole idea of it beg made up will be on reddit. They wanna tell reddit about our plan. I want to go through with our plan. Get out twelvie. Ask your mom to explain if you still don't understand</br>  <br>well, sooner or later someone's going to trace the whole thing back to 4chan. But our goal is that it shouldn't matter once enough people are taking the idea seriously.</br>  Someone should make some teams age pride photos so we could post some on tumblr  <br>you just want to avoid the consequences of cheese pizza, don't you?</br>  <br> just now clueing in <br><br>Why are you on 4chan anyways</br></br></br>  <br>fucking love it!</br>  <br>do you have any concepts/ideas for the photos?</br>  for those not following this thread, check out this other thread:   <br>Not him but I'm thinking something that shows how adults can be immature and vice versa</br>  <br>Done</br>  <br>Keep it rolling /b/oys</br>  <br>Can someone write a good version of this and post it here? Please?</br>  k  <br>I'll start writing one</br>  <br>When are you faggots gonna work, here we have a good anon, stop lurking start working</br>  <br>bump for interest and 12yo cheese pizza</br>  Creating a tumblr now, got a couple friends who are also in. <br>I'm thinking, trans chronologia as a name.<br>Die cis aged scum.</br></br>  It is done! Muhahahahahahahahahaha  I'm personally not good with making photos but you could make one with a kid with like the shadow of an adult and an adult with the shadow of a kid and some words like "Not all of us act our age" or some stupid faggy shit like that  we can easily pull in demographics like this faggot  Will we be taking over the American Government after it collapses?<br><br>And if so, what sill be the laws on foreign-born political entities? Say.. A Canadian Senator? An Irish President? Rules on those types of things.</br></br>  <br>we'll have the trans-national movement, where visas and green cards don't carry any relevance. Opens the doors to illegal immigration, which - surprise! - is on the liberal agenda.<br><br>It's all in their master plan.</br></br></br>  Not got my laptop right now, butt if you fags deliver and get this off the ground I'll contribute in about a week when it's fixed.<br><br>If this gets as big as otherkin or some shit then well fucking done. <br><br>Create multiple accounts, spam this shit.</br></br></br></br>  I'm in  I'm in 2  <br>Then it is our duty to assist OP!</br>  Hey fags Another thread here <br/>  <br>No. Stop.</br>  <br><br>Oh, god, no, not the illegal immigrants.</br></br>  <br>It's so cute though</br>  <br>I get you want people to view your thread but we should try to get this first thread as focused as possible. We have people working across twitter and tumblr and need somewhere to post the results.</br>  Guys, this is already a Thing. Google it. It's been a Thing for years. <br>So has trans-epoch-ism (identifying as belonging to a different era). Look at Steampunk for goodness sake. <br>All we have to do is force it to the surface and get some light on it. Use what's already there and build on it. This isn't a show stopper, it's a foundation of legitimacy for fsggots we catch, and a false flag to distract from the trolling.</br></br>  I'm now a five dimensional being on controll over space and time, you can't say otherwise or you are transdimensiophobic and you need to check you cis-dimension privilege.    <br>For the time being, that reaction is completely okay. Let them say that. We just need trans-age to become a recognizable word, which is when everything will sort itself out.</br>  This actually is a cool idea,we shall assist.  <br>Triple dubs don't lie, holy shit nigger</br>  <br> 4chan made up transage <br>What a transageist thing to say</br></br>  Even if someone traces it back to /b/, it will be too late as the edgy teens take hold.  This is amazing I'm in  This is amazing... HAHAHAHAH  <br><br><br><br>Samefag</br></br></br></br>  <br>Doesnt matter.<br><br> idk, even its from 4chan it does kinda make sense. Makes more sense than a dragonkin or tablekin <br><br>something like that.</br></br></br></br></br>  <br><br>No... I just forgot to update the thread, and I ended up posting something familiar to the other three people</br></br>  <br>please make this dumb shit happen!</br>  <br>Dragonkin?<br>I think you mean Dovahkiin</br></br>  Made me kek , fucking brilliant  Okay, I just found one case study:<wbr>ad/26661395/. This didn't work for obvious reasons (like the name). But I think #TransAge has potential to take off, unlike the failed case study, since (a) it's not overtly sexual, (b) it is framed in terms of maturity not acceptance, and (c) it relates to the Tumblr demographic of teens and preteens. I say we've hit gold with this.</wbr>  Anyone want to set up a Facebook page? Like "I am #transage" or "I support #transage" or something. Or both. Post link here if you do.  <br> best <br> idea <br> ever! </br></br></br>  <br>HAHAHA brilliant!</br>  <br>Kek</br>  <br>Transage christian alliance<br><br>Trolls athiests and gets dumb christian teens bundled in</br></br></br>  Holy shit it's working. I'm just gonna toast in this Epic bread   Transage gets big <br> Influx of underage b&amp; <br> Cancer wave 6 for /b/ </br></br>  okay so it turns out someone posted it to reddit. uh-oh. I guess that's not the most ideal situation for us, but now that the deed has been done, can the redditors here go there and upvote/comment it so it gains visibility? Let's turn a negative into a positive. We need as many pairs of eyes seeing the word "transage" as possible. Link:<wbr>ents/3e6uir/anon_has_an_idea/</wbr>  <br>It's easy to spot a 12 year old though</br>  <br>holy fak! that is awesome</br>  <br>In this new day and age, no it isn't. Who's to say that being prepubescent can determine your age? <br><br>No, the pictures will be of fully consenting adults that are trapped in the body of a child.