Repositories (1)
1 snippets stored for this repo
'tnx': 'thanks', 'ty': 'thank you', 'tysm': 'thank you so much', 'ttyl': 'talk to you later', 'oml': 'oh my lord', 'ong': 'on god',
'dtf': 'down to fuck', 'lmk': 'let me know', 'ngl': 'not going to lie', 'wfm': 'works for me', 'wtf': 'what the fuck', 'wth': 'what the hell',
'ymmd': 'you made my day', 'icymi': 'in case you missed it', 'kit': 'keep in touch', 'hmu': 'hit me up', 'jfc': 'jesus fucking christ',
'dw': "don't worry", 'dne': 'does not exist', 'np': 'no problem', 'jk': 'just kidding', 'kms': 'kill myself', 'kys': 'kill yourself',
'kmn': 'kill me now', 'idc': "i don't care", 'ily': 'i love you', 'cya': 'see you later', 'gn': 'good night', 'gm': 'good morning',
'brb': 'be right back', 'bff': 'best friends forever', 'asap': 'as soon as possible', 'asl': 'age sex location', 'tmr': 'tomorrow', 'tmw': 'tomorrow',
'tmrw': 'tomorrow', 'nsfw': 'not safe for work', 'sfw': 'safe for work', 'nvm': 'never mind', 'omw': 'on my way', 'oic': 'oh i see',