Repositories (1)

6 snippets stored for this repo
Python IconPython
(' take ', ' snatch '),
        ("don't", "duzn't"), ('Jive', 'Ebonics'),
        ('jive', 'JIBE'), ('[Ee]nglish', 'honky talk'), ('fool', 'honkyfool'),
        ('modem', 'doodad'), ('e the ', 'e da damn '),
        ('a the ', 'a da damn '), ('t the ', 't da damn '),
        ('d the ', 'd da damn '), (' man ', ' dude '), ('woman', 'mama'),
        ('women', 'honky chicks'), (' men ', ' dudes '), (' mens ', ' dudes '),
"ammunition", "arrangements", "assassination", "BATF", "bomb", "CIA",
        "class struggle", "Clinton", "Cocaine", "colonel",
        "counter-intelligence", "cracking", "Croatian", "cryptographic",
"wire transfer", "jihad", "fissionable", "Sayeret Mat'Kal",
        "HERF pipe-bomb", "2.3 Oz.  cocaine"
my $msg = $res->as_string;
		$msg =~ s/^.*?[{]/{/s;
		$msg =~ s/:/ => /sg;
		eval("\$msg = " . $msg);  # lol.. fuck it. i am not installing some CPAN shit to parse json, sry
		if ($msg->{ok} != true) {
			cprint("error in json response: " . $msg);
('name', 'dojigger'), ('NAME', 'DOJIGGER'), ('syn', 'sin'),
        ('SYN', 'SIN'), (' path', ' alley'), ('computer', 'clunker'),
        ('or', "o'"), ('killed', 'wasted'), ('kill', 'put de smack down on'),
        ('kill you', "put de smack down on yo' ass"), ('heroin', 'smack'),
        ('marijuana', 'mary jane'), ('cocaine', 'cracker crack'),
        ('president', 'super-dude'), ('prime minister', 'super honcho'),
        ('injured', 'hosed'), ('government', "guv'ment"),
Python IconPython
'jihad', 'Kennedy', 'KGB', 'Khaddafi', 'kibo', 'Legion of Doom',
        'Marxist', 'Mossad', 'munitions', 'Nazi', 'Noriega', 'North Korea',
        'NORAD', 'NSA', 'nuclear', 'Ortega', 'Panama', 'Peking', 'PLO',