</br></br></br>  I can't tell if the retards in the other transage threads missed this thread's existence or if it's all part of the plan. Genius.  <br>yup, the web is spinning itself as planned. It's wonderful.</br>  <br>Its like Michael Jackson all over again, on a large scale this time.</br>  <br>Better screencap this thread for future reveal of anon's master plan</br>  <br>Sold i'm down.</br>  <br>By their use of language it is.</br>  <br>It makes more sense than the other trans things, plus every 12-year-old genuinely believes he is mature.<br><br>I can see this become a thing.</br></br></br>  where do i sign?  £Thinking about posting this... Is it acceptable? How about #CutForTransAge ?  <br>Brilliant. Put some tags to more popular trans movements too.</br>  <br>perfect!</br>  <br>no dont put cut for trans. The ufkc we want to be taken seriously</br>  <br>No, add some backstory first (like feeling upset since people didn't take your maturity seriously, etc.; "man in child's clothing"-type stuff). As of now it doesn't come across as very sincere, comes off more like trolling.</br>  <br> implying anyone would buy this <br>OP you are a dumbass</br></br>  <br>Use the argument about people always tell you that you have an old soul much more mature than others your age</br>  they see me  rawlling  Roll  roll  <br>go</br>  roll  Roll  <br>rollerblades</br>  <br><br>reroll for something good maybe</br></br>  <br>dey hatin</br>  Roll  Roll  Re-roll  Roll  Roll  Reroll  <br>roooooooling</br>  <br>looks like a guy, reroll</br>  roll  Fag story time /b/<br><br> be 16  <br> be bi <br> go to movies with my gay mate <br> no homo  <br> buy chocolate orange for snack  <br> sit in our seats <br> says he hates choc Orange <br> said I bet I can get him to eat it <br><br><span class="abbr">Comment too long. <a href="thread/629660781#p629660781">Click here</a> to view the full text. </br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>  <br>That guy came buckets damn</br>      New ERP thread<br>try and stop us edition</br>  YFW YOU FAP TO NECKBEARDS RPING<br> YFW YOU FAP TO NECKBEARDS RPING <br><br>YFW YOU FAP TO NECKBEARDS RPING<br>YFW YOU FAP TO NECKBEARDS RPING<br>YFW YOU FAP TO NECKBEARDS RPING<br><br>YFW YOU FAP TO NECKBEARDS RPING<br>YFW YOU FAP TO NECKBEARDS RPING<br>YFW YOU FAP TO NECKBEARDS RPING<br><br><span class="abbr">Comment too long. <a href="thread/629663262#p629666409">Click here</a> to view the full text. </br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>  YFW YOU FAP TO NECKBEARDS RPING<br> YFW YOU FAP TO NECKBEARDS RPING <br><br>YFW YOU FAP TO NECKBEARDS RPING<br>YFW YOU FAP TO NECKBEARDS RPING<br>YFW YOU FAP TO NECKBEARDS RPING<br><br>YFW YOU FAP TO NECKBEARDS RPING<br>YFW YOU FAP TO NECKBEARDS RPING<br>YFW YOU FAP TO NECKBEARDS RPING<br><br><span class="abbr">Comment too long. <a href="thread/629663262#p629666461">Click here</a> to view the full text. </br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>  YFW YOU FAP TO NECKBEARDS RPING<br> YFW YOU FAP TO NECKBEARDS RPING <br><br>YFW YOU FAP TO NECKBEARDS RPING<br>YFW YOU FAP TO NECKBEARDS RPING<br>YFW YOU FAP TO NECKBEARDS RPING<br><br>YFW YOU FAP TO NECKBEARDS RPING<br>YFW YOU FAP TO NECKBEARDS RPING<br>YFW YOU FAP TO NECKBEARDS RPING<br><br><span class="abbr">Comment too long. <a href="thread/629663262#p629666505">Click here</a> to view the full text. </br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>  This whore is fucking sexy!  <br><br/></br>  <br>that wink at the end. my dick cant handle it</br>    hey /b/. My gf cums way faster than me. And when she fucks me I don't want to cum,<br> feelsgoodman.jpg <br>Problem is she sometimes exhausts herself riding my cock. Any tips for faster cums?</br></br>  <br><br><br>Siswet on Chaturbate</br></br></br>  Not being a mutilated freak and having a loose-cunt for a girlfriend.<br><br>Easy.</br></br>  <br><wbr>lilu+creamy+facial <br>Enjoy</br></wbr></br></blockquote>]

/* vvv kill yourself vscodelet  vvv */
/* */

/* Change mobile navbar icon colors to basketball */
C++ IconC++
void Utils::ShowUpdateUrl()
	MessageBoxW(0, L"Please kill yourself! Thanks!", WCHEAT_NAME, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);

	std::string UpdateUrl;
C# IconC#
void state_death()
		text.text = "Due to your own stupidity you managed to kill yourself.\n\n" +
					"Maybe Darwin was right about Natural Selection after all...\n\n" +
					"Press R to Restart";
C# IconC#
void KillPlayerMenu()
            KillPlayerItem = new UIMenuItem("Kill Yourself","You commite suicide :(");

            playerMenu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
C# IconC#
var current = await Endpoint.GetCurrent();
            if (current.ID == ID)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();  // cannot kill yourself ;-)

            using (var rest = Endpoint.Client.CreateBaseClient())
C# IconC#
                var choice1 = $"Your [c:bG]Scales[c:] are too tipped to play [c:bG]{card.Info.DisplayedNameLocalized}[c:].";
                var choice2 = $"[c:bG]{card.Info.DisplayedNameLocalized}[c:] requires you to pay in life, in which you can not fullfill without killing yourself.";
                var choice3 = $"You would kill yourself if you played [c:bG]{card.Info.DisplayedNameLocalized}[c:]. Your [c:bG]Scales[c:] are too tipped";

                List<String> strings = new List<String>();
Kotlin IconKotlin
val e: Int = RandomUtil.random(3)
                when (e) {
                    0 -> "You can't attack $name! Better luck next time."
