Repositories (1)
4 snippets stored for this repo
"Your ultimate goal could be being a patriot. You will be a virtuous leader maybe, leading your people your country to a better future. All the efforts devoted, all the blood and sweat on your brawn. If you think about it, this might be a fulfilling life isn't it. Then I hope there isn't any cable TV and a channel that forecasts the world events in the afterlife because you will see the very people you saved are going to insult you and blame you for everything while the greedy people whom they elected will destroy everything you built in a life time in one go.\n\n"
"Your ultimate goal could be being nobody. You will live a hedonistic life. Only thing you care is your desires and you will feel it every ounce of your desires. Until you realize that desires cost money and you ruined your brain and you don't feel any joy anymore. No worries, that's what crack cocaine is for. What a way to go, overdosed on the streets all covered with human fecal matter.\n\n"
"Believe it or not I am not an optimistic person, but I am not trying to get you down neither with all of these dark instances that may occur. To be honest I was just trying to put an at least bitter grin to your faces reading this. Because I was just making assumptions of some choice a person can make and making those choices the worst thing that can be imaginable with slim possibilities at most. However it might still be unfulfilling to live all these choices vice-versa.\n\n"
child: const Text(
" It comes to a point when you wonder 'If nearly every people you see on social media are perfectly good and virtuos people why aren't we living in a Utopia yet?'. Pretty good question with a painfully easy answer. Because people tend to show their 'good' side on the internet. However, some people started to realize that people are getting even worse, despite getting 'better' or more 'virtuous' nowadays.\n\n"
"That's called virtue signalling. It's been done by celebreties, politicians, Mega Corps. and ordinary people. They signal their 'virtue' show themself as good people and act entitled while doing so. You can even see this kind of behavior in commericials. You can see the smugness in their faces, being full with themself and self rightousness. You can often see them belittleling other people and their choices. Despite the fact that they never act according to their ideology they often tell other people how to act. You can see posts or even 'tweets'.However, you can find even worse examples such as; Leonardo Di Caprio, in spite of him positioning himself as envoiremental activist and makes speeches about being conservative about our carbon footprint, it's revelead he literally flew with his private jet to take his envoirementalist award, 8000 miles in fact, it's a little ironic that you don't give a shit about things you preach. Another example, Ellen degeneres or degenerate or what ever. Despite showing herself as an angel on the TV. It's revealed she was like a nazi officer against her employees. I mean you can't even look at her in the eye because she gets angry. There are even rumors about racism and even sexual assaults or even physical assaults. To be honest, she wasn't a great person even before this alligations come to surface as she literally made a pregnant woman drink alcohol on a live show.\n\n"
"As of now, because of websites like Twitter people started to monologue rather than have any dialogue or conversations with each others like a civiliced normal people. They just can't stand any other opionion if it's not theirs but the stupid part is that they don't even live their ideologies they just tell other people to do it without accepting any critisicm or any counter point for some reason. If you happen to take a sensable approach to anything they preach they will label you with anything that ends with -ist like racist, sexist etc. One of the word they like to use is 'nazi'. It's just too ironic that I start to think that I live in a purgotory where I am punished with such stuff. Labeling other people with some words, blaming bad things happening on some group of people then labeling them or signalling virtue is a literal nazi practice. You see Hitler was a vegan, anti-smoker, anti-alcohol all around good guy but he kinda enjoyed commiting genocides and found entitlement to do so. He blamed Jews for bad things happening. He probably brushed his teeth and drank orange juice then blamed the Jews for it. He liked to signal virtue, belittle people he called 'untermenchen', blamed groups of people and silenced other people who are criticizing him by labeling them 'untermenchen' and claimed that those people who made sense wanted bad things to happen to Germany. In conclusion don't be vegan.\n\n"
,style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Inter",fontSize: 25,letterSpacing: 1.2),),
