Repositories (1)
8 snippets stored for this repo
"Omg I cannot believe this it\'s gaming night",
"Gamenight today Oh my fucking god",
"I cannot believe this is happenning boiz",
"Can you like not speak to me again",
"You fucking trashbag",
"Know your place trash",
if (/suck|pussy|malakas|hope|swear|death|fuck|shit|fucking|bastard|bastarde|mpastarde|malaka|gamhmene|gamidi|pousth|pusth|poustara|arxidi|lougra|shut up|/gi.test(message)) {
if (regex.test(message)) {'Unfortunately, my friend you are the one who sucks.');
} else if (/pussy/gi.test(message)) {'I may be a pussy but I fucked your mum.');
// when someone types dick it responses with @mention
if(message.content == 'dick') {
message.reply('You think you\'re funny ? '); //'pong');
"Yeah speak to me like that again and there's no music anymore.",
"How dare you... without me this server wouldn't even be cool.",
"Shut up man, I'm getting bored of you.",
"You should really kill yourself, I mean for the best",
"We live in a society where people like this are still alive",
"stop DMING me",
"No one wants to hear you shit",
"How dare you... without me this server wouldn't even be cool.",
"Shut up man, I'm getting bored of you.",
"You should really kill yourself, I mean for the best",
"I'm really sorry about you",
"There are some bitch niggas in here.",