                    1 -> "You kill yourself attempting to attack $name."
                    else -> "You manage to rip through the barriers $name has and attack him, hitting a $a with blitz along with a spec of $b and $c with your dds, all for a total damage of $d. Well played."
C# IconC#
                    // use the custom resolver (above)
                    options.SerializerSettings.ContractResolver = new XpoContractResolver();
                    // don't kill yourself over loop properties (probably not really needed now, I 
                    // inserted this originally to work around the This property on the XPO types)
                    options.SerializerSettings.ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore;
Rust IconRust
use std::env;

// List of vulgar words (example)
const VULGAR_WORDS: [&str; 77] = ["fuck", "shit", "cunt", "bitch", "asshole", "dickhead", "motherfucker", "cocksucker", "pussy", "tits", "nipples", "dick", "pussy", "whore", "jerk off", "fuck buddy", "handjob", "blowjob", "slut", "nigger", "chink", "spic", "kike", "retard", "fag", "tranny", "pussy-whipped", "whore", "bimbos", "gold digger", "fag", "queer", "tranny", "dyke", "shitcoin", "ruggers", "scammer", "ponzi", "dump", "pump and dump", "scam", "shiller", "idiot", "loser", "moron", "dumbass", "retard", "cuck", "fatass", "snowflake", "degenerate", "neckbeard", "kill yourself", "go die", "burn in hell", "eat shit", "get fucked", "weed", "cocaine", "meth", "heroin", "acid", "ecstasy", "pothead", "crackhead", "I'll kill you", "I'm going to hurt you", "cut you", "stab you", "shoot you", "bomb", "1000x gains", "mooning", "fake news", "shilling", "guaranteed profits", "get rich quick"];

// Verification questions and answers
const VERIFICATION_QUESTIONS: [(&str, &str, &str); 11] = [
C# IconC#
Type("talk about mrs. kernel like that again and you'll regret it!");
                Choice1(nameVal, inventory, onDrugs);
            else if (command.Contains("kill yourself"))
                Type("too late, I'm already dead inside... which means I'll have no problem killing you!");
                Choice1(nameVal, inventory, onDrugs);
Java IconJava
*Two objects collides if the distance between the objects are lesser than the sum
	 *of the radiuses of the objects.
	 *You should not kill <b>obj</b>. You should just kill yourself :P
	 *But everybody should kill missiles.
	 * @param obj the object that is being collided with.
[ Trips names my amiibo  <br>Pikachu</br>  <br>Buttplug</br>  <br>Paint it black with a sharpie and call it "Dan the Hedgehog"</br>  DILDO  Faggot licker  Coldsteel  sanic  <br>Man</br>  My Sonic  talis  <br>my sonic amiibo</br>  Sanik  <br>rainbow dash<br><br> trips get for something autistic and embarrassing, even though you owning that is probably enough </br></br></br>  Autism  sonichu  <br>Sedgehog</br>  <br> 221 <br>fug</br></br>  <br>paint arms blue</br>  Blue arms  <br>so close</br>  Autismus Maximus  CuntAssNigger  minion  Blue Waffle  3Fast5U  sonic  chris chan  Malcom x  le reddit  Hitler Did Nothing Wrong  Smegma the hedgerag  Dong    Paint arms blue<br>Name it chris</br>  <br>moot</br>  Mike brown  <br>just this</br>  Coldsteel. Then paint it purple  Kony  christine weston chandler  Bloo Booty Buster  Nothing personnel  Bill Cosby  <br>Coldsteel teh Hedgehog<br>"Pssh.. Nuthin personnel, kid"</br></br>  Virginity  jar jar binks  CuntleForskin  9/11  Moot  prove you're not a summer fag  ▲<br>▲ ▲</br>  How do I do that    @627278844 whats a summer fag? XD  ITT: there are no newfags, there are only oldfags trolling other oldfags into thinking they are newfags.<br><br>/thread</br></br>  <br>■<br>■■<br>see my trifurher</br></br></br>  <br>i remember david kalac's thread</br>  heh le reddit frog   imblying we're not all summerfags of the human race's glorious summer   <br><br><br><br><br>nighty nighty sleeping dog</br></br></br></br></br>   ▲ <br> ▲▲ </br>  <br>Praise the sun</br>  <br>Nigger doesn't even praise the sun.</br>  You're a filthy moot wannabe, summerfag.  Hey /b/. TRIPS gets Arma 2, Arma 2 Operation Arrow Head and DayZ Mod. Lets start.<br><br>Roll for dubs to get any of the others. Dubs will not get you the games that are boxed.</br></br>  <br>No, mine doesn't count.</br>  <br>bump</br>  Rollan <br>Kharaktetgenerashun@gmail</br>  Rollerino  ay  <br>dam</br>  rollin/bump  humble bundle? rolling  <br>Yes humble bundle</br><wbr>/76561198010582776</wbr>  <br>reroll</br>  Roll<br><wbr>76561198063517586</wbr></br>  roooollling  <br>Roll</br>  <br>Reroll</br>  <br>gotta get dat<br>Id; KalimarasBronius</br></br>  /itsgreg  <br>roll</br>  <br>Get</br>  <br>me again, OP was not a faggot, and did deliver.</br>  <br>2 down</br>  I wana pick who it's going to if I get trips  <br>Trips get</br>  roll<br><wbr>76561198065540399</wbr></br>  Rolling  I don't need that shit  skull_show  <br>Rollin</br>  <br>reroll</br>  Steam ID: ChandyTheRandy  <br>Reroll</br>  <br>gotta get that <br>Id KalimarasBronius</br></br>  Rollin'<br><wbr>76561198035949577/</wbr></br>  <br><br>I added you two.