"That's called virtue signalling. It's been done by celebreties, politicians, Mega Corps. and ordinary people. They signal their 'virtue' show themself as good people and act entitled while doing so. You can even see this kind of behavior in commericials. You can see the smugness in their faces, being full with themself and self rightousness. You can often see them belittleling other people and their choices. Despite the fact that they never act according to their ideology they often tell other people how to act. You can see posts or even 'tweets'.However, you can find even worse examples such as; Leonardo Di Caprio, in spite of him positioning himself as envoiremental activist and makes speeches about being conservative about our carbon footprint, it's revelead he literally flew with his private jet to take his envoirementalist award, 8000 miles in fact, it's a little ironic that you don't give a shit about things you preach. Another example, Ellen degeneres or degenerate or what ever. Despite showing herself as an angel on the TV. It's revealed she was like a nazi officer against her employees. I mean you can't even look at her in the eye because she gets angry. There are even rumors about racism and even sexual assaults or even physical assaults. To be honest, she wasn't a great person even before this alligations come to surface as she literally made a pregnant woman drink alcohol on a live show.\n\n"
"As of now, because of websites like Twitter people started to monologue rather than have any dialogue or conversations with each others like a civiliced normal people. They just can't stand any other opionion if it's not theirs but the stupid part is that they don't even live their ideologies they just tell other people to do it without accepting any critisicm or any counter point for some reason. If you happen to take a sensable approach to anything they preach they will label you with anything that ends with -ist like racist, sexist etc. One of the word they like to use is 'nazi'. It's just too ironic that I start to think that I live in a purgotory where I am punished with such stuff. Labeling other people with some words, blaming bad things happening on some group of people then labeling them or signalling virtue is a literal nazi practice. You see Hitler was a vegan, anti-smoker, anti-alcohol all around good guy but he kinda enjoyed commiting genocides and found entitlement to do so. He blamed Jews for bad things happening. He probably brushed his teeth and drank orange juice then blamed the Jews for it. He liked to signal virtue, belittle people he called 'untermenchen', blamed groups of people and silenced other people who are criticizing him by labeling them 'untermenchen' and claimed that those people who made sense wanted bad things to happen to Germany. In conclusion don't be vegan.\n\n"
,style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Inter",fontSize: 25,letterSpacing: 1.2),),
"That's called virtue signalling. It's been done by celebreties, politicians, Mega Corps. and ordinary people. They signal their 'virtue' show themself as good people and act entitled while doing so. You can even see this kind of behavior in commericials. You can see the smugness in their faces, being full with themself and self rightousness. You can often see them belittleling other people and their choices. Despite the fact that they never act according to their ideology they often tell other people how to act. You can see posts or even 'tweets'.However, you can find even worse examples such as; Leonardo Di Caprio, in spite of him positioning himself as envoiremental activist and makes speeches about being conservative about our carbon footprint, it's revelead he literally flew with his private jet to take his envoirementalist award, 8000 miles in fact, it's a little ironic that you don't give a shit about things you preach. Another example, Ellen degeneres or degenerate or what ever. Despite showing herself as an angel on the TV. It's revealed she was like a nazi officer against her employees. I mean you can't even look at her in the eye because she gets angry. There are even rumors about racism and even sexual assaults or even physical assaults. To be honest, she wasn't a great person even before this alligations come to surface as she literally made a pregnant woman drink alcohol on a live show.\n\n"
"As of now, because of websites like Twitter people started to monologue rather than have any dialogue or conversations with each others like a civiliced normal people. They just can't stand any other opionion if it's not theirs but the stupid part is that they don't even live their ideologies they just tell other people to do it without accepting any critisicm or any counter point for some reason. If you happen to take a sensable approach to anything they preach they will label you with anything that ends with -ist like racist, sexist etc. One of the word they like to use is 'nazi'. It's just too ironic that I start to think that I live in a purgotory where I am punished with such stuff. Labeling other people with some words, blaming bad things happening on some group of people then labeling them or signalling virtue is a literal nazi practice. You see Hitler was a vegan, anti-smoker, anti-alcohol all around good guy but he kinda enjoyed commiting genocides and found entitlement to do so. He blamed Jews for bad things happening. He probably brushed his teeth and drank orange juice then blamed the Jews for it. He liked to signal virtue, belittle people he called 'untermenchen', blamed groups of people and silenced other people who are criticizing him by labeling them 'untermenchen' and claimed that those people who made sense wanted bad things to happen to Germany. In conclusion don't be vegan.\n\n"
,style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Inter",fontSize: 25,letterSpacing: 1.2),),