Repositories (1)

12 snippets stored for this repo
dynamic _a = Rand13.Int( 1, 3 ); // Was a switch-case, sorry for the mess.
				if ( 2<=_a&&_a<=3 ) {
					owner.say( "" + ( Rand13.PercentChance( 50 ) ? ";" : "" ) + Rand13.Pick(new object [] { "SHIT", "PISS", "FUCK", "CUNT", "COCKSUCKER", "MOTHERFUCKER", "TITS" }) );
				} else if ( _a==1 ) {
					owner.emote( "twitch" );
message = GlobalFuncs.replacetext( message, " murder ", " tease " );
				message = GlobalFuncs.replacetext( message, " ugly ", " beautiful " );
				message = GlobalFuncs.replacetext( message, " douchbag ", " nice guy " );
				message = GlobalFuncs.replacetext( message, " whore ", " lady " );
				message = GlobalFuncs.replacetext( message, " nerd ", " smart guy " );
				message = GlobalFuncs.replacetext( message, " moron ", " fun person " );
				message = GlobalFuncs.replacetext( message, " IT'S LOOSE ", " EVERYTHING IS FINE " );
// Warning, this is probably a verb! It is in a place that a verb probably shouldn't be! This should probably be fixed!
		[VerbInfo( name: "Toggle Dead OOC", desc: "Toggle dis bitch", group: "Server" )]
		public void toggleoocdead(  ) {
			//GlobalFuncs.process_teleport_locs(); Fuck this code.
			GlobalVars.map_name = "Box Station";
public dynamic Apply(System.Reflection.MethodInfo f) { // TODO
			if (f == null)
				throw new Exception("THAT SHIT IS NULL NIGGA");
			Logger.DebugMajor("TABLE APPLY " + f.Name);
			throw new Exception("STOP");
this.atmos_requirements = new ByTable().Set( "min_oxy", 5 ).Set( "max_oxy", 0 ).Set( "min_tox", 0 ).Set( "max_tox", 1 ).Set( "min_co2", 0 ).Set( "max_co2", 5 ).Set( "min_n2", 0 ).Set( "max_n2", 0 );
			this.unsuitable_atmos_damage = 15;
			this.faction = new ByTable(new object [] { "nanotrasenprivate" });
			this.speak = new ByTable(new object [] { "Stop resisting!", "I AM THE LAW!", "Face the wrath of the golden bolt!", "Stop breaking the law, asshole!" });
			this.search_objects = 1;
			this.icon_state = "nanotrasen";
.Set( "arrest", "sound/vox_fem/arrest.ogg" )
			.Set( "asimov", "sound/vox_fem/asimov.ogg" )
			.Set( "ass", "sound/vox_fem/ass.ogg" )
			.Set( "asshole", "sound/vox_fem/asshole.ogg" )
			.Set( "assholes", "sound/vox_fem/assholes.ogg" )
			.Set( "at", "sound/vox_fem/at.ogg" )
			.Set( "atomic", "sound/vox_fem/atomic.ogg" )
					case 14:
						phrase_text = "Stop breaking the law, ass hole.";
						phrase_sound = "asshole";
					case 15:
						phrase_text = "You have the right to shut the fuck up.";
this.filling_color = "#800000";
			this.icon_state = "faggot";
		} = "Neckbeard";
			this.icon_state = "facial_neckbeard";
user.visible_message( "<span class='suicide'>" + user + " is donning " + this + "! It looks like they're trying to be nice to girls.</span>" );
			user.say( "M'lady." );
			Task13.Sleep( 10 );
			H.facial_hair_style = "Neckbeard";
			return 1;
.Set( "crew", "sound/vox_fem/crew.ogg" )
			.Set( "cross", "sound/vox_fem/cross.ogg" )
			.Set( "cryogenic", "sound/vox_fem/cryogenic.ogg" )
			.Set( "cunt", "sound/vox_fem/cunt.ogg" )
			.Set( "cyborg", "sound/vox_fem/cyborg.ogg" )
			.Set( "cyborgs", "sound/vox_fem/cyborgs.ogg" )
			.Set( "d", "sound/vox_fem/d.ogg" )