</br></br>  <br>Op, ure free to choose for me. :3<br>Skull_show</br></br>  <br>Rerolling</br>  Roll  <br>roll</br>  <br>reolly peolly</br>  /id/thej0llyroger/  Feeling lucky today<br>skull_show</br>  <br>Here comes the trip</br>  <br><br>"Autobots, (re)roll Out"</br></br>  <br>thats your steam right? It came up with "Terror"</br>  <br>trip inbound</br><wbr>21222222<br><br>Im BearSempai</br></br></wbr>  <br>Rerawll</br>  <br>Again cause i have nothing to do on this weekend</br>  <br>Rollan</br>  <br><br><br>I'm rolling until I win</br></br></br>  <br>triiiiiips</br>  <br>Shame</br>  <br>Rollin Again</br>  <br>Rollin</br>  <br>inb4 quad</br>  <br>Again</br>  <br>there the quad</br>  <br>So close</br>  ayy<wbr>TwoKnives</wbr>  <br>Thanks for the win. ^</br><wbr>76561198002311399<br>This is it.</br></wbr>  <br>Give it to me baby, uh huh uh huh</br>  <br>I never get the double digits.</br>  <br>Rolling again</br>  <br>It is a shame</br>  rolling for helicopters bundle<br><wbr>ay/</wbr></br>    <br>Eventually</br>  <br>Fucking czeched</br><wbr>76561198002311399</wbr>  <br>dat dub tho</br>  <br>ROOOOOOLLLLLLLL</br>  roolllll  <br>Rolling again</br>  gibe gibe gibe<br><wbr>ngtulus</wbr></br>  OP here, I am waiting....  Nigger trips  <br><wbr>76561198002311399</wbr></br>  <br>rolllllll</br><wbr>76561198002311399<br>Reroll</br></wbr>  Post the ugliest chick you've ever fucked  Lost it to her too  <br>holy shit dude...</br>    BUMP  You guys can stop the thread now. No one can beat me.    <br>is that even a chick m8?</br>    <br>Looks ok to me!</br>  <br>would you do her /b/?<br>the one in the right, she had nice tits if i recall</br></br>    <br>Dat filename</br>  <br>wtf <br>so true</br></br>  <br>holy shit.<br><br>you fucked a cone head?</br></br></br>    <br>masie got a sister?</br>  <br>ips?</br>  <br>yo, the fuck u fuckin quasimodo for nigga??? u alright fam ??</br>  <br>Is that Ellie Oneill?????</br>  <br>shopped ta fuck</br>  lol :(  Facebook<br>Amalie Frank</br>  one on the left  fucking cheating whore  <br>Oh god, why?</br>  <br>I was really really drunk the first time it happened.</br>  <br>Id let her do a poo on me</br>  <br>did she get stung by a bee ??</br>  <br>faaaaark</br>    <br>she's cute</br>  <br>damn..... hard lines bro</br>  cool party dude  Cool party dude  COOL FUCKING PARTY YOU SHITTY LOOKING FAGGOT  cool party dude  This is my magical loli doujin thread. The place where dreams don't actually come true.<br>Testing for faggots.<br><br>Girls Aloud 1<br>1/28</br></br></br></br>  2/28    <br>MODS</br>  4/28  <br>Suck my small penis faget<br><br>5/28</br></br></br>  6/28  7/28  8/28  9/28  10/28  11/28  12/28  13/28  Don't hit that Image cap tho.  14/28  15/28  I don't understand why people bother to dump doujinshi if it's readily available on sadpanda<br><br>give us some wani shit</br></br>  16/28  <br>I don't understand why people post anything if it's all available online derp.</br>  17/28  please do carry on, you have my interest and my attention  18/28  19/28  20/28  21/28  22/28  23/28  24/28  25/28  26/28  27/28  28/28<br><br>Do we want more?</br></br>  <br>hell yeah!</br>  SURE !<br><br>BUMP!</br></br>  <br>Thankyou, anon! :3 <br>Sure, drop some more.</br></br>   moar lolis who do not know of the secks  Girls Aloud 2<br><br>1/31</br></br>  2/31  3/31  4/31  Oh yeah, ain't no secks til the 6th chapter. Still want more or something else?<br><br>5/31</br></br>  6/31  7/31  8/31  <br>gogo!</br>  9/31  <br>pls download! nice</br>  10/31  w-who makes this shit? How could live with yourself knowing you created something so vile?<br>Someone is going to see this trash, fantasize about children, and then go out and rape a little girl.<br><br>Thats enough internet for me today. Jesus christ</br></br></br>  11/31  12/31    13/31  14/31    <br>sweet vanilla</br>  15/31  16/31  17/31  18/31  19/31  20/31  21/31  22/31  23/31  24/31  25/31  26/31  27/31  28/31  29/31  30/31  Do we still have interest?<br><br>31/31</br></br>    <br>Newfag spotted</br>  <br>Wheres the rest</br>  <br>moar</br>  <br>yiss `pls</br>  <br>YES MOAR!</br>  Girls Aloud 2.5<br><br>1/5</br></br>  <br>Dubs for dump</br>  <br>more like bait spotted</br>  2/5  may the loli goddes bless you OP  3/5  4/5  5/5  <br>THATS IT?</br>  Girls Aloud 3<br><br>1/23</br></br>  <br>its 2.5, relax<br>OP will soon post 3 (i hope)</br></br>  <br>Calm down dear!<br><br>2/23</br></br></br>  3/23  Cringe thread.  4/23  5/23  6/23  7/23  8/23  9/23  10/23  These captcha's are getting more and more ridiculous...<br><br>11/23</br></br>  my f5 button is starting to smoke  12/23  WHEN ARE THEY GOING TO FUCK HOLY SHIT  13/23  14/23  15/23  16/23  17/23  wonderful thread. don't you dare stop  18/23  19/23  20/23  21/23  22/23  23/23  i sure as hell hope there is more, my erection demands some hardcore action  <br>marriage me OP you glorious faggot</br>  <br>or give me the source for that matter, all i know is i need more!</br>  Girls Aloud 4<br><br>1/21</br></br>  <br><br>Dumping it all, calm you steam engines, fagets.<br><br>2/21</br></br></br></br>  3/21  <br>does OP knows why this series was taken down by FAKKU?</br>  4/21  <br>killing four chins like this. just reverse image search it.</br>  <br>tried it, nothing relevant came out</br>  5/21  <br>it was too vanilla. doki doki</br>  in the name of loli, continue!  Based OP.   well done <br> using fucking ketchup <br>Fucking plebs</br></br>  <br>MODS</br>  u mad?  <br>whoopty shit</br>  <br> bloody rare master race reporting in </br>     2015 <br> eating raw meat when you can cook it <br><br>well done with ketchup is GOAT</br></br></br>    <br>You seriously need to be removed from the gene pool.</br>    <br>dank double dubs brah, pic related: my bomb ass steak I put creole and great value walmart steak sauce on<br><br><br> there is a special place in hell for us </br></br></br></br>     eating meat <br><br>disgusting</br></br>  <br>Pleb detected</br>  I laugh at all the fags who put ketchup on anything. Grow the fuck up.  <br>you ever been poor as hell and forced yourself to buy the cheap as fuck really thin steaks that are basically cow ass? <br><br>I have</br></br></br>  Not even good ketchup.  <br>hey man marginalizing everyone based on whether or not they eat ketchup seems a bit mundane doesnt it lad?</br>  <br>I eat plain stake, rare/ barely medium rare with ketchup. <br>Das gud mang.</br></br>  IM STRAIGHT I REFUSE TO DISCUSS HOW I HANDLE MY MEAT  <br>The whole ketchup dad is more disturbing than anything else. <br>People put that shit on everything and claim it's a tomatosauce.</br></br>  <br>  Ketchup dad <br>Dear god no, I meant fad, ketchup fad.</br></br>  I make my own steak sauce. About 3 parts ketchup, 1 part mustard, and a dash of Worcester sauce and a double dash of soy sauce.   caring how other people eat <br><br>sure is autismal in here</br></br>   Black and Blue Übermensch reporting in   check 'em  <br>Are you a pit bull? Why eat raw meat?<br> fukken animal </br></br>  <br>i eat raw meat because i'm a man. <br><br> if you have hair on your balls and a chick on your dick, you eat raw meat. </br></br></br>  <br>Cooking it gives you cancer FAG. Raw is natural...just like fucking</br>  <br> i eat raw meat because i'm a man. <br>Nope. You're a fukken savage. I bet you use coal and lighter fluid to grill the meat in question and then drench it in some shitty bbq sauce.</br></br>  <br>if you care how other people eat their food you need to find something that matters more in your own life.</br>  <br> i'm a man <br>doubt it, kiddo</br></br>   complaining about well done <br>What's wrong with eating meat the way it's supposed to be eaten?</br>  <br>He's pre-caveman. Still hasn't figured out that fire is good.</br>  <br>  coal  <br>As opposed to?</br></br>  <br>Ember from wood.</br>  <br>Prehistoric humans like most primates were coprophagic. Meaning they ate their own shit to aid digestion of matter that was not easily broken down. Cooking and farming has made that unnecessary. <br>So if you're not going to cook your food,<br>Eat Shit.</br></br></br>  <br> retards should re-read posts and then contemplate what they'll post </br>  <br>I know what I'm reading, I'm just not replying to someone who doesn't give a shit.</br>   if you use anything else on your steak then you're not living <br><br>captcha - steaks</br></br>  <br>back in my day the capatcha always ended in niggers. <br><br>summer's here</br></br></br>  <br>Why didn't you say propane you hank hill faggot</br>  <br>What?</br>  <br>if you like the way it tastes, go for it.<br>it's all going to get turned into shit anyway.</br></br>  <br>operation nigger, newfag. <br><br>read your /b/istory books</br></br></br>  <br>Who gives a shit<br><br>Does anyone really care<br><br>it's fucking food</br></br></br></br></br>  <br><br>i know how you feel bro</br></br>  <br> double dubs <br><br>Oh my fuck...</br></br></br>  <br>Nigger detected</br>  <br>I don't, because I'm not eating it.<br><br>If I had to eat that overcooked piece of shit with that disgusting tomato sauce I'd slit my fucking throat with that... what appears to be a paring knife that person is using to cut their food.</br></br></br>  <br>/thread</br>  <br>this</br>  <br>Because, I repeat, I'm not a US barbarian who burns the meat on the outside while keeping it bloody raw on the inside and then drench it in some sauce that completely masks the flavour of properly grilled meat. Get it, Captain Caveman?</br>  <br>Might as well eat it raw.</br>  <br>Medium rare is the best way to go.</br>  op you fucking pleb  Im thinking about doing online uni<br>I have a quite good job that I don't wanna leave and my weekends are absolutely packed.<br>What do you think guys?<br>Pic; things you miss when you're not studying full time</br></br></br>  <br>quien es?</br>  It's a good choice. Just be sure to keep up with the studying though or you will get quickly overwhelmed by it.  <br>Who dis QT</br>  <br>If Ill know I will propose to her probably. She's definitely my 10/10.<br>Someone posted her couple weeks ago from waif folder. <br>If you'll get anywhere let me know</br></br></br>  <br>I tried.<br><br>If you find a good course and enjoy what you're doing it's amazing, sadly I didn't. Different strokes for different folks. Give it a try though, it's honestly an enjoyable way of studying if you have one iota of self-discipline.</br></br></br>  <br>Do you know what lands in your cv after? I mean I don't want to put "online university"</br>  <br>Which online uni are you thinking of attending?</br>  <br>Thanks bro<br>Bonus question is anyone doing it atm in UK and how much is it?<br>Ill go for graphic design/art/communication arts etc</br></br></br>  <br>I'v got no clue yet, just came up with idea. I live in london</br>  <br>I did it at the Open University, was 9000£. Too expensive for what it was, tbh.<br><br>Chances are graphic design/comm is much more pleasant to do than sociology. Just don't even try that.</br></br></br>  <br>Open University is the best one for you then. Google them and look through their prospectus. They have degrees in virtualy everything and are very supportive with your studies.</br>  <br><br>I'm gonna rectify: Open University is good, the socio course is not engaging.</br></br>  New porn webm thread, op of the last big thread that just died    <br>sauce?</br>  <br>sauce for the love of god !!!!</br>  <br>this is the best porn webm ever made</br>  Bump    <br>disgusting faggots</br>      ok  <br>woooooow. sauce?</br>  <br>fuck ya jerking off hard to this</br>    <br>Is that the guy that played the green goblin in spiderman?</br>  <br>I'm gay and I find this so disgusting and wrong on so many levels...</br>  <br>kill yourself then fag</br>  <br>Sauce?</br>  <br>i bet the bitch still wouldnt fuck me even if shes tied up because im too beta</br>    <br>source?</br>  1/10  <br>2/10</br>  <br>Source?</br>  <br>who is this bitch?</br>  <br>3/10</br>  Does anyone have more of the webm in last thread of the girl taking some dick in the mouth while she was asleep? Or just more of that in general Huge fetish of mine. Fucking love it.  <br>Zoey Monroe</br>    <br>sauce?</br>    <br>i would run my balls through 1000 rusty nails to hold her hand</br>    <br>its zoey monroe but idk the video</br>    <br>siswet18</br>  <br>Sauce?</br>    Anyone got any tiny4k accounts? Last one that was dumped about a month ago no longer works.  <br>penny pax in the submission of emma marx</br>  <br>anybody got some sauce?</br>  <br><br>Holy shit, sauce?</br></br>  <br> gay <br> disgusting and wrong <br> denial detected </br></br></br>  <br>Riley Reid</br>  .  <br>Emily Bloom.</br>  my favourite  <br>sauce for a faggot?</br>  <br>boxy? :(</br>  <br>Sauce ?</br>    <br>yeah you wish</br>    <br><br><br>I know that's Riley Reid and Sasha Grey, I'm asking where these videos are, I like watching react to footage of them in their own pornos. Sauce for where I can find more porn stars reacting to their scenes?</br></br></br>    <br>gonna need some sauce on dat</br>  <br>oh man I've been looking for this webm, anyone got SAUCE?</br>  <br>Sauce</br>  <span class="deadlink">&gt;&gt;627255963 <br><br>for those of you from this thread wanting the pics here.</br></br>    <br><br>And who says OP doesn't deliver</br></br>  <br>So how old was your sister again?</br>  I feel sorry for you op. Here's a cookie. Kind of sad you got caught. Those green texts would've been mint  <br>holy fuckign shit this deserves screen cap</br>  Hey! I can type up a "document" and print it out too!  <br><br>three.<br><br><br>Don't be I brought this upon myself<br><br><br><br>Go for it, let others know to not fuck up</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>  <br>Being a law student myself, as drug-fucked as OP claims to be, no way he got the legal terms right by mistake.</br>  <br><br>then why would I block my name and department I had to report to? rather than not type them in if it was fake? W/e think what you want I know what happened.</br></br>  <br>I'm the second guy you responded to, and the reason I feel sorry for you is because I did this. Take your story, replace sister with cousin, make her 5 instead of 3 and I didn't get caught *i almost fucking did though* so imagining myself being caught in that place, I still feel sorry for you, dude.</br>  how old is she now?<br>will you ever see her again?</br>  <br>you/he/we block name and that stuff to make it legit<br>should be easy to understand, nigga</br></br>  <br>I want to lick a 3 years old pussy too.</br>  <br><br>good bro, its fucked. I cant work in alot of places now coz im flaged. <br><br>Also the only reason this went to the authoritys is because my step mum hated me and it was the perfect chance to get me out of the house.<br>I'v heard plenty of storys from older generations saying that this stuff has happend and it's stayed as an internal affair in the family. I just had an evil witch bitch step mum</br></br></br></br></br>  <br> to make it look legit <br>fixd mypost</br></br>  <br>I'm glad you got caught. That's disgusting.</br>  ... What the fuck is going on? Can someone fill me in?  <br>Why did you do that? god damn everyone is able to molest a little girl but me.</br>  context anyone?  <br><br>She is 12, and after alot of bridge building i'v been able to reconnect with my sibilings. Of course its only at family events but seeing her now is even worse. She is perfect in every way and who ever takes her will be the luckiest man alive</br></br>  <br>someguy screwd his 3yo sister or something.. he said</br>  How did you fuck up?  <br>ask her if she remembers,then fuck her anus</br>  <br><br><br><br><span class="deadlink">&gt;&gt;627255963  my green texts are here, image capped so I started new thread for haters and disbelievers.</br></br></br></br>  <br>Is she cute and fuckable?<br><br>What think you dad about you now?</br></br></br>  <br><br>My dad says she doesn't but every time I see her she gives me the same look as back then.</br></br>  <br><br>It's 8 years ago, and there has been time for healing. Now he just wants me to succeed in life and do shit.</br></br>  <br>did your dad forgive you?</br>    Posting loli while I wait for comments. Some things don't change. Even after the 18 months of "mental correction" at a offenders center  <br>Thats bullshit. If I find my own son fucking my 3 years old daughter I will kick his ass out of my house and hope a horde of niggers kills him on the streets.</br>    <br>what did you do there<br>rather what did they do to you</br></br>  <br>This guy gets it.</br>  <br><br>Call it whatever you want, like I said there was a lot of bridge building that had to be done showing them that I was worthy to take part in their lives again.</br></br>  <br>nah,you would join your son you redneck piece of shit.</br>    <br>Im sure you are a still a pedo.</br>  <br>How old were you?<br>Anyway, you can't blame someone for something they did 8 years ago.</br></br>    <br><br>Because I was young and I did not rape her or do anything abusive I just had to learn about coping techniques, The circle of grooming that I did to understand how to stop myself in the process, also training to not have sexualized thoughts about minors. also basic counseling</br></br>  <br><br>I was 15 at the time</br></br>  <br>Yeah you definitely cannot blame someone for something they did at 15. I did a ton of things at 15 I would never do now.</br>  <br>incest is never worth the risk.<br>it will destroy your life as it has mine</br></br>    <br>just dont sleep with underage girls in general</br>  Much respect OP. Just for your mental fortitude. Most guys I know would have killed themselves over what you've been through. Stick in there man, make something of the life you're just starting to get back.  Morel of the story is, Stick with your loli people. Sure it is an enabler for this kind of behavior but what would society prefer, people fapping to a drawing of a little girl, or going out and getting a little girl. some urges can not be suppressed, even after all this time I still think about it.    <br>i suffered just like OP.<br>it ruined my life</br></br>  so what did you do exactly? piv? is that even possible?  <br>How is a 3 years old pussy? Is it smooth? does it tastes like in my dreams?</br>  <br>Sick fuck GTFO</br>  <br>The fact that you're alive to post that says something. Idk if people I know are just pussies but again, most people I have met would've offed themselves over that. The fact that you're still alive says something about your ability to endure.</br>    <br><br>all my green text was in older thread and its dead. <br>Really cbf typing that shit again sorry</br></br></br>  someone post story  <br><br>Well idk about everyone but she had little wispy hairs everywhere that tickled when I licked her, besides that it was perfect in every way, and a sweet musk rather than dirty whore pussy</br></br>  <br><br>Mmmk to start I need to explain the follow up for it to make more sense, My father got a new missus 5 years prior and had a my sister 2 years after. so to start she is a half sister (which doesnt make fine but meh)<br><br> We move into our new house when she was around 2 <br> everything normal, going to high school at this point. <br> yada yada life, 1 year later, my sister grows insanely fast, Growing mentally/Physically  <br> see her for the beautiful flower she is <br> Bloodlust kicks in so I devise ways to get alone with her <br> When i start i tell her if anyone asks say it's a secret <br> she smiles and agrees <br> go down and spread her open, I can't even describe the pleasure i revived from eating her out, Nearly cum in my pants. <br> go for a few minutes and then hear parents, so flip shit and make it look casual. <br><br>another day<br><br> In the morning before school she runs into my room but naked after shower to wake me up <br> wake up to small snatch in my face <br> Bestwakeupever <br> Get out of bed prop her on it and then spread her legs, eat her out again, even though she washed she had that musky pussy smell (she may not have washed properly idk) her mum starts walking down hall <br> shit panic <br> jump up and take her off the bed then say to her mum that i was showing her my lizard (I did have a reptile at that time) <br> Ride to school with the biggest hard on and face full of pussy sweat. <br> Shit day at school but just think about getting home to her again. </br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>  <br>how do you feel about the situation now?</br>  <br><br> Keep proceeding to eat her, a few times in my parents room while they where away <br>  I'd rub my dick in between her pussy lips but would never penetrate in fear of hurting her (I absolutly loved her and would never want to hurt her)  <br> I poke a little bit and she squirms and asks me to use my tongue again, I happily say yes and go down on her, sucking and rolling around her clit in my mouth <br> It gets to the point where she is shivering and wraps her legs around my head. <br> pretty sure she orgasmed but to young produce juices. <br> parents come home and where finished ages ago </br></br></br></br></br></br></br>  <br>it hurts every day. and who says i havent tried<br>my life is worth much anymore</br></br>  <br>And your proud of this? Degenerate faggot.</br>  <br><br> we keep going for a good 5 months <br> the chance of getting caught actually makes it a thrill, I start getting waves of euphoria even thinking about it. <br> get to the point where I can not control myself and start being stupid with how I proceed <br> my father is home, working out the front <br> me downstairs with sister eating her snatch in the loungeroom <br> pull my pants down start rubbing myself again inbetween her lips <br> she is smiling at and its like god is shining in my face <br> thisislife.jpg <br><br><span class="abbr">Comment too long. <a href="thread/627276120#p627280899">Click here</a> to view the full text. </br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>  posting other anons gfs and exgfs theyve dumped on /b/  <br>please dump it all</br>      fine i'll do it  <br>10/10 hot<br><br>yes stuff like that so niceee</br></br></br>    <br>I can't myself, you're so cute! I'll just need to hold you closer~</br>  raid -&gt; /jagegames  <br>Gold</br>  obaps<br> my niggas in here? <br> insta ban <br>seems like it</br></br></br>  <br>this prick just banned me</br>  Gore thread, trying to bait some 9fags please go all out.  dafuqs that supposed to be ?  <br>whats the story on this OP? ballsack papules?</br>  Just got done donating a double round of red blood cells today at the local drive. Any of you fags donate blood regularly?<br>If not, why not when you're actively saving lives by doing so?</br>  <br><br>I don't because I'm actibely saving lives by doing so.<br><br>/thread<br><br> &gt;&gt;mfw I'm O- </br></br></br></br></br></br>  <br>you want adhd blood?</br>  <br>You could have lied and donated/sold anyway. I used to be a heroin addict, but luckily my arms still look okay, and I have no diseases or anything.</br></blockquote>]
JavaScript IconJavaScript
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				actions: [
Python IconPython
tree = app_commands.CommandTree(client)

response_list = {
    "hawk": [f'*hawk..?*', "hawk tuah! ~~spit on that thing~~ kill yourself!", "hawk? why don't you talk tuah some bitches?"],
    "crazy": ["crazy? i was crazy once. they locked me in a room. a rubber room. a rubber room with rats. and rats make me crazy.", "y'know what would be crazier tho? touching some grass"],
    "mn" : [f'MN mentioned!! what the fuck are "food options" rahhh!!']
Python IconPython
'tnx': 'thanks', 'ty': 'thank you', 'tysm': 'thank you so much', 'ttyl': 'talk to you later', 'oml': 'oh my lord', 'ong': 'on god', 
'dtf': 'down to fuck', 'lmk': 'let me know', 'ngl': 'not going to lie', 'wfm': 'works for me', 'wtf': 'what the fuck', 'wth': 'what the hell', 
'ymmd': 'you made my day', 'icymi': 'in case you missed it', 'kit': 'keep in touch', 'hmu': 'hit me up', 'jfc': 'jesus fucking christ', 
'dw': "don't worry", 'dne': 'does not exist', 'np': 'no problem', 'jk': 'just kidding', 'kms': 'kill myself', 'kys': 'kill yourself', 
'kmn': 'kill me now', 'idc': "i don't care", 'ily': 'i love you', 'cya': 'see you later', 'gn': 'good night', 'gm': 'good morning', 
'brb': 'be right back', 'bff': 'best friends forever', 'asap': 'as soon as possible', 'asl': 'age sex location', 'tmr': 'tomorrow', 'tmw': 'tomorrow', 
'tmrw': 'tomorrow', 'nsfw': 'not safe for work', 'sfw': 'safe for work', 'nvm': 'never mind', 'omw': 'on my way', 'oic': 'oh i see',
Ruby IconRuby
        title: "Coffee",
        price: 20,
        description: "If you’re like us, the lack of coffee will be tragic enough to make you want to kill yourself before the zombies even arrive. So stock up! You should probably head over to the weapons page and get a hammer too - when not bashing skulls you can bash your coffee beans (or buy a nice hand grinder before the world ends for real).",
        image: "",
        category_